Let it Snope Let it Snope Let it Snope! A Very Merry crowded Christmas! Nov Report updated and over

OMG I got caught up. I can't believe it. I'm SUCH a slacker. First, I read about your car issues on FB, but didn't realize just how awful they were. I'm so sorry. :( We sprung for a new (used) car in April because I couldn't take all the fixing anymore, plus, my car looked like a POS. I hated having to have the car payment, but I'm so glad to have a new car. I'm in love with it. But I hope with all the $$$ you put into yours, it runs a good long time.

I'm so sorry about your aunt. My heart hurts for her.

I'm so glad Peanut got to ride Goliath! That ride is amazing. Lucy rode it 3 times last September. We are going to Cedar Point in 3 weeks and I. Cannot. Wait. to ride those coasters. But I agree about GA. I grew up going there every summer. But now, after Disney, it is so dirty and very teenager-friendly. Not as family friendly as I remember it being even 10 years ago. My kids love it though, so we'll be back! And I love the American Eagle.

Your TR! Sorry about the jerk faces at AoA. We had thought about staying there, but now maybe not. I think we'll stick with the mods for now. Your pictures of AoA are amazing, though. It's such a beautiful resort. And I love the underwater camera too! So fun!

Love that you got to ride so much at the party! That's what we love about the Halloween party too. No one rides the rides! 7DMT? Walk on! I couldn't see most of your pics from the party, though. It said IMG not available. :( I blame my computer. It's old and sometimes a jerk.

Um....the line you had about hating your friends because they made you drink? I'm STILL laughing about that.

Anyway, hope your cold is gone and you feel better soon. I really hope we can meet up soon too! I promise I'm not a psycho. :)
OMG I got caught up. I can't believe it. I'm SUCH a slacker. First, I read about your car issues on FB, but didn't realize just how awful they were. I'm so sorry. :( We sprung for a new (used) car in April because I couldn't take all the fixing anymore, plus, my car looked like a POS. I hated having to have the car payment, but I'm so glad to have a new car. I'm in love with it. But I hope with all the $$$ you put into yours, it runs a good long time.

Oh yeah this car was something else for a while there. THEN a co-worker says he has a friend at a car auction and could have gotten us a newer large SUV for the 8,000 i paid for this thing.
Umm yeah.. Thanks for the notice a month later... :headache:

I'm so sorry about your aunt. My heart hurts for her.

thank you. she is still in the hospital

I'm so glad Peanut got to ride Goliath! That ride is amazing. Lucy rode it 3 times last September. We are going to Cedar Point in 3 weeks and I. Cannot. Wait. to ride those coasters. But I agree about GA. I grew up going there every summer. But now, after Disney, it is so dirty and very teenager-friendly. Not as family friendly as I remember it being even 10 years ago. My kids love it though, so we'll be back! And I love the American Eagle.

She had a BLAST this time around! I think because it was just us there and we didn't have to wait for anyone or ask what they wanted to do. We just went and did whatever came up.
Nope it's gross now. nothing like when we were kids! whatever we are still season pass holders and we will be back!

Your TR! Sorry about the jerk faces at AoA. We had thought about staying there, but now maybe not. I think we'll stick with the mods for now. Your pictures of AoA are amazing, though. It's such a beautiful resort. And I love the underwater camera too! So fun!

I do think you should stay once. It's a GREAT RESORT! BEAUTIFUL! but i want a deluxe again... i'm spoiled! what can i say!?!

Love that you got to ride so much at the party! That's what we love about the Halloween party too. No one rides the rides! 7DMT? Walk on! I couldn't see most of your pics from the party, though. It said IMG not available. :( I blame my computer. It's old and sometimes a jerk.

Yep! ride all the rides! LOL.. I wonder why? Humm... have to look into that one. but again all my pictures disappeared! Im still so mad!

Um....the line you had about hating your friends because they made you drink? I'm STILL laughing about that.

jerk faces.

Anyway, hope your cold is gone and you feel better soon. I really hope we can meet up soon too! I promise I'm not a psycho.

I think i went from having a cold into allergies? I am still stuffed up and coughing! WTH!
why don't we meet in Great America?!?


Still working on my pictures! just finding the time to do them ALL OVER AGAIN is the problem!
I don't have much more to go here and i want to get it over to concentrate on the PTR!
Wanna Build a Snopeman 2


Continuing onward! I left off with the best skipper:

Some back pictures as these were missing too

weird angle on Z-Man

A GOOD picture of Matt!

LOVELY picture of Tom and would kill me if he knew i put this up here


then we went to the dreaded:

the stuff nightmares are made of

Continuing on to the next post! want to finish up this party!

which will have to be tomorrow i am due to go to our Sign shop (yes the place where they make all our city signs)
When you come back check your pictures...I can't see any! :)
The dreaded :rotfl:

I love the jungle room, the picture of the elephant with the little band playing on it's head is my favorite!! Glad you found these pics...sorry you had to redo them all !
The dreaded :rotfl:

I love the jungle room, the picture of the elephant with the little band playing on it's head is my favorite!! Glad you found these pics...sorry you had to redo them all !

Thankfully there wasn't MUCH editing going on.. But i will do another update in a minute!

Time for a favorite!

ohhhhh ahhhh Floating candle sticks...

I tried and failed to get the floating candelabra

It was almost parade time so we wandered that way

So First let me tell you.. Where we were wasn't the best spot for pictures. 2. we were early and put the kids in front Tom and i stood back behind the midgets and some teenagers? (they were probably in their 20's) They were really sweet kids.. ALL of a sudden the Godzilla of all EVC monsters came ROARING up!

I mean just destroying everything is her path! and started PUSHING MY kids out of the front row.
This is when the teen-20 somethings spoke up like my kids belonged to them. Told this destroyer of all orlando My kids were there first and for them to MOVE out of the way.
Just like the movies she started screeching back how she has the rite to be there more then the kids and if the kids would JUST SIT DOWN everything would be FINE. - said in the best Godzilla voice.
The teen-20's weren't having any of this.. Went to the phones and called over a CM! Who told the scooter monster and her entire family of about 15 they need to either back up or go to the Designated spot (i don't know i was standing there jaw dropped speechless like an idiot)
My kids were just comfortable with whatever the teen-20 something kids told them.. so they say right under the rope and the scooter from the black lagoon and entourage moved on to destroy another part of Disney or family's viewing.

I profusely thanked the teen-20 somethings and they said it was not big deal they hate when people do that to the kids...
I call this Pixi dust!!! My faith in humanity has been restored! young kids sticking up for younger kids! GOOOO HUMAN!

Now lets get to the parade right?

Again worst viewing point for a camera: Located at the beginning of the parade route.

Yet is was great for the kids!

BAD for pictures

it's very dark in that corner

I got a lot of the backside of stuff

Continue on!
Very Merry Christmas Parade II

All the characters stopped and played with the kids! it was fun to watch!!


See? bad spot!

Zack took video

Parade over we crossed the 'street' said our thanks again to out new friends and moved on
When i felt my phone go off...

The dog sitter. Ugh oh. Telling me how she is taking Raven out for walks and seems to be settling her down.. Umm OK?!? She tells me how her face where her black eye is really hurting but she's fine. How she has been taking piper over to her mom's.. OK that's good. and how she's OK over and over telling me everything is fine.
Which is a red light in my head. Who is she trying to convince? Me or herself?!? weird conversation over it was time to move on!

Splash didn't have any wait times so off we went!
Then the kids wanted the wildest train in the west! Ok you go do that.. while i hang at the DSA for a moment!

Well they got off and RAVED how awesome it was... Apparently they had a really awesome ride with the best people joking screaming and having a GREAT TIME. so they went on twice with their new friends! So happy!
OK i will go on with you now..
Now as fun people around us. BUT i do LOVE Thunder mountain at night...

Picture overload!
We back tracked and hit up another FAVORITE made sure we were seated where we wouldn't get soaked:

When we got off the fireworks started.
ONE of these parties i am going to be front and center for them.

Want more?
As you can see i am on a ROLL to get this DONE!

Walking in the winter wonderland

After pirates we started over to Tomorrowland. So why did i post the Rapunzel tower???
Because it was there!

I was stopped by:

Just stunning

No wait?

I missed Ariana at this point!!! She made me better! So all that talk about her cheating.. STILL made it better!


MUST ride

it was raining

Hitting up everything we could we started to get tired....
Leaving the winter wonderland..

We did everything and i mean EVERYTHING. exhausted we started our walk back

Didn't take long and off we sailed

They were a BIT tired..

Except for one

Shenanigans will commence in:







Wheelchairs EVERYWHERE! and of course this crazy family MUST PLAY!

They're OFF!

we hit every bump thingies we could.. laughed until our sides hurt.

We may have played for about 30 minutes.. who need rides when you have the wheelchair abandoned parking lots!!!

too much fun.

Back at the AoA for a long winter's nap

I think i am done for the day!
I have a lot going on this weekend a mini vacation starting TODAY at 2pm and having a BIG party on
Saturday with a Sox game on Monday..

I hope you all have a great 4th of July! Be safe and hope it's filled with family and friends!!




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Have a great 4th too!

I loved that the 20 something year olds stuck up for your kiddos. So sweet. So great that you still had some energy for the wc races at the end of a very long day. Impressive.
then we went to the dreaded:

Hey now, you're knocking one of my favorite rides! :rotfl:I am happy that you took the required photo of the drunk hippo.

I tried and failed to get the floating candelabra

Your pictures are much better than I ever get on Haunted Mansion!

ALL of a sudden the Godzilla of all EVC monsters came ROARING up!


I profusely thanked the teen-20 somethings and they said it was not big deal they hate when people do that to the kids...

So wonderful that they stuck up for your kids!

BAD for pictures

At least you got some pictures, I was afraid to get my camera wet. Funny thing, I don't think I was very far away from you guys. I watched from right near the Diamond Horseshoe.

The dog sitter. Ugh oh.

I really don't like where this one is going. :sad:

I missed Ariana at this point!!! She made me better! So all that talk about her cheating.. STILL made it better!

Awwww, I knew you would see the light eventually. ::yes:: :rotfl2:

They were a BIT tired..

I laughed out loud on that one.


Man I missed all of the fun!

I hope you all have a great 4th of July! Be safe and hope it's filled with family and friends!!

You too! Not much in the way of plans for us. We have a Professional Lacrosse game to go to on Friday night with fireworks and Saturday I will be busy at the shelter as we have our annual free day. Other than that, nothing.
I profusely thanked the teen-20 somethings and they said it was not big deal they hate when people do that to the kids...
I call this Pixi dust!!! My faith in humanity has been restored! young kids sticking up for younger kids! GOOOO HUMAN!
That is such a good story. I agree that it is nice to see people sticking up for others. And I'm glad a CM actually acted in your behalf. Sometimes I think they are a little too "non-confrontational".

See? bad spot!
We had a spot at the beginning of the Halloween parade. The lighting was bad because the lights on the building was glaring in our eyes, and it was hard to see some of the street level groups, like the gravediggers, for instance. We headed out of the park after the parade want past and caught up with the gravediggers when they were in Town Square. We had a great view of the parade there and that is where I would stand if I ever went to another party.

ONE of these parties i am going to be front and center for them.
We've done two parties and we didn't get good views of the fireworks at either of them. :( I was pretty bummed about it, too.


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