Someone defend Tough to be a Bug to me

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We think it's very well done! a great marriage of 3-D movie, animatronics and 4-D effects. It's my fave 3-D/4-D, the kids 2nd, and they love the humor (boys love a little bathroom humor ;) ). But, I can see how someone who has a bug phobia would have issues. DW had the biggest issue, rather than the boys.

Going back to the the beginning, Walt always liked a little "scare" in his dark rides (Snow White, POTC, HM, etc.,), as long as there was a happy ending plus some humor.
Maybe my favorite attraction. Laughed through the whole thing. My daughter loved it at age 4. It's a must do for us.
During part of the attraction, you are poked in the back to simulate a sting. It's a a little stick thingy that pops out of the back of your seat. Some find it to actually be painful if you're leaning back. I guess it depends on your tolerance level. For me it's more of a surprise and not painful. I like the ride and think it's cute, but another reason some people dislike it is because they claim the smell effects (sprayed like air freshener) clings to their clothing, won't wash out and causes asthma/COPD flair-ups. I personally think that's quite a stretch, but some take it VERY seriously. It's definitely a ride I would not miss; partly because there's not much else to do at AK ;-)

Hahaha! Thanks!
In all my years and visits I have never experienced; "the wailing of kids drowning out the soundtrack." Really???

I think it's a neat attraction but if you think it's too scary for your kids I guess don't go on it? :confused3
I was a CM at this attraction when the park opened in 1998 and I can definitely say that almost every show we needed to help a parent exit during the show with a frightened child. However, those children were usually young--1 or 2 years old. It would be the loudness and darkness that would get them. I can't tell you how many times I was yelled at by parents afterward about how "you should warn people that it's scary!" And I would say, "well, ma'am there are 3 signs posted on the way into the attraction and there are two announcements prior to the start of the show." :rolleyes:

Anyway, this show has a special place in my heart since I was on the opening crew. I love it, my DH loves it, and my then-6-year-old nephew was not a bit scared when we took him several years ago. My DH and I sing the final song all the time. "We're pollinators..." :love:
I have experianced the screaming wailing kids, but it doesn't cause me to like the attraction any less. This one is my favorite 4D attraction because it is a bit scary. I'm 37, no kids, but I still go to Disney every year because I love it and and makes me feel like a kid again. It's good that Disney adds some attractions with a scarier element for folks like me. Fyi, I also love Mission: Space. Keep the thrill rides and rides with an edge coming. If everything was "It's a small world" I would have stopped going long ago ;)
They always understood that everything WDW is pretend and meant to be fun....and this wasn't a place where they'd actually be harmed.

This is how we always presented things to! WE always said everything is Disney made!

We used to joke wow (real animal) Disney did a fabulous job on that one!

With this attitude my 2 yr old rode every dark ride in the parks without a problem.
I have experianced the screaming wailing kids, but it doesn't cause me to like the attraction any less. This one is my favorite 4D attraction because it is a bit scary. I'm 37, no kids, but I still go to Disney every year because I love it and and makes me feel like a kid again. It's good that Disney adds some attractions with a scarier element for folks like me. Fyi, I also love Mission: Space. Keep the thrill rides and rides with an edge coming. If everything was "It's a small world" I would have stopped going long ago ;)

Definitely. Disney is for kids of all ages! I would not be back either if everything was tailored to the youngest guests.
Clearly to each their own, but my daughter loved it and she was just 2 at the time. Reality is alomoar every disney movie has some element of scary to it. The scary should be embraced just as much as the happy and kids need to be told it is all just pretend.
Can someone explain the stinging to me? I just keep reading that you get stung but is it in your back or butt? Does it hurt?

Sorry to derail! I'm so confused. lol

I find the poke in the back to be a bit uncomfortable so I always lean forward a bit when I know its coming. :)
We took DD (age 7) in there for her first visit thinking it would be 'fun'. She lasted 2 minutes. She's refused to go back and I'm not going to push it (she is now 14).

We count that as one of our 2 "mistakes" for our first trip (the other was Dinosaur).
I am writing our trip report from our last minute trip last weekend. We did Tough to be A Bug for the first time ever this trip. Here is my premise:

I have been going to WDW since I was 9 and I am 46. I have memories of great attractions long gone and attractions I wish were still there (Mission to the Moon/Mars >>> Stitch). I have not liked attractions (Mission:SPACE to me was a clear miss given the intensity). But Tough to be a Bug is the only attraction I have experienced at WDW that I consider offensive. Here is why - it should be for kids, it really should be. But the story line is scary, dark and intense. The effects are scary. My memory of the ride was the wailing of kids drowning out the soundtrack.

Disney does some great, amazing stuff but this is the first attraction I can remember ever that I would tell someone to never, ever do. Mission:SPACE is one that I would recommend with caution. But this one is simply an avoid.


Our whole family enjoys it. My youngest two are autistic and frighten easily but they've never been scared watching it. They love it. I've never noticed any wailing kids. :confused3
The poke in your back is also worse if you are heavier and fill the seat more. Adults feel it a lot more because their weight is pushing back against the seat. Very light children don't feel it nearly as much. I'm small and light and I just felt a slight bump so the next time I made a point of really sitting back in the seat and making sure my back was firmly against the seat and I felt it a lot more. My DD has confirmed this after going from 3 on and the last time was adult size.
I love ITTBAB. I love to watch everyone's reactions. I do feel bad when the little one's get scared, but aren't there some warnings about it being a little scary. It's been so long I can't remember.
Can someone explain the stinging to me? I just keep reading that you get stung but is it in your back or butt? Does it hurt?

Sorry to derail! I'm so confused. lol
It's high buttocks. I love that unexpected ending, so to speak. A little slight stinging feeling like if you scratched you back with your fingernail. The old "Honey I Shrunk the Audience" had a similar effect when they released the lab mice (in 3D) and I always found it hilarious to see the reaction of the crowd when it felt like there were mice brushing against your legs. That was worth the whole show.

During part of the attraction, you are poked in the back to simulate a sting. It's a a little stick thingy that pops out of the back of your seat. Some find it to actually be painful if you're leaning back. I guess it depends on your tolerance level. For me it's more of a surprise and not painful. I like the ride and think it's cute, but another reason some people dislike it is because they claim the smell effects (sprayed like air freshener) clings to their clothing, won't wash out and causes asthma/COPD flair-ups. I personally think that's quite a stretch, but some take it VERY seriously. It's definitely a ride I would not miss; partly because there's not much else to do at AK ;-)

It's too bad that things like that bother you. I feel that it is mostly imagined. There isn't that much released and really, it's just an odor it isn't like someone was throwing rocks at the audience. When it comes to kids. I agree, sometimes there is no telling what will upset them, but, I do believe that they take their cues from their parents. If the parents take it to seriously, so will they. I just told them that you don't always know what is going to happen, but, it is all just for show, nothing is going to hurt you. It is done for fun and laughter. It always seemed to work.

ITTBAB is my second-favorite 3D experience at WDW (following Mickey's PhilharMagic.)

For me it's my most favorite:

3. The Muppets
4. Toy Story
5. Philharmagic ****

I really like Philharmagic, but, for some reason, to me, it always seems blurry or maybe more precisely, foggy. Whatever it is, it seems to damper my enjoyment of it by leaps and bounds.
I absolutely love ITTBAB, it's a must-do on any AK day for me.

One of the things I think that Disney does so well (and why adults as well as kids), go back year after year and flock to the theaters to see the movies, etc, etc, is that they don't dumb things down for the children. Bambi... DH cries. And scary? Geez, the lynch mob in Beauty and the Beast screaming to "KILL THE BEAST!" I was so excited to see Finding Nemo when it first came out, and ended up having to leave the theater when the light-up fish was chasing Dory and Marlin. I was bummed, but I wouldn't change a thing about that movie! Granted I am a villain girl, but I LOVE scary Disney!!!
ITTBAB is a nightmare come true for me. Nope. Hate it. I don't do bugs. I would rather see the tree of life empty than with this. I honestly don't think I've been on it since 98, maybe 2000 and I have no plan to ever do it again.
I really want to like this attraction, but all of the screaming and crying little kids in there (scared) have made it impossible for us to sit through a single enjoyably show. I do not blame the little kids at all; their parents should either not take them in or walk them out when they become scared. However, it kind of ruins it for everybody else.
I find this whole thread very strange. Different children (and adults) are frightened by different things. If you had to close down every attraction because it scared some kids, I'm not sure anything would be left open.

You do the attractions you think your family will enjoy. Some of them you can even leave if they start and your family isn't having a good time (ITTAB is one of the ones you can exit). Others you finish and don't do again.

I guess OP maybe you should defend closing down an attraction that many enjoy, because it scares a few. And then defend why Expedition Everest is still open. And Test Track, and The Seas With Nemo and Friends, and Spaceship Earth......
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