Official 2015 Disney Marathon Thread

A foot thing. It started with a half that I ran in early September - I was feeling awesome and on pace for a huge PR, and then out of nowhere I got insane IT Band pain. I'd failed to notice that the course I was running on had super sloped roads..

Are we the same person?! LOL. This is exactly what happened to me at the end of September! :rotfl:

I've been lucky enough to avoid injury for the 2 years I've been running until that happened to me. And of course, it's in the midst of marathon training, so OF COURSE, I'm worrying about it more than I normally would. The thought of long runs have really got me stressed lately. Strangely enough, it isn't even the mileage. It's the "well, is my leg going to act up this time and make this completely miserable?!". :crazy2:
:hug: I am not even close to an expert but I do think there is plenty of time to get back to it. Since you're just coming back from such a serious injury I think you're being smart about easing back into it - because let's face it, just jumping back in and busting out 14 miles or whatever after what you went through would be a recipe for disaster.

The mental component is such a huge part of it. Once you get a few more long runs under your belt I'm sure you will feel more confident. :) Will this be your first marathon?

Yes this is my first marathon. Done everything up to this point... a lot of 5Ks, a few 10Ks and a half marathon. Figured if I'm going to run 26.2 in must be in the happiest place on earth!! Here's to happy healing...
Are we the same person?! LOL. This is exactly what happened to me at the end of September! :rotfl: I've been lucky enough to avoid injury for the 2 years I've been running until that happened to me. And of course, it's in the midst of marathon training, so OF COURSE, I'm worrying about it more than I normally would. The thought of long runs have really got me stressed lately. Strangely enough, it isn't even the mileage. It's the "well, is my leg going to act up this time and make this completely miserable?!". :crazy2:

Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing this (and to others who are injured too). I have been struggling with injuries for the past couple of years. Shin splints, plantar fasciitis, soleus muscle pain, and the worst, the dreaded IT band syndrome (once I got ITBS I realized how "mild "those other injuries were!). Anyway, I'm doing ok with my training but like you I'm completely stressed out about my long runs. I'm taking it easy and stopping once I feel any pain. Warming up pre run and strength training has seemed to help quite a bit. I'm just lacking the confidence in my training and I'm not sure what's going to happen on race day. I've already officially/unofficially decided this will be my last 26.2 because it's just too hard on my body.

Anyway, I'm not glad others are injured too, but it's nice to know I'm not the only one struggling. Sometimes it seems like my runner friends can go out and do an 18 mile run no problem and have never experienced a sidelining injury. I know most runners WILL eventually get injured, but I get frustrated sometimes when it's literally one thing after another even when I'm doing preventive work as much as I can. Sigh. Sending out love to all the other injured runners - Here's to a successful training schedule and a wonderful race day!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing this (and to others who are injured too). I have been struggling with injuries for the past couple of years. Shin splints, plantar fasciitis, soleus muscle pain, and the worst, the dreaded IT band syndrome (once I got ITBS I realized how "mild "those other injuries were!). Anyway, I'm doing ok with my training but like you I'm completely stressed out about my long runs. I'm taking it easy and stopping once I feel any pain. Warming up pre run and strength training has seemed to help quite a bit. I'm just lacking the confidence in my training and I'm not sure what's going to happen on race day. I've already officially/unofficially decided this will be my last 26.2 because it's just too hard on my body.

Anyway, I'm not glad others are injured too, but it's nice to know I'm not the only one struggling. Sometimes it seems like my runner friends can go out and do an 18 mile run no problem and have never experienced a sidelining injury. I know most runners WILL eventually get injured, but I get frustrated sometimes when it's literally one thing after another even when I'm doing preventive work as much as I can. Sigh. Sending out love to all the other injured runners - Here's to a successful training schedule and a wonderful race day!

It is definitely nice to know that none of us are alone in the struggling. I felt the same type of relief after reading so many of the posts before I replied last night. I'm just glad that I decided to sign up for the WDW Marathon at the the last minute, because I am able to just piggyback the training with my training for Philly by adding one or two long runs in December. I don't know if I would ever really be able to train well for a January full on it's own. I work for a toy company so we're ramping up into our busy season (Currently on hour 25 for this week so far, with 33 more to go:eek:), so December is really difficult for training even without the Northeast weather!
Are we the same person?! LOL. This is exactly what happened to me at the end of September! :rotfl:
Oh nooooooo! :hug:
I've been lucky enough to avoid injury for the 2 years I've been running until that happened to me. And of course, it's in the midst of marathon training, so OF COURSE, I'm worrying about it more than I normally would. The thought of long runs have really got me stressed lately. Strangely enough, it isn't even the mileage. It's the "well, is my leg going to act up this time and make this completely miserable?!". :crazy2:
I know EXACTLY how you feel with being paranoid on the long runs. With each post-injury run I have done, the paranoia has gone away little by little, but it's still lingering in the back of my mind. I mentioned upthread that I've seen a doctor and a PT about it - just glad it wasn't something more serious.

With that injury, once I was recovered and able to start running again, I had to totally throw the training plan I was originally going to use out the window and start from scratch...less mileage, more intervals of walking, slower intervals of running. As I've successfully completed the shorter, slower runs I've upped my distance little by little and and tried to up the pace little by little (mostly be extending my running intervals). Both my doctor and PT told me I'm doing the right thing by going about it this way, so that knowledge is giving me more confidence on the runs. :confused3
Yes this is my first marathon. Done everything up to this point... a lot of 5Ks, a few 10Ks and a half marathon. Figured if I'm going to run 26.2 in must be in the happiest place on earth!! Here's to happy healing...
I like your logic. ;) Happy Healing to you too! :wizard:
Man, now I feel behind! I did 10 today...felt great, but not particularly fast. I'm doing a half next weekend, it will be my second ever. I've never done more than 13.1, so I'm going to knock the long run back to 8 after the half, then 15 the week after. I'm afraid I'm under training for the full, but I'm pretty overweight for a runner and worry about my feet and knees getting hurt from too frequent long runs. If I stick with my plan, I'll hit my 20 miler three weeks before marathon weekend, and taper to 12 and 8 the two weeks before. I'm completely uninterested in making good time...just so excited to do something I thought was not possible for me

you aren't behind, i am following a plan that hasn't gone past 12 miles yet. there's a while to go yet!
you aren't behind, i am following a plan that hasn't gone past 12 miles yet. there's a while to go yet!

I agree... I got burnt out training for my first full, so I'm taking it a little easier this time around. Still 10+ weeks to go!
So I guess I will count this week as my "mental health break". :rotfl:

I skipped my runs on Tues & Thurs, and only did 5 out of the 7 miles scheduled for Wed. I am really bad with skipping runs...if I skip one I want to skip them all!

The weather hasn't helped. Cold, dark and rainy does not put me in the mood to run. Looking forward to getting back into it this weekend! :thumbsup2
I'm glad to hear others are in similar training spots, it makes me feel much better!

Now I have an injury to add to the list :(

I did 13 miles on Sunday, and 5 yesterday. About 1.5 miles into my run yesterday I started getting a stabbing pain in my foot with every step. I finished my run and the pain would come and go.
I got home and looked up the symptoms, which seemed on par with a stress fracture, so I immediately went to a walk in to have it x rayed.

They said they couldn't see any fracture on the X-rays and it was most likely a bone contusion, and that a few days of rest should help. It has been almost 24 hours and still feels exactly the same, and I'm frustrated! I have been resting it, icing it, and soaking it in Epsom salt on the off chance that it is muscle related instead. Any other thoughts/suggestions? I have a half on November 2 but more importantly I don't wanna be completely sidelined before goofy!!!

I know I need to wait longer, but I usually jump on injuries with rolling and stretching and PT so it stresses me out having one that I can't do anything about.

Kind of in a similar place as you. Last weekend went for a 20-miler ( I had planned a total of three before the full in January). Felt fine up to 18 but somewhere between 18 and 20 the top of my right foot started to bother me. Thought it was just little soreness. But Sunday rolled around and it still hurt. Same on Monday. Tuesday felt better and by last night felt good. Tried a 3-miler this morning and it became a little painful but not as much as Sunday or Saturday.

Thought it my be muscle soreness or irritation from new distance, but its not tender so I don' believie its muscluar. I don't think its nerve-related as its not sharp pain-like feelings. Very frustrating as I've never had issues for the 3 years I've been actively running. I have a 5K tomorrow and if it still aches rest the whole next week until a half and 3K I have on the following Sunday and will evaluate then.

Anybody have any suggestions as to what I did or should do? Just feels like a heavy rock is resting on the to of my foot right below and in front of the ankle. No sharp or spike-like pain feelings, no tenderness at all. I've iced it, put compression socks on, rested it, and it went away but might just need extended rest. Better I guess now instead of say December when time would be crucial.
Kind of in a similar place as you. Last weekend went for a 20-miler ( I had planned a total of three before the full in January). Felt fine up to 18 but somewhere between 18 and 20 the top of my right foot started to bother me. Thought it was just little soreness. But Sunday rolled around and it still hurt. Same on Monday. Tuesday felt better and by last night felt good. Tried a 3-miler this morning and it became a little painful but not as much as Sunday or Saturday. Thought it my be muscle soreness or irritation from new distance, but its not tender so I don' believie its muscluar. I don't think its nerve-related as its not sharp pain-like feelings. Very frustrating as I've never had issues for the 3 years I've been actively running. I have a 5K tomorrow and if it still aches rest the whole next week until a half and 3K I have on the following Sunday and will evaluate then. Anybody have any suggestions as to what I did or should do? Just feels like a heavy rock is resting on the to of my foot right below and in front of the ankle. No sharp or spike-like pain feelings, no tenderness at all. I've iced it, put compression socks on, rested it, and it went away but might just need extended rest. Better I guess now instead of say December when time would be crucial.

Not a good boat to be in unfortunately.
I have decided mine may be tendonitis in the foot but I'm not sure. Planning to rest a few more days, all foot related injuries recommend rest and ice from what I've read.

And I guess better now then in December is true, but it's still a bummer :/

Hope you recover quickly!
Hey all! Long time DISer, first time WDW Marathoner. Have had a dream for about 8 years to run this event (ever since I first heard of it). It was what inspired me to begin racing. Dh always has his company's AGM that weekend so I couldn't go. This year I registered anyway since my kids are older and-bam-the AGM is the following weekend. So, I'm finally registered in a WDW full!:yay: This will be my second full. I am SOOOOOO excited!!!!

Last year I had a stress fracture and was out on and off for about a year :( Because of that, I'm trying to just focus on getting back into marathon shape for Mickey. My last long run was 16.5 so I'm feeling really good about where I am in training right now.
Got 18 miles in today, my longest distance. As I've barely run over the last couple of weeks but I knew I needed to get the distance in. I alternated running and walking every quarter mile and it worked well. My IT Band held off until mile 14 to become annoyed so that was nice. Finally feeling that "I can actually do this" feeling. :)
Got 18 miles in today, my longest distance. As I've barely run over the last couple of weeks but I knew I needed to get the distance in. I alternated running and walking every quarter mile and it worked well. My IT Band held off until mile 14 to become annoyed so that was nice. Finally feeling that "I can actually do this" feeling. :)

Yay! Congrats, that's an awesome feeling!
Marathon sold out - odd, as it was only at 91% full on Friday.

I wasn't following it that closely but had a friend that was. She had been leaving hints around that Yesterday was going to be there last chance to sign up. Not sure it was because she thought that's when it'd sell out or because she knew they were closing registration today. In any case "full" does not always mean no more entries available. We signed up for everest challenge a couple of years ago at an expo. At the time it was showing "full" on the website. The CM told us when they close registration online they just set the race to "full" whether or not there are still spaces available.
Got 18 miles in today, my longest distance. As I've barely run over the last couple of weeks but I knew I needed to get the distance in. I alternated running and walking every quarter mile and it worked well. My IT Band held off until mile 14 to become annoyed so that was nice. Finally feeling that "I can actually do this" feeling. :)

Wow that's great! :cool1::cool1: I ran 16 yesterday and that is my longest run ever!! When I did 15 I thought I couldn't go another step. The same with 16, although I do feel better soreness wise. I think I will invest in some compression socks and see if that helps.
Does anyone know of a good alternative to chocolate milk that is lactose-free? I'd like that it is pre-packaged and easy to leave in your gear check/post-run gym bag, but unfortunately I'm lactose-intolerant. :scared: I'd like to try refueling within 45 mins of my runs.

So fun to find this thread - yes, I read through all of it! Great to hear about all the getting-longer runs! :cool1:

Hope all the aches, pains and injuries clear up quickly for those suffering. I can empathsize as my training buddy's calf injury set us back 8 weeks in the summer.

ToT was my first rD event and I had an absolutely awesome time - really looking fwd to this monster, big event in January!

Forgot to PP mentioned, everyone's different but here's what's worked for me re: the fueling question.

I eat half a bagel with lots of peanut butter 90 mins before my long runs (10+miles), take Gu gels every 4 miles, I alternate sips of water and Powerade every other mile.

I brought my own Gu for the ToT and will be doing the same for the Dopey weekend.



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