""Single" mom with 2 kids - 7DMT question

My son has seen BTMRR and hasn't wanted to ride it in the past, I'm not even positive he'll want to ride 7DMT... I think that if he did, he'd like it but I kind of ruined him by tricking him into riding Space Mountain last time we went :worried: He came off of there white as a ghost (he rode with my mom) However, now that I know we can all ride together, maybe we will try BTMRR first!

My DD, 8 , absolutely HATES BTMRR and she absolutely LOVEs 7DMT. In her opinion they are nothing alike. 7DMT is a lot smoother. It also alternates in speed as it goes slow through the mine, so it is not totally a "coaster" feel the whole time.
Although I'm not technically a single parent, I will be taking my 2 children, ages 9 and 6 to DW in January by myself. (My husband hates disney :rolleyes2). I
I plan to let them run this trip, so there won't be any thrill rides but I do want to experience the 7DMT...I'm assuming only 2 can fit to a row? There's no way either of my kids will sit alone and depending on how they are getting along at the time, they may not want to sit together. Are there any other options? Is it possible to out all 3 of us together? The only our ride I can think of that would cause this issue is Test Track, isn't that 2 per row as well?

Ride in the first train car, it is much milder. The rear train whips and feels so much faster. I first road the. Rear car. I was jerked about pretty good. The CM said to wait for the next car and ride the front, much better.

Also, stay away from the front seats of the POTC ride. The newer boats take a dip down and wash up a wave of water into the boat. I was drenched to my undies and my back pack on the floor.

I have to warn, I went with my dd at 6 yrs old and for some reason that year she was afraid of everything. There was no pleasing her for rides except the small world.
My DD, 8 , absolutely HATES BTMRR and she absolutely LOVEs 7DMT. In her opinion they are nothing alike. 7DMT is a lot smoother. It also alternates in speed as it goes slow through the mine, so it is not totally a "coaster" feel the whole time.

Thanks for this! Makes me feel a tad better about it! I'm so ready to tell them about the trip so we can actually discuss these things!

We went 2 years ago when the kids were 4 and 7 ...my daughter hated the fireworks and cried through those but I don't recall her being scared of any rides (except Haunted Mansion) ... of course, we didn't take her on anything too daring lol, but on everything else, she was good to go. She was even fine on Test Track.
You could talk to loading CM and ask if you can sit with odd # family and 9yo can ride with someone else.

I run across this as my DDs and I are only ones who will ride coasters and DD 13 (now) has had to be odd-man since DD 9 (now) was 8 and began riding EE and RNR. I have hung back and waited for next train to ensure its a stranger who I'm okay with and CM has never questioned me.
Although I'm not technically a single parent, I will be taking my 2 children, ages 9 and 6 to DW in January by myself. (My husband hates disney :rolleyes2). I
I plan to let them run this trip, so there won't be any thrill rides but I do want to experience the 7DMT...I'm assuming only 2 can fit to a row? There's no way either of my kids will sit alone and depending on how they are getting along at the time, they may not want to sit together. Are there any other options? Is it possible to out all 3 of us together? The only our ride I can think of that would cause this issue is Test Track, isn't that 2 per row as well?

My last trip to WDW was as a "single" parent with a 5.5yo and a 2-3yo (turned 3 at WDW). 7DMT wasn't finished then, but we did have that issue with Barnstormer. We went at a low crowd time and Barnstormer isn't a super popular ride, so I just lurked at the entrance until I spotted a family with an "extra" adult who could ride with my 5.5yo (I usually spotted a family with a grandma I didn't mind riding with my 5.5yo). Folks were very friendly and accommodating. We ended up going on Barnstormer 3 times that way since they would not allow 3 across. So I would say that is a possibility with 7DMT but you would need to find a family who can ride with yours before you actually get in line.

FWIW, a CM pretended my (very tall) 5.5yo was 7yo on Astro-Orbiter but I wouldn't depend on that happening.
I've been going without my DH to Disney since my kids were 4 and 6. I wouldn't sweat it - have them sit together, and you sit behind them with someone else you don't know. It's no big deal.
I've been going without my DH to Disney since my kids were 4 and 6. I wouldn't sweat it - have them sit together, and you sit behind them with someone else you don't know. It's no big deal.

Disney has recently changed the rules on how old kids need to be to ride a ride without an adult along (as well as how old they need to be to enter the park without an adult to being with). They do ask ages now more than they used to.
Disney has recently changed the rules on how old kids need to be to ride a ride without an adult along (as well as how old they need to be to enter the park without an adult to being with). They do ask ages now more than they used to.

I didn't say riding without an adult; just have them sit in front of you so they're not riding with a stranger (if that makes everyone feel more comfortable). I didn't send my kids at that age alone to a ride (or out of my sight pretty much at all!).
I didn't say riding without an adult; just have them sit in front of you so they're not riding with a stranger (if that makes everyone feel more comfortable). I didn't send my kids at that age alone to a ride (or out of my sight pretty much at all!).

Disney seems to be making an adult sit with the child in order to be considered together. There have been some posts where parents were not even allowed to sit behind children. As I said, it is a new-ish policy, and one that seems (like many of Disney's policies) open to the interpretation of the CM standing in front of you.
Disney seems to be making an adult sit with the child in order to be considered together. There have been some posts where parents were not even allowed to sit behind children. As I said, it is a new-ish policy, and one that seems (like many of Disney's policies) open to the interpretation of the CM standing in front of you.

That's quite odd; many single parents would have some problems. I've never heard of this! More often than not, my DH doesn't go along on our trips.


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