Marathon Weekend 2016

A few months ago I was complaining about running outside when it was getting into the 50's and 40' we MIGHT get to 37 degrees on Sunday and I'm like jumping up and down excited to run in some "warm" weather for once.
Chicago does weird things to us all over here.

I bet the first day it hits 50 again people will be outside in flip flops.
A few months ago I was complaining about running outside when it was getting into the 50's and 40' we MIGHT get to 37 degrees on Sunday and I'm like jumping up and down excited to run in some "warm" weather for once.
Chicago does weird things to us all over here.

I bet the first day it hits 50 again people will be outside in flip flops.
I will be! Lol

This year when I out up my outdoor Christmas decor I was in shorts in the 50s. I don't think I've ever been able to do that before in Wisconsin.
Can I ask if anyone has any experience with running in an Athena or Clydesdale category for a race? I'm a bit confused about a registration that is months from now but has this category. For women 150 lbs or over. I'm sitting at 164 post Disney, but am on the path to being right around 155 if I keep this good diet/running going.

I'm feeling weird feelings about what to choose. They won't count me in the open category. They weigh you on site. I'm not ashamed of my weight, it feels odd to be singled out, I am proud of running depsite not being tiny, I'm very tall and wonder if I will be seen as not big someone shorter at my weight will appear bigger even though we both have to carry the same weight around. I posted in the weight loss thread too. I'm just confused.

I used to row in OPEN in college and girls in the lightweight boats had to get weighed in, so it's weird for me now to be on the other side of it.
Can I ask if anyone has any experience with running in an Athena or Clydesdale category for a race? I'm a bit confused about a registration that is months from now but has this category. For women 150 lbs or over. I'm sitting at 164 post Disney, but am on the path to being right around 155 if I keep this good diet/running going.

I'm feeling weird feelings about what to choose. They won't count me in the open category. They weigh you on site. I'm not ashamed of my weight, it feels odd to be singled out, I am proud of running depsite not being tiny, I'm very tall and wonder if I will be seen as not big someone shorter at my weight will appear bigger even though we both have to carry the same weight around. I posted in the weight loss thread too. I'm just confused.

I used to row in OPEN in college and girls in the lightweight boats had to get weighed in, so it's weird for me now to be on the other side of it.

I have run in the Clydesdale division a few times before. You are free to register as open and not mess with the weigh-in, but if you register as Athena, then you will need to weigh-in on race day, and then based on your weight then, they will place you in the proper division at that time. The only reason to register as Athena/Clydesdale is to see how you rank among other Athena/Clydesdale folks; otherwise, there is no reason to do it. It's up to you.
Can I ask if anyone has any experience with running in an Athena or Clydesdale category for a race? I'm a bit confused about a registration that is months from now but has this category. For women 150 lbs or over. I'm sitting at 164 post Disney, but am on the path to being right around 155 if I keep this good diet/running going.

I'm feeling weird feelings about what to choose. They won't count me in the open category. They weigh you on site. I'm not ashamed of my weight, it feels odd to be singled out, I am proud of running depsite not being tiny, I'm very tall and wonder if I will be seen as not big someone shorter at my weight will appear bigger even though we both have to carry the same weight around. I posted in the weight loss thread too. I'm just confused.

I used to row in OPEN in college and girls in the lightweight boats had to get weighed in, so it's weird for me now to be on the other side of it.
I've never run a race with categories like that and I'm not sure I'd sign up, to be honest. I would not enjoy the idea of being weighed on site. :confused3 I'd feel angry feelings.
Cowtown used to do that for awards categories, but they did away without it about 5-7 years ago.
That is a good way to look at it @opusone
And @Ariel484 this is what I am afraid of too. I like to go into my race with a lot of confident thoughts in my head...stopping to weigh in seems counter-to-that.

In the grand scheme of things I'm not someone who will medal in anything but a very small local race and in an age group and only if a bunch of fast people didn't show up (closest I've come is 7th in age in a small race and that has felt like a big win) I can see why being an Athena and maybe just maybe placing higher is tempting. But this is a BIG BIG city race and I think medaling would be a long shot in even an Athena category.
In the grand scheme of things I'm not someone who will medal in anything but a very small local race and in an age group and only if a bunch of fast people didn't show up (closest I've come is 7th in age in a small race and that has felt like a big win) I can see why being an Athena and maybe just maybe placing higher is tempting. But this is a BIG BIG city race and I think medaling would be a long shot in even an Athena category.
Personally, I wouldn't bother with it. It would mess with my head too much, like you said.
The first time I ever heard the term Clydesdales was at the local Sprint triathlon this past August. When they explained the definition I said thats great. Make a category for the older and over weight guys. Gee thanks. I just registered with the open.

I think the weight split for men was at 200. 6 foot and 225 for me is not over weight.
That is a good way to look at it @opusone
And @Ariel484 this is what I am afraid of too. I like to go into my race with a lot of confident thoughts in my head...stopping to weigh in seems counter-to-that.

In the grand scheme of things I'm not someone who will medal in anything but a very small local race and in an age group and only if a bunch of fast people didn't show up (closest I've come is 7th in age in a small race and that has felt like a big win) I can see why being an Athena and maybe just maybe placing higher is tempting. But this is a BIG BIG city race and I think medaling would be a long shot in even an Athena category.

Can you look at prior years results based on that catagory. If it put you in contention for placing in an age group I might be tempted, otherwise I'd skip it. (My guess is that a lot of people feel the same way and so the people that are self identifying with those labels for that race will likely skew on the faster side of that population)
Can you look at prior years results based on that catagory. If it put you in contention for placing in an age group I might be tempted, otherwise I'd skip it. (My guess is that a lot of people feel the same way and so the people that are self identifying with those labels for that race will likely skew on the faster side of that population)

Good idea!
Well...based on the last two years...if I take my PR or even two of my other slower races...I'd have come in 4th in 2015 and 2nd in 2014. But 44th and 49th in the age group & like 300th+ overall.
Well maybe I need to just lose the weight and then it won't be a conundrum anymore?

BTW the Clydesdale's times are insanely fast.
In fairness, this WAS a week after Dopey. That's how long it took me to feel normal - and also for me to get back from the cruise and the park crowds to die down a little bit for optimal pictures.

But yeah. Looking back, Dopey was pretty much the most amazing weekend of my life. I still can't believe I did it - and, honestly, there's no way I would've completed it if it weren't for @FFigawi and @mbwhitti. For reals.

You totally would have made it through the marathon! I just know it! The memories we made will last a lifetime and I'm so glad I was able to be by your side as you completed your first marathon and Dopey!! Now on to 2017!
Can I ask if anyone has any experience with running in an Athena or Clydesdale category for a race? I'm a bit confused about a registration that is months from now but has this category. For women 150 lbs or over. I'm sitting at 164 post Disney, but am on the path to being right around 155 if I keep this good diet/running going.

I'm feeling weird feelings about what to choose. They won't count me in the open category. They weigh you on site. I'm not ashamed of my weight, it feels odd to be singled out, I am proud of running depsite not being tiny, I'm very tall and wonder if I will be seen as not big someone shorter at my weight will appear bigger even though we both have to carry the same weight around. I posted in the weight loss thread too. I'm just confused.

I used to row in OPEN in college and girls in the lightweight boats had to get weighed in, so it's weird for me now to be on the other side of it.

I've run the Clydesdale division a few times and I actually won for that division. For me, I've always been in the 190-220 range and I've never had an issue with weight. For women I could see it being a sensitive area. I'd sign up and if you don't make the weight they'll put you in the open division I would think.
Welp, I'm pretty sure I'm the last one, but my Marathon "Weekend" ended today as we hit the road from Florida back to Texas.

I'm not really sure the whole Dopey thing has hit me yet, because I'm spending most of my time trying to talk myself OUT of doing Dopey again in 2017 and just going Goofy.

Anyway. Now the waiting game for my awesome Dopey shadowbox to get here! Well, and look forward to the dumb race schedule I set myself up for this Spring.

Also, it's really cold in New Orleans.
Also, it's really cold in New Orleans.

23 degrees Fahrenheit here today with a wind speed of nearly 22 mph. I stayed indoors today. lol But congrats on the Dopey challenge win! It's something I am not sure my knee would be up for, but definitely a good feather in your cap!
Welp, I'm pretty sure I'm the last one, but my Marathon "Weekend" ended today as we hit the road from Florida back to Texas.

I'm not really sure the whole Dopey thing has hit me yet, because I'm spending most of my time trying to talk myself OUT of doing Dopey again in 2017 and just going Goofy.

Anyway. Now the waiting game for my awesome Dopey shadowbox to get here! Well, and look forward to the dumb race schedule I set myself up for this Spring.

Also, it's really cold in New Orleans.
I've never done dopey or a marathon for that matter but I feel like if I do goofy I might as well do dopey. I'm really debating which to do next year. I want to do my first full but I also want to do the 20th half, and then I feel like oh what the heck throw a 5K and 10K in there.
I've never done dopey or a marathon for that matter but I feel like if I do goofy I might as well do dopey. I'm really debating which to do next year. I want to do my first full but I also want to do the 20th half, and then I feel like oh what the heck throw a 5K and 10K in there.

If I had it ALL to do over again, I'd really listen to people and do a full first before Dopey. There were a TON of nerves and tears for me before (and, honestly during) the full. I'm lucky I had two girlfriends to pull me through.

If you're going to be doing every race of Dopey solo, I would totally do a full before Dopey so you know what to expect.
If I had it ALL to do over again, I'd really listen to people and do a full first before Dopey. There were a TON of nerves and tears for me before (and, honestly during) the full. I'm lucky I had two girlfriends to pull me through.

If you're going to be doing every race of Dopey solo, I would totally do a full before Dopey so you know what to expect.
I will take that into consideration. I might do the smaller races with others but I most likely will be doing the full alone. I could also look into a full locally. I at least have some time before I get there.


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