What was the biggest Disney meltdown you've witnessed?

In my mind, my own kid's meltdowns were the worst, the most embarrassing.

#1) Our younger DD, age 4, at Animal Kingdom, and after several previous long touring days, hit the theme park wall and refused to ride in the stroller with her 6 year old sister. She also wouldn't walk. She just stood up and cried and cried. A kind CM came over to offer her a pin, which settled her down a little, but left my 6 year old miffed as to why her sister got a pin for having a fit, and she got nothing for sitting and behaving herself.

#2) We're always up at the front of the line for rope drop. We never know the exact moment the park will open and the crowds will move, but just before DH thinks that may happen, every single time, he announces that he needs a restroom break and abandons us. He did this once at Epcot and also my youngest, now 6 (has her Dad's bathroom anxiety) decides she needs to go too. So half our family splits for the restroom, and then of course, they open the park. My 9 year old screamed and cried as the crowds rushed towards Soarin, and we had to figure out if we were going to sort of go along slowly and look out for Dad and sister, or if we were ever going to find them, or if we were going to have to wait in line now behinds thousands of people, ugh!

#3) Older DD, age 9, has been very excited to ride Rockin Roller Coaster with Dad. Younger DD chickened out and Dad had to tend to her. Now she had to ride with me, Mom, and I am not as "fun" as Dad. She pitched a fit and threw her glasses on the ground in the ride queue.
I'm afraid that the largest melt down I ever witnessed was made by my own DD. She's an only child and we brought her cousin with us that that trip. My DD was jealous of the attention her cousin was getting and my niece, being a middle child, was very good at pushing her buttons. My DD had her epic meltdown at MGM Studios. I eventually picked her up bodily and carried her out of the park to the bus and then back to the resort. We were exiting the park to the horrified looks of a pregnant woman and her mother. I believe I may have mumbled, "Just you wait!" on my way past them.
Love this thread lol...on our last trip we had an 8 am ADR at crystal palace...when we finished breakfast I noticed there was something sticky and gooey all over the bottom of my toddler sons shorts. We forgot to pack a change of clothes for him so my hubby said he would take him back to the hotel and change him (we were staying at the grand Floridian so not really a big deal). We had a FP to 7DMT from 9:30-10:30. I figured hubby would get back by 10:30. We waited until 10:25 and hubby called said there was a major back up at bag check and he wasn't going to make it back in time. Anyways luckily my son had a DAS so I figured I would just get a return time for him and daddy for whenever they did get back and we went a head on the FP. When I finally did meet up with hubby I had never seen him so pissed and pouty, lol...he was sitting at that quick service place a crossed the way when we got off the ride and had such a sour puss on his face...I am surprised no one ran away from him seeing him sit there like that lol. It wasn't even that bad Bc at the time I requested the DAS there was only a 40 minute stand by line so by the time we got off the ride it was practically time for them to ride the ride with the DAS...I think men tend to pout more when it comes to Disney rides lol
I must not be looking or am just lucky or have blocked them because I can't remember seeing any real bad ones. My son was pretty good when he was little, basically because I never hesitated to take him on a trip to the bathroom and he wasn't using the potty when we went. If he even started acting out a little, pouting or whining, that was it, out we went. We always stayed on property so we would just go back to the resort and no swimming, staying in the room until he got his act back together. If I see a kid on the verge of a meltdown, I try to make faces at them or do something silly to make them smile.
My Daughter throwing herself down on the floor of the Emporium in MK kicking and screaming because we wouldn't buy her a giant Minnie Mouse - she was 3 at the time.
I have it recorded and threaten to show her friends when she is being ornery (She is 16 now.) LOL She doesn't remember it.

Then at 14, she just started crying uncontrollably in Hollywood Studios on Sunset Blvd. She didn't know why she was bawling but I took her into ABC Commissary, got her cooled off and a cold drink and we just sat there until she calmed down. She remembers it and still doesn't know why she did that. I figure she had teenage hormones, just gotten hot and needed a break.
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I have actually seen quite a few. Almost all at Epcot. I think the drinking has something to do with it. A few have gotten into pushing matches.

I wonder about security. You always hear how they are always watching and pull people out quietly when they cause problems but in all the shouting and shoving matches I have seen (about a dozen) I have never seen security come out once.

The sadest one I saw was some college kids over doing it in WS. One girl Was running by a guy and kept saying "I'm sorry" really drunk-loud. He just looked at her then turned and walked away. She was standing in the middle of the walking and just started wailing and crying more exaggerated than I had ever seen other than in a comedy skit. And just standing there alone and drunk crying and screaming while people are walking by on their way. I actually kind of laughed. I mean she was drunk and young so whatever it was I am sure was not as big a deal as she made it out to seem. I just kept going. Hopefully someone tried to calm her down. Moral of the story, even if you can afford to drink that much in Epcot, doesn't mean you should drink that much.
Some years back before I got married and was doing solo trips, I remember witnessing a family meltdown. Just as everyone is getting on the ME bus and getting seated, I hear a strong NY/NJ accent coming from a very angry lady at the front of the bus. She proceeds up the aisle screaming at her two crying children :sad::sad: and husband (not crying but visibly not wanting to be there at that moment:rolleyes1:duck:) the whole way to their seats. :eek: It's pretty bad when you haven't even gotten away from the airport, and you are already losing it.

This left a lasting impression on me. :scared:

To this day, if things are getting out of hand with the girls; we usually just step away for a bit. :angel:
My DD (now 10) at age 3. We were at MK and were getting on the boat to take it back to WL to get on ME to go to the airport to fly home. As we were getting on the boat: 1. She had the realization that she was totally leaving WDW and 2. DH had the audacity to pick her up to set her on the boat instead of letting her walk onto the boat herself. As a result she started throwing the loudest crying screaming fit I think I have ever seen and she continued it for the ENTIRE boat ride back to WL. I was mortified. We were trapped on the boat with a screaming toddler - but worse a lot of people that were not us were trapped on the boat with OUR screaming toddler. Some wonderful lady came up to me as we were exiting the boat and said "It's okay, we've all been there and I cry when I have to leave Disneyworld too". I don't know who that lady was, but I love her.

This reminds me of an incident with DD5 when she melted down on a Disney cruise. We had spent a great week in WDW and we told her we were heading home, packed the car and headed out. She wasn't happy about leaving but took it pretty well. When we saw the ship in the distance, we asked her if she would like to sail with Mickey but she said no, she wanted to go back to WDW instead. We told her that we were already booked on the ship and she wasn't happy.

Because of a delay in dry dock, everyone was late in boarding, we ate and because she was cranky, we headed to the room to rest before muster. We delayed going to muster as long as we could because she was really cranky and did not want to go. Finally, I had no choice but to pick her up and go and she started screaming....ear piercing screaming as we were heading down the stairs...I was mortified. :scared1: A guy screamed at me and said I better shut her up or he would throw her overboard. DH yelled back, "Hey" and the guy took one look at DH and turned and bolted down the stairs, shoving everyone aside. DH did take a couple of steps but gained control of his anger when he saw security about ready to step in.

There were a few passengers that were nice and said it would be ok and the cast members were great at muster.
I had a pretty epic meltdown when I was little because I just could not fathom why my parents were interfering with my plans to have Tigger come home with us and watch Winnie the Pooh cartoons on the couch with me. I feel sorry for that poor cast member who had to pry my 5 year old arms from his leg.

On my last trip, my SIL and I almost got in to a fist fight with a loon at the BBB photo area because, according to this nutbar, we had the audacity to not applaud when this crazy woman's baby was announced by the Fairy Godmother in Training/hair dresser after their makeover. How dare we be focusing on our own children lol. This woman was ranting and raving and threatening our kids that she was going to jump in front of their pictures to ruin their time like we all did to her child. I ignored her up until she made my daughter and niece cry, and then it was ON.

Quite frankly its appalling the CM didn't step in. Sheshould have been eescorted out.
Not a fit per se, but I agree that men are pouty. My DH gets low blood sugar and so should really carry a snack with him. But does he? No. To make matters worse he can't eat gluten. So after choosing to not bring a snack, we get to the park and he decides that he feels shaky and needs to eat. I do all of the planning but always remind him that he needs to research the food because he is the one with restrictions. Does he? No. So we end up walking around searching for suitable food rather than riding rides. He almost always ends up saying something along the lines of "well I guess I just won't eat" in a woe is me tone. Drives me nuts because it's so predictable and I really don't think I should have to carry his snack.
October 2013 - test roll out for FP+ Was headed to tap the 1st turnstile at Splash MTN. Literally a 40 something year old man was having the biggest fit I ever seen & I have worked retail at Christmas. He was screaming at the poor CM that I don't care what color Mickey is me & my kids are going on this ride. The guy wouldn't let anyone around him touch the turnstile reader. He was blocking the reader and saying "NO!!! If I'm not allowed to ride then no one else it" Poor CM was trying to explain that it was past the guy's time. Guy was saying well we were on the other side of the park and the FP time is just an estimate. Eventually guy was 'persuaded' to move away by security. Everyone walking past the poor CM who was verbally abused was giving compliments to the CM and saying so sorry you had such a jerk, etc.
Many years ago, as we were pulling into the parking lot, we saw a man leaning out of his car hollering at a cm. From what we could tell, the cm was trying to direct him down to the end of the row (so everyone would fill up all the spots), and he was determined to park on the near end, so he wouldn't have to walk.

By the time we parked our car and walked back, he and his family had got of their car and he was shouting something about, "You're all racists!" at a cm on a bike (he looked to be East Indian - with an American accent, so no chance it was a communication error). Then he kicked the wheel of the cm's bike! His wife was standing behind him in her sari, with two small kids. I felt bad for them having such an entitled bully in their family.

Our kids were small, and the cm was already on his radio, so we just kept walking.
Quite frankly its appalling the CM didn't step in. Sheshould have been eescorted out.

Oh, they did escort her out! And as they were, her baby was crying and she was screaming at the CM "Look at how you are upsetting my child!" It did not seem to dawn on her that SHE was being escorted out for upsetting children lol

I still live in constant terror that she will show up again on my future trips.

And your reply made me giggle because at first I thought you were referring to the first part of my post (about me wanting to bring Tigger home when I was little) and thought you were talking about my mom lol. Then I realized you were talking about the crazy person.
As a CM at Jungle Cruise I have witnessed a few. This one takes the cake.

Two very drunk guests were about to board the ride. They REEKED of alcohol. As they approached the front of the line, I overheard them speaking about how female skippers were terrible and they wanted a male skipper, and then they requested that they only sit in the back. A female skipper pulled up and they said loudly "ugh, this is so unfair. I want a hot male" or something along those lines. In order to sit in the back, they had to wait to the side (obviously, they couldn't board first and then have other guests climb over them). While they were waiting, one of them clearly said "I want to wait for the next boat and get a male skipper." We sent off the boat and as soon as the next one arrived, we had them wait off to the side again so they could be in the back. At this point...they FLIPPED OUT. They both started screaming and cursing about how I had let all of those people go ahead of them and made them skip that last boat, and I was racist, and I was a terrible person, and my job was gone. One of them pulled out her phone and said "I'm calling guest services right now", I'm calling them." While they were having this meltdown, we sent off the next boat. When the next boat came, they just climbed on and sat in the back, ignoring the fact that others were climbing over them. They were screaming and swearing all the while. Finally, we just sent the boat with them on it. They apparently harrassed the skipper the whole way....standing up ,refusing to sit, and complaining about how I was a nasty jerk and would lose my job soon. When they arrived at the end of the ride, security was waiting for them.
Oh, they did escort her out! And as they were, her baby was crying and she was screaming at the CM "Look at how you are upsetting my child!" It did not seem to dawn on her that SHE was being escorted out for upsetting children lol

I still live in constant terror that she will show up again on my future trips.

And your reply made me giggle because at first I thought you were referring to the first part of my post (about me wanting to bring Tigger home when I was little) and thought you were talking about my mom lol. Then I realized you were talking about the crazy person.


Oh no, I mean, your parents definitely should have been put up for child cruelty, yes. I mean, denying your child a live-in Tigger??? It doesn't get much lower than that, lol.
Me, twice, lol. Once was in line for Jungle Cruise. The same family/group had been cutting in line at attractions all over MK that morning, and I finally got sick of it. When one of them cut in front of me, I raised a bunch of hell. The guys didn't speak a word of English, so they had absolutely no idea I was chewing them out. :D Meanwhile, my wife was just hoping against hope that she could just disappear into the woods and never be seen again, lol.

The second time, we had just boarded the Backlot Tour, and we were behind a group of loud teenagers who would not. shut. up. I couldn't hear the host's narration, so I finally worked up my most stern face and yelled "Excuse me!" They looked at me, horrified, and quieted down. Once again, my wife wanted to just disappear into the woods.
Sadly, it was DH! Nothing like seeing a 40 something year old man throwing a tantrum, more than once! First was due to crowds before Wishes near Casey's Corner(never did get to see Wishes that night, had to take him out of the park).Second time he refused to get out of bed and pretended to be asleep so I left a note to meet me at the park we planned on when he was ready, well when I went to leave the room there was a major tantrum because I was going to leave him...sheesh
March 2014. We are in Epcot on St. Patrick's Day. This dad was in charge of a young, 4/5 ish?, free roaming boy and a baby strapped in the stroller. We were just taking a break & reminiscent of when our boys were that age and wanted to wander a little further away than allowed. Dad had 3 green beers precariously balanced on the top of the stroller. Boy is jumping on and off of a small flower bed wall & bumps the stroller...:headache: And they all fall down. Green beer on stroller, on babe in stroller, & on small boy. Dad yells, "god#!*$ it, Bill." Then looks around at everyone in the alcove. So then he just whispers it over and over while mopping up with baby wipes. We didn't wait to see what the other parent said when they made it back. Our boys tried to not laugh until we were out of earshot.
We were at the MK in February and it was considered a slow time. Mostly young families with toddler and strollers. There was a dad pushing a stroller and the wife was out ahead of him, telling him to follow her. He screamed at her that he "was done." She looked baffled and said, no, we need to go ride Pooh. He screamed back and said, I AM DONE. He left her standing there and walked away thru the castle and I saw his wife finally comprehend, and she ran after him. It was only 11:00 a.m.


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