"I'm NOT a Princess, I'm Izzy!" - May '15 Land/Sea ~ Updated 6/4: Link to Disneyland TR!!!

We happened to catch the boat at the dock, so we decided to ride back instead of walking. :thumbsup2
nice timing! woohoo!!pixiedust:

I like that the lady behind us is also participating in the selfie. :rotfl2:
You know, a month or so ago, DH and I were out at a concert (a rare date night, woohoo!) and the people in front of me were taking a selfie and I kept trying to lean out of it but wasn't sure I was being successful, so I just smiled - and then apologized to them!:confused3

Despite the limited food selection in the shop, I was able to find all of the key ingredients to make our own breakfast sandwiches. If you haven’t heard me rave about it already (in my Aulani report), let me just say that our little microwave egg sandwich maker is one of the best things I’ve ever spent like $3 on.
I'm totally jealous of that; I'm the only one in my family that eats eggs, so it'd be a no-go in my house, but it looks awesome!:thumbsup2

So, I got one 20 oz. Coke Zero and one 20 oz. Diet Coke (so we could tell our bottles apart), then a 2-liter of Diet Coke to refill them each day. I have to say, this worked great and cost far less than the cans would have
Okay, sorry for the brief hijack here. This reminds me of the first vacation I took with DH. We were traveling very much "on the cheap" as it were and thought to do the same thing you did. But then we thought about how much easier it would be if we had sport tops. So we refilled the soda into the sport-top water bottles. Oddly, it seemed to work at first, but then one bottle fell on the floor and started spinning around like it was possessed and spewing soda everywhere! Umm, yeah, not our proudest moment!:sad2:

Aw, look who was sleeping:

And, yes, I do believe she was still wearing her clothes. We have a jammie-resistant kid on our hands these days. Despite starting her time in Orlando with a meltdown over that outfit, she just HAD to wear it to bed to end the day. :lmao:
Ahhh, gotta love a sleeping baby! And we're in a jammie-resistant phase right now. They come and go, but they always make me sad, because little boys start to look so much like big boys so soon and PJs are one of the places he can still just be a cutie; but I know the long term "Mo-om, jammies are for babies" is going to happen sooner or later; and sooner for boys than girls! sniff!:sad:

Up next: The Chewie Run! :cool1: :chewy:
I'm really excited to read how this turns out![/QUOTE]
Ugh the I gotta pee...no wait never mind I don't dance. We have played that game many times! Not a lot of fun.

I like Dugs holiday sandwich, very clever!

I'm glad Izzy doesn't seem to be afraid of fireworks. Chatlotte never was either and it's so nice to be able to enjoy fireworks with your kids.

The Disney prices:sick:. So high it makes you sick! But I like everyone else here, just love giving this company my money, even at their ridiculously high rate. The egg sandwich maker does seem like a really good idea though.

Looks like your first day wore Izzy out!
:offtopic: sorry for this having nothing to do with your trip but just had to tell you how much fun we had doing "blue Tuesday" yesterday with the shopkick app you introduced me to. It is like a scavenger hunt. I wish I lived closer to some of the bigger walk-in stores but for all the extra points I had to make the 20 minute trip yesterday. I even got into a conversation with the lady checking us out at Target about it. She said she was actually 5 minutes later for work because she was running around getting all her bonus points. LOL Just a couple weeks in and I am already up to $12 of free money.:thanks:
Glad you are enjoying it and getting some free money! :goodvibes They used to have a lot more big days like that, however it seems pretty few and far between these days. But it's still free money, if not as much as it used to be (I used to be able to consistently get $25-$50/month, now it's maybe $5-$10?) I went out that same day too - I have a bunch of those stores near each other and only a couple minutes out of my way, so I ran in and out of them and got 1000+ kicks that day. ::yes::

Loving the TR and can't believe how much you got done on your 1st day. Just all the character visits from GG is more than some get during the entire trip.
Thanks! It was a really busy first day for us - we used to get in so late, so this was really different. Yeah, those GG character meets were wild.

I love it when the boat just happens to be there at the right time. At the end of the night there is always the debate of whether to walk back or take the boat.
Yep, that made it an easy choice!

I think I would have had a heart attack waiting for the total of all the groceries, but your total doesn't actually seem that bad considering all you got!
I really tried to just ignore it, as I knew it was going to be more than I would have paid elsewhere, but less than eating out every breakfast. At least I got the AP 10% off, so that helped a bit.

That is such a great idea for the makeshift nightstand - I am always on the side without the nightstand, as well, and will have to remember this trick next time!
I know I read it on the DIS at some point and it has worked for me. :thumbsup2

Never been there. Hope to rectify that on this trip.
We'll see.
I hope you make it!

And that's part two of what I hope to do, too! :laughing:
And this too!

:laughing: Mom! What are you doing there?!?!

What? No one wants to photobomb Dug's shot?
How rude!
Guess not. :confused3

Thanks. It was much better than lugging heavy bags (milk, pop) back to the room.

I love that one. I like how it almost tells a story with the lighthouse, boat and moon.
I love all the details Disney puts into simple things like light fixtures.

Less than 20 minutes. Not bad.
Not bad at all. It was nice and close and the store is not very big.

I checked out the link. I like it! I don't think I'd use it at home, but I can definitely see it as being really useful on the road.
It really comes in handy on trips, since it's so small and easy to pack, but helps us to have hot, filling breakfasts in the room for cheap.

Pop for us just slightly North of you, too.

Everything about that is smart. From the no-spill bottles, to differentiating them, to refilling them.
Thanks! I was rather proud of myself for coming up with that on the spot. I had been planning to just buy cans, but couldn't stomach that pricing. :eek:

I should give up the stuff too... but I like it so much!
Nothing like a nice, ice cold coke when you're thirsty.

Plus, I don't like plain water, so that sucks too.

Plus, plus, I hate the taste of diet drinks.
Oh, wow. I didn't used to like water, but it has grown on me over the years. I mostly drink water throughout the day (and a LOT of it). And I don't mind diet drinks, though I used to drink regular years ago. But, you're right, it is a nice treat and I am having trouble shaking the 1-2 cans a day at work habit. But, eh, at least it's zero calories and, despite all the "it's gonna kill you" stuff you hear, I think I could have worse vices. And, besides, pretty much anything you eat or drink or stand near is going to kill you these days, at least according to the internet (which is also going to kill us). :rotfl:

Holy smokes! Just how much did you buy???
Just a small bag - we just eat stuff really slowly, I guess. We still have the snacks I bought at Costco in Hawaii last November (granted, they are almost empty, but they are still in our kitchen).

That is a good idea! Might have to use that if we need the extra one.
Keep it in mind. Better than reaching to the floor for things.

Awwwww.... I remember those days!

:sad1: :)
Gotta love a sleeping toddler. ::yes::

Good! Glad it turned out so well in the end!
Me too - it was dicey for awhile there, but was really an enjoyable day overall.

Of all those pics, this one is far and away my favourite.
And that would be second.
Thanks, I like those too!

Just got caught up on your TR! Izzy is so adorable but I can tell the trips to the potty are going to be interesting! We are holding off on potty training our DD until, after our trip to WDW next month to hopefully avoid the false trips to the potty and avoid "standing in line but we have to leave NOW to go to the potty". Which is just as well since she doesn't seem interested in potty training yet.
I think you are doing the right thing. I might have done the same, but I wanted her trained because of the cruise ship pool rules (must be potty trained). Overall, I think she did really good, but boy oh boy did we visit a LOT of Disney potties. :faint: And, yes, there was a getting-out-of-line-after-waiting-all-the-way-to-the-front incident. :headache: And, of course, she didn't ACTUALLY need to go.

Can't wait to see what you do on your second day since you managed to do all that on your first! :cool1:
Thanks, can't wait to cover it. Quite an interesting one. :rolleyes1
I've never taken a stroller shopping, but I've definitely used it as a luggage cart before!
They are handy multipurpose vehicles! :thumbsup2

You're not supposed to look at prices. That's why they give you that magic band so you can just wave it and not have to look at the price. :rolleyes1
Probably best to not look if you know you need it...there's no real opportunity to comparison shop or buy the generic, so why bother looking? :sad2:

We've got one of those at home. I use it to make a toast and egg sandwich for breakfast once in a while. It is almost rare that we have eggs on hand though.
Um, maybe you need some chickens on your farm? :scratchin

I'm trying to quit. But it is so hard... I actually did give pop up about 10 years ago. Then started drinking it again. And now I have about 1 or 2 per day. Not horrible, but I'd like to just quit drinking it altogether. Congrats to Dug for being able to do it!
Yep, I'm with you. I gave up all caffeinated pop probably 6 years ago? And, in general, didn't drink much non-caffeinated pop for years. But then going back to work with a baby at home that had me up multiple times per night just got me. I'm not a coffee drinker, so that was my only hope of staying conscious during the workday. And I just am in the habit and enjoy it now and am trying to cut it back out - I'm with you on 1-2 per day right now.

Great idea!
Gotta thank the DIS for that one! :thumbsup2

Thank goodness!!!!!
She sure needed that sleep!

There's nothing wrong with that. Our kids often sleep in their clothes. I mean, if they fall asleep, why wake them up to put something on that you're just going to change them out of in the morning anyway???
Very true. She has slept in her clothes most nights all summer. Tonight included. However, the last few nights, she wore her Buzz Lightyear jammies, so that's progress, I guess.

I just wanted to pop in to tell you that your trip reports with Izzy have been so enjoyable and helpful, as we are heading "home" for a 10-day trip next month (AKV, BLT and AoA) with an almost 2 year old; and I've learned a lot about what to potentially expect and some awesome opportunities reading your trip reports! Thank you for taking the time to put them together!!
Thank you! :goodvibes I hope you have an amazing trip - sure sounds like a great resort line-up and 10 days is great too! I'm so happy I've helped you - I have gotten so much help from other DIS TRs over the years, so I like to try to give back in that way.

I'm joining in late, but I'm all caught up. I can totally relate to toddler melt downs when trying to get them dressed. I have a 3 year old son and I swear it is a battle every morning!! UGH! I'm hoping by our next family trip in Spring 2016 he will have grown out of this stage a bit. I have to admit I watched all your wonderful videos except for the head smacking one...I just couldn't bring myself to watch...poor baby, I'm glad she was fine though. I agree at that age they are accustomed to bumping heads (and other body parts) I think it is harder on Mommy and Daddy. :(

Loving the updates!
:welcome: Thanks for joining in! What is it with toddlers and their clothing choices? :rotfl: Such strong opinions! Everyone tells me that things get much better around 4 years old, so I hope you'll have a smooth time on your trip! Ha, I don't blame you on skipping the head-smack video. It makes me flinch to watch it and I only have a couple times because of that. But, yeah, they are always hurting themselves it seems - Izzy just bumped her head on a door tonight, but it barely warranted more than an "ouch". :headache:

Love reading your reports. We have an almost 2 year old who is full of personality and reminds me a lot of Izzy! We took alot of ideas from your reports when planning this years trip!
Thank you! :goodvibes Happy to share ideas. It's sure entertaining to have a high-personality toddler around. :thumbsup2

I'm so glad you were able to turn your day around. It can be hard coming back from a tantrum but it sounds like a fun night. I love that she slept in toutfit she refused to put on, kids righ? Looking forward to hearing about your first full day, maybe I'll make a cameo in the next one ;).
Haha, you're right - I think you'll make the next update! I'm so glad this day turned out pretty fun after that rough start at MCO. And then, of course, there was the ironic ending where she insisted on wearing the meltdown-inducing outfit to bed. :rotfl2:
nice timing! woohoo!!pixiedust:
It worked out just perfectly! :thumbsup2

You know, a month or so ago, DH and I were out at a concert (a rare date night, woohoo!) and the people in front of me were taking a selfie and I kept trying to lean out of it but wasn't sure I was being successful, so I just smiled - and then apologized to them!:confused3
Yeah, it is awkward to get stuck in the background. Hard to know what to do. I didn't even notice that lady in the background of ours until I looked afterwards, though. Too busy making sure Izzy was looking, I'm sure.

I'm totally jealous of that; I'm the only one in my family that eats eggs, so it'd be a no-go in my house, but it looks awesome!:thumbsup2
Well, you could always just get a 6-pack of eggs and make them for yourself. Everyone else can fend for themselves! :rotfl:

Okay, sorry for the brief hijack here. This reminds me of the first vacation I took with DH. We were traveling very much "on the cheap" as it were and thought to do the same thing you did. But then we thought about how much easier it would be if we had sport tops. So we refilled the soda into the sport-top water bottles. Oddly, it seemed to work at first, but then one bottle fell on the floor and started spinning around like it was possessed and spewing soda everywhere! Umm, yeah, not our proudest moment!:sad2:
Yikes! :eek: So much for that idea. :rotfl:

Ahhh, gotta love a sleeping baby! And we're in a jammie-resistant phase right now. They come and go, but they always make me sad, because little boys start to look so much like big boys so soon and PJs are one of the places he can still just be a cutie; but I know the long term "Mo-om, jammies are for babies" is going to happen sooner or later; and sooner for boys than girls! sniff!:sad:
Yeah, that's true, the jammies do keep them looking "little" as they are getting big.

I'm really excited to read how this turns out!
Whenever I get around to putting together the next update, I'll let you know. :rotfl: But, as you can see from the intro photo, we were successful! :thumbsup2

Ugh the I gotta pee...no wait never mind I don't dance. We have played that game many times! Not a lot of fun.
Not fun at all. And really took us by surprise, as it hadn't been an issue at home. :headache:

I like Dugs holiday sandwich, very clever!
It was - yum!

I'm glad Izzy doesn't seem to be afraid of fireworks. Chatlotte never was either and it's so nice to be able to enjoy fireworks with your kids.
I agree. I know a lot of kids are scared of the booms, but she just never has been bothered, which is really nice.

The Disney prices:sick:. So high it makes you sick! But I like everyone else here, just love giving this company my money, even at their ridiculously high rate. The egg sandwich maker does seem like a really good idea though.
Those grocery prices were so hard to stomach! I just had to remind myself that I was saving money vs. going out for breakfast each day, though.

Looks like your first day wore Izzy out!
Indeed! It had been a long day!
The Chewie Run

We were up bright and early for our first morning, as we had big plans: the “Chewie Run”. :chewy: From following along on the big Star Wars Weekends thread, I had learned that Chewbacca generally gets a VERY long line for his character meets and the best way to avoid that is to see him right away at park opening. As it turns out, the day we chose to do that was the first day of Star Wars Weekends and many other DISers had the same plan. So, it grew into the “Chewie Run” for all those involved. :hyper:

Tired little Izzy was still asleep at 6:14am:

While I was as it, I took a photo of the hidden Mickey I saw in the carpeting:

Izzy did not really want to get up, but I did manage to rouse her after a few minutes:

Meanwhile, Dug was playing chef and had made us those yummy egg sandwiches I was talking about in the last update:

Despite her sleepiness, Izzy was hungry and wanted to eat, so we got her set up with the yogurt and dried blueberries and her milk:

She looks so tired! :rotfl2:

Once we finished eating, we got everything ready to go, put on our pins, and were out the door just before 7am. Izzy even agreed to ride in her stroller, so that helped us to move along. :thumbsup2 We figured it might be too early for boats, so we’d just walk to the Studios. Some of the scenery along the way:

Oh, hey, lookie there…a boat :eek::

Could have been riding on it, oops. :headache: Already on its way back for another run:

But yay for exercise! :rolleyes: Tower of Terror was coming into view too:

And this is certainly a different view without the hat:

As we approached the entrance, I was amused by the self-watering plants:

I had never noticed that before – they have individual sprinklers built into their pots or something, I guess. :confused3 It was about 7:20am when we got here, by the way.

We were in line at 7:25am:

If you look way over to the left of the star, you can see something going on. I had thought it was the beginning of the celebrity autograph lines, as I remember it being something like that back in 2010 when we did it. However, it must have been something else, as we were able to look back and see the beginning of the celebrity autograph lines:

As we were looking around, a lady got our attention and told us that we had something leaking out of our bag. We looked down and, sure enough, there was milk leaking! :scared: Ugh, this was not the best way to start the Chewie Run! We went into our bag and pulled out Izzy’s milk. It was pretty amazing that there was anything leaking, as we had her milk in two thermoses (which are generally leak-proof) and had those thermoses in a sealed ziplock bag, just in case. Somehow, one of the lids had come a bit loose (maybe from the heat? It was already very hot out) and security must have flipped it upside down when they inspected our bag, so it just started seeping out right after that. :sad2: So, Dug and I scrambled to salvage everything else in the bag and dry stuff off, but we somehow bumped each others hands in the process of emptying the bag…and it knocked his sunglasses to the ground, breaking them. Ugh. :sad1: By this point, we were pretty snippy with each other and I felt peoples’ eyes on us (let’s face it, there wasn’t much else to look at while stuck in line). It was certainly not our finest moment and not a great way to start our day. :worried:

Once we had everything wiped down, I went and asked a CM where to find a sink to deal with our bag o’ milk. He pointed out the restrooms across the way. They were a little hike, but I got over there as quickly as I could and cleaned up the milk bag and thermoses.

I headed back to meet Dug, but couldn’t find him, as the lines had started moving up. I was wandering around, cutting across all the lines, trying to spot him. I’m sure some other guests thought I was trying to cut the line, but I eventually tracked him down and gave Izzy some milk. She’d been playing with her spinning Minnie toy, which survived the Great Milk Disaster of 2015:

We were in the park by about 7:45am and spotted our first Stormtrooper:

Izzy thought that was fantastic:

After the Stormtroopers welcomed us, the rope was dropped and we were in! :cool1: The plan had been for me to speed walk and Dug to follow with the stroller at a more leisurely pace and meet me in line (he walks much slower than I do). However, Izzy insisted on staying with me (I was holding her to see the Stormtroopers), so she got to do the Chewie Run along with me. Izzy did pretty good moving along with me (part walking, part running, part carrying), but we were a little ways back in the pack. I made sure to follow the recommended route and found my way there easily. The line was right across from this:

There it is:

We made it at about 7:55am (park opening at 8am, by the way). I enjoyed all the people-watching at Star Wars Weekends, like the Yoda backpack :yoda::

Dug joined us fairly soon and we waited. As you might imagine, it didn’t take long for Izzy to declare that she had to go potty. I took her and, as we walked past the Chewie line, I spotted Julie (@yulilin3), who ran the SWW thread on the DIS. I stopped to say hi and thank her for all that she did to help everyone plan for their visits. She noticed the button I was wearing and was happy to see people were wearing them (I never saw anyone else with one, though :confused3). While I was talking to her, a reporter approached to ask if they could get some footage of her daughter’s outfit – she was dressed as Sabine from Star Wars Rebels. Not a good picture, but you can kind-of see her right behind the backpack guy here:

On the way back, I realized I hadn’t gotten a picture with Julie, so I grabbed a walk-by shot – she is on the right, by her daughter:

At any rate, Izzy and I did make it all the way down to the restrooms, only to discover that Izzy did not like any of the potties she checked, so she changed her mind and no longer had to go. :headache: Of course. Hey, at least I spotted the Rebel Hangar (new Star Wars themed quick service for SWW) on the way:

A few minutes after Izzy and I rejoined the line, she wanted to go potty again. Naturally. ::yes:: Since we still had a decent wait in front of us, I took her again. This time, we actually saw Chewie and an Ewok out meeting:

I was excited to see an Ewok out with Chewie – perfect for Izzy to meet! :ewok:

As a bonus, Izzy was actually successful using the potty this trip! :woohoo:

On the way back to the line, I spotted Queen Amidala (behind the stroller):

I just now noticed that someone is bowing to her! :worship:

Back in line, Izzy had some milk and we took selfies:

During this time, I’d also been texting with Ashley (@ashw100), as they were planning to do the Chewie run this day too. Her husband had gotten in line earlier, but she had to stay back with the kids, I think. But, she did make it over while we were still waiting (with two of her boys in the stroller). She was so fun to talk to and we really enjoyed chatting with her for a bit about how the trips were going and such. However, I had a major DISer fail and completely forgot to take a picture to prove any of this actually happened. Oopsie. But she was great! :goodvibes

Soon, it was about 8:45am and we were next up to meet these guys:

Up next: Chewie hugs!

It's a RARITY nowadays when I can walk in and wake him up. Only on Disney vacations do I have to wake him up since we stay up so late ::yes::

Mmm, looks yummy. This looks like McD's egg McMuffins! I hate to admit it, but I LOVE them:blush:

:rotfl: She looks so sleepy! But doesn't she know she needs to meet an Ewok and Chewie?!

Could have been riding on it, oops. :headache: Already on its way back for another run:

Now we all know that they run super early ::yes::

I feel like the lines for DHS are always like this. Even when special events aren't happening.

As we were looking around, a lady got our attention and told us that we had something leaking out of our bag. We looked down and, sure enough, there was milk leaking! :scared: Ugh, this was not the best way to start the Chewie Run! We went into our bag and pulled out Izzy’s milk. It was pretty amazing that there was anything leaking, as we had her milk in two thermoses (which are generally leak-proof) and had those thermoses in a sealed ziplock bag, just in case. Somehow, one of the lids had come a bit loose (maybe from the heat? It was already very hot out) and security must have flipped it upside down when they inspected our bag, so it just started seeping out right after that. :sad2: So, Dug and I scrambled to salvage everything else in the bag and dry stuff off, but we somehow bumped each others hands in the process of emptying the bag…and it knocked his sunglasses to the ground, breaking them. Ugh. :sad1:

Oh my gosh that sucks! Everything. But the glasses would make me cry. :sad: I have very sensitive eyes so I need my sunglasses at all times while outside.

:love: She looks very awake and happy now!

I just now noticed that someone is bowing to her! :worship:

:laughing: That's cute!

Soon, it was about 8:45am and we were next up to meet these guys:

So a little under an hour? Not too bad right? It will only get worse later on, i'm assuming.:scared:

Aw, it's amazing how, no matter how crazy they can be during the day how peaceful they look when they are sleeping :goodvibes

She looks so tired! :rotfl2:

Aw, she does not seem happy about it being morning, at least that morning ... glad to see she seemed to be in a good mood later

That's a great shot! :thumbsup2

Wow, just tons of lines everywhere - but I guess just something you have to accept if going all in for SWW

Sorry about the milk event - very frustrating when you think you take extra precautions and still something like that happens. And bummer about Dug's glasses and just everything (I am sure the lines and early hour contributing as well) getting snippy with each other - but that happens a lot at Disney ... and like you said if it wasn't for waiting in a line and not having a lot to look at I am sure people wouldn't have even given it a second notice. Plus they can take a positive message from how brief it was :thumbsup2

I spotted Julie (@yulilin3), who ran the SWW thread on the DIS. I stopped to say hi and thank her for all that she did to help everyone plan for their visits. She noticed the button I was wearing and was happy to see people were wearing them (I never saw anyone else with one, though :confused3).

Glad you got to see Julie and got to thank her, etc. ... wonder if she saw others with the pins. Obviously if people don't wear them it doesn't really work

Soon, it was about 8:45am and we were next up to meet these guys:

All in all seems like you did pretty well and to be seeing Chewie by that time with less than an hour wait in line is pretty good I think! Hopefully that fit ok with your plans for what you were targeting for after the meet
Aw Izzy did look super tired in that yogurt pic! But she looks wide awake once you're inside the park! :)

That stinks about the milk, and then getting huffy with each other while in line, but glad it all worked out in the end and you got it cleaned up and back on track!

Seems like not too bad of a wait that morning especially with all the DIS meets and bathroom breaks. I don't know how you dealt with Izzy pulling the no-potty thing over and over?! If Aria did that she would get a time out in the bathroom and then go (I think she has tried that maybe one time).
We have the same thermos for milk, and one day, out of the blue, it leaked all over my son's lunch box. We went crazy trying to figure out why, I was looking at replacement parts, googling any issues with the valve, etc. Turns out, my husband screwed on the lid too tightly which makes the little nubby part by the straw get dislodged and then the milk leaks out that way. Ironic that I had put the lid on and he took it away from me telling me that the lid was not on tightly enough, and that is when the leak occurred.

Anyway, loving the report.
I feel like I've been off of the Dis forever! Life has been pretty busy for the last few weeks! I just caught up on reading though and can't wait to see pics of your meet with Chewie and the ewoks. I was hoping that Ewok costume would show up... haha! But it was SO hot that day and I'm doubting it did! :)
Tired little Izzy was still asleep at 6:14am:

Meanwhile, Dug was playing chef and had made us those yummy egg sandwiches I was talking about in the last update
:thumbsup2We've ordered one of these contraptions for ourselves. I'm intrigued to see how well they work.

We looked down and, sure enough, there was milk leaking! :scared:

So, Dug and I scrambled to salvage everything else in the bag and dry stuff off, but we somehow bumped each others hands in the process of emptying the bag…and it knocked his sunglasses to the ground, breaking them. Ugh. :sad1:
At least you can laugh now right?:rotfl:

By this point, we were pretty snippy with each other and I felt peoples’ eyes on us (let’s face it, there wasn’t much else to look at while stuck in line)
That must have been rough in the moment.

She’d been playing with her spinning Minnie toy, which survived the Great Milk Disaster of 2015:
Well at least there is that!

Izzy thought that was fantastic:

LOVE this! So cute!

At any rate, Izzy and I did make it all the way down to the restrooms, only to discover that Izzy did not like any of the potties she checked, so she changed her mind and no longer had to go. :headache:

As a bonus, Izzy was actually successful using the potty this trip! :woohoo:
Those breakfast sandwiches look better than McD's! That's great having the kitchenette to get an earlier start to the day.

I love morning walks and I can't think of a better one than from BC to HS!

That stinks that the thermos leaked. I hate when stuff like that happens.

True story. I had a student last year named Amidala. Of course, I had to ask if she was named after Queen Amidala. I got a long sigh, complete with eyeroll, and a "Yeeeeeees!" She actually turned out to be a pretty great kid, who later told me how much she hated her name.
I can't believe how crowded it was so early in the morning! I guess that is what happens every morning during SWW though.

Oh gosh, the potty fake outs. :sad2: I totally don't miss those!! Although Paxton didn't usually decide he didn't need to go. He absolutely needed to go, but if there were too many toilets flushing and hand dryers going off causing all kinds of noise, he would freak out and refuse to go! Made for an interesting experience out to eat one night...

Looking forward to the pics with Chewbacca!!
Yum, those egg sandwiches looks good! I might have to keep those in mind for our DVC in May! It would be a nice break from the granola bars and yogurt we usually eat.

The view of Hollywood Studios minus the hat is just so different. I'm excited to see it soon!

Wow, those lines are crazy for so early! I guess that's to be expected during the first SWW!

I'm sorry about the milk fiasco. Those leaks are so awful, especially when you try to hard to prevent them. And they always come at the worst times!

Can't wait for the pictures - Izzy and the Ewok must have been pretty cute!
The Chewie run was certainly an experience! I'm glad you were able to get the milk cleaned up. Good thing that lady alerted you to the problem! Milk after sitting in the sun would have been super yucky to clean up!

Oh the bathroom fake-outs! :faint: Good thing you had plenty of time to get that all straightened out!

I can not wait to see the pics of that meet! I bet they are super cute!
Living vicariously through the SWW part of your report. Hopefully, we will be attending our first SWW next year:dogdance:


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