Hanging up my running shoes-Update on ZellyB

Let's Talk Trip Planning
OK, yes, I haven't even registered for Goofy yet and, yes, yes, it's like 10 months away, but is it really ever too early to start planning a trip to Disney??? The answer? Clearly no. :cloud9:

Chris and I have spent some time recently talking about the trip and how long we want to stay, where to stay, what to do, etc. We've almost always stayed offsite on our trips to Disney with the exception of two stays at Shades of Green. If you don't already know, Shades of Green is the military resort that is on Disney property. It's a nice resort and has excellent rates for active and retired members of the military. Chris spent 21 years in the National Guard and retired after his deployment to Iraq, so we are eligible to stay there. Otherwise, we've stayed in condos or houses in Windsor Hills or Emerald Island. These are lovely gated communities both within about 10-15 minute drives to Disney property.

But, lately, I've really been wanting to plan a trip where we stay in a Disney resort. We almost did this for our W&D trip and I had a reservation at Beach Club, but in the end with no discounts available, I canceled. :( We decided that we will try and take our two daughters with us again this year. Paige and Sophie are twins who will be 13 when we go in January. This will mean pulling them out of 8th grade for a week :scared1:, but this will be the last time we pull them out for anything since high school is just too tough to catch up on. Here they are in their Harry Potter robes from our trip with them in January 2015

That's one Ravenclaw and one Slytherin for those keeping count.

So, one of the appeals for them this time is they want to have some opportunity to go off on their own in the parks. Since Chris and I will be running two days of the trip, we want to give them some easy accessibility to get to the parks on their own, and that means staying on site and honestly, if I'm staying on site, I want to stay Deluxe. :cool:

I spent more time than I should admit yesterday pricing out all the various options for hotels and for renting DVC points. I put those on a spreadsheet, because well, spreadsheets make me happy :D and it's a good way to organize a lot of information.

I talked with Chris some this morning and we both love the idea of getting a 1 Bedroom villa since we would have more space and Chris and I would get some privacy as well with the separate bedroom. From a cost and convenience standpoint, a 1 bedroom at Boardwalk would likely be our best bet. Now, I have no idea if there's any chance of getting availability for that, but I think that would be our best scenario. It also would make it easy for the girls to come out and see us while we are running. Plus, I really have never spent a lot of time in the Boardwalk area of WDW, so I'd love to actually be staying there and explore it more.

I also priced out hotel rooms with the military discount (that I hope will be renewed) and so we could also consider just a Deluxe hotel room, but that additional space of a 1 bedroom villa (not to mention kitchen and laundry) are pretty appealing. Seriously, there are just so many options that it gets crazy confusing and I generally think I'm pretty knowledgeable about planning Disney trips. :scared:

I'm a newbie at doing DVC point rental, so anybody who has done it and wants to chime in with advice, I'm all ears. I know you have better luck with availability the further out you rent, but the cost is also a bit more. At least it was for the site I looked at. Plus, I'm a little worried about booking anything this far out when we aren't even registered for the race yet. :crazy:

This Gryffindor is loving that Harry Potter picture! :thumbsup2

I talked with Chris some this morning and we both love the idea of getting a 1 Bedroom villa since we would have more space and Chris and I would get some privacy as well with the separate bedroom. From a cost and convenience standpoint, a 1 bedroom at Boardwalk would likely be our best bet. Now, I have no idea if there's any chance of getting availability for that, but I think that would be our best scenario. It also would make it easy for the girls to come out and see us while we are running. Plus, I really have never spent a lot of time in the Boardwalk area of WDW, so I'd love to actually be staying there and explore it more.
Oh hey, guess who may or may not have rented a studio at that very resort for that very weekend...? :rolleyes1 :teeth:

I think I know the site you're looking at, because it being more expensive further out (before the 7-month window) sounds familiar to me. I truly do not know what availability is like for the 1-bedrooms that weekend, but I would THINK the monorail resorts would go more quickly just because people want the monorail access for the races...? :confused3

One thing to keep in mind is that (assuming you're using DVCRequest), you need to pay the entire amount at the time of booking and it's non-refundable. And you'd need to go through them to add Magical Express and the Dining Plan if you are using that. But you'll get a confirmation number that you can put in My Diseny Experience so you can actually add your reservation to your account, look at it, do online check-in, etc. This would also enable you to make FP+ selections.
We did a DVC point rental this past year and have already signed up to do it again. We went though a different site than Shannon's link, but it seems many of the things about it were similar to what she described. It went really well for us and we were able to stay at AKL 2-bedroom villa and we were happy with the entire experience. I do know last year we wanted to do Boardwalk and attempted to book on the 1st day of the 7 month window but it was already sold out.
I think in general the Boardwalk is popular because it's "cheaper" - exactly why I booked it (also, it's my favorite resort). You need less points to get a room there. :confused3
This Gryffindor is loving that Harry Potter picture! :thumbsup2

We had so much fun on that trip with the girls in the robes. It really was a highlight! I've thought about doing my own Pottermore account just so I could get myself sorted into a house. ;)

Oh hey, guess who may or may not have rented a studio at that very resort for that very weekend...? :rolleyes1

I think I know the site you're looking at, because it being more expensive further out (before the 7-month window) sounds familiar to me. I truly do not know what availability is like for the 1-bedrooms that weekend, but I would THINK the monorail resorts would go more quickly just because people want the monorail access for the races...? :confused3

One thing to keep in mind is that (assuming you're using DVCRequest), you need to pay the entire amount at the time of booking and it's non-refundable. And you'd need to go through them to add Magical Express and the Dining Plan if you are using that. But you'll get a confirmation number that you can put in My Diseny Experience so you can actually add your reservation to your account, look at it, do online check-in, etc. This would also enable you to make FP+ selections.

I looked at that site and another one and they were both pretty much the same as far as the higher expense before 7-months. Given my vague understanding of how DVC works, I understand that. The other site I looked at did have an option for some kind of trip insurance expense as well so that you didn't lose all your money if you have to cancel. But, really I'm not that worried about canceling. Even if something happened that we couldn't race, I think we'd still make the trip. I do worry a bit about the actual dates of travel, but again I think we could decide on that relatively quickly. Seems like I heard somewhere that the studios sell out quicker than the others (I assume because of cost), but I'm not positive about that.

We did a DVC point rental this past year and have already signed up to do it again. We went though a different site than Shannon's link, but it seems many of the things about it were similar to what she described. It went really well for us and we were able to stay at AKL 2-bedroom villa and we were happy with the entire experience. I do know last year we wanted to do Boardwalk and attempted to book on the 1st day of the 7 month window but it was already sold out.

I would love to rent a savannah view at AKL, but given one of our major concerns is ease of accessibility for the girls, I thought staying at Boardwalk would be better than AKL just because they can walk to two parks and not have to mess with buses. But, now I'm worried about waiting until the 7 month mark. I probably should just check availability right now and then we can decide whether to pull the trigger or not.

I think in general the Boardwalk is popular because it's "cheaper" - exactly why I booked it (also, it's my favorite resort). You need less points to get a room there. :confused3

The price was certainly what put Boardwalk up above one of the monorail resorts or Beach Club.
I have never done a DVC rental but I know a lot of people do it so you should have luck with it. We have always stayed on property except for our stay at the Dolphin which is still on property but not owned by Disney.
We Interrupt This Training Journal...
to bring you news of a sore and painful knee. :worried:

I was having such a good week too. I'd manage to go in for circuit training on the nautilus equipment two days this week and all was good. We didn't run Tuesday because it was storming outside, but, I snuck in a couple of miles on the treadmill after the circuit workout on Wednesday. We had a good run on Thursday where I felt really good and then once we got home I notice my right knee felt a little tweaky. I know that's probably not a real word, but you know what I mean. As the day progressed it just got worse. I can't pinpoint any particular moment or anything where it seemed to start hurting, so not sure what may have happened.

Today is maybe slightly better, but still pretty rough. It's especially bad when I've been sitting and then stand. The pain is in the back of the knee and the inside edge. I'm not sure that would be IT band issues or not. When I've fought IT pain before it was always the outside of my knee that hurt. It doesn't feel like the pain is inside the joint though, which I'm taking as good.

We had a 12 mile run scheduled for this weekend in for our half-marathon training for the race in April, but I think I should give my knee a rest and work on getting it healed. It's frustrating these little nagging things that happen. I'm hoping it will be much better by next weekend for our Shamrox 15K run. In the meantime, I need to do some rolling this weekend and some ice and see if I get some improvements that way. Bummer. :sad1:
Oh no!! That stinks!

I think you're right that it's NOT IT Band-related, so...yay for that? If it keeps bugging you, definitely see a doctor. Hopefully a few days of rest will make it go away!! :(
TRAINING WEEK 2/28 - 3/5
SUNDAY 2/28 - Planned rest day.
MONDAY 2/29 - Happy Leap Day y'all!! I got myself out of bed and headed off to do the nautilus equipment. I am starting out ridiculously easy on my weights and reps because I've had a tendency to overdo and end up hurting myself. So, I just did one circuit around the room with the wimpiest of weights and then did some easy walking on the treadmill while waiting for Chris to finish up.
TUESDAY 3/1 - Planned a 4 mile run, but it was raining (yet again!), so we stayed in. Boo!
WEDNESDAY 3/2 - Made it out of bed for another round of nautilus training. Repeated what I did on Monday, so pretty easy going for me again. I had time to kill again, so I decided to do some running on the treadmill to make up for missing on Tuesday. I was wearing some of my retired running shoes but thought they would be fine. I ran two miles doing a 2:00/:30 interval and felt good doing it. Ultimately we want to get back to doing 2/30 on our midweek runs, so it was nice to do that again and feel pretty good.
THURSDAY 3/3 - 4 mile run doing 90/30 intervals. I felt really good during this run. Pace was pretty good at first, but I did slow down a bit the last two miles. We had someone new with us who doesn't do intervals normally, and our run pace is faster than her normal running pace, so she had to adjust to that somewhat. Still finished with a 10:57 average pace, so getting a bit faster.

Here's where the trouble begins. As I mentioned above, my knee started hurting me after I got home. Just a bit of a twinge at first, but as the day wore on and I sat at my desk at work, the pain increased. The pain is primarily on the inner part of the knee and the back. The joint doesn't seem bad, the pain is really more outside the joint. It is similar to the IT pain I've had in the past but on the inside portion of the knee rather than the outside. Still by the end of the day the pain was pretty bad and I was limping badly. :(
FRIDAY 3/4 - Planned rest day.
SATURDAY 3/5 - Plan was for a 12 mile run. While my knee did feel slightly better, I knew pushing it on a 12 mile run was just a recipe for a bigger injury, so I didn't run. BOO!!!

So, yeah, I'm pretty upset about the knee problem. In hindsight I think the run on the treadmill with old shoes may have instigated the issue. I few days of rest and a massage yesterday do having it feeling much better (although still not normal). I did run this morning on the treadmill (in my current shoes!) and did a slower running pace and while it wasn't feeling normal, there was really minimal discomfort, so I'm hoping I'll be okay.

We have out ShamRox 15K run this Saturday and I really want to do this run, so hoping if I continue to be cautious all will be fine. I'm not sure how to fit in a 12 miler before our half marathon in Bentonville in a few weeks, but if worse comes to worse I know I can finish it. Just have to take it easy.

So, yeah, no sooner do I start feeling good about getting in some strength training then I manage to hurt my knee. Good grief.

Well, I guess that's the good, bad and ugly of the update. So, let's finish with pictures of some sweet furbabies...

Teddy - Our Yorkie who is a spoiled rotten sweetheart of a dog

And, Sandy. The old grey lady of the house. She has the most loving, sweet disposition of any dog I have ever known. As my daughter said the other day, "Sandy is the nicest dog. She's like Canada in a dog." :flower3:

We have a cat too, but she's pretty camera adverse especially since Teddy joined the family. :rolleyes:
The Knee & Waiting on BCV
So, a quick update on the knee, I ran a bit on the treadmill Tuesday (just a mile) and then went for a run today outside for just shy of 4 miles. We took it pretty slow and I was definitely aware of my knee the whole time. I'm not sure if I'd say it was painful, but it just felt strange and kind of weak. The rest of today it's been a little bothersome again, so since I sat down to do some reading on the Dis, Chris decided it was time to ice. NOT my favorite thing to do...


Don't you feel sorry for me? I know I do. :sad1: So, I really haven't been doing anything to make the knee better rather than resting it, so the truth is I need to hit some anti-inflammatory drugs and ice it as well. Only a few more minutes to go on the icing, so I think I'll survive. We have our 15K race in just a couple of days, so I'm hoping it will be okay for that.

In other news, we decided to try and secure a studio for Beach Club Villas for the marathon weekend trip. I'm super excited about this and really hoping a reservation comes through. Since we are still in the 7-11 month window, we have to hope for someone with points at BCV to pick up our request, so keeping our fingers crossed and waiting (not-so-patiently) to hear. :hourglass

Lastly, this is how bad Disney has its hooks in us. A friend of ours is planning on going to W&D this year and she told me a couple of days ago that runDisney delayed registration while they finalized some things. Intel here was speculating they were adding a 10K and a challenge event. Sure enough, today word came out that was exactly what they were doing. Additionally, the half-marathon will now be a morning race rather than a night race. Chris and I started trying to figure out if we could make a quick W&D trip happen. We are pathetic. :headache: For better or worse, W&D happens to fall on the same weekend our local marathon race is on and we've already registered for it. We can actually transfer the race to someone else for a nominal fee, but eventually cooler heads prevailed and we both agreed we would save W&D for another year. I know a lot of people are disappointed that it changed to a morning race, and I think that's very understandable, but for Chris and I, we weren't fans of the night start time, so the challenge along with a morning start makes us more inclined to give this weekend a try. Disney clearly needs more of my money!!

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Trip Lodging Update
No sooner did I say that I'm not good at patiently waiting when... our DVC reservation request come through!!! WOOHOO!!!!! We'll be staying at lovely Beach Club Villas in a Deluxe Studio.


I can't wait to finally stay on property in a deluxe accommodation. I know the girls are going to love that pool too. Here's hoping the temps are warm enough they can enjoy it!!
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Wahoooo!! That's gonna be so much fun!

And ma'am-you just started icing your knee?!? I hate icing, but my booboos feel so much better after it's done. Here's hoping you heal up fast!
Aw man, the knee!! That stinks that it's still bugging you! :( Do you think it's time for new shoes or something?

The location of the knee pain is weird. It definitely doesn't seem like IT Band pain to me if it's on the back/inside part. I hope it's feeling better!

In better news...you know I love the dog pics. Such cuties!! :lovestruc

And WOOHOO for a possible Wine & Dine trip, and for your point rental coming through at the Beach Club! How awesome is that?! You guys NEED to try Beaches and Cream. The burgers are good but I really love the grilled cheese + tomato soup the best. And the No Way Jose...OMG. Maybe I'll see you guys at some point since I'll be right across the lake! :)


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