"I'm NOT a Princess, I'm Izzy!" - May '15 Land/Sea ~ Updated 6/4: Link to Disneyland TR!!!

I'm very late to the party, but I'm joining in. We have a 2 year old as well, so I'm curious to read all about your trip!
Ugh, so sorry to hear that your day was dampened by startling news from work... that's the worse, and honestly, a fear that I always have when we go away on vacation -- that some misfortune will happen while we are miles away. Glad to hear that things are back on track, and here's hoping for a even greater things to come! RNR is a fantastic way to blast away any negative feelings, as is sitting in to hear Elsa sing "Let it go!" :) Can't wait to hear more about your Disney vaca popcorn::
I can probably guess but I wonder how that ewok "works"? So little!!
Good question! Honestly, I have no idea. Perhaps the Ewoks are friends with Tink? :confused3

Oh I have been there, done that with the doom & gloom news while on vacation! I still remember the panic setting in when standing at the DL turnstiles with DH and getting the news from my mom that a hurricane was set to make landfall in a couple days and she had DS with her!! But I'm glad despite the hiccup on your trip things have been mostly okay with your job. That had to be so stressful though!!
Ugh, that is just the worst feeling. Horrible news when you are supposed to be having a wonderful time and next to nothing you can do about it. Way too stressful! (What happened with the hurricane? Hope all was okay).

RnRC is a pretty good pick-me-up though, I gotta say!
Absolutely. If there's any ride that can clear your mind, it's that one (or ToT). ::yes::

I'm so excited to do the Frozen Singalong in DHS! It's such a cute little show, and since I don't have a little girl old enough to demand the soundtrack be played a hundred million times in a row, I still love all of the songs. lol
Haha, our days of listening to Let It Go repeatedly seem to have run their course, so it was fun to hear the songs again after a little break. (And just you wait - pretty soon your little girl will probably break into Let It Go...:rotfl:)

The work stuff is so stressful on vacation. I once went on vacation with really poor cell service waiting to see if I was going to get a job offer. I just kept checking the phone with no bars:sad1: I did get the offer though. I also have a co-worker, from two companies now, that tends to go on vacation when there are layoffs. I think this has happened 3-4 times now:confused3 He's very excitable, so he always looks like he's having a panic or heart attack for about a week upon his return. I always feel so bad for him and his timing luck. We went on vacation once and put our house on the market the day before (we had already moved into a new house), and there were pending layoffs at my job. I didn't think I was going to get laid off; my boss assured me before I left. However, one of the guys that was in my group got laid off. I was the technical lead of the group but not a manager. That actually worked out well, because I wouldn't have done the layoffs anyway, and I didn't have to feel bad to see him go when it was unfortunately the right decision. We also had to deal with offers on the house, which within only a week of being on the market was a good thing. Don't get me started on what happens when we go on vacation to Europe, ie death, destruction, hell fire, brimstone, cats and dogs living together:scared1: I am so glad that your situation has worked out for the most part. I wonder how beneficial benefits really are some days.
Yikes! You've had a bunch of stuff happen! :eek: Glad you got the job offer. But, man, if that co-worker goes out of town, all bets are off. :laughing:

You got the same spot we did in March for the Frozen Sing-Along. We were also running through the park to make it for our FP+. DH was trying to get food, but the wait at Backlot Express was 30 minutes. Luckily, there's a hot dog stand right outside Lights, Motor, Action, next door to Frozen, so we ate while watching the stunt show, but 2 hours after I had intended to eat lunch. The shows at DHS and lack of QS places really makes lunch difficult there sometimes. I have vowed to not over-schedule DHS again. I am not a huge Frozen fan, but DS loved it. He's still got a high-pitched little boys voice, so he sounds like he's in a choir when he sings along. It was very adorable, and he somehow knows all of the lyrics (even though he can't remember to bring his jacket home from school). Looks like Izzy really liked it too.
Yes, food options at DHS are really lacking. And you're right, trying to cram them in between shows complicates it further. Glad you found a hot dog stand! Ha, I guess your DS proves that just about EVERYONE has Frozen memorized. :rotfl:

ugh, always hate when real life interrupts vacation - especially when in the Disney bubble. Glad to hear that all-in-all it could have turned out much worse but can totally get the stress level increase which is note what you want. Not sure if this makes you feel better but cutting back on benefits seems to be everywhere - I know we had a major change to our health care which resulted in higher costs and lower level of benefits (high deductible) - and haven't had any cost of living increases in 3 years so take-home income has gone down each of the last three years ... and we are doing well and buying companies - so seems more just an market trend than anything.
That's sad about the benefits. Several years ago, our options all switched to high deductible plans. I actually switched to Dug's plan this year (before the sale), since he has one of the few good AND affordable plans left out there. I'm so glad I switched, as all my co-workers are on COBRA (and had to deal with annoying hoops to jump through) to keep their health insurance through the end of the year until new options are announced. I've been at my job 8 years and there was only 1 year with no pay increases (back when everyone was just grateful to still have a job at all), but there have been many times that the increased cost of benefits completely consumed any small increase in pay given. At Dug's old job, they had enacted a 1% annual pay increase maximum several years back - benefits easily ate up those increases. Glad he has a new job now, even if they also happen to have a pay freeze in effect right now, ugh (possibly being lifted soon, though). Certainly not the glamorous world that people dream of once they get a "real job". :sad2:

At least you did have that limo ride to the concert to take your mind off things ;)
'80's rock can fix everything. :thumbsup2 :music: (at least they weren't playing Cryin' :sad:, I guess)

Sorry your view to the parade was not the best - but at least you knew you had the VIP package for the next week.
Yeah, we weren't too worried about it, knowing we'd have prime viewing next time. At least Dug could see some things. Izzy and I, well, not so much.

Speaking of views - glad you got a better one for the Frozen show compared to your last trip. Also glad to hear that crowd participation was high as that definitely impacts how enjoyable the show it.
Yeah, this was an upgrade from my back corner for sure. I'm glad we had decent crowd participation - for sure can make a difference.

Food options aren't the best at DHS (hopefully that is something else that improves with the construction, though I can't even imagine what the wait to get into the Cantina is going to be like) - seems like you did as well as you could have though
Yeah, it worked. Nothing remarkable, but got us fed. We actually had never been to ABC Commissary before, so were able to cross something else off our list too.

We loved those Power Pack kid's meals- so perfect for snack-loving toddlers!
They are great! Izzy really likes lots of little munchies vs. a big meal, so this was just perfect. Especially since we had to eat and run and could bring the rest along easily.

Sorry about the bad news while on vacation :( Hopefully it didn't keep you down for too many days. Yuck.
Thanks. I just wish it had been toward the end of the vacation. Stepping foot on a cruise ship and knowing I'd be out of touch and unable to get any updates for several days was hard. Then again, it was also helpful to fully take my mind off things.

I'm glad everything worked out with your job. We had a similar experience many years ago while in Disney with my husband's job. It really put a damper on the rest of the trip. Phil is correct about benefits. They sure aren't what they used to be and I think that's pretty much everywhere. And I don't even want to get started on the stock market with pensions. Ugh!
Really a bummer to hear all the agreement on benefits being lousy. Ugh, and pensions - I actually used to have one, as I started right before the company stopped offering them, so I was grandfathered in. Well, not anymore - had to roll it into my IRA. Hey, at least it's something. Glad I wasn't relying on it or anything, though.

RnRC is a great way to forget your troubles. The first row is the least headache inducing seat? I may have to try that next time.
For me, at least, the first row is a completely different experience. I don't know why exactly, but I feel a million times better there. Plus it's a much better view of everything.

I've never eaten at ABC Commissary. I heard it has improved and your meals looked good. I hate when counter service restaurants are that packed and you're juggling a tray and trying to find a table.
It was our first time going there, but it was decent. Nothing to write home about, but fine for lunch. I felt so bad when I realized that Dug was going to have to deal with all the food, drinks, and kid/stroller by himself. :(

It really didn't make sense that you would have an obstructed view with FP+. Hmmmm.... Izzy appeared to be enjoying herself. Such a sweetie!
Yeah, that pillar made me question if it was really the FP+ section, but I guess so. Yes, Izzy had a great time!

Dug has a great voice! Did he sing in his high school choir or anything like that? Really impressive. I couldn't carry a tune with a handle!
Thanks! He actually has quite the performing history. He was in drama, swing choir, etc. as a kid. He always has people come up to him after church to tell him how much they enjoyed him singing (just in his seat, not in choir or anything). He actually may be in the choir soon, as he put in his name when they asked for interested people. I enjoy singing...when I'm by myself in the car. :rotfl: I have no talent for it, though. And I sound even worse compared to him. :laughing:

Just have to echo what others are saying about benefits. Ours go up in price every year, the coverage worsens, and we didn't get raises from 2008-2014, oh, except for a very minimal one when they announced they were taking away bonuses...so essentially a pay cut every year. This was the first year we got raises and unfortunately, I have had 3 promotions in the time when they did not give increases, so of course the increase I received doesn't compensate for raises one would assume would come with a promotion. Oh and half of the people that report to me make more than I do. But, I get to work from home, and flexible hours, and that's kind of what matters right now at my son's age and with my DH's work schedule the way it is.
Wow, I'm just amazed and saddened at all the stories of lousy benefits and compensation from everyone. 6 YEARS of no increases?! :eek: Not to mention the more expensive benefits. :sad2: I am with you on the working from home and flexibility thing, though. Dug very much has that (100% working from home and flexible) and I have that to some extent (can work from home, but try to limit it to when I really need to). Definitely nice with a young kid in the house.

Anyway, looking forward to reading more. Our trip is in a month and any extra tips for traveling with a toddler are welcome!
Your trip is so soon! I try to pack in as many tips as I can, but let me know if there are any specifics you'd like thoughts on. I have read so many other TRs with toddlers and that has really helped me out. I hope things go great for you guys! :goodvibes

Oh, BTW, I bought that egg cooker and DS loves his egg and cheese sandwiches that I make for him with it. It's really perfect, since the egg is all one piece instead of the little scrambled bits that would fall out of the bread (if that makes any sense!)
Yep, that totally makes sense! It's a nice solid egg patty, which is nice if you're eating on the run or something too. Glad he likes them!

As I grew up in Minnesota and still have many friends there, my Facebook feed had plenty of unhappy or consoling messages over the past year with all the upheaval at your prior company. I'm glad you were able to get a few answers immediately, but I'm sorry about the negative changes to your benefits and the fact that it put a damper on your trip. :worried:
Yeah, it definitely has had an effect on the Twin Cities. In a way, it's a relief to be free of that. And we are the lucky ones. Most people who were separated from the company were out of a job. But we all kept ours. Yes, there were negative changes, but we are in a good place and I have hope for the future (vs. worry, like my SIL who never knows if she'll have a job the next day).

On a brighter note, a ride on Rock N Roller coaster is great medicine for disappointment! :thumbsup2
It absolutely is! Nothing like blasting off at 60 mph! :hyper:

I really enjoyed the Frozen Sing Along - I'm glad you got a better view this time! It looks like Izzy was really enjoying it (and Dug was really enjoying a chance to sit down in the air conditioning! :laughing: ).
We all were glad to have made it to the show. It's a fun event for the whole family. And a great place to nap too, I guess. :rotfl:

What A rough thing to have happen at the start of a trip!Glad you were able to shake it off and have some fun.
Yeah, certainly not what I was expecting to deal with on our trip. But when you have a FP+ waiting, you have no choice but to get over it and move on.
Oh, man. Here you are in a place that is extremely efficient at separating you from your money... and you may be out of a job?!?
Yeah, not a good combination. :eek:

:laughing: Makes perfect sense.... on both your parts!
I agree. Perfect line!

That's too bad. I'm glad (other than the benefits) that it seems to have worked out.
Yeah, it's worked out pretty well, but there was so much unknown at that time that it was really difficult to not worry.

Huh. You wouldn't think it'd make a difference since the ride should be pretty much the same.
Maybe you were focusing on the person in front of you?

I don't know what it is, but I just feel so much better in the front seat on that one. :confused3


I remember seeing that... and of course wouldn't dream of touching it.
I failed where Izzy succeeded.
I was sure checking things over to make sure it was meant to be played with - and it was. But, man, that Disney theming is detailed.

Gotta be neat and tidy, ya know.
Yay, we've succeeded as parents! :cheer2:

Has she seen Star Wars IV? She might change her mind. :laughing:
Actually, Dug watched a couple of the Star Wars movies with her and she thinks Vader is funny and said, "He's not dangerous, Daddy!" :darth:

I call that Disney brain.
Works for me.

mmmm... shrimp. All burgers should come with shrimp on top.
And then I'd remove mine and give it to Dug. :crazy2:

You'd think that FP seating would be slightly better, not worse.
One would think. :scratchin




:laughing: You gave us a sample! And I thought you did just fine.
Well, thank you. The nice thing is that most of my singing these days is to a toddler and she hasn't quite figured out how bad it is yet. :rotfl:

I'm sorry real life had to intrude on your Disney bubble! You don't want to have to think about the real world, much less job and benefit issues! I'm glad it's been more or less sorted out and hopefully things improve!
Thanks! It really was an unfortunately timed distraction.

It sounds like RnRc was the perfect medicine for your real world blues! And that does look like a fun "play" area you found with Izzy!
Both were good to pull me back into that Disney bubble!

Eating at QS at the parks was always very stressful for me. Trying to find a table, entertaining the boys while we had to wait for someone to get food...too much stress! I think I prefer TS but budget and time don't always allow for that. ABC Commissary does look like a good QS choice at HS though!
True, just like how I appreciate family-style vs. buffet meals - just easier with little ones. ::yes::

I'm glad you guys made it on time for the Frozen Sing Along (and Dug's naptime, apparently) this time! It seems like Izzy really enjoyed the show!
I'm so glad we made it without having to run across the park! :faint: We all enjoyed it (in our own ways...:rotfl:)

Whew! I'm so glad your work news wasn't worse than it was. Although downgrades in benefits really are a bummer. (Does this means no more cool company store trips like in your PTR for the fish extender? Boo:sad2:)
You are correct, no more of those visits. :sad1: (well, my SIL could probably get me in as a guest if I really pushed it, but...eh.) By the way, those FE gifts became quite ironic at this point. But no changing my mind on them now. :rolleyes:

But, hard as it is to put real life aside when it wants to intrude on vacation time, I'm glad you were able to enjoy RnRC! Those snacks for Izzy were such a great idea with the time crunch you were under!
RnRC really was what I needed to deal with everything in that moment. And I loved that little snack pack for Izzy! Perfect for a toddler.

And Yay :yay: for getting a better view of Frozen SingALong this time. (Though, it's definitely a shame there was still a pillar in your line of sight!)
At least we could see Kristoff this time - that didn't go so well last time - the pillar was always in the way.


Well, that is just the type of news you want to get when you're on vacation.

Well, it certainly doesn't sound quite so bad. I'm still sorry that you had to find this out while in the middle of DHS though.
At the time, I really had a lot of uncertainty on what was going on and what I'd be coming back to. I remember thinking, while on the trip, that I hoped I could write in this TR that things had turned out okay, once I got to it. So, I guess that wish came true.

Good to know. Except for that part about the benefits. Those losses can really add up quick.
Sure can. :sad2: I am interested to see what changes, if any, are offered in benefits for 2016. I know that they are reviewing things and I've submitted some feedback and suggestions as well. Hoping for the best!

Comedy gold right there. ::yes::

I absolutely understand and I can't blame you at all for being somewhat affected by this news.
It was so hard not being able to talk it out with everyone and knowing that I was missing meetings that informed others on changes. Thank goodness our Controller was willing to answer lots of questions for me.

That always helps! :thumbsup2
'80's hair bands are always the answer. :thumbsup2

::yes:: You really screwed Dug over on this one. :rotfl2:

But in your defense, you were a little bit distracted. :rolleyes1
Yeah, oops. You are right, though, I have a good excuse. I know I was lost in thought as I waited at that table.

Hey! That is pretty much exactly where we sat in December. Also walking up just before they closed FP+.

And why wouldn't there be pillars in the middle of a theater??? :confused3 :rolleyes1
That theater seems so poorly designed. I remember back in 2010 they had SWW shows there and the pillars were an issue then too.

No matter whether you like Frozen or not... there' just something about the effects of the ice & snow. It really is pretty cool.
I agree - they did a nice job of putting together a show with good appeal that anyone can enjoy.

::yes:: The crowd really does seem to get into it and go along with it. But I just keep my mouth shut, cause nobody wants to hear that noise.
I just sing quietly, so nobody hears me over Dug (except apparently my phone, as it was so close to me).

I'm very late to the party, but I'm joining in. We have a 2 year old as well, so I'm curious to read all about your trip!
:welcome: Glad to have you along! And don't worry, I've really just barely started. There is a LOT of this trip left! :faint: I love reading trip reports with other toddlers - definitely has helped prepare me for our trips. :thumbsup2

Ugh, so sorry to hear that your day was dampened by startling news from work... that's the worse, and honestly, a fear that I always have when we go away on vacation -- that some misfortune will happen while we are miles away. Glad to hear that things are back on track, and here's hoping for a even greater things to come! RNR is a fantastic way to blast away any negative feelings, as is sitting in to hear Elsa sing "Let it go!" :) Can't wait to hear more about your Disney vaca popcorn::
Yeah, bad stuff happening while you're gone is a valid fear. My dad and stepmom once had to cut an out-of-country vacation short and fly home because my grandma (dad's mom) passed away. It's a double-whammy of negativity when you have the bad event AND have to ruin your trip. :sad2: Haha, the "Let It Go!" was quite appropriate for the situation! :rotfl:
Yeah, it's worked out pretty well, but there was so much unknown at that time that it was really difficult to not worry.

I totally get that.

I was sure checking things over to make sure it was meant to be played with - and it was. But, man, that Disney theming is detailed.


Yay, we've succeeded as parents! :cheer2:

That's what we thought.... then they become teenagers....

Actually, Dug watched a couple of the Star Wars movies with her and she thinks Vader is funny and said, "He's not dangerous, Daddy!" :darth:


And then I'd remove mine and give it to Dug. :crazy2:

Or me. He has his own, already.

The nice thing is that most of my singing these days is to a toddler and she hasn't quite figured out how bad it is yet. :rotfl:

Walking With The Force

We headed out of the Frozen Sing-along and Dug wanted to make a quick restroom stop before heading to his FP+ for the Behind the Force show in another 9 minutes. I guess this was on the way:

Since she said she didn't need to go, Izzy and I hung out in the air-conditioned store nearby to wait:

I thought this was cute:

Dug came back and we bid him farewell, as he needed to get over to the Behind the Force show by 1:35pm. :wave2: And, of course, now Izzy decided she had to go potty after all. :headache: Since I could no longer hand the stroller off to Dug, I parked it just outside the restrooms – which I don’t think was a stroller parking area, but it was fine. We went in and Izzy may have gone, not sure. When we came out, there was a streetmosphere show going on:

I know that they actually included us in some way, but I sure can’t remember the details now. :confused: Oh, well, I remember it was funny. We headed out then. Looking back, you can see the area where I had illegally stroller parked (someone copied me):

Almost to the exit:

And it looks like Dug was enjoying the Stormtrooper preshow:

On the way out, I remembered how, back in August, I had stopped at a little booth on the way out to grab an ice water for the walk. It was 1:50pm, we had time, so I decided to stop again:

And, just like when I had stopped there last time, there was only one person in front of me, but a huge delay with the guest and CM chatting endlessly and ignoring the forming line. :sad2: Meanwhile, Dug was watching this:

And I was watching not much of anything:

James Arnold Taylor (the host) appeared on Dug’s stage:

And Izzy looked up at me, wondering what was delaying us:

Dug has about a million pictures of this show:

I ended up talking with the guests behind me and found out they only wanted water too. We got the CM’s attention, though she was still chatting with the other guest, and it turns out she was chatting away because their system was down. :headache: Once we told her we all only wanted waters, she got them for us. I just wish she had addressed us sooner. Oh, well. Time to head to Epcot!

But we quickly got distracted on our way out – by the hat stand:

I think Izzy actually tried on ALL of them, but here’s a small sampling:

Looks like one of the SWW guests (from the Rebels cartoon) joined James Arnold Taylor onstage:

Um, and then there was a dinosaur? :confused3:

I got Izzy back into her stroller, expecting her to nap during this walk. She didn’t :sad2::

We passed this boat hauling greenery:

And Dug’s show apparently featured dogs and droids:

After his show, he grabbed a BBQ Pork hot dog snack from Fairfax Fare:

After a quick snack, he was back in for his next show, Stars of the Saga:

I decided that, as long as we were passing right by our resort, we might as well stop into the room briefly to freshen up and replenish supplies. It was a fairly quick stop and we were running back down the hallway to head out at 2:58pm:

Izzy insisted on carrying her blankie (that was meant to coax her into napping), so I had to teach her how to ball it up so that it didn’t drag on the ground.

We noticed a wedding getting ready to start in the pavilion:

After we passed through the International Gateway, I stopped at the unmanned FP+ kiosk just inside the park. Because they didn’t scan our Magic Bands for the Frozen Sing-along, I thought it would be wise to go ahead and change them to something in Epcot later that day, just in case. I can’t recall what I changed them to, but I know that I did have a moment of panic, hoping it didn’t change Dug’s Stars of the Saga FP+ :eek:, but then I realized he would have already scanned his band for it, so we were good. :thumbsup2

I had plans to meet up with Lauren (@Imagineer5) and her daughter Aria and their friends, but I hadn’t heard back from her just yet. I had no real plan for Epcot and really hadn’t expected Izzy to still be awake, so what to do now? :scratchin

I heard some music coming from the UK, so I decided to go check that out:

Looks like Dug was watching Stormtroopers again:

Up next: A new-to-us character meet and a taste of the Outdoor Kitchens. :cool1:
By the way, those FE gifts became quite ironic at this point. But no changing my mind on them now. :rolleyes:

I'm sure!

Izzy insisted on carrying her blankie (that was meant to coax her into napping), so I had to teach her how to ball it up so that it didn’t drag on the ground.

An important lesson! And one that still gets a good deal of use at our house!

I ended up talking with the guests behind me and found out they only wanted water too. We got the CM’s attention, though she was still chatting with the other guest, and it turns out she was chatting away because their system was down. :headache: Once we told her we all only wanted waters, she got them for us.

Annoying that she didn't say something sooner. Even if it's just "Hi back there, our system is down right now but it shouldn't be too long if you want to wait. Oh? Just water? Great, here you go!"

But we quickly got distracted on our way out – by the hat stand:
I think Izzy actually tried on ALL of them

I'm always impressed when people are able to let their little ones just play with stuff like this and not get antsy with impatience. I'm fine if we're with people, but if it's just me and DS I always feel like we just.need.to.leave.now to get wherever it is we're heading:worried: So, good for you!:thumbsup2

And Dug’s show apparently featured dogs and droids:

Chomper!! :love: DS is a big fan. In fact, we were reading a Star Wars book the other day that focused on R2D2 and C3PO and at first he was telling me that R2D2 was Chomper :confused3 I had to clarify but it was pretty cute all the same!
Looking back, you can see the area where I had illegally stroller parked (someone copied me):
Well, if it is illegally parked, then I'm guilty too. We've parked a stroller there before.

And now I have a question... did they get rid of the car that sat in that alley/street, or is it just behind where you were standing?

And, just like when I had stopped there last time, there was only one person in front of me, but a huge delay with the guest and CM chatting endlessly and ignoring the forming line.
Oh boy... and this was supposed to be easy! At least it was finally taken care of and you were on your way.

Meanwhile, Dug was watching this:

And I was watching not much of anything
Dug wins.

Um, and then there was a dinosaur? :confused3:
Maybe something from the new movie????? :rotfl2:

Ok, I'm disturbed by this. 17% say Greedo? Really? And these are Star Wars fans? Come on!!!
I have almost the exact same photo of my daughter (when she was two) wearing the Goofy hat-covering her face and everything.

We were at that same Stars of the Saga show. I believe the dinosaur is another character that actress does the voice for.

They explained the dog too but I forgot.
awe, I love the pic of Izzy looking up at you from inside her carriage..... so precious! Enjoy these times, they go by all to fast.
Since she said she didn't need to go,


And, of course, now Izzy decided she had to go potty after all.

See? Toldja.

Looking back, you can see the area where I had illegally stroller parked (someone copied me)

You started a trend.

On the way out, I remembered how, back in August, I had stopped at a little booth on the way out to grab an ice water for the walk.

Hey! We got ice water from that same spot this past August.

And Izzy looked up at me, wondering what was delaying us:

Yeah, so like that's a cute picture. :goodvibes

Dug has about a million pictures of this show:

:laughing: Because he wanted you to enjoy it too!

We got the CM’s attention, though she was still chatting with the other guest, and it turns out she was chatting away because their system was down. :headache: Once we told her we all only wanted waters, she got them for us. I just wish she had addressed us sooner.

Oh, for Pete's sake! What did she think people were lining up for???

But we quickly got distracted on our way out – by the hat stand:

Yep. That'll do it everytime.

Um, and then there was a dinosaur? :confused3

Maybe that's a voiceover she does?

And Dug’s show apparently featured dogs and droids:

The two "Ds" of Disney Star Wars.

Izzy insisted on carrying her blankie (that was meant to coax her into napping),

Ah yes... the omnipresent blankie.
How I remember those days.

I can’t recall what I changed them to, but I know that I did have a moment of panic, hoping it didn’t change Dug’s Stars of the Saga FP+ :eek:, but then I realized he would have already scanned his band for it, so we were good. :thumbsup2

So... would you have gone ahead anyway? Risking it?

Hmm...I seem to remember leaving our stroller in the exact same spot. So I guess we were illegal too? But I think I remember a car being parked in the little alley there?

I'm sorry getting the ice water was such a struggle! Love the hats!

That does look like a fun show - Nate loves Star Wars Rebels and I think I spy Ezra, Sabine, and Chopper. He would love that! I would like a SWW trip but I'm not sure what will happen with the new changes and Season of the Force, etc.

Hope you and Izzy found some fun in Epcot!
I love that you and Dug can tell what the other was doing at the same time thanks to your picture timestamps! :thumbsup2

The water stand situation sounds rather irritating - I know the CM knew the system was down, but all of you in line didn't! :headache: It would've been nice if she's stopped her conversation periodically to let new guests know that the system was down. All of you could've had your waters a lot quicker!

Oooo, a new character! Alice? Mary? (Who else is in Britain?! I feel like you've met Pooh and Tigger... :scratchin )
Oh my goodness, your job stress sounds awful!! I can't imagine getting that kind of news on vacation. Completely understand how that would put a damper on your trip. I mean, no matter how much you tell yourself to not think about it, you can't just brush that kind of news off.
I'm really glad to hear things are (mostly) the same still.

Izzy trying on all those hats is adorable. I loved the Goofy one.

I love that you were able to just walk to your room to refresh supplies. That sounds wonderful!

Oooh, the outdoor kitchens! One of my favorite additions to Flower and Garden.
Dug had some solo time! How fun! It looked like he really enjoyed SWW to the fullest!
I would totally get a snack in between shows too. I'm jealous he got to go to the Stars of the Saga show - I wanted to do that but it was full. Oh well! Maybe another year.

Cute hats on Izzy! I especially like the Goofy one.

Can't wait to see what's for dinner...
Looks like Dug was having a good afternoon .... Stormtroopers, Dinosaurs, Droids, Hotdogs, .... good times

bummer about the delay at that one stand - but seems like it didn't cost you too much.

How convenient to just walk from DHS, stop at your room, and continue on to EPCOT!

new character experience, that sounds fun!
Hi! I am all caught up!! Sorry for my absence ;) I had to look back at what I was doing at 3 at EPCOT when you texted, looks like you were texting while we were in Soarin' doing a swap, I think we may have also done Nemo? IDK. But we met up not too long afterwards :)

I'm surprised you went to ABC Commissary LOL - glad it worked out okay. THat is on my list of never.to.return restaurants. I don't even remember why now but I know it was from my trip with my mom in 2000 - so I guess after 15 years it could have changed a bit ;)

Interesting to read some background on your job info, I'm glad to hear that you are overall happy with any changes except for those benefits - that does really stink since I know you used them quite a bit and got really good at it too! LOL. Sounds like RnRC was a great choice right then though!

Looking forward to more! :)
I think Izzy actually tried on ALL of them, but here’s a small sampling:

:lovestruc Very Cute. And that reminded me... I scored some ears at a consignment sale last night and had to get them properly stashed for March.

Um, and then there was a dinosaur? :confused3:

Maybe she was talking up coming projects and is going to be in this new dino movie coming out soon? :confused3

Ok, I'm disturbed by this. 17% say Greedo? Really? And these are Star Wars fans? Come on!!!
:rotfl::rotfl2::lmao: I chop it up to misinformed youth who have only seen the recent edited ones.
Seasonal Update – Off-Topic

Hi, all. I’ll get to replies soon, but I just thought I’d share a couple of things we’ve been up to lately.

First off, Izzy turned 3 a few weeks ago! :cake: I can’t believe how quickly the last three years have gone by and how much she’s grown up. :faint:

We just had a small family get-together (well, a couple of them) to celebrate her birthday, so nothing too crazy. However, we did let her choose a fancy cake. We showed her some examples on the Facebook feed of our “cake lady” (she works out of her home and does amazing things – she did Izzy’s 1st birthday cake and 2nd birthday cupcakes too). Izzy saw this example, which sold her on wanting a Doc McStuffins cake:

We only needed a small cake, so it wasn’t quite like the picture, but still really cute:

Here she is blowing out the three candles that she insisted on having:

She got the candle/cake idea in her head on Labor Day Weekend, when we went to Wisconsin to visit my Grandma. We brought my mom along and it was her birthday, so she got a cake and blew out a candle. Four generations celebrating:

The other big recent celebration was that Dug and I celebrated our 10th anniversary on 10/1. (Yes, we share our anniversary date with WDW, but didn’t know at the time :thumbsup2). We went back and forth on doing anything special, as our travel budget is really being squeezed with Hawaii in January, possibly Disneyland in February, and maybe a Disney cruise Dec. 2016. But, we made a last-minute call to go to Duluth on the cheap for one night (Minnesota’s north shore – about 2 hours from here). My dad and stepmom happily agreed to take Izzy overnight (and Bailey) and we drove up to Duluth for the weekend. Seemed strange to go out of town without Izzy – we hadn’t done that before. I’d like to take her up there someday, though, as she’d enjoy it a lot, I think.

It was a beautiful, though windy, day when we drove up. We stopped at a rest area/scenic view on the way into town:

That’s Duluth’s famous lift bridge and Lake Superior, by the way.

We then drove the Skyline Drive and enjoyed the views. After that, we swung by the Olcott House Bed & Breakfast, which was where we actually got engaged. We didn’t stay there this time, though, as it was booked when we made our last-minute decision to go. Interestingly enough, if we had $1.2 million lying around, we could actually buy the whole place, as it’s currently for sale! (http://www.edinarealty.com/homes-for-sale/2316-E-1st-St-Duluth-MN-55812-117151329). (Photo 14 on there is the room we got engaged in!)

Anyway, this time around, we were staying at the Hampton Inn, right on Canal Park/Lake Superior. It was pretty much the only place with an opening, but it was great. We like Hampton Inns in general and it was wonderfully located, walking distance to everything we wanted to do in town. This was the view from their breakfast area in the lobby:

That night, after checking in a relaxing for a few minutes, we decided to change up our plans a bit. I was really tired (fighting/recovering from a cold) and wasn’t particularly hungry. We’d been thinking of going to have a nice dinner at the Italian place we’d gone to on our engagement trip. Instead, we chose to go to a sandwich shop. :rotfl: It was actually amazing. :thumbsup2 Dug saw great reviews on Yelp and we walked over (in the crazy strong wind! :cold:) and enjoyed some fresh smoked-meat sandwiches (actually, first we went to Caribou Coffee and got some hot drinks to keep us warm for the walk). Then we walked past the haunted boat we’d considered doing (a haunted house inside a classic boat that does tours – I wasn’t up for the haunted boat because I wasn’t feeling well and felt that the ghosts would “get me”.:rotfl2:) Our destination was the movie theater and we saw The Martian, which we enjoyed. And then we were tired, so we walked back to our hotel and got some sleep. We are exciting people, haha! :rotfl:

In the morning, we went down to the lobby to partake in the free breakfast, which was very good. This day was much less windy (though still chilly), so we went for a walk along the lake after breakfast:

Our big plan for this day was to drive further up the North Shore and take a scenic boat tour of the area, also taking in some of the fall colors. This turned out to be fantastic! We also lucked out, as they had cancelled all excursions the previous day, due to the strong winds, but they were back to normal again this day. Here’s our boat:

We got seats outside, right in the front. I liked that this was a family-run operation. The captain was wearing his toddler in a back carrier the whole time. Pretty cool.

Oh, before we left Duluth, we stopped back to the awesome sandwich place (Northern Waters Smokehouse) and picked up a “Salami Basket” to go. We ate this as we waited for the boat to disembark:

Amazing! Bread, meat, cheese, homemade butter, olives, lettuce. Just yum!

Our ride was great, with interesting narration and beautiful scenery. I tried to pick out some highlights, but I guess I had a lot of highlights, so enjoy:

It was actually peak fall colors time, but there are not a lot of color-changing trees in this area – but we did see some.

I was surprised at how many rock climbers we saw :eek::

It was a really nice day to be on the boat, but I was glad I brought my hat!

This was the taconite plant we passed:

This dog rode the boat with us (at one point, it was sleeping on it’s owner like a baby, too cute!):

It was a great time, but we had one more stop planned afterwards: Betty’s Pies!

A little North Shore tradition – diner food and great pies, right on the lake. We got there and it was crowded, as usual, but I went to the to-go counter and got a pie for my dad and step-mom while we waited (what better way to thank them for watching our dog and kid?) We ended up seated way in the back, in a sunroom I didn’t even know was there:

I really liked it back there! The food was good (I had a great BLT on parmesan-crusted bread), but we were really there for the pie:

I had a toffee pie (think Heath Bar) and Dug had a Blackberry Peach. Yum! But SO FILLING! :crazy2: I really should have stopped eating, but I HAD to finish. I thought pie was going to start coming out of my ears for the next hour. But it was good. ::yes::

Then we drove back home and got our dog and kid and called it a night.

Fun to have a little mini-getaway! Thanks for indulging me. I always enjoy the off-topic type updates and mini-TRs, so hope you do too! :goodvibes


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