Canadian Buffoon's Disney With a Teen Vacation - 08/13 - The Wrap

That's a whole lot of unexpected...
I finally get back over here and run across this.

Sorry for the pup and as much so for the finances.
That's a tough spot.

here's to the procedure having gone well and to a quicker than expected recovery.

I told Ruby that I'm cancelling our Disney trip.
Sorry to hear but not surprised under the circumstances.
Certainly takes the thunder out of telling you that we actually have tickets for MNSSHP on 9/19.
We might have been able to pass each other in the crowd with a good old fashioned introvert's head nod and grunt.
Hate that y'all can't pull off the trip right now, but maybe sometime in the near.

Thanks everyone for the kind thoughts and comments.
I'll reply to all the comments in a bit.
Not like being kind is all that tough.
Take your time, we ain't going no where.
:hug:First, I'm really glad that Luna came through the surgery ok and I'm really sorry you've had to deal with this.

Second, I'm so completely bummed for you that you've had to cancel your trip plans :sad1:. I was so afraid of that as soon as you posted that you were taking her to the vet. On the bright side, maybe you can schedule another trip for when I'll be there! :rolleyes1:)
Glad the surgery went well for Luna - as I said on my PTR I can absolutely relate as something very similar happened to my puppy last year.

The worst part is having to keep them still for at least 6 weeks following the surgery so they don't undo all the repair work when all they want to do is run around!

And bummer about the trip but family (including puppies!) has to come first!
Awww the poor little thing... Hope she feels better soon!

I think all pet owners have stories of big-buck procedures but what else you gonna do? :dog::cat: :lovestruc
Sorry to hear about the puppy and cancelled trip. I got 3 screws in my foot last year, not fun! 3 months out from work, and its still bothering me. Hope she will be well.
IRL update - Dems da breaks part 2

Honest. I will get to all your kind words!
But wanted to post this pic of the patient.


You can see the stitches on her leg.
(and doesn't it look like she's wearing a puffy slipper? :laughing:)

Behind her leg, you see that pink thing?
That's her other leg.
She has a fentanyl patch on it.
So not only do we have to keep her from licking the stitches
(yes, she wears the cone of shame when not being watched)
but also from getting at that patch.
Eating that would be seriously dangerous.
It comes off in four days.
I'm hoping that leg wasn't shaved too much.
She looks like a rat where she's shaved.
I don't tell her that, though.
Don't want to make her self-conscious.

Weirdest thing happened tonight.
I took her out around 10pm,
just before heading off to work.
Kay came with me, in case I needed help.
(Nice of her. Didn't even ask.)
There was a woman, maybe in her 60s,
standing outside in the street, with a suitcase.
Weird, but.... okay....

She calls out to me and asks.
"Can you call me a taxi?"

Right away, my guard is up.
Is this some kind of scam?
Is she going to be asking for cab money next?

I called the cab.

It turned out (supposedly)
that she had flown in from Vancouver
to help her daughter with her baby.
They got into an argument over hiring a nanny
and her daughter kicked her out of the house.
In the middle of the night.
In a strange city.

Who does that?

I kept an eye on her until the cab came.

Pretty sure she wasn't lying.
I don't know if the people across the street have a baby.
Could be. We don't see them much.
But she did know what my neighbour did for a living.


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Okay! Playing catch up a bit here...

You don't want to be me! I'd rather be you.

This is starting to sound like a version of Freaky Friday!

I love this song! I'm surprised and glad that you know it!

Er.... uh.... Actually, I don't.
Sorry to disappoint.
I tried to listen to it, but couldn't since I was at work.
But I did find the lyrics and quoted from it.

So DH said there's a pretty good chance that we'll be going to WDW next year in September.

Oh, good!

We're going to try and rent points from Alison so we can stay DVC for the first time.

Nice that you can rent from someone you "know". :)

And first time in deluxe.

I don't know if I'll ever stay deluxe.
Thought about it... but....

Maybe if I rent like you are?

Our top four are also the cheapest AK, BW, OKW and SSR. Hope to stay for a full week and go to F&W.

::yes:: I was so looking forward to F&W!

Maybe you'll be there too?

No clue. You never know.

I don't drink any beer either. Not a wine lover too. So yeah, I'm not a real adult.

We make a good pair for the Freaky Friday switch then.
I don't like red wine, but will drink a glass of white.

Wait. If neither one of us is an adult,
the Freaky Friday thing falls apart!
Crews Cup Lounge at the Yacht Club, too. Probably also Captain's Grille. Definitely available in EPCOT's Germany, hopefully not just during Food & Wine/Flower & Garden. I haven't had it there.

From Orange Banded Monkeys, Marinated Monkey Meet:

"For my beverage, I ordered a drink recommended in a few trip reports. I wanted to try it from the first time I heard about it, but I haven't found for sale where I live. I learned shortly before my trip that the Crews Cup offered it.


Grapefruit beer. YUM!!! It did not disappoint."

Didn't disappoint, huh?
Okay, there's too many people saying this is good.
Obviously not in September, now,
but I guess I'll have to put this on the list.

ETA: I have found a version for sale locally- northern Mass and Sam Adams also makes a version

How does it compare?
Oh no!!! Let's hope it's easily dealt with and there's no lasting effects!

OH no! :hug: Hope she is ok!

Sending pawsitive thoughts for Luna! Hope she is ok.

Thanks guys!

Awwww, poor little one. That had to have been terribly painful. :( I hope they gave her some nice pain meds to get her through it.

Well, she has some oral meds to take and a fentanyl patch on.
She sure seems pretty happy for just having had surgery!

Poor little thing!!! :sad: :sad: :sad: praying she makes a speedy recovery :dogdance:

Hope your sweet puppy recovers quickly. :grouphug:

Awwww poor puppy! I hope everything goes well.

Thanks everyone!

And I'll forgive you for skipping my post on the last page.

Yeah, sorry Carrie.
When I got that text,
I just didn't feel up to replies anymore.
But I'm catching up now.

Thinking of you and your pup today. :( I hope all goes wel.

Poor puppy - just an unlucky landing I'm sure. Hope everything goes well.

Ok... I finally had a chance to catch up on the updates. Yeah, I'm being lazy.

You're forgiven.
I think you have far more important things
on the go right now than this TR!

I have no idea what has been said in the comments since the last update because I just kind of skimmed, so for all I know your September trip and cruise could be off...

Wow.... You should get in the fortune telling business!

but in case it isn't, it looks like a lot of fun!!! I hope you and Ruby enjoy your cruise.

We hope to... some day.
We've said for years that we'd like to do a cruise some day.

Your Father's Day gift looks fantastic! The ears might be crispy but it was clearly baked with love.

::yes:: I was very surprised and touched at the gesture.
Hi Pkondz

Hi Mac!

Sorry to read about your puppy hope she comes through the opp ok

So far, she seems to be doing as well or better than expected.

I am still following your report with great intrest Your up and comlng trip in Sept looks great.

Yeah... well.... crap.
Maybe next year?

I too have been busy so only realy had time to read trip reports. I know it's not much of an excuse but it is summertime and the garden takes up a few hours at this time of year.

Hey, life's gotta come first.
I get it.
Nice to hear from you again, though!
Sending best wishes and healing thoughts to Luna and her caretakers...

Thanks Irene!

So sorry to hear about Luna's injury. I hope the procedure went well and has a speedy recovery.

Thanks Alison!

Oh no! The poor dog. I hope the surgery went well and she's fully recovered soon.

Thanks Mark!

OH goody, something to read during my lunch break (at my first day of work. ;) )

Edited to add:

It was short and I read... and now I'm sad. Sad for Luna, and sad for you and Ruby. Life is... hard sometimes. I'm really sorry, Ponzi.

Thanks Liesa.
Sorry it wasn't the update you were hoping for!
Wasn't a fun situation, but I think she'll be okay
(as long as we're really careful with her.)
Mostly a lurker (just can't keep up with all of the chatter but I really enjoy your TRs)

Well, :welcome: to the TR!
Even though it's under less than stellar circumstances.

I recognized your screen name right away.
I'm sure I've seen you here and there on the DIS.

but I had to unlurk today to say sorry about Luna.

Thanks Ariana.

I had the same exact thing happen to my dog, Alex when he was six months old. He tried to jump up on the bed, missed and fell backwards on his leg.

It doesn't take much, does it?

Here he is after our regular vet put a cast on him and before we went to a specialist for surgery. I think he was still a bit drugged hence the crazy eyes.

Awww. Poor little guy.
And yes... he does look a trifle crazy!

I think the only hard thing was the fact that the surgeon said no weight on the leg for a month after surgery.

We're not quite that bad off.
Our instructions are no running or stairs or jumping.
But she can walk a bit to do her "business".

I had to carry the poor guy everywhere. When we took him outside, we had to support his back legs so he could potty. I found an old 80s style cloth belt and used that to wrap around him.

I'm not quite sure I follow.
Did you use the belt around his leg to keep it off the ground?
Or was the belt around the belly to support the whole dog?

When I wasn't carrying him he had to stay in a small crate where he couldn't stand. He was not a fan.

Again... poor little guy.

I also slept on an air mattress next to his crate for the whole month so he could see me.

Wow. That's pretty good of you!

Once he had the second surgery to remove the pins, we had him shaved down to match where the vet had shaved him and discovered the black was all on the tips of his fur.

Were you surprised?

I case you are wondering, he is a Schnauzer mix.

When I saw that picture, I thought he was a purebred Schnauzer.

Alex just turned 10 last month and his leg is just fine.

Good! :goodvibes

Here I am with him at the Atlanta Braves game in April. They have a day you can bring your dog called Bark in the Park.

1. I think it's cool that they have that.
2. Really nice pic of the two of you!

So I guess my point is, you have a long couple of months ahead of you but if you follow all the Vet's instructions she should be fine!

Thanks for the story, info and words of encouragement.
I really appreciate it. A lot.
Yikes. Sorry you had to cancel the trip. I'm glad you were able to get the care needed for Luna, but it still sucks.

Yeah, it sucks.
But as you well know,
sometimes life throws you a curve ball.

Oh, Ponzi! I just read about sweet Luna. I'm so sorry. I hope she heals quickly from her surgery. Insurance companies should absolutely offer pet insurance.

Actually, we do have pet insurance up here.
Never needed it before.
So why get it, right? :sad2
Then again, I had no idea surgery was that expensive!

I'm so sad to here about your cancelled trip.

Yeah, me too.

Poor puppy. :(
And I'm so sorry you have to cancel your Disney trip/cruise.. Huge bummer. Darn being responsible.

Just read sorry you had to cancel your Disney trip. Atleast Luna should recover ok if its any comisoration .

Thanks guys!

I'm so sorry to hear that you're canceling the Disney trip due to this, but I understand. Our pets have their own credit card with no limit on the amount, whatever they need, we'll do it for them. I hope that Luna heals properly, but even if she doesn't I know you'll still love her just as much.

Ruby said after it happened.
"She's wriggled her way into our hearts."
She looks pretty happy, guess she feels ok.

Not sure about our trip now for next year. Have to talk to our lawyer. We're so ready for that nonsense to be over! Sorry, don't want to go into detail on a public forum.

I do like that I kind of know Alison. That's why I'm seriously considering renting points in the first place. The sites are confusing and a little expensive and with a private renter you wouldn't know who you're getting.
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That's a whole lot of unexpected...
I finally get back over here and run across this.

Sorry about that!
I guess life can't always be sunshine and roses.

Sorry for the pup and as much so for the finances.
That's a tough spot.

here's to the procedure having gone well and to a quicker than expected recovery.

Seems to have gone well.
I guess we'll know more as the days go by.

Sorry to hear but not surprised under the circumstances.

Yeah. The vet bills already surpassed the cost of the cruise.

Certainly takes the thunder out of telling you that we actually have tickets for MNSSHP on 9/19.
We might have been able to pass each other in the crowd with a good old fashioned introvert's head nod and grunt.
Hate that y'all can't pull off the trip right now, but maybe sometime in the near.

Crap. Figures.
There are several people I was hoping to meet.


Not like being kind is all that tough.
Take your time, we ain't going no where.

Thanks Rob.
:hug:First, I'm really glad that Luna came through the surgery ok and I'm really sorry you've had to deal with this.

Thank you!

Second, I'm so completely bummed for you that you've had to cancel your trip plans :sad1:.

Yeah. It sucks. But what are you going to do?

I was so afraid of that as soon as you posted that you were taking her to the vet. On the bright side, maybe you can schedule another trip for when I'll be there! :rolleyes1:)

:laughing: Well, not your upcoming one, but who knows!

Glad the surgery went well for Luna - as I said on my PTR I can absolutely relate as something very similar happened to my puppy last year.

Yep. Read that.
And thanks for posting that, too.
I appreciate it.

The worst part is having to keep them still for at least 6 weeks following the surgery so they don't undo all the repair work when all they want to do is run around!

Oh, I'm already seeing that.
Thankfully there are four of us to spell each other off.

And bummer about the trip but family (including puppies!) has to come first!

<sigh> Yeah. Not being independently wealthy,
something has to give.

Awww the poor little thing... Hope she feels better soon!


I think all pet owners have stories of big-buck procedures but what else you gonna do? :dog::cat: :lovestruc

This is our first really big bug story.
I would like to hope it's our last!
I hope that once Luna is all better, every time she looks at you she will now have "Lady" eyes, since she is a whole bundle-worth of Disney finances now

:laughing: That would be something.
Right now she looks at us with mischief in her eyes.

but then again, what do you really do with money, anyways?

Well... maybe a Disney trip? :rolleyes:

To me, sometimes you choose how to spend your money, and sometimes life chooses it for you.

Very well said. This sure meets that criteria.

Well that really sucks! How does Luna feel?

So far so good.
I don't know if it's the fentanyl or not
but she doesn't seem to be in pain,
so that's good.

So when do you think you'll be able to go to Disney next?

Oh, man. I have no idea.
Maybe I can squeeze in a solo trip again some time.
But it's not even on the radar right now.

Sorry to hear about the puppy and cancelled trip.

Thanks Marita.
Long time no see!

I got 3 screws in my foot last year, not fun!

Ouch! What did you do?

3 months out from work, and its still bothering me.

Ruby had screws put in her ankle about 15 years ago...
Still bothers her sometimes.

Hope she will be well.

Thanks again!

She looks pretty happy, guess she feels ok.

So far.
We'll see how she is once the fentanyl patch comes off.
But for the time being, she seems pretty happy.

Not sure about our trip now for next year. Have to talk to our lawyer. We're so ready for that nonsense to be over! Sorry, don't want to go into detail on a public forum.

Oh, sorry to hear that.
PM me if you feel like talking about it.

I do like that I kind of know Alison. That's why I'm seriously considering renting points in the first place.

::yes:: I could see myself doing the same.
But I'd have to do a bit more research first.

The sites are confusing and a little expensive and with a private renter you wouldn't know who you're getting.



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