Whew... That's a big 'Tato Head! 10 Amazing Days in May '14! **That's a wrap! 10-1**

Your Nov trip sounds like it is going to be great!

You all will love the Disney cruise, you should totally do that plan! I don't think you followed me other to my new PTR, but we were supposed to be doing a cruise in March, but once again God had other plans for us in store. So we are now looking into a 2016 trip!

Your last day had a great start even if your H&V experience was less than stellar! An empty WS looks like tons of fun!
ah, "Minnie" ptr--look at you and your early morning word play! November plans sound great! you're gonna win your sister over with Disney magic and kick that half marathon's butt! :thumbsup2

I can't wait for our h&v breakfast. the girls have so much fun there seeing the characters. I haven't told them doc and Sophia are there now, so I can't wait to see their reaction. addie and harper look like they're having a blast!

we've never taken the boats between HS and epcot or entered through the international gateway. it looks like such a fun way to get there. and you've gotta love an empty WS!

you know, we got engaged at Disney, but I don't think it even crossed my mind to check into planning a wedding there. we probably wouldn't have anyway since most of our friends/family wouldn't have been able to make that trip. I do think about vow renewals there though too.....
Wahoo!! More updates!!

So at the breakfast did you see handy manny as you exited? He doesn't come to the table?

Back in April 2013 (our first time at H&V) Manny came around to the tables, but for some reason he was meeting up in front this time. I don't know if that's an all the time thing or just happened that day!

We're doing that meal, I thing...I have an ADR but I'm starting to rethink it. Caden loves handy manny but is not a jake fan and is indifferent to Sofia and doc. So idk. He'll probably still have fun as long as he's enjoying the character thing. Now *MOMMY* kinda wants to meet Sofia and doc cause I love those shows. Haha

If it matters at all, the food has always been good! It's hard to screw up breakfast food though! Ha ha!

Your Nov trip sounds like it is going to be great!

If I can survive the run, it will be a great trip! My Uncle said this weekend... "Why would you want to ruin a Disney vacation with a half-marathon!?" Ha ha!

You all will love the Disney cruise, you should totally do that plan! I don't think you followed me other to my new PTR, but we were supposed to be doing a cruise in March, but once again God had other plans for us in store. So we are now looking into a 2016 trip!

I'm not sure a cruise will be in the plans now! I just recently heard that the Bounce Back offer while I'm there is Free Dining! Only problem with that is it's for Aug. 20th to Oct. 2nd... and Addie will be in school. Trying to convince Derek into letting us pull her from school for a few days! Free Dining would save us a lot, especially since we have to pay for Harper to eat now! And I saw through another PTR or TR that you had big news! Congrats!! I was thinking that would be coming soon!

Your last day had a great start even if your H&V experience was less than stellar! An empty WS looks like tons of fun!

Our last day was WONDERFUL! And if I ever get all my stuff back that Best Buy recovered from our old computer, I'll post another update! Goodness gracious... my hubby just needs to get his booty over there and pick it up!

ah, "Minnie" ptr--look at you and your early morning word play! November plans sound great! you're gonna win your sister over with Disney magic and kick that half marathon's butt! :thumbsup2

I hope I win my sister over!! Trying to think of the best things to do with her while we're there. We talked about doing DtD for dinner on arrival day, but now I'm thinking we should head over to the Boardwalk or something since DtD is a huge mess! I don't want her to see it that way! Then I thought we could take a boat to POR and see YeeHaw Bob, but he's gonna be on vacation that weekend... :(

I can't wait for our h&v breakfast. the girls have so much fun there seeing the characters. I haven't told them doc and Sophia are there now, so I can't wait to see their reaction. addie and harper look like they're having a blast!

I hope your meal was great! Can't wait to hear about it in the TR!

we've never taken the boats between HS and epcot or entered through the international gateway. it looks like such a fun way to get there. and you've gotta love an empty WS!

It's such a fun way to get from HS to Epcot! Nice way to sit back and relax for awhile! And yes, an empty World Showcase is the best!

you know, we got engaged at Disney, but I don't think it even crossed my mind to check into planning a wedding there. we probably wouldn't have anyway since most of our friends/family wouldn't have been able to make that trip. I do think about vow renewals there though too.....

I like what we said on Facebook today... one big STL Dis'er Disney vacation! And if we have to do a vow renewal to get everyone there, so be it. Ha ha!
Once of these days I'll post another update. Our computer died and I lost the handful of TR chapters that I already wrote up! Boooo! Thankfully I had already uploaded all my pics to Photobucket and Best Buy was able to recover the rest of our Disney pictures! Woohoo!

I guess I could just write the chapters up again, but I'm hoping that once Derek picks all the stuff up from Best Buy that I can just post them. But then again, who knows when that will be so I might as well just type them up again! Ughhh!
May 31st: Day 10, Part 4

When I left you we had just left Epcot and were on our way to the Monorail. Where were we headed?? To the Magic Kingdom of course!! There’s no better way to end a Disney trip than to spend your last moments immersed in the magic!

We only waited a few minutes and a train was there and ready to take us to the Castle! We had an uneventful trip over to Magic Kingdom and when we got there it was packed! It took me a minute to realize why it was so packed… we had gotten there a little before 3:00 and the Festival of Fantasy parade was going to be starting soon! Due to scheduled nap times, we were never in the parks for the afternoon parades so it was funny to me that I drew a blank on what was going on!

Once we fought our way through the crowds and through the Castle, there was one thing that Grandpa just had to do… check Sir Mickey’s for the singing Olaf doll. And wouldn’t you know it, on our last day in the parks, the singing Olaf WAS THERE! Whew… just in the nick of time!

While grandpa was checking out Sir Mickey’s we took the down moment to grab some frozen lemonades by the Carousel because dang, it was hot! Addie got a frozen strawberry lemonade that she so graciously shared with me and her sister. It was delicious! The strawberry lemonade is the way to go! So yummy!

After we had our frozen lemonades in hand, it was time for our first FP+ for the day…

We had our first FP+ from 3:30-4:30… Splash Mountain! And let me tell ya, this was the perfect time to ride Splash… it was HOT and a cool down was much needed!

On our way over to Splash Mountain, Harper must have cooled off enough from that frozen lemonade because she had fallen asleep in the stroller. So because she was sleeping, my MIL just decided that she’d stay out in the shade with her. I think she didn’t necessarily want to get super wet too! Ha ha! So off went Derek, Addie, my FIL and myself to use our FP+. We walked through the tapstyles a little after 3:30 and had just a little wait.

So knowing that the person that gets in last usually gets the wettest, I made Derek get in first! I wanted to get wet, but not super wet! Oh boy… little did I know, our boat would be in the right spot at just the right time for me to get SOAKED! I’ve never been that wet on this ride in my life! When we got in the room with the dancing raindrops and the spitting frogs (my favorite room!) one of those dang frogs spit its water and it went over my FIL’s shoulder and got me square in the chest! Ha ha! Totally caught me off guard and I was dying laughing! I couldn’t believe it! Then as we’re all dying laughing (the people behind us included) another dang frog did the same thing and got me from behind!! So here I was drenched in front AND in the back! Just check out the ride pic… you can see that I’m really wet before we even hit the bottom of the big drop. Lol! What a fabulous last ride on Splash Mountain!

And once again… Addie wanted us to all do the thumbs up sign and she forgot. Little stinker!

So once we got back to my MIL Harper was still sleeping… but only for another minute! She woke up on the whiney side (shoot, I would have too… I’m sure, even with the fan on her, she was super hot while she was sleeping!). The first thing she whined was, “I need a Mickey pretzel!” Ha ha! Poor baby wanted a Mickey pretzel… and we had snack credits to spare so she got herself a Mickey pretzel!

While we were eating our Mickey pretzels I checked the time and realized that we had a little bit of time before our next FP+ so we decided to hit up a “ride” that we knew wouldn’t have much of a wait and we could cool off a bit… the Philharmagic! Once again, it did not disappoint! And it killed just enough time because it was time for our next FP+! 4:50-5:50… Seven Dwarfs Mine Train!

We knew Harper didn’t want to ride it again, so she stayed in the stroller and we decided to see if we could get a Rider Swap. Instead of just going up and grabbing the swap, they made everyone get in line and when we got up to the front they would give it to us. After jumping through the line hoop, we got our Rider Swap and my FIL took Harper to something we knew she’d love… the Carousel of course!

We had another great ride and when we were finished, my FIL and Harper were there by the exit waiting for us. Once thing we had noticed while on the 7DMT was that the sky looked REALLY dark and like it was going to downpour at any moment! We decided that meant, that even though it was a bit early, we were headed to grab some dinner! I was really hoping that we would do Pecos Bill’s for dinner, but we decided to head somewhere close that we knew had a ton of indoor seating so we could ride out the rain inside. So Cosmic Rays it was! We got there and put the rain cover on the stroller and went in.

We were a few QS credits short due to not checking that CM’s didn’t charge a QS credit for a few of Harper’s lunches earlier in the week, and my MIL and FIL had an extra QS credit due to the day that she wasn’t feeling very well. So they graciously gave Addie that QS meal (chicken nuggets which she shared with Harper) and Derek and I split a Chicken Sandwich meal. It was early for dinner and we had just had a Mickey pretzel, so it was perfect… and we ended up not having to pay out of pocket for another meal! Even better!

While we were in Cosmic Rays, we kept seeing Tigger and Pooh coming out from their hiding spot to head to their Meet and Greet area. The girls loved that! Oh… and while we were eating my FIL used the charging lockers there to charge his phone! It worked out so great! But I hear that they aren’t there anymore now. We loved the convenience of them so I hope they bring them back and put more of them in!

So Tigger and Pooh weren’t the only things we saw while eating dinner… know what else we saw? Or didn’t see I should say. RAIN! It didn’t rain one single drop. I could not believe it! Looks like the Walt put in a good word with the big guy and kept the rain away on our last day at the Magic Kingdom! Perfect!

So after dinner we decided to head back over to the 7DMT and use our Rider Swap. When we got there, the line was soooooooo long!!! They must have had a ride shut down because the FP+ line was way out of the ropes and wrapped around the fence surrounding the ride. There was no way we were going to wait in that line, so we decided to check back on it later and head over to Tomorrowland because we were approaching our last FP+ for the day!

We had FP+ from 6:55-7:55 for two different attractions. After my first experience with Space Mountain, I quickly changed my FP+ to something I knew Harper could do with me. So Derek, Addie and my in-laws were headed over to Space Mountain and Harper and I were headed to Buzz Lightyear! Before Harper and I went over there, we made sure we grabbed a Rider Swap for Space for Addie.

And then here is mine and Harper’s pic!

Crazy girl loves that ride! She just loves looking at everything!

Then she and I grabbed the stroller and went over to Space where they had just gotten off their ride! So my MIL stayed out with me and Derek, Addie and my FIL used up the Rider Swap where Addie enjoyed “driving” again.

She loves her some Space Mountain! Love my little thrill seeking girl! It’s funny because in everything else in her life she is very typical “oldest” child. Very cautious and such a thinker… but get her around a Roller Coaster and that all goes out the window!

When our FP+ were done we decided since we were in the area we would do something we hadn’t yet done on this trip! Monster’s Inc. Laugh Floor. My in-laws had not yet been on this ride since our first time was the trip without them. I was soooooo hoping my FIL would be “that guy” but he wasn’t… close though! He did get picked out and put up on the big screen! Ha ha! I think he was doing something on his phone and they flashed to him and under his face it said, “Just wants to dance”. So what did my FIL do? He got up and danced! Ha ha! Oh my… it was soooooo funny! Great experience! Luckily we created enough laughs and were able to open up the doors!

After that we decided to check out the 7DMT to see how that line was. Luckily, it was gone! Since my MIL knew how much I liked that ride, she said that she would stay out with my FIL and take Harper to the Carousel while Derek, Addie and I got to ride it. Addie wanted to ride with Derek, so I thought I’d be by myself… until I saw them putting some random woman in the car with me. Her family was an odd number too and they were in front of us. It turned out being fun because it was her first time on the ride and she said that she hated roller coasters! Here I was, the woman that hates coasters too, was reassuring her that should would have fun and it really wasn’t bad! Ha ha! I told her, if I liked it she would too! She loved the ride and I made sure to point out some of the fun things about the ride to her including the cottage at the end!

When we got off my in-laws were over at the Carousel and Harper was on her second trip around with Grandpa!

After our ride, and after holding Addie off all day, we told her that we could go into Sir Mickey’s and Castle Couture and she and her sister could pick out one last present of the trip. We went into Sir Mickey’s first and immediately Harper grabbed a singing Olaf like Grandpa had gotten, but Addie was just wandering around. I could tell nothing was jumping out at her, so I left Derek to pay for Olaf and I took Addie over to Castle Couture. While there she ended up picking this little miniature sized Tinkerbell set… one that she hasn’t played with since we got home of course. So frustrating!

After our last shopping trip we had one final, special thing planned for our last night at Disney World… one thing that I had been looking forward to since our last trip when the rain pretty much ruined it!
May 31st: Day 10, Part 5

It was now about 8:35 and we had one very special last thing to head to… the perfect thing to put the “Cherry on Top” of our already fabulous vacation! The Tomorrowland Terrace Dessert Party!

For those of you that may not know and may be thinking about the Dessert Party, seating is pre-assigned based on when you book the reservation. So if you know that you want to do this, make sure that’s one of the ADR’s you make first on your 180 day! I’m crazy and do all of my ADR’s when the clock hits 6:00 on my 180 day. Both times we’ve done the party we had tables up by the railing! Kick butt seats for sure! People line up early along the railing to watch Fireworks, but this time our table was almost pushed up to the railing, so my in-laws could even sit down and watch the Fireworks! Talk about relaxing!

So even though I knew our seats were already assigned, I wanted to get in line a little early because the sooner you get to your table the sooner you are enjoying those desserts! Mmmmmm!!!

While in line I could tell that the girls were starting to fade fast! They were such troopers this day with not going back to Pop for naps. I applaud them!

Once we got in and found our awesome table, it only took a few seconds for me to take the girls up to get some SUGAR! Once they sat down with their desserts they perked up a bit! We all then took turns going up to the dessert buffet and getting our desserts! Oh my gosh… once again the desserts didn’t disappoint! I think I ate my weight in Chocolate Covered Strawberries! My most favorite thing ever!

Once our tummies were full from yummy desserts we just had a little time to kill before Celebrate the Magic started. The last time we did the party we could watch the MSEP from our table, but since they have all the walls built up around the Hub now, it’s pretty much impossible. Oh well.

Soon enough it was time for Celebrate the Magic!

During Celebrate the Magic, Addie officially lost her battle with trying to stay awake. And Harper wasn’t too far behind her! Thank goodness the grandparents could still see everything while sitting down!

And then it was time for the main event… Wishes!
May 31st: Day 10, Part 6

So this installment will be very picture heavy… but it’s all Wishes, so I know you won’t mind!

Tink flew! Our last Dessert Party experience Tink didn’t fly because the weather was awful! It was sprinkly rainy the whole time and you could hardly see the fireworks because the smoke was getting magnified in the mist droplets.

Wishes gets me every time, but this time it really got me. I spent the whole time reflecting on the most perfect vacation and it was like it all just flashed through my mind. I couldn’t help but tear up the whole time because it really was the most perfect ending to our vacation. Amazing. And doing the Dessert Party on our last night made it even more magical. *Sigh* I sure hope I can get Derek to agree to another family vacation soon!

So after the most perfect viewing of Wishes was over, we decided that we should just go back to Pop. Yeah, we could have stayed and ridden a few more rides… but I didn’t want to spoil the perfectness of our last Magic Kingdom event.

On our way out we got to bypass Main Street because they had the “backstage” door open. I had mixed emotions about this. I was sad that I wasn’t going to get to walk down Main Street one more time and look back on that perfect Castle… but I sure didn’t mind getting to bypass the crowds! I’m just glad that both girls were asleep because we didn’t have to worry about going “backstage” ruining any of the magic for them.

We were on the bus and back to Pop by 11:00 where we just threw the girls in bed. We knew we’d have time in the morning to throw them in the tub, so we weren’t going to mess with the sleeping children! They were OUT!

Once we got back to our room Derek and I spent the next hour + packing, packing and packing! Man, we sure made ourselves at home for those 10 days! I had packed an extra duffel, but with everything we had bought and with Harper’s birthday presents we still needed more room! Luckily my in-laws had an extra bag they wouldn’t be using since it was filled with Harper’s presents on the way down! Whew… barely squeaked by without having to ship something home! Ha ha!

So there you have it! The Disney park days are finished, but there will still be one more installment of this TR with our dreaded departure day because I have some super cute pictures!
3 updates!!! It's like you knew it was my birthday! Haha

Yay for a perfect ending to a perfect trip!! And yay for no rain.

Yours is the first tr that's ever made me want to do the desert party. It looked fun!!
Hi! I'm Ann and have been enjoying your trip report. You have a darling family!

It sounds like you had such a fantastic vacation! I love when everything falls into place so nicely. You dined at some of my favorite places, also.

I'm glad you enjoyed the Dessert Pary. I want to try that one of these trips.

You may have taken the best photo of Tinkerbell during Wishes that I've ever seen! Good job!

I'm curious. Where is this "backstage door" that you were able to bypass Main Street? I don't think I've ever heard of that.
3 updates!!! It's like you knew it was my birthday! Haha

Yup... I know there is nothing you love more than a new trip report installment so I gave you three! Ha ha! :bday:party:

Yay for a perfect ending to a perfect trip!! And yay for no rain.

Oh man... the no rain was wonderful! One of the first things I thought when I saw that huge cloud was that our Dessert party was going to be a bummer! This was NOT the night that I wanted rain!

Yours is the first tr that's ever made me want to do the desert party. It looked fun!!

So much fun! It was just such a great time to sit down and relax at the end of our trip And there's nothing better than watching Wishes without getting elbowed by the random stranger next to you on Main Street!

Hi! I'm Ann and have been enjoying your trip report. You have a darling family!

Hi Ann! So happy you've been enjoying my TR! And thanks for sticking with me the last few slow months! I knew slowly, but surely I'd get it done! Ha ha!

It sounds like you had such a fantastic vacation! I love when everything falls into place so nicely. You dined at some of my favorite places, also.

Everything really did just fall so perfectly into place. You can plan, plan and plan... but you never really know if it's going to turn out how you envision. And this vacation was everything I hoped it would be and more!

I'm glad you enjoyed the Dessert Pary. I want to try that one of these trips.

You should! I think it's something that everyone should experience at least once! My in-laws are the biggest dessert people I've ever known, so when we went on our trip without them I knew we had to go again when they were with us! I think they really enjoyed it!

You may have taken the best photo of Tinkerbell during Wishes that I've ever seen! Good job!

I couldn't believe that the picture of Tink turned out so well! When I took it, I thought the timing was off and that I missed her completely. I was pleasantly surprised!

I'm curious. Where is this "backstage door" that you were able to bypass Main Street? I don't think I've ever heard of that.

I had read on another TR somewhere about the CM's opening up the "backstage" route out after Wishes and I was wondering if we'd get to bypass all the crowds too! Sure enough, there it was! I can't remember exactly where the location was where we went in... but I think it was by the restrooms over in between Tomorrowland Terrace and the Plaza. It basically went behind all the shops on Main Street on the Tomorrowland side of the street. It dumped you out to the left of (when you're looking at it) Tony's. So it doesn't dump you outside of the park, but by the time you're up there the crowds are moving a little more than when you're log jammed on Main Street! I hope the description of where that is makes sense! I will say though, that when we were back there, they had two lines of CM's on either side of us all waving good-bye to keep us moving in the direction of Tony's and not snooping around! Ha ha!
June 1st: Dreaded Departure Day

Well, here it was… June 1st. The day that we had to leave the magic behind until who knows when. Well, I knew that I’d be back in a handful of months for my Girls Wine and Dine Trip, but I really didn’t know when our family would be back together. Don’t get me wrong, I’m REALLY looking forward to the no stroller, no whiney children, drink myself stupid in the World Showcase trip, but being able to share those experiences with my children and husband is priceless!

Our last two trips we had pretty early flights home and that was something that I did NOT want to do again! I wanted to be able to sleep a bit in the morning and finish up packing if I needed to. My hubby, who had to work the next day, wished we would have been home a little sooner so he had more time to recoup before heading back into a 5 day work week… but I win! Ha ha! And really, we weren’t even leaving super late. We had a 1:40 flight out of MCO so that meant that the “Tragical” Express would be picking us up at 10:40.

So I woke up at 7:45 because the girls had woken up, so I hopped in the shower and threw the girls in with me to save some time! After we got out, I got ready and then finished packing up the little bit we had left to pack. While I was packing, Derek had gotten up and started to get himself ready for the day. By the time we were all finished my in-laws were all up and ready to go!

I can’t remember what time it was, but we took our luggage down to check them and get our boarding passes well before the 3 hour mark. We ended up checking 5 bags! Three bags on the way down… five on the way home. Yup, sounds like a Disney trip to me! We had left our carry-on items in the room and then we all went to the Food Court to grab some breakfast with our remaining snack credits. We actually managed to use up all of our snack credits! Probably because we ate a million Mickey pretzels! Ha ha!

When we were finishing up our breakfasts, Derek and his dad went back to the rooms to grab the carry-on luggage because our pick-up time was quickly approaching. Ughhh… I hate pick up time! Can’t I just move to Disney?!?

While waiting for the bus, I took the opportunity to grab a couple of last pictures.

See that sky?? Starting to look a little dark!

And then we had to have a little photo shoot with Harper’s new Jessie hat!

Before we knew it, a yellow MEARS bus pulled up to take us back to MCO. We didn’t even get a “real” Magical Express bus… see it really was the “Tragical” Express!

We had an uneventful ride back to MCO and my MIL and I couldn’t help but see a few Disney Cruise Line buses on our way there... my MIL sure was eyeing them up! One of these days we will have to do a Land and Sea trip. I thought maybe for our next trip, but now I’m thinking of booking a Free Dining Bounce Back when I’m there in November. Hopefully I can get the hubs to agree to taking Addie out of school for a handful of days! I mean… it’s just 2nd grade, not grad school! Cross your fingers for me!

We made our way through security and to our gate in PLEANTY of time… so we took that opportunity to grab a little airport lunch. Can you believe it… they wouldn’t accept my Magic Band as a form of payment! Ha ha! Now wouldn’t the world be a better place if we could wear Magic Bands every day and charge with them?!? Oh I think so!

While we were sitting there gobbling up our pizza that dark sky I noted earlier was now almost black outside and it POURED! I couldn’t help but be sorry for those at parks and thankful we didn’t have any dreary rainy days! Only a few downpours, but those were all while we were inside! Never got caught in one while we were outside! Woohoo!

Once on the plane the girls passed out! Ten days of fun sure kicked their little rears! So we had a nice, quiet and uneventful flight home.

That’s all folks!
Final Trip Reflection

Oh man… I can’t believe the TR is over! It feels like our trip was yesterday! I can’t believe it’s been 4 months since we were meeting princesses, traveling the World, going on Safaris, walking Sunset Blvd. and gorging ourselves with delicious Disney food! Oh that delicious, delicious Disney food!

As you’ve seen, we did sooooooo much on this trip. I loved that being there for 10 days allowed us to do pretty much everything we wanted, without feeling rushed to get it done. If money grew on trees, I’d only take 10 day trips! But, alas, it doesn’t. Not sure how many more of those trips we’ll have in our lifetime.

Words can’t even convey the feelings I have when looking back on this trip. This was Harper’s 3rd trip in her lifetime, being 18 months old when she first went to Disney and turning 3 while we were there. Our two trips before this one she was still really young so didn’t really “get” a lot of it. This trip was entirely different. It was just so magical for her. She loved EVERYTHING and still talks about Disney. When she sees pictures of Spaceship Earth she says, “EPCOT!!” She is always wanting to look at our pictures, watch the morning Welcome Show or parades on You Tube. I love that she loves anything and everything Disney. She is now always telling me that she wants to go to Disney World. This was the first trip that we really had so much fun with her. Priceless memories for sure.

When I look at Addie, I can’t help but see that she is getting so big. She isn’t the sweet baby girl I once knew anymore. When looking at her, I can’t help but realize that her years of “believing” are most likely numbered. Maybe that’s why I want to try to cram all these trips in now, because I know soon our Disney life with her will be different. Sure, she will still have fun as I do now… but those looks of pure joy, awe and wonder will change. I just hope that she can always see Walt’s dream when she looks at the Castle.

I have too many favorite moments of this trip… really, the whole trip was my favorite moment! Yeah, we had a couple of dining experiences that weren’t exactly stellar, but everything else on this trip completely made up for it. Just amazing! I don’t know how any trip is going to be able to top this magical vacation!

I just want to take this moment once again to thank all of you who have followed along on this Trip Report with me! From those of you who commented, complimented my beautiful children to those of you who “lurked” along with us! I appreciate all of you and I just hope that it brought as much joy to you as it did to me to relive it all! Thanks again!!

On that note, I leave you with an “until next time”… whenever that may be! And remember…

Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, dreams are forever. – Walt Disney
I enjoyed it greatly! Your girls were at such a great age for Disney. I know what you mean about cramming all the magic in while they're young.

Will you be doing a report for your trip next month? Have a safe and wonderful time!
Awwww! I know it's so sad when a trip is over:sad1: it's so great to hear what an amazing time you all had. I totally know what you mean about trying to cram all the manic in now. I just have to keep reminding myself the magic comes back in just a different way. I really wish we could have made a trip this year work out. The three year old sense of wonder is really like nothing else!

Looks like you had a great last day. I agree with April yours is the first TR I have read that makes me want to try the dessert party!

You can totally take Addie out of school! I am a former teacher and DH is a teacher now and we would do it in a heartbeat! Doesn't that make you feel better about it?:rotfl2:

Seriously , you all had a great trip and I have enjoyed following along with it a lot! Thanks for sharing your vacation with us!
Sad it's over!! :(

And yes I always want to move in too but in the fine print they make you sign it says that you will not make disney your permanent residence. I was totally bummed to read that!! (Who reads the fine print anyway? Apparently I do :P)

Thanks for sharing with us!! Loved reading along...as you could tell! ;)
I enjoyed it greatly! Your girls were at such a great age for Disney. I know what you mean about cramming all the magic in while they're young.

Will you be doing a report for your trip next month? Have a safe and wonderful time!

They were such a wonderful age for this trip! Both of them were wonderful... if you look past the constant wanting to shop... oh man, I've bred a beast in that department! And thanks again for following along! So glad you enjoyed it!!

I haven't quite decided if I'm going to write a TR for my Wine and Dine trip! I'm kind of leaning towards yes, so I'm going to try to take as many pics and notes as I can and play it by ear! If I decide to, I'll try to come back here and post a link!

Awwww! I know it's so sad when a trip is over:sad1: it's so great to hear what an amazing time you all had. I totally know what you mean about trying to cram all the manic in now. I just have to keep reminding myself the magic comes back in just a different way. I really wish we could have made a trip this year work out. The three year old sense of wonder is really like nothing else!

As they get older, the magic will come back in a different way... it has to, right?!?

Looks like you had a great last day. I agree with April yours is the first TR I have read that makes me want to try the dessert party!

It really was fantastic! And you should try the D.P. some day! Mmmmmm... so yummy!

You can totally take Addie out of school! I am a former teacher and DH is a teacher now and we would do it in a heartbeat! Doesn't that make you feel better about it?:rotfl2:

My MIL is a retired 4th grade teacher and my FIL a retired principal and we were talking about the whole Free Dining thing and pulling Addie out of school. My MIL, one who never pulled her own kids out of school (but probably because she couldn't get off of school either!) seemed to agree with me about pulling them out! And if the school calendar stays like it was this year with having 1/2 days on the 1st Wednesday of the month for professional development days, she would miss 3.5 days of school. That's not too bad, right??

I'm thinking fly down after school on Thursday and fly back on Wednesday. That would give us 5 park days: 1 Epcot, 1 HS, AK until the afternoon then probably MNSSHP that evening and 2 full MK days. That sounds doable, right?? As much as I'd love more than 5 park days, I think it's a good way to keep the cost and amount of days we pull Addie out of school a little lower. And I think that's about as many days as I could possibly get the hubby to agree to! Ha ha!

Seriously , you all had a great trip and I have enjoyed following along with it a lot! Thanks for sharing your vacation with us!

Thanks for following along with me! Glad you enjoyed it!!

Sad it's over!! :(

Me too!!!

And yes I always want to move in too but in the fine print they make you sign it says that you will not make disney your permanent residence. I was totally bummed to read that!! (Who reads the fine print anyway? Apparently I do :P)

*Insert whiny voice* But I want to!!! :)

Thanks for sharing with us!! Loved reading along...as you could tell! ;)

I know I haven't been commenting much on your PTR, but I really have been following along! I hope you decide to to a TR or your own after your trip!!!
I just got all caught up and now it's over? nnoooooo! :sad1: i'm so glad you decided to do a TR! I really enjoyed reading along and seeing all the pictures of your wonderful trip!

your last day sounds so perfect! i'm glad you all enjoyed your dessert party and had such a great last day at MK. what great memories!

and, if you figure out a way to live at Disney, let me know! i'd be all over that! :rotfl:
I just got all caught up and now it's over? nnoooooo! :sad1: i'm so glad you decided to do a TR! I really enjoyed reading along and seeing all the pictures of your wonderful trip!

I know... can you believe it's over!?!? Just in time to start reading a TR by YOU!!! :)

your last day sounds so perfect! i'm glad you all enjoyed your dessert party and had such a great last day at MK. what great memories!

Oh man... the whole trip was filled with great memories! It feels like they were created just yesterday! Fantastic time!

and, if you figure out a way to live at Disney, let me know! i'd be all over that! :rotfl:

I'm know I'd have wonderful company if I found a way to live at Disney!! What a fantastic community that would be!!


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