Food and Wine? Sounds Divine! An October TR - 12/2 A PTR Link!

So sorry to hear about the lab :sad1: I would be very upset.

On a funnier note - Calvin is just too cute looking at all the fish in the fish tank. And the T-shirt you got him ... I got the same one for our little cousin, George, I thought it was so fitting because his dad is an accountant and wears a tie and has pens sticking out his pocket all the time. :rotfl2:
I'm a big FT BBQ fan. In fact, I've had the pork sandwich every time since I figured why mess with a good thing? ;) Never tried the onion rings but I'll take your word for it that they are definitely worth it.

Perhaps I'll be the only one that thinks that you were perfectly clear in your text! I'm going to blame the fact that your DH had the first Mongolian on the misinterpretation. :rotfl2: That second Mongolian just made for a happy hubby!

The new fashionable tee looks adorable! However, Calvin's first camp shirt was perfectly themed for the day. You get points for that fashion ensemble. :thumbsup2

That is so very sad about the lab. So un-necessary for that to happen. :sad:
That Mongolian thing sounds yummy, as does that BBQ place! I don't think I could handle 2 of those though given your description :)
I called him back and he said there was a line out the door just to get a seat in the bar area at ESPN Zone, so he was on his way to watch highlights at the Rainforest Café here at AK. Poor guy, went all the way over there and had to come right back.
I was afraid that might be the case when there's football on TV. :crazy2:

Since I didnt want to stand around looking at the map figuring out where to go, I suggested Flame Tree. I remember their onion rings were amazing and knew DM would love it, so that's where we went.
Love me some Flame Tree!

He was hot and the shirt wasnt helping him. It was a thicker canvas shirt that I bought for him, but it was so cute! It was a bugs life shirt and thought it was appropriate for AK
It certainly is fitting for a day at AK, but he definitely looks hot.

So as lunch was ending, DH and I were texting and along the way our messages got misinterpreted. Meaning, I didnt explain well. My fault definitely. Im the green..
Ok, I'll defend him when you throw him under the bus for his driving... but I took it to mean the gorilla trail.

Then again, I'm sitting here completely sober. A Mongolian might just alter my interpretation of that string of texts. :rotfl2::lmao:

Keeping it classy with a tie and pocket protector
May not be quite as much in line with the AK theme, but still a cute shirt. And probably much more comfortable! :thumbsup2

He couldnt have been happier!
I couldn't imagine why? :confused3 :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

We squabbled about our mix up and laughed about it, since he seemed fine with it and made our way to the Gorilla Trail.
Mental note... go to Rainforest Café, if only to have a Mongolian. Or 2. :rolleyes1

And something you definitely dont see everyday. A hippos butt. DH thought it was cute and had me take a picture of it
Yep, definitely got to try one of those Mongolians. :rotfl2:
I am SO happy your pug is better but just sick about the Chocolate Lab, those poor puppies too. Who knows if they could have been saved, that is beyond irresponsible! I am sorry, I know it's your IL's but wow.

Yep, I just couldn't shake the feeling that she could have been saved if they acted sooner. In all honesty, they shouldn't be allowed to have animals. I've already asked to take their dog, a yorkie-poo (sp?) and keep it at our house where it's safer...but that's another story for another day:rolleyes1

I totally got where you were at/going....but can see how he read it wrong. Hysterical! And yeah, I bet he was pretty happy after 2 of those!

I should have remembered that he would have been drinking and I should have spelled it out in Pre-school terms :lmao:

Brilliant idea on the placemat, brilliant! I bet DS was happy to be out of that camp shirt...but it was adorable.

I really wanted to get a good photo of him in the bugs life shirt, but I knew he was much cooler and comfortable in the regular t-shirt.

Hello! I am here and all caught up! Sounds like you had a dramatic start but it seems to just keep getting better and better! Can't wait for more!

Hi and welcome! More will be coming up :banana:

I am glad your dog is ok. They really are like I children. I am so sorry about he lab. That is horrible. I wouldn't be able to shake that feeling for a little while so I would still be upset like you are.

Great pictures of your son and the fish tank. He looks so

That's exactly how I felt for a few days afterwards! I'm doing better now. I went to their house yesterday and it felt so lonely without her barking at us:rotfl: :goodvibes:

That's too funny :rotfl: I can see both ways to read it. Glad he was too happy to be annoyed

We love wandering along the trails at AK, it's so relaxing and enjoyable

Good call on DS's shirt, it does look cooler. Lots of happy DS pictures, looks like he's having fun

I'm so glad that we both were just able to laugh about the texts afterwards! Makes for a funny story now :lmao:

So sorry to hear about the lab :sad1: I would be very upset.

On a funnier note - Calvin is just too cute looking at all the fish in the fish tank. And the T-shirt you got him ... I got the same one for our little cousin, George, I thought it was so fitting because his dad is an accountant and wears a tie and has pens sticking out his pocket all the time.

That shirt is definitely fitting for George! :lmao:

I'm a big FT BBQ fan. In fact, I've had the pork sandwich every time since I figured why mess with a good thing? Never tried the onion rings but I'll take your word for it that they are definitely worth it.

Oh man, the O Rings are delicious. Please try them next time!:hyper:

Perhaps I'll be the only one that thinks that you were perfectly clear in your text! I'm going to blame the fact that your DH had the first Mongolian on the misinterpretation. That second Mongolian just made for a happy hubby!

Yay thank you! :lmao:

The new fashionable tee looks adorable! However, Calvin's first camp shirt was perfectly themed for the day. You get points for that fashion ensemble.

I try to get our shirts lined up for that days activities. Yes, i'm a definitely a girl :lmao::thumbsup2

That Mongolian thing sounds yummy, as does that BBQ place! I don't think I could handle 2 of those though given your description :)

They are very strong! DH and DB first tried them years ago at Rainforest Cafe at Disneyland and they've been hooked ever since. I had a sip and haven't had another sip since :rotfl2: Way too strong!

Ok, I'll defend him when you throw him under the bus for his driving... but I took it to mean the gorilla trail.

I must say, i'm absolutely shocked that you took my side on this one! :eek::rotfl::lmao:

Then again, I'm sitting here completely sober. A Mongolian might just alter my interpretation of that string of texts. :rotfl2::lmao:


Mental note... go to Rainforest Café, if only to have a Mongolian. Or 2. :rolleyes1

Yep, definitely got to try one of those Mongolians. :rotfl2:

I died laughing at this! :rotfl2::rotfl2: Thanks for the laugh!
So the weekend didn't start off so good with my Pug and then the Lab. Then it got a little worse. But not really in a bad way. Well, bad for DS...and I guess us too. :confused3 :lmao:

DH had a three day weekend for Veteran's Day and I thought this would be the perfect time to put our foot/feet down and officially wean DS from his bottles. We've been doing if for about a week, removing his mid-day bottle with a sippy cup, but he would never drink it, so we gave in and let him have his bottle. I knew it was time for tough love. After 3 painful days, today was the day. He finally realized that he wasn't getting his bottles back and he began gulping his milk from the sippy cup! :yay::yay::dance3: It was hard for all involved, but i'm just glad it's over and done with. I heard it's harder as they get older and figured it would be rougher as he would learn to talk and beg for his bottle and I just don't want to hear that! I'm just glad this weekend ended on a good note :)

Update tomorrow morning!:hippie:
I remember getting DD to start using cups... not easy at all.:sad2: I'm glad that you got it done in a weekend and have moved on! :thumbsup2
So the weekend didn't start off so good with my Pug and then the Lab. Then it got a little worse. But not really in a bad way. Well, bad for DS...and I guess us too. :confused3 :lmao:

Sadly funny at the bold, I'm glad he made it! Congratulations :)
:cool1: Well done.

That is quite some accomplishment, Lesha! Well done! :thumbsup2

I remember getting DD to start using cups... not easy at all.:sad2: I'm glad that you got it done in a weekend and have moved on! :thumbsup2

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! That can make for a LONG and draining weekend but it's done. :cool1::cool1::cool1:

Sadly funny at the bold, I'm glad he made it! Congratulations :)

Thanks everyone! Update time :banana:
*** I left us off on the Pangani Forest Trail***

Now was the time to see what we had come searching for...Gorillas!

There was a very nice, chatty, older gentleman CM here and you could tell he absolutely loved talking about the Gorillas. We had to have been talking to him for a good 10 minutes. He told us the names but I can’t remember. Fun fact: a group of Gorillas is a Band. Cool right? :thumbsup2 DH wanted to let the CM know what our last name was (Crow) and he said that a group of Crows is called a Murder. The CM was impressed! Anyways back to the Gorillas...

After about a couple minutes, we see this little kid rolling down the hill!

Do you see her back there? I’ll zoom in

And she started rolling from far away all the way down the hill:rotfl2: It was so funny and then she just popped right up!

And started rolling again all the way to the window

Her name is Lucy and she’s the youngest and newest one to the bunch. Apparently she’s very energetic. ::yes:: DH asked if the male gorilla ever gets annoyed with her, and the CM said that he’ll usually just push her away if he doesn’t want to deal with her. Funny, I do the same with DS;)

The female was enjoying playing with Lucy right now though

Random and completely irrelevant, but DH is standing the same way as the lady next to him.

Then we said goodbye to Lucy and her playmate. Although they didn’t care too much

Walking back to the front of the trail

Continued in next post...
...Continued from previous post

With the trail under belt, what else could we do? It was 4:30 and we could go check in since our room was ready. DH suggested The Finding Nemo Musical? What did you say?? This is the guy who thought it was the dumbest thing back in 2008! Of course I didnt dare question this outloud and immediately checked the show times on the app and there was a showing at 5! On our way we took the opportunity to add some more PP pictures to our MBs

Notice DH trying to flick Tinkerbell. The photographer thought it was pretty funny!

How bout some lovin for Tink, DH?

The Familia. Theres the Safari-looking hat my DM picked up. She loved it and was so glad she bought it!

Again, just like last year, he doesnt follow directions very well. Youd think he would for being a teacher :confused3

And last years. Sigh.

We woke DS up once we got to the theater, and got some front seats along the wall right above the walkway, so no one would be blocking our view. I didnt take any pictures or even dare to take my camera out. CMs were watching like hawks! Like, they could have blended in over at the Flights of Wonder show, Im sure. But I will say, that DS was absolutely in love with it. Every part! He especially loved the bubble part at the end. DH was so glad that he decided to come watch this.

It was now 5:30 and it was a good time to go check out our room. On the way back, we saw Dug and Russel and hopped in line. And as soon as we did, the handler announced that they needed to take a break. But they said something clever and silly, I just cant remember what it was. So we kept on walking. I kind of regret not waiting now. Oh well, next time.

Last picture. Until next time Animal Kingdom!

Ooooo that last photo of the Tree is fabulous!

Little gorilla baby Lucy is adorable. I can totally picture her rolling down the hill. Mama and Papa gorilla don't sound much different than me when my kids were little - go away and play somewhere else! :rotfl2:

Cute smooch photo with you and your hubby! That's too funny with him not following photopass photog directions.
What fun with the Gorillas. We didn't do the Paganini trail this trip so I was pleased to see you post the pictures.

I love your PP pictures. Looks like you did pretty well out of it all. :thumbsup2 How cute to have DS sleeping!
And started rolling again all the way to the window
Why waste the effort to walk when gravity is on your side? :confused3 :lmao:

DH asked if the male gorilla ever gets annoyed with her, and the CM said that he’ll usually just push her away if he doesn’t want to deal with her. Funny, I do the same with DS;)
Sometimes ya just gotta do what ya gotta do to keep your sanity. :rotfl:

DH suggested The Finding Nemo Musical? What did you say?? This is the guy who thought it was the dumbest thing back in 2008!
I hate to beat a dead horse, but, um... remember the Mongolians? :confused3 :drinking1:

Notice DH trying to flick Tinkerbell. The photographer thought it was pretty funny!

The Familia. Theres the Safari-looking hat my DM picked up. She loved it and was so glad she bought it!
We've got that picture... us in front of the Tree of Life with DS napping in the stroller. :thumbsup2

Again, just like last year, he doesnt follow directions very well. Youd think he would for being a teacher :confused3

And last years. Sigh.


But you've got to admit... the look on his face and the total disregard for whatever instructions everyone else was given is just priceless.
So glad your dog is doing better, but so very sad about the other dog! :sad2:

I'm glad that you were able to get the bottle/sippy switch done! :goodvibes

Great updates! Looks like everyone had a pretty good time. Interesting that Calvin loved Finding Nemo. We were not planning to do that this trip, but now I'm reconsidering. We'll have to see how things are going that day, I guess.

Great Photopass pictures! :thumbsup2
Ooooo that last photo of the Tree is fabulous!

Little gorilla baby Lucy is adorable. I can totally picture her rolling down the hill. Mama and Papa gorilla don't sound much different than me when my kids were little - go away and play somewhere else! :rotfl2:

Cute smooch photo with you and your hubby! That's too funny with him not following photopass photog directions.

I love the editing you can do on PB! It's so fun to play around with the different coloring/shades.

We got a few more smooch pictures on this trip. Hope it doesn't gross anyone out :rotfl:

What fun to see Lucy rolling down the hill, so cute!

It was adorable! Everyone started getting all excited and laughing around us. Very funny!

What fun with the Gorillas. We didn't do the Paganini trail this trip so I was pleased to see you post the pictures.

I love your PP pictures. Looks like you did pretty well out of it all. :thumbsup2 How cute to have DS sleeping!

I felt like in 2012, all our PP pictures are of DS sleeping! But this trip at least 70% are of him awake and 30% sleeping :thumbsup2

Why waste the effort to walk when gravity is on your side? :confused3 :lmao:

Right? If I was guaranteed that I didn't look like I had a mongolian or two, I'd be rolling down hills as well! :rotfl2:

I hate to beat a dead horse, but, um... remember the Mongolians? :confused3 :drinking1:

:rotfl: You're right! I actually didn't even consider that! :upsidedow

But you've got to admit... the look on his face and the total disregard for whatever instructions everyone else was given is just priceless.

Welp, looks like this picture will have to be a tradition now. Can you imagine DH doing this to DS when DS is like 25?! :rotfl:

So glad your dog is doing better, but so very sad about the other dog! :sad2:

I'm glad that you were able to get the bottle/sippy switch done! :goodvibes

Great updates! Looks like everyone had a pretty good time. Interesting that Calvin loved Finding Nemo. We were not planning to do that this trip, but now I'm reconsidering. We'll have to see how things are going that day, I guess.

Great Photopass pictures! :thumbsup2

If you have the time, I would DEFINITELY do either FotLK or Nemo! I wasn't too sure about doing any shows this trip because of how much more active he is, but the shows were one of the highlights for me! He loved watching the movements, colors and lights.


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