"FP enforcement"

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Addicted to Dopey

Newt's Posse
May 3, 2008
now that they are enforcing the fast pass return times at WDW, are they doing it at DL as well?? We are visiting DL for the first time in December and if they weren't enforcing this rule it would make things a lot easier!
They currently are not enforcing it, but who knows what will happen in December...that is a long way away.
Keep watching the Dis. I am sure once it is announced, it will be on discussed on here lickity split!
They currently are not enforcing it, but who knows what will happen in December...that is a long way away.
Keep watching the Dis. I am sure once it is announced, it will be on discussed on here lickity split!
As with 1000"s of other times.

Take this with a grain of salt, because it seems that every CM has a different understanding sometimes, but when we were there earlier this month, dh pulled fast passes for TOT first thing in the morning. We didn't use them until close to closing time. The CM commented that the return time had expired a LONG time ago and dh said that he was under the impression that as long as we were *after* the window, it was ok. The CM said yes, but that starting in Feb they would be enforcing the fp window. I had never had a CM comment on our return time before.
Take this with a grain of salt, because it seems that every CM has a different understanding sometimes, but when we were there earlier this month, dh pulled fast passes for TOT first thing in the morning. We didn't use them until close to closing time. The CM commented that the return time had expired a LONG time ago and dh said that he was under the impression that as long as we were *after* the window, it was ok. The CM said yes, but that starting in Feb they would be enforcing the fp window. I had never had a CM comment on our return time before.

Only a couple CMs at ToT and HM comment on return times.
Take this with a grain of salt, because it seems that every CM has a different understanding sometimes, but when we were there earlier this month, dh pulled fast passes for TOT first thing in the morning. We didn't use them until close to closing time. The CM commented that the return time had expired a LONG time ago and dh said that he was under the impression that as long as we were *after* the window, it was ok. The CM said yes, but that starting in Feb they would be enforcing the fp window. I had never had a CM comment on our return time before.

Yes, the CMs are starting to comment occasionally. We heard a CM tell some RSR latecomers that they would start enforcing "very soon" when we were there this past weekend. Before that, people were reporting that CMs were saying with the start of the new year and before that it was going to be early December and so on. I'm in the camp that believes that it's going to happen. I do think though there will be some sort of official warning just prior like they did at WDW. Of course, you never know. The taking pictures of ticket-holders thing (BTW, this isn't a complaint) seemed to come out of nowhere.
We are planning to go next month -- I really hope they don't start to enforce it anytime soon. :faint:
why is everyone worried about enforcing time. they should have been enforcing the return times all along. that was how it was suppose to work is you return in that hour time to ride, not show up when you feel, after that time. it seems like people get mad, cause disney is starting to enforce rules, even though they should have been all this time. in december i rode indy the cm outside was checking passes for your time. he actually told someone you are 2 hrs late, and that when you have a pass you need to come during that hour, not when you feel like after your time. i cant wait until they start enforcing it, i use the system the way it should be used. im gonna have fun laughing a people who abused the system all these years, and now they are gonna get held accountable for when they need to come ride that ride. i hope if they show up late after their hour time they wont let them use the fast pass, so they have to wait in the stand-by line.
why is everyone worried about enforcing time. they should have been enforcing the return times all along. that was how it was suppose to work is you return in that hour time to ride, not show up when you feel, after that time. it seems like people get mad, cause disney is starting to enforce rules, even though they should have been all this time. in december i rode indy the cm outside was checking passes for your time. he actually told someone you are 2 hrs late, and that when you have a pass you need to come during that hour, not when you feel like after your time. i cant wait until they start enforcing it, i use the system the way it should be used. im gonna have fun laughing a people who abused the system all these years, and now they are gonna get held accountable for when they need to come ride that ride. i hope if they show up late after their hour time they wont let them use the fast pass, so they have to wait in the stand-by line.

I don't see anyone being mad or upset except you. I currently use the FP the way they intend it. And that's to come anytime after the time window. Thats how the CMs have always explained it to me and others I have seen on my trips so that's what I do. Even my trip the beginning of this month I saw several times CMs explaining to other people that the only time on the FP that has any meaning is the first one. And they all encouraged people to come later.

I have no issues if they start to enforce the FP but I don't get why you would actually be hateful towards others for doing what CMs explain anyway. To say you will "laugh at" people who try to use late FPs? I sense some pent up issues here.
Can we ban a new thread on this until there's something official. Just search "Fast Pass Return Times" and you'll find a million arguments, um I mean threads, on this topic. It's become more popular than "Can You Get Me into Club 33?"
I don't see anyone being mad or upset except you. I currently use the FP the way they intend it. And that's to come anytime after the time window. Thats how the CMs have always explained it to me and others I have seen on my trips so that's what I do. Even my trip the beginning of this month I saw several times CMs explaining to other people that the only time on the FP that has any meaning is the first one. And they all encouraged people to come later.

I have no issues if they start to enforce the FP but I don't get why you would actually be hateful towards others for doing what CMs explain anyway. To say you will "laugh at" people who try to use late FPs? I sense some pent up issues here.

Exactly ^.
All someone did here is ask if the return times are being enforced, and they were told no.
This thread was useless from the beginning, and as all these redundant wastes of bandwidths do, degenerates into the same old tiresome arguments. Petty personal attacks coming up next.

Where are the mods?
I saw this on another website...any official word yet? I'm hoping it goes into effect after our March trip. We generally try to stick close to our time frame, but it can be tricky if you get stuck in a ride, eating, bathroom breaks. Maybe some people can plan well enough to avoid this, but not our family! I think that if they are going to enforce FP times, they should open the window up to two hours.
im gonna have fun laughing a people who abused the system all these years…

I am sure you feel justified in your spite, but have you ever considered that carrying around that anger only eats away at you? People fail to follow rules all the time. When it is important, they should be called on it. But this? This just seems kind of petty.
theworldneedscolor said:
I saw this on another website...any official word yet? I'm hoping it goes into effect after our March trip. We generally try to stick close to our time frame, but it can be tricky if you get stuck in a ride, eating, bathroom breaks. Maybe some people can plan well enough to avoid this, but not our family! I think that if they are going to enforce FP times, they should open the window up to two hours.

Good idea..... a 2 hour window. That would allow a little more flexibility, although I see the DL FP system going the way of the new system like DW. I have to be honest the thought of preplanning and prebooking FP's scares me as we fall into the "go with the flow" touring style most of the time.
This thread was useless from the beginning, and as all these redundant wastes of bandwidths do, degenerates into the same old tiresome arguments. Petty personal attacks coming up next.

Where are the mods?

thanks for calling my question useless....who's being petty now? I always heard the DL side of the boards were less combative than the WDW side of the boards...guess not!
I think this side of the boards is, but when the same question is beat to death and the peolple who post do not even try the search then folks get a little agitated. Some just like to jack their post count.

I am sure everyone wants their question answered ASAP but so many people listen to rumors and do the chicken little dance you only know whats true when its offical...

Have a good time when you get to the park, you will know by then.

things change on a week to week basis with Disney so if i did a search today for this question on previous threads the answers may or may not be relevant. It was a simple question that got a simple answer from quite a few people until one person decided to get "holier than thou". Question asked and answered, so let’s just let it be now.
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