Rejected Cast Member (racism)

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Pusher Love Girl
Mar 15, 2013
Hello everyone. I'm Cassie. :)

I always wanted to work at Disney (Land/World).

So like many of you I applied to college program and I haven't been accepted my three times of trying to get in.

My mother suggested that I just apply to the regular park since I live in Buena Park which isn't that far from Disneyland.

I did. Long story short, I was scheduled for an interview to be a retail sales clerk.

When I showed up to the casting building, there were about five other people there. I was the only black person. The group was mostly white. There was one Hispanic girl but she could pass as white.

When it was my turn to speak with a recruiter (This ugly ***** named Veronica)

, I thought it went well. I answered all the questions accurately and with a smile. Very perky and cheerful. She then told me to wait outside. She then called me back into her office and said she was going to hire me as a Retail Sales Clerk. She showed me a paper of job duties (which I wasn't allowed to keep) and then said she would call me the next day as she had a big list of people to consider.

Everyone else in my group was hired on the spot. They were told to sit at the opposite end of the casting building. I was told to go home.

She called me earlier today and told me that I wasn't hired because "I didn't smile enough." Which isn't true. I was very bubbly throughout the interview.

That is so ********. I don't know about Disneyworld, but Disneyland is so racist. I hardly ever see any black people working there period.

So mad. Just wanted to vent.

I have to wait 6 months if I want to be a cast member.

I'm thinking about filing some sort of legal dispute. I just need proof and I will get it.
Cassie, please be careful what you post, especially with your picture attached Companies do look at internet posts and consider those things in a hiring process. I wouldn't want to see you lose out of a dream because of past anger. Good luck getting the job you want, and maybe some of those other hires won't work out and they will call you in and discover what a blessing you are to the company!
You're the person who was not hired and closest to the situation. I've read and re-read your post and I can't see any racism in there at all. Perhaps you were bubbly, but not as much as the other candidates. And even you admit that there was a hispanic person being interviewed and they were hired on the spot. So where's the racism?

Typically people don't get hired because they're not as good as the other candidates. And with the attitude you've displayed in your post it looks like the hiring manager made the correct call.
I haven't been to Disneyland lately so I can't speak to their hiring practices, however, daughter is a cast member at Disneyworld, and I would estimate that maybe 25% of the cast members are African American (I guess it's possible that some of that 25% are Latinos, but if you count Latinos and African Americans, I would estimate that they comprise at least 30 to 40% of the workforce at Disneyworld). In other words, judging by that factor alone, you shouldn't have a problem being treated equally at WDW. (which is not to say that you were at Disneyland.) Good luck and don't give up!
Disney is probably one of the most diverse places to work there is hah. When I did my CP I remember one time in the break room with a bunch of people and I was the only white person (and I only realized it because they were talking about something haha).
Hello everyone. I'm Cassie. :)

I always wanted to work at Disney (Land/World).

So like many of you I applied to college program and I haven't been accepted my three times of trying to get in.

My mother suggested that I just apply to the regular park since I live in Buena Park which isn't that far from Disneyland.

I did. Long story short, I was scheduled for an interview to be a retail sales clerk.

When I showed up to the casting building, there were about five other people there. I was the only black person. The group was mostly white. There was one Hispanic girl but she could pass as white.

When it was my turn to speak with a recruiter (This ugly ***** named Veronica)

, I thought it went well. I answered all the questions accurately and with a smile. Very perky and cheerful. She then told me to wait outside. She then called me back into her office and said she was going to hire me as a Retail Sales Clerk. She showed me a paper of job duties (which I wasn't allowed to keep) and then said she would call me the next day as she had a big list of people to consider.

Everyone else in my group was hired on the spot. They were told to sit at the opposite end of the casting building. I was told to go home.

She called me earlier today and told me that I wasn't hired because "I didn't smile enough." Which isn't true. I was very bubbly throughout the interview.

That is so ********. I don't know about Disneyworld, but Disneyland is so racist. I hardly ever see any black people working there period.

So mad. Just wanted to vent.

I have to wait 6 months if I want to be a cast member.

I'm thinking about filing some sort of legal dispute. I just need proof and I will get it.

i wouldn't waste time with a legal dispute as disney not hiring you had nothing to do with your race. however disney does in fact look at these forums and you're hurting your chances by insulting cast members and playing the blame game. take from it, and maybe next time smile more when not speaking and be exactly what they're looking for if you apply again in six months
Hello everyone. I'm Cassie. :)

I always wanted to work at Disney (Land/World).

So like many of you I applied to college program and I haven't been accepted my three times of trying to get in.

My mother suggested that I just apply to the regular park since I live in Buena Park which isn't that far from Disneyland.

I did. Long story short, I was scheduled for an interview to be a retail sales clerk.

When I showed up to the casting building, there were about five other people there. I was the only black person. The group was mostly white. There was one Hispanic girl but she could pass as white.

When it was my turn to speak with a recruiter (This ugly ***** named Veronica)

, I thought it went well. I answered all the questions accurately and with a smile. Very perky and cheerful. She then told me to wait outside. She then called me back into her office and said she was going to hire me as a Retail Sales Clerk. She showed me a paper of job duties (which I wasn't allowed to keep) and then said she would call me the next day as she had a big list of people to consider.

Everyone else in my group was hired on the spot. They were told to sit at the opposite end of the casting building. I was told to go home.

She called me earlier today and told me that I wasn't hired because "I didn't smile enough." Which isn't true. I was very bubbly throughout the interview.

That is so ********. I don't know about Disneyworld, but Disneyland is so racist. I hardly ever see any black people working there period.

So mad. Just wanted to vent.

I have to wait 6 months if I want to be a cast member.

I'm thinking about filing some sort of legal dispute. I just need proof and I will get it.

I'm sorry you didn't get the job, but perhaps instead of blaming someone else for you not getting the job you could ask yourself how to better improve yourself to excel in the interview. Maybe the other interviewers had better resumes or better answers to the interview questions. Whatever the reason you were not selected, filing suit against Disney would be a monumental waste of time and money on your part. Disney has a long history of diversity and no judge would allow an Equal employment case without evidence.
Do you know what specifically all the other people there were applying for? They might not have been applying for retail positions, and their positions could have been ones that were open to hire on the spot. And despite how you feel you came across, you may not have come across in the way you believe you did. Our own perception of ourselves isn't usually as accurate as we'd like it to be. Even if you feel you were smiling enough, perhaps the smile was coming across as fake or a sarcastic smile. I also can't believe that a recruiter told you that you weren't smiling enough and that's why you weren't hired, I would call recruiting and file a complaint about that response. That's ridiculous to be told that, joking or not.

While I'm not going to say that each individual recruiter for Disney doesn't have their own prejudice, the company as a whole hires a great deal of African-American employees at both DL & WDW. We just went to DL 2 weeks ago and met a large number of African-American CMs. I understand that you are angry now and you are very entitled to your anger at not getting a position that you want so badly. But based on the story you provided, I feel that your not being hired has less to do with your race and more to do with the position you applied for having more applicants than number of positions available. You might have been a good fit for the job, but other applicants could have been better.
You may have had a bad interview. Sometimes ( many many times) most people who give bad interviews don't even realize that they are doing poorly. Honestly,sometimes what you may thing is "good", is simply not what the interviewer is looking for. I've conducted many interviews, and I've seen plenty of people like you: coming in with an inflated ego, unwilling to interview on anyone's terms but theirs, and predisposed to blaming others for their mistakes. They are often blind to silly mistakes and poor word choice. They NEVER get hired. Honestly, to me the " you didn't smile enough" sounds like a nice way of letting you down after a poor interview(keep in mind, they don't need to, and often don't, explain to you why you didn't get the job). It just sounds like they were trying to be nice. Unfortunately, it appears that you were ungrateful for that as well.

Sorry you didn't get hired, but to accuse others of racism is a very serious accusation . Your post here pretty much outlines why you didn't get the job. Its not because of your skin color.
Oath said:
Hello everyone. I'm Cassie. :)

I always wanted to work at Disney (Land/World).

So like many of you I applied to college program and I haven't been accepted my three times of trying to get in.

My mother suggested that I just apply to the regular park since I live in Buena Park which isn't that far from Disneyland.

I did. Long story short, I was scheduled for an interview to be a retail sales clerk.

When I showed up to the casting building, there were about five other people there. I was the only black person. The group was mostly white. There was one Hispanic girl but she could pass as white.

When it was my turn to speak with a recruiter (This ugly ***** named Veronica)

, I thought it went well. I answered all the questions accurately and with a smile. Very perky and cheerful. She then told me to wait outside. She then called me back into her office and said she was going to hire me as a Retail Sales Clerk. She showed me a paper of job duties (which I wasn't allowed to keep) and then said she would call me the next day as she had a big list of people to consider.

Everyone else in my group was hired on the spot. They were told to sit at the opposite end of the casting building. I was told to go home.

She called me earlier today and told me that I wasn't hired because "I didn't smile enough." Which isn't true. I was very bubbly throughout the interview.

That is so ********. I don't know about Disneyworld, but Disneyland is so racist. I hardly ever see any black people working there period.

So mad. Just wanted to vent.

I have to wait 6 months if I want to be a cast member.

I'm thinking about filing some sort of legal dispute. I just need proof and I will get it.

You go, girl. Get that proof. That'll show that ugly *** Veronica.
I think some of you people are giving this girl far too much benefit of the doubt. we seem to be forgetting that in her original post, shes calling people "ugly *****" and throwing around accusations of racism like its no big deal.
I doubt race had anything to do with you not being hired. I am so sick of people blaming the race card on everything. In today's day and age, and especially with a black President, Disney isn't going to judge you based on the color of your skin. I worked for Disney and I know for a fact that they do judge you while you are being interviewed. In fact the Indian woman who hired me told me that I seemed too shy of a person to work at so and so resort and recommended a different resort. And based on your comments, I would think that you were not hired solely because you have a bad attitude.
Anyone who actually tries to play the race card to DISNEY of all companies should be locked up in an insane asylum for life as they're clearly delusional beyond help. Have fun getting counter-sued for slander.
Ignore everyone else. They don't know what you've been through. They don't know what it's like to have teachers give you C's on tests simply because you're black. They don't know what it's like to have the popular boy never ask you out simply because you're black. They've never been in your shoes.

YOU know what it's like to be you. YOU know what it's like to have to go out your door every day knowing the world is FULL of racists. The racists are around every street corner just trying to keep you down.

And all these people saying Disney isn't racist? Have they ever watched Peter Pan? Have they seen Song of the South? How many white princesses are there (many)? How many black (1), how many asian (0 because Mulan was not a princess). The people who make the decisions at Disney didn't make these choices on accident.

If you KNOW you were discriminated against you should sue. Seriously. Sue them. What will end up happening is Disney will settle with you out of court. Disney doesn't want your story to end up in the newspaper.

If more victims of racism stood up and had the courage to sue companies there'd be a lot less racism in this country. Obama's election doesn't prove the country is no longer racist. Racism still exists and we must all fight against it.

If you do nothing then the next time another young black woman applies to this position she will get denied by the same interviewer. You have the chance to stop this circle of racism. You must speak up.
Is this for real, or is this a troll?

I just returned from WDW and there were numerous cast members of all races working in all types of jobs. Racism had nothing to do with OP not getting the job.
Ignore everyone else. They don't know what you've been through. They don't know what it's like to have teachers give you C's on tests simply because you're black. They don't know what it's like to have the popular boy never ask you out simply because you're black. They've never been in your shoes.

YOU know what it's like to be you. YOU know what it's like to have to go out your door every day knowing the world is FULL of racists. The racists are around every street corner just trying to keep you down.

And all these people saying Disney isn't racist? Have they ever watched Peter Pan? Have they seen Song of the South? How many white princesses are there (many)? How many black (1), how many asian (0 because Mulan was not a princess). The people who make the decisions at Disney didn't make these choices on accident.

If you KNOW you were discriminated against you should sue. Seriously. Sue them. What will end up happening is Disney will settle with you out of court. Disney doesn't want your story to end up in the newspaper.

If more victims of racism stood up and had the courage to sue companies there'd be a lot less racism in this country. Obama's election doesn't prove the country is no longer racist. Racism still exists and we must all fight against it.

If you do nothing then the next time another young black woman applies to this position she will get denied by the same interviewer. You have the chance to stop this circle of racism. You must speak up.

As someone else pointed out, we weren't there, but suing will probably get you nowhere as Disney is incredibly diverse and hires many, many people from all races all the time. And they're quite powerful. From your story it really doesn't sound anything like racism. If the interviewer really was racist, I feel like the interview wouldn't have gone "well" as you pointed out. In my experience with racist jerks, they tend to be jerks to the minorities from the get-go. While I agree that there are some situations of racism, the fact is that they are far more rare than many make them out to be.

Consider this:

I used to work Parade Audience Control at Magic Kingdom. One night I was working the handicapped/wheelchair area. I had just finished filling up my area. An old grandmother rolled up in her wheelchair and a man was with her. Since it was a party of two I crammed them into the side and another guest complained to me that I was overpacking the area. So I made the decision that I would fit no one else in. It was simply too full and the parade was starting soon.

Shortly after, a woman, who happened to be black, and her family (5 members of the family, with son in a wheelchair) came up to me and asked to go into the area. I explained that as it was so close to show time and the area was full, there was no room and I couldn't let them in. I pointed out another place she could go to maybe find a seat, but the other area may be full too because it was like five minutes to show time. "But I just saw you put that other white lady in there!" The woman yelled at me! She told me I was being racist and she would report me. This honestly had NOTHING to do with racism. The area was full. She came there too late. That was that. Thankfully nothing ever came of it. Everyone who knew me knew I had many black friends and am not racist. But it still hurt me that she randomly accused me of that! It hadn't even registered in my brain that she was a different skin color since I literally see thousands upon thousands of guests of all skin colors all day every day.

I had another situation similar to this when a black family with like 12 people (I don't remember exactly how many were in the party, but it was a LOT) tried to come into the wheelchair area. But we have a rule about how many family members can accompany the wheelchair into the viewing area. This rules applies to ALL guests regardless of skin color. And I had already split up some other families who were white and had a LOT of people. But when I tried to explain to this family that they'd need to split up, they claimed I was being racist because I just let that other family in and didn't split them up! (The other party was a party of four).

I understand that racism exists. I know it's hard when you're a minority. But a LOT of the time, it honestly has nothing to do with racism.

This situation of yours sounds a lot like something that simply happened. You are, understandably, upset that you didn't get the job. But please don't jump to the race card so quickly. If you were told you got the job and they changed their mind the next day in a phone call, who's to say that same thing didn't happen to the others? And maybe the reason there aren't as many black people working for Disney as white is because there are less black people around to hire than white. Be careful accusing people of racism unless you really feel they're treating you different, and rudely from the beginning. If she was kind to the others, and rude to your face, then I'd be worried. But the way you described it, it doesn't sound like racism.

And good luck! I definitely think you should apply again! I've known many people who didn't make it on their first interview or two, but after a couple they eventually get in. Don't lose hope!
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