EDGAR --- The Crutch That Came on Vacation…..a 9/2014 Trip Report


DIS Veteran
Jan 22, 2009
EDGAR --- The Crutch That Came on Vacation…..a 9/2014 Trip Report

Wow….another Disney trip in the books and boy, it was quite the trip. I must say I think this was the best trip we’ve had as a family, well, except for Mr. Hop-a-long and his crutch! The was barely any rain --- even those pop-up afternoon thunderstorms were kept away and the crowds were awesome, although they started picking up towards the end of the trip. Are you all ready for this? Well, then come along!!!

We stayed from September 9 through the 19th at Coronado Springs Business Class Level. I cannot say enough wonderful things about this resort. We loved the location --- Cabana 9B, steps away from the bus stop and El Centro (food court, gift shop, registration). I made friends with Gay-Gay the teenage alligator who lives in the pond which the resort surrounds. Ok, well I made up that name, but it fit! There were also these huge turtles that were his roommates. So cool!! And of course, there were Disney Ducks!!! Can’t forget those buddies!

So, let’s get to those introductions, shall we??

This is my wonderful husband of 4 years Peter. I believe I now have him hooked on Disney. (hee, hee --- my evil plan has worked!!) I met him online 5 years ago and it didn’t take very long to realize he is a lot like me, although he’s the reasonable and frugal one. We both come from the same French Catholic background so it was and still is pretty easy to get along with him. They say to work at your marriage, but we haven’t had to. It just seems to come easily for us. (Knock on wood!!) He’s moved in to my house and we are currently in the process of selling his house up North. If you wanted to ready any of that saga, you can catch it in my latest pre-trip report. He took to Victoria as she was his own and I’m very, very fortunate for that! They are like two peas in a pod! Peter works full time as a Service Manager in the propane heating field. His passions are his chickens and fixing up old classic European cars. Oh, and falling off of ladders, but that’s a whole other story…

Then there is my sweet Victoria ----- she’s really growing up on me and I just don’t think that’s acceptable! She’s 16 now and has had her ups and downs in her life. She’s had quite a few medical issues that we’ve had to address ever since she was born, but we’ve managed them as a family! She’s a junior in high school this year and her first time at Disney was when she was 6 years old. She’s not a huge Disney fan, but she does enjoy the rides and being on vacation so it’s all good. She’s my one and only so you might say she’s a bit spoiled……yeah, ok, moving on…….she is the Twitter and selfie queen, so there will be oodles of pictures with her iphone and I may throw in a selfie or two of hers. (yeah, they are not hard to find!!)

Then you have me --- the Disney lover, pusher, addict!! I just love the Disney bubble and am willing to drink as much Disney kool-aid as you want to give me. I love the feeling of magic when I’m in the parks and I think half the fun of the vacation is planning it. I PLAN EVERYTHING!! I really do think it’s a sickness --- one that I share with many, many friends: Karen, Erin, Nicole to name a few!!! I work full time for State government and for the most part I love my job, but I am a child support agent who collects child support so, now I know this is hard to believe, but some people are not happy to hear from me when I call. Amazing, I know, but it happens! I’ve been doing this job for 7 years now, so I must like it. And it affords me the Disney vacations I love to go on, so it’s all good! When I’m not on a trip, I’m scrapbooking it! So, I pretty much live Disney 365 days a year! Here is my favorite picture from this trip. You can see the pure joy in my face:

Then, our newest and least loved member of the family --- EDGAR!!

Edgar is the crutch that followed us around for the first few days of our trip. Oh, how I’ve grown to HATE Edgar and really resented him being part of our trip. Peter did a pretty good job of having Edgar not show up in many pictures, but his presence was felt! How did Edgar manage to tag along on our trip? Well here is a little snippet from my pre-trip report:

I drive into the driveway on Saturday afternoon after going to pick up some chicken supplies (it’s all about my chickens, I know!!) when I see Victoria helping Peter to walk….um, WTH??? (although my big ole potty mouth said something different). At first I thought they were kidding as they know the trip is only days away and surely Peter didn’t actually hurt himself THIS close to the trip, right? Then Victoria goes “Guess what Peter did!!” Oh yes, the little informant!! Apparently my wonderful husband fell off of a 14 foot ladder onto his foot while putting up roof rafters in the new car shed he’s building. OMG!!! OMG!!! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME???!!!! Now, of course my first thought was my husband’s foot but in a close second was “what the heck are we going to do about Disney??!!!” My mind was racing with all kinds of thoughts like postponing the trip, renting EVC or wheelchair….just so much. We must first find out how his foot is and if anything was broken. Good thing is that we already had crutches from my bouts with an arthritic knee. See, a positive right there!!

Off to the hospital we went. All three of us. Victoria and I are plenty used to hospital visits, so it doesn’t freak her out at all. The ER wasn’t all that busy (the crazy drunk people haven’t shown up yet…LOL ) but it still took 3 hours for us to be seen. Ugh!!! Good news ---- nothing is broken …….Bad news ----- doctor doesn’t recommend Peter try to walk in Disney . His foot is a lovely shade of blue and he cannot put any weight on it. It’s not the ankle at all that hurts, it’s the arch and heel of his foot. I played nurse for the entire weekend with icing, Tylenol, and catering to him. He doesn’t believe in taking meds for pain, so it’s just Tylenol for him. He did go to work today but he can have his crew do the manual labor……he can sit at his desk with his foot up. I did wrap it in an ace bandage to keep it immobile. (OH LOOK --- SMILIES I NEVER THOUGHT I'D USE!)

I told him we can postpone the trip…..we’d lose money (I haven’t looked into that) but it doesn’t matter as I want him to feel well and enjoy himself. He absolutely refused and said we are going. Ok, so next two options would be to bring a wheelchair or to rent a scooter , but he doesn’t want me to look into either of those options unless absolutely necessary. He wants to wait until next Monday to see how the foot feels. This does NOT sit well with an uber planner!!! What if the scooter rental places are all booked up? What if they cost 50 million dollars a day??? How can he possibly make me wait to book something???!!!! We have a family friend that could loan us a wheelchair, so I’m not worried so much about that option. Would you believe I’ve already started reading the Disability boards? From what I’ve read, they wouldn’t issue a GAC (or whatever it’s called) for someone who just has mobility issues, but maybe I’m wrong. I was reading quickly, in the evening, while exhausted. Knowing my big tough independent man will say he feels fine and refuse any assistance, but again, he wants to wait to see how he feels. And you all know me ---- the ace bandage and ice pack are already packed!!

And thus is how Edgar came to tag along……Peter named him Edgar. Oh look, here’s a picture of Edgar enjoying himself on Buzz Lightyear with Victoria:

It really wasn’t funny!!!!
BOOYAH!!!!!!!!! :cool1:

First, as always! :p Now I have to go back and read your intro since I was so intent on being first. :rolleyes2

OMG, EDGAR!!!!! :lmao:

So excited to hear all about it!!!
Yay! A new report has been started! I'm making my spot and will come back in a bit to catch up. (Shhhh, Dising at work. :rolleyes1) Okay, I was able to read while the boss took a phone call. The introductions pictures are great even if Edgar was in a couple of them. I'm anxious to see all of the pictures and read your story.
Joining! Your report had me at "EDGAR" in the title. One of our dogs is named Edgar and he totally looks like an Edgar (he's a Boston Terrier) ... must admit, he is a little cuter than your crutch!

Glad to hear despite the presence of Edgar that you felt this might be your best trip ever! Also connected with you with regards to the planning aspect ... that totally is half the fun! Oh, the spreadsheets I have! :rotfl:

Can't wait to read more :thumbsup2

Also, hope that Peter is doing better now! (also a good name - my son's name is Peter)
Well, I may not be first, but I'm on the first page! That's something, right? :laughing: Great introduction! It was nice to meet Edgar, even though you didn't really want him to come along. The picture of him and Victoria is hilarious! She's too funny! :rotfl: I can't wait to hear about your trip. :thumbsup2
I'm here. Nowhere near Karen's first post but still here!

Looking forward to another TR!! :thumbsup2
I'm here!!

Already loving the pictures! I was wondering what Peter ended up doing while ya'll were there, if he rented a scooter or had crutches. Nice to meet Edgar, haha.

I wish I would have met you while we were there! I had my eyes open!!

I'm glad to hear you had a great time! We really were so fortunate with the weather and crowds!! :goodvibes
I saw the link on your PTR, so I'm here.

I'm looking forward to hearing all about the trip ... and I'm glad Edgar was only there the first few days of the trip - I guess that means Peter's foot is doing better!
I'm very entertained that Edgar went on Buzz Lightyear with Victoria. I wonder what other adventures Edgar had ... I can only hope that this was Edgar's only trip to Disney, so those are once in a lifetime experiences.
After reading MickeysToonTown's latest TR with HER mention of the crutch, I had to see what was up with this one.:eek:
Looks like this one will be a bit more conventional
Following along
Once upon a time…..it was travel day for the Melancon family! Yes folks, we are now on the most boring of the updates I will be doing (hopefully).;) We had packed the car the night before so we just had out carryons to bring with us. Oh, it’s soooo much better to travel in the summer than in the winter when you have to worry about snow. Besides, I had enough to worry about with our new friend and how we were going to manage everything with this big metal fella. I had printed out boarding passes the day before and got boarding A53 or something like that. Southwest doesn’t have assigned seats --- what they do is give you a place in line and when you get into the plane you are to find an available seat. Eh, A53 is at least in the A section, right? Again, Victoria got herself a TSA Preferred status! What is with this kid and the preferred status??!!! She gets it but her parents don’t? Don’t they realize who is paying for the plane ticket??!! So, she’s all excited she doesn’t have to remove her laptop from its case or take off her shoes. Apparently it’s the little things in life, right? :rolleyes: We had plenty of time before our flight started boarding (about ½ hour) but there’s not a whole lot to do in the Portland, Maine airport – just sit and wait. Our flight was departing at 6:05am and it was still early for us to have breakfast. We were landing in Baltimore around 8:30am and we decided to get breakfast there. As I was checking in our bags, the counter agent noticed Edgar (yeah, kind of hard to miss) and asked if we would like priority boarding due to the injury. Um, Yes please!!!! :woohoo: Priority boarding means you are the first one on the plane but only one family member can board with you and guess who decided to go with Peter?....

No, not the older gentleman in the photo ---- Victoria! I sat back until it was my boarding number. I had no worries, though, they got the third row in, three seats together. Very, very cool! I’d rather be in the front of the plane so that I can exit quicker. I hate waiting for people to grab their bags from the overhead compartment which are obviously too big and should have been checked luggage. Ok, mini rant there. Sorry.

This was Victoria holding Peter’s hand as she was napping. I thought it was just too cute not to share!

Pretty uneventful flight both to Baltimore and to Orlando. We did have a cute little passenger that we made friends with ---- a really nice cat who was travelling back home to Florida with his owner. During the flight I thought I heard a cat and Peter kept telling me it was a baby crying. Well, I think I would know the difference between a cat and a baby. Victoria got to pat the kitty during the stop in Raleigh (we didn’t change planes) and we told the owner how cute he (the cat – not the owner) was! By this time my restless legs were driving me crazy!!! I was so ready to get up and walk around! Just one more hour to go until Orlando!!!

I was sooooo happy to be back “home”!!! It was off to the Magical Express area!!

Ok folks, I made it until this very moment seeing this very sign before I started crying happy tears!! :sad: I get this was every single time. I’m just so happy to be there!! I’m sure others look at me and think I’m total crazy. Why yes, yes I am and thoroughly enjoy it! Again, we didn’t have the Magical Express bus, but at least it wasn’t the yellow Mears bus.

And then it was off to the Coronado Springs Resort……ahhhh……

Yay! You guys have arrived! I'm looking forward to seeing your CSR pictures as it's a place that we've considered staying but never do.

BOOYAH!!!!!!!!! :cool1: First, as always! :p Now I have to go back and read your intro since I was so intent on being first. :rolleyes2
OMG, EDGAR!!!!! :lmao: So excited to hear all about it!!!

Yay!!! Karen’s first! You mean you don’t read my intro before posting….wow! (Ok fine, I do the same thing!) Well, I’m glad you’re here.

Yay! A new report has been started! I'm making my spot and will come back in a bit to catch up. (Shhhh, Dising at work. :rolleyes1) Okay, I was able to read while the boss took a phone call. The introductions pictures are great even if Edgar was in a couple of them. I'm anxious to see all of the pictures and read your story.

Oh no…..we NEVER Dis at work, do we Lisa? Noooooo!!! I’m glad you’re here and are along for the ride!

Joining! Your report had me at "EDGAR" in the title. One of our dogs is named Edgar and he totally looks like an Edgar (he's a Boston Terrier) ... must admit, he is a little cuter than your crutch! Glad to hear despite the presence of Edgar that you felt this might be your best trip ever! Also connected with you with regards to the planning aspect ... that totally is half the fun! Oh, the spreadsheets I have! :rotfl: Can't wait to read more :thumbsup2 Also, hope that Peter is doing better now! (also a good name - my son's name is Peter)

Why hello there :wave2:!! I really try to come up with cute titles to my reports and Edgar certainly did fit this time around! Oh, Boston Terriers are so cute and I’m sure yours is so much cuter than the crutch! We have a big ole yellow lab named Cutie. I love my doggie! Well, Peter still doesn’t have any answers about his foot, even though he can now put weight on it. The foot specialist is sending him for an MRI but he hasn’t been scheduled yet. It’s very frustrating to wait.

Well, I may not be first, but I'm on the first page! That's something, right? :laughing: Great introduction! It was nice to meet Edgar, even though you didn't really want him to come along. The picture of him and Victoria is hilarious! She's too funny! :rotfl: I can't wait to hear about your trip. :thumbsup2

Hi Erin!!! Yes, you made the first page and that is wonderful!! It may be nice to meet Edgar but it certainly wasn’t nice to have him tag along on vacation. Hey, I can send him to you for yours if you would like!!!

Joining in, I can't wait to see how Edgar helped your trip along! :rotfl2:

Welcome, welcome!!! Yep, touring with Edgar….fun times….fun times!!! Glad you’re here!

I'm here. Nowhere near Karen's first post but still here! Looking forward to another TR!! :thumbsup2

There’s my buddy Nicole!!! I knew you’d be here! Well, I was hoping at least! Yes, Karen is a stalker! We all know that by now!

You SNOOZE, you lose Tweedle! :rolleyes1 It's probably more like... You WORK, I LURK. :lmao:I crack myself up.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I'm here!! Already loving the pictures! I was wondering what Peter ended up doing while ya'll were there, if he rented a scooter or had crutches. Nice to meet Edgar, haha. I wish I would have met you while we were there! I had my eyes open!!
I'm glad to hear you had a great time! We really were so fortunate with the weather and crowds!! :goodvibes

I looked for you too, Lauren! I swear I never see any other Dis’er when I’m down there. Well, I’m glad you are coming along for the report. Getting back to real life and works is a real bummer after a wonderful trip. Oh no….he would not let me rent a scooter or wheelchair. He sucked it up and had Edgar for 4 days of the trip. He’s a very stubborn man! (Peter, not Edgar!) We were very fortunate with the weather as I’ve read the following weeks were horrible with rain!

I saw the link on your PTR, so I'm here. I'm looking forward to hearing all about the trip ... and I'm glad Edgar was only there the first few days of the trip - I guess that means Peter's foot is doing better!
I'm very entertained that Edgar went on Buzz Lightyear with Victoria. I wonder what other adventures Edgar had ... I can only hope that this was Edgar's only trip to Disney, so those are once in a lifetime experiences.

Hi Sarah! :wave2: Glad to see you here! Yep, you will see Edgar’s adventures in many of the photos ahead. Lucky we all are to have those memories and photos!! LOL!

I'm here! Can't wait to read about your new friend. ;)

Now, “friend” is an awfully strong word here. Although he did get us priority boarding in the plane, so I was happy about that!

After reading MickeysToonTown's latest TR with HER mention of the crutch, I had to see what was up with this one.:eek:
Looks like this one will be a bit more conventional
Following along

Welcome!!!! I’m glad you found my report. Warning, I’m not as good of a writer as Lisa is (Mickeystoontown) but I give it my best shot! I do enjoy telling my story even if it does include Edgar!!!
Well, of course you don’t get TSA Preferred status, Ann! The TSA knows you are prone to wearing glitter which makes their sensors go haywire! :laughing: You troublemaker, you! :lmao: Seriously, though, I am glad your travel day was uneventful and you made it “home” on time. Now the real fun begins!
Yay! You guys have arrived! I'm looking forward to seeing your CSR pictures as it's a place that we've considered staying but never do.

Oh, I took tonz of pictures. Hopefully I can get to another update soon which will describe the hotel. We loved it!! We stayed Business Class and loved every minute of it. I would definitely recommend it!! :thumbsup2

Yay for travel day! I can't wait to see what CBR looks like :cool1:

I'll really try not to take another week to do an update. I did just fix my signature and added the link for this tr. Yep....exciting news towards the end of this report, but you'll just have to wait!! LOL! :rolleyes1
Well, of course you don’t get TSA Preferred status, Ann! The TSA knows you are prone to wearing glitter which makes their sensors go haywire! :laughing: You troublemaker, you! :lmao: Seriously, though, I am glad your travel day was uneventful and you made it “home” on time. Now the real fun begins!

Now wait just one minute Miss Erin!!! I DID NOT.....I REPEAT DID NOT get stopped in security this trip so there!!!!:tongue:


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