Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

Well it appears that I have acquired your Christmas week affliction. I was sore yesterday, but last night after returning from dinner the pain became acute. I only slept in spurts last night and woke up this morning to stabbing pains. I have been popping muscle relaxants and Fran's lower grade pain pills all day, Suffice to say I stayed in bed until after noon and have not accomplished anything today but feed the kids and order pizza/pasta/salad for delivery.

Not a great start to the New Year.
Well they have gone to it a few times. Also the basketball team does well too. I don't follow sports a lot but I have co-workers who are fans and goes to game.
Just in case, the red has nothing to do with (red) roses. The team's colors are Red and White

Ah. Well, yeah. I did think the red was for the team,
but I wasn't positive.

Doesn't bring out the colour in your eyes? By the way there's that Canadian spelling again. Actually my spell check feature has it underline as Wrong!

Change your spell check from 'USA'
to 'entire rest of planet' and you'll be fine. :rolleyes1

Woo Hoo! Something to do tonight if I stay up or to enjoy tomorrow on my day off.


Also hoping tomorrow to finally sit down and load pictures from camera and phone from our trip. Walgreens has a promo till Wed for $.o9 a photo on orders over 100. No problem there with a Disney trip!

Not bad! I think Walmart has 'em at $.35.

Wow multi quote worked twice today for me! Maybe it's my lucky year

:lmao: You go girl!

Speaking of....Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year to you too! :)

I have to admit, yesterday was the first time I felt a little sad the year was coming to an end. Literally we had the year 2016 as THE YEAR we had been waiting for what seemed forever to get here. It was gong to be the big anniversary, finally get to Disney year.....and now it's gone. In 2016 I got to plan, make ADR, FPs and really get to do what everyone here on the DIS has done but I've only been able to read about. 2017 won't be the same.

But I see you have 2021 in your siggie now.

Never got to mention from the later update how much I love the picture you took of 7DMT and the castle!! That is so postcard perfect!

Thanks! :goodvibes

And look at you, a DL trip now to look forward too. So jealous of the little DISmeet about to happen. Since it's a few days after my B-day, I'd love to treat myself to late B-day present and fly out to CA.

Do it!!!

***OH Pkondz productions company does a nice parade**

Thank you kindly.
I try.

Love your Magic shots from MNSSP, we only did the one of the carriage by the HM. I knew about Hitchhiking ghost but never knew where.

A bit of research,
a bit of asking people...

Your photos just bring me back thanks! I can feel like I'm on Main Street again. Love those lights


You nailed the Headless Horseman, glad he came out the second parade

I was pretty sure he would.
I had time to get ready for him.

Also thanks for the pic showing the barn's sign saying "Halloween Harvest Hoedown", I must have missed it. We both couldn't figure out what the chicken (the nest float) had to do with Halloween. It now makes a little more sense.

You're welcome! :laughing:

Hello!! In some ways there can never be a "bad" fireworks picture. You have some good ones.

Thanks! Still, not thrilled with them, though.

I can't wait to see what ones I got from our camera. Yes I haven't viewed any pictures from our trip. It's like back in the days of 3mm with us. To explain, we had a new camera that the kids help us pick out, but we never practiced with it.
Honestly, only a few weeks before we left, we got a quick lesson on how to work it. I know! Bad! So we didn't review anything, because we were afraid of pushing the wrong buttons. Yes, again , BAD!
I did take some from my phone that are nice, my new screensaver makes me happy every time I use my phone.

Hopefully they turned out well! Let me know!
Well it appears that I have acquired your Christmas week affliction. I was sore yesterday, but last night after returning from dinner the pain became acute. I only slept in spurts last night and woke up this morning to stabbing pains. I have been popping muscle relaxants and Fran's lower grade pain pills all day, Suffice to say I stayed in bed until after noon and have not accomplished anything today but feed the kids and order pizza/pasta/salad for delivery.

Not a great start to the New Year.

Awwww... sorry to hear that Alison.
Try shoveling snow.

PhotoPass_Visiting_MK_392754943263.jpeg PhotoPass_Visiting_MK_392423457456.jpeg Here are some of our PhotoPass pictures.
Sorry they are so big but I said I would show you. We sent the Halloween pic in Xmas cards. I cropped the other couple in background out and didn't put in border. I threw in the 7DMT because we did have fun!
Awwww... sorry to hear that Alison.
Try shoveling snow.


I think that's what keeps you in shape. I think slinging heavy suitcases and lifting scooters may have done it. Plus riding 8+ hours in an uncomfortable car. We've received enough rain in the last month, I'm considering taking a bath.
The Mighty Jungle

So! How was your Christmas?
Shall I tell you about mine?

I can honestly say that I don't remember
ever being so tired,
as I was in the days leading up to
and immediately following Christmas.


December 22.
I had a routine bi-annual physical that day.
I remember commenting to the doctor
that I had a cold coming on since I had
a bit of a scratchy throat.
Sucks, but... what-are-ya-gonna-do?

December 23.
Busy day. Lots of prepping etc.
Starting to feel sick, but still okay.
Didn't sleep more than three hours though.
Not sure why not.
It happens.

December 24.
More prepping. Feeling worse.
We have Christmas Eve down to a science now.
Pick up MIL for candlelight service.
Back to MIL's place for small gift exchange.
Then over to my folks' place.
Light snack and long gift exchange.
I really wasn't feeling too good by now,
so I was gratified when we sped things up a bit
and we finished around midnight.
Typically we finish around one or two a.m.

December 25.
I really don't feel good.
I also didn't sleep the night before.
Too sick. Cough or sniffles kept me up.

I actually only have vague
recollections of that week.

Get up... much earlier than I wanted.
I think because of the dogs.

Spend the entire day cleaning up the house
for most of the morning
and then spending the rest of the afternoon
cooking and prepping for the meal.

Family and friends over around 5:30pm.
Get all the supper ready and we eat.
I try to stay vertical in my chair.
I mostly succeed.

After dinner, I do the dishes.
It's Christmas so there's lots.
Which means that Kay makes herself scarce.
Elle has her boyfriend over,
so this renders her physically incapable
of lending a hand.

I get the dishes loaded in the dishwasher,
the good crystal and silver hand washed and dried,
the turkey bones in a pot and simmering for soup.

Eventually everyone leaves
and I get to bed around 1am or so.
Elle's boyfriend spends the night since he lives
out of town and we're having a snow storm.

And then it got tiring.

December 26.
I wake up at 4:30am, so I can shovel
out the driveway, so I can get to work.
I normally leave at 6am.
By 5:40am I am done shoveling
and totally sick and tired.
I call work and tell them
"I don't know what the roads
are going to be like,
so I'm probably going to be late."

I get myself ready and I'm
out of the house by 6am.

The street is snow covered,
but my neighbour has already driven out
that morning and I have two ruts
in the snow to follow.
I back out of my driveway and.... stop dead.


But I have come prepared!
I'm wearing my big knee high snow boots,
I have my coat on, gloves and a tuque.
I also have a shovel and some sand.

I get out and assess the situation.
I'm close to the ruts.
All I have to do is shovel out the car
and I should be good to go.

So I do.

A few minutes later, I have the area
around the car all shoveled out.

I get in the car, put it in gear...

Annndd.... I'm off!!!

I move approximately two feet and stop.


My neighbour, the one who made the ruts,
has an SUV. With more clearance.

My front bumper is under the snow
between the ruts.

Okay. No problem.
I just have to shovel a little bit more
so that I can get up to speed a bit.
Once I do that, it'll be smooth sailing.

Once again I shovel the car out.
But this time... this time,
I also shovel a six or seven foot path
in front of the car.

Now that should do it!!

I back the car up the foot available to me.
Put the car back in gear....

And take off!!!!!

And come to a dead stop.... six or seven feet later.

For the next two hours

That's Two Hours.....


I shovel a bit, drive a bit, stop,
shovel some more, stop, repeat...

For two hours.
Did I mention I shoveled for two hours?

How far did I shovel you ask?

Not that far... if you think in terms of miles.

No. Only....
One thousand, one hundred and fifty feet.

One thousand, one hundred and fifty feet.


I took this photo after about an hour
of shoveling.
I've shoveled up to the point where I took the photo.


Not neat and tidy,
and I sure as heck wasn't going to!

I wish I could say that was the end
of my troubles.

<sigh> No.

I managed to get to work
around 8:30am (Start time is 6:45.)
I was freezing cold and covered in sweat.
I had almost completely lost my voice.

When I arrived in the parking lot at work,
I got stuck there too.
I just left it.
(Later, a manager corralled some guys
and they pushed it into a parking spot.)

I finished work at 2:45pm.

And I couldn't go home.

I suppose I could have.
But I didn't want to drive two hours or more home
only to turn around again four hours later to do it again.
So I was pretty much stuck at work.

I tried to sleep, but I just hurt everywhere.
Combination of the cold and the shoveling I guess.

I worked again from 10:45pm to 6:45am.

December 27.
I was sick and now sleep deprived.
Since December 23, I had about 3 hours of sleep.
I trudged to my car in the parking lot and...

just stared.

They had plowed down each aisle of the parking lot.
Leaving a three foot high ridge of snow
behind my car.

More shoveling.

Thirty minutes later,
with the help of a co-worker pushing,
I was on my way home.

I got home eventually and slept
for a solid two hours....
and then a bit later, another hour.

I know I went to see Rogue 1 that night.
I even stayed awake through it.
I think I got a good six hour sleep that night.

December 28.
I had my cousin over.
We sat and chatted for over 5 hours.
It was nice.
I think.
Don't remember it too clearly.

December 29
I don't remember it.
Or a whole heck of a lot of the 30th.

I know I spent a chunk of the 31st
at my parents' place for brunch.
And then the rest of the evening at work.

2017 can't come soon enough...
I'm still recovering....

Happy New Year!

And now... on with our currently scheduled TR...


"What is that infernal racket!?!?!?"

Stupid alarm.
Six a.m.
Who gets up at six o'clock in the morning...
on vacation???

pkondz. That's who.

Well.... I did hit the snooze until 6:30,
but I was up and at the bus stop
at ten after seven.
And the bus wasn't there.

What gives??
I turned and stared sternly at the front
façade of the ASMu resort.
It worked.
The bus arrived one minute later, at 7:11am.

I must admit to being a bit surprised.
Every. Single. One of you...
Guessed I'd be heading to AK this morning.
Even after I told you I could be tricky.

And still no one else guessed something else!

Lucky for y'all, I am going to AK this morning.

I arrived at the park after an uneventful bus ride.
Sure, there was that little incident where
the bus swerved off the road and flipped into
a canal and alligators swarmed us.
But that's pretty standard stuff for Florida.

I had to stop before the park entrance
while I was frisked from head to toe
and prodded in places that are best left unprodded.
"Hello!!! I'm not hiding anything there!!"

"Is this even more new security for Disney?" I asked.
"Oh, I don't work for Disney." Came the answer.
And then he ran off...

Well that was.... unsettling.
(No. It didn't happen. But I could see it.)

I did however get picked, once again,
to go through the extra security screening.

I'm starting to wonder if wearing
Harley Davidson shirts might be the reason.

I got to the rope drop area at 7:24am.
While I wasn't the first to arrive,
I was first in line at my chosen tapstile.

This nice CM was handing out Disney AK cards.
She handed me a few.
I took them, thinking I'd pass them out
if the opportunity arose.


One CM I stupidly didn't take a picture of
was a nice young man from France.
We had a long conversation.
He in his native tongue and me
valiantly trying to keep up
with my rusty French.

Shortly before eight, they lowered the ropes
and we all stepped forward...
just as they raised the ropes a few inches...
Everyone wiped out.

Okay. That didn't happen either.
And except for the lawsuits,
it would be pretty funny if they did.

I had someplace I wanted to be so I set out at a fast walk,
I paused to take a picture of a bird,
but this stupid tree was in the way.


Doesn't matter. I ain't got not time.
I had fun with a couple about my age
who were walking quickly just in front of me.

The guy warned me (laughingly... or was it?)
to stay behind them.
We passed a small group being led by a CM.
The couple were first in line and I was next.
I knew one thing for sure...
I was going to be on the first Safari truck of the day! Woot!

Why did I pick the Safari and not EE?
(As many of you guessed.)
Because EE has a single rider line,
and I wanted to do the Safari this trip.
(I don't always.)

The small group that we passed was led into
the FP queue and disappeared.
The woman in front of me remarked:
"They're going behind the scenes.
While we ride trucks, they ride the animals."
And she said it in such a deadpan,
that a woman behind me said "Really?"

I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing.
The woman behind me laughed too.
She must've realized what she'd just said.

When I turned, I took a photo of the line
that had quickly formed after just a few seconds.


I preferred being at the front thanks.

I didn't take that many photos on the safari.
Most of the ones I did, were average at best.
I'll spare you those.

But I will share a few with you,
notable ones that I took specifically for a reason.

Like these two.
I'd never seen wild dogs before,
and the guide mentioned that
they're not out often.
I don't know what they were after,
but they were still neat to see.



I wished he would've stopped for a bit,
but the show must go on, I suppose.

We did stop at one point.
A giraffe decided to veg out
in the middle of the road.
We sat there waiting for about
five minutes until he finally
decided to amble off.


This next one's notable because...
Well it turned out okay.
So I'm posting it.
That's reason enough.

Deal with it.


We were driving around and admiring the different sights
and animals on the Safari.
Suddenly our guide stopped the truck in its tracks
and told us all to be quiet and listen.


I'd never heard before, nor expected to ever hear,
a lion roaring.
But the male in the picture above was doing just that.

So. Cool.

I'd never seen anything more of the lions
other than a pair of ears.

Going early definitely paid off!

I immediately switched to video mode
so I could get some sound too,
but he stopped roaring
and I picked up this instead.
(I don't know how to post videos,
so I'll just post the stills with narration.)

"Harold, I need you to go to the store and pick up some milk.
And maybe those nice crackers I like.
Remember the Hendersons are coming over tonight
and I don't want a repeat of last time when you ate one of their children.
Now go on, scoot."


Male: "grumble, grumble, nagging, grumble."
Female: "What did you say??"


Male: "Nothing. Milk. Got it."
Female: "And the crackers don't forget the crackers."


Male: "Milk and crackers. Got it."
Female: "Maybe I should write it down."
Male: "You don't have to write it down!
It's two items! I can remember two things!"
Female: "And what are those two things?"
Male: "Uh...."
Male: "Right. I know that. I'm going now."
Female: "And put some gas in the car too."


They're a lot like us.
Who knew?

And there were these guys:


"OMG, have you seen Mary?"
"No! What about her?"
"Well, it's obvious she's had some work done."
"Oh I know. Who does she think she's kidding?
No one's horn is that shiny."
"I think she's got a new boyfriend."
"Another one? How many is that now?....

We drove on, so I didn't hear how many
boyfriends Mary had or has.

Bonus points. How many did she have do you think?

After the Safari, it was time for a little EE time.




I think I might be getting old.
That may be the last time I ride it.


I rode it again.


Obligatory "end of the line" photo.
Everyone has to take this picture
at least once.
It's a Disney by-law.


After the ride, I wandered in the gift shop for a bit.
I was looking for something that Kay had wanted.
I didn't find it, but I did see a little one who
looked a bit sad about something.
Maybe he didn't meet the height requirement.
He got one of the cards I'd received.
He brightened up.

Can I share something with you people?
It's so easy to make someone's day.
A smile. A nod. A small gesture.
I really don't understand
why some people find it so difficult.
Just do nice things once in a while, okay?
Sermon over.

After EE, I headed over to see something
that I thought I'd never see.
It's Tough To Be A Bug.

If you have no interest in seeing the show,
I highly recommend you take the time
to walk through the queue.
There's a lot of the tree of life
that's not visible except in that queue.

Unfortunately, I only had time to shoot this
one photo before I had to hurry off.


The show was soon starting,
so I joined everyone outside the theatre doors.
There was a little girl who wasn't happy about something.
She got another one of my cards.
She was still un-happy, but less so now.

The show? What can I say about the show.
Well.... nothing.
For those of you who've seen it,
you don't need me to describe it.
And for those of you who haven't,
I'm not going to spoil it for you.

But I will say, that I was quite
surprised by it.
Pleasantly so.
I had absolutely zero expectations going in.
And I found myself enjoying it quite a bit.

And the reason I had thought I'd never see it?
The poke in the back (I was afraid of hurting my back)
was very mild and not painful at all.
(Indeed, this is what convinced me to see it.
Even with my sore back, I had decided that Disney
wouldn't risk injuring its guests.)

After the show, I... didn't feel like doing anything.
I'd done the Safari and EE (twice!)
I'd seen all the shows now and Dinosaur
was down for refurb.
So I just wandered around a bit taking in the sights.

At one point, a man with wife and child in tow
came up and asked me what the best way
to get to the exit was.
I politely pointed to the Wildlife Express Train
and told them to take that.

Okay, okay, I didn't.
I pointed them in the right direction.
(I'm not that mean! Still...
I wonder how long they would've
wandered about Rafiki's Planet Watch
looking for the exit.)

A bit later, a family of four asked
if I'd take their picture.
I gladly agreed.
Their kids got my last two cards.

I suppose I could've taken many photos,
but I was content on just focusing on one or two.



And then it was lunch time.
I think it was @TheLittleKatie 's TR
where I first learned of the Harambe market.
I knew I had to try it,
so I headed over that way.



The market was just opening up
and I was one of the first in line.

I ordered the beef and pork sausage
(Fried in Curried Corn Batter
served with Green Papaya Slaw
and Black-eyed Pea Salad)

For my drink, I chose a Watermelon lemonade.

I'd love to say that it was great, but...
The sausage was better after I peeled the
corn batter off of it.
A bit too much of that.
The salad wasn't my cup of tea
and the slaw was... boring.

The drink was okay,
but what I really wanted was the
Frozen Flamingo
(non-alcoholic frozen concoction
with flavors of Strawberry and Passion Fruit
served in an ocarina musical sipper.)

I really didn't care about the
"ocarina musical sipper",
but that window wasn't open
until after I'd started eating.


After lunch I wandered around a bit more
with no real destination in mind.
I was just enjoying... not doing anything.
Occasionally I'd snap a photo
if the mood or the scene hit me.






Eventually I decided that it was time to leave.
I headed out of the park and
headed for the bus stops.

I misread a sign unfortunately
and headed up the wrong way.
It only took me a few seconds
to figure out what I'd done,
but Disney didn't account for that.

I figure I added 60 seconds to my walk,
as a result, I missed my bus by about 20.


Well... this one's on me.
And I paid for it.

I arrived at the stop at 11:45,
the next bus showed up at 11:59.
Fourteen minutes.
That'll learn me to take a wrong turn!

Next stop!......
Well, you'll just have to wait and see.


My Big Fat Canadian Bonus:
I ride Disney transportation
nineteen times this trip.

What is my total time spent waiting
for Disney Transportation?

Wait times guesses closed.

(Total time to date: 92 minutes)
Gracefulskinny - 60
Thumper_Man - 72
queenbetsey - 78
Mrs T 2009 - 86
jandlinz - 96
DaisyDuck001 - 103
franandaj - 111
Terra Nova guy - 116
afwdwfan - 123
juniorbugman - 124
Mac Brew - 127
Heluvsme - 128
Thumper_Man's Wife - 130
chookie94 - 132
Steppesister - 135
kaileighbug - 137
SnowWhiteOz - 138
irene_dsc - 139
tashers - 144
rndmr2 - 146
fallonkendra - 150
Captain_Oblivious - 153
Chrystmasangel - 158
bankr63 - 165
DonnaBeeGood - 167
cinderkelly - 175
Curiouser&curiouser! - 177
orangecats2 - 180
vrajewski10513 - 182
DISNEYMOON10121991 - 184
chillitsanne - 196
GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes - 234

Answers to previous questions:

Did you see IT? (Big IT in first photo)
And did you see it? pkondz sponsored parade.

4 points each.

1. What time does the alarm go off?
Answer: 6:00 - 10 points.
(6 points +/- 15, 2 points +/- 30, 1 point +/- 60)

2. Bus. Morning. What's the wait time?
Answer: 1 minute. 10 points.
(6 points 0-5, 1 point 6-10)

3. Which park do I go to?
Answer: AK - 4 points.

4. Rope drop? Yes or no?
Answer: Yes - 4 points.

5. Extra security? Yay or nay?
Answer: Yes - 4 points.

6. First ride of the day?
Answer: Safari - 8 points.

7. Which show did I see for the first time?
Answer: ITTBAB - 6 points.

8. Do I get asked for directions?
Answer: Of course - 4 points.

9. Where did I have lunch?
Answer: Harambe Market - 8 points.

Bonus: Who took the photo?
Answer: Me. (with remote) - 8 points.

orangecats2 - 7:00, 5, yes, yes, EE, FOTLK, yes, Flame Tree, saw both, me - 35 points.
DonnaBeeGood - 7:15, 4, AK, no, yes, EE, FotLK, yes, Harambe, saw both, me - 30 points.
rndmr2 - 7:00, 5, AK, no, yes, EE, Nemo, no, Tiffens, saw IT - 19 points.
mustinjourney - 6:25, 7, AK, yes, yes, Dino, FOW, yes, Flame Tree, saw it, me - 27 points.
Steppesister - 7:00, 4, AK, yes, yes, EE, ITTBAB, yes, Harambe, saw both,me - 53 points. (High score!)
DaisyDuck001 - 7:30, 12, AK, no, yes, EE, FOW, yes, Flame Tree, saw both - 20 points.
Mac Brew - 7:00, 8, AK, yes, yes, EE, Nemo, yes, Yak&Yeti, saw both, me - 34 points.
Captain_Oblivious - 7:00, 6, AK, yes, yes, EE, FOW, yes, Flame Tree, saw both, me - 34 points.
Gracefulskinny - 5:45,2, AK, yes, yes, EE, Nemo, no, Tiffens, saw IT, other - 19 points.
irene_dsc - 6:30, 11, AK, yes, yes, EE, FOW, yes, Flame Tree, saw it - 22 points.
GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes - 7:00, 3, AK, yes, no, EE, Nemo, yes, Flame Tree, saw it, other - 23 points.
MAGICFOR2 - 7:00, 4, AK, no, yes, safari, jungle book, Flame Tree, saw both - 31 points.
Thumper_Man - 6:30,5, AK, yes, yes, EE, ITTBAB, yes, Yak & Yeti, saw both, me - 42 points
Thumper_Man's Wife - 6:00, 8, AK, yes, yes, EE, ITTBAB, yes, Pizzafari, saw both, me - 49 points.
queenbetsey - 6:30, 4, AK, yes, no, safari, FOW, yes, Rain Forest - 28 points.
franandaj - 7:00, 7, AK, no, yes, EE, FOTLK, yes, Harambe, saw both, me - 38 points.
Mrs T 2009 - 7:15, 3, AK, yes, no, Dinosaur, ITTBAB, yes, Flame Tree, saw both - 32 points.
Terra Nova guy - 7:15, 7, AK, no, yes, EE, FOW, yes, Flame Tree, saw both, me - 29 points.
Princess Leia - saw both - 8 points.
jandlinz - 7:00, 4, AK, yes, yes, EE, FOTLK, yes, Harambe, saw both - 39 points.
juniorbugman - 6:43, 6.5, AK, yes, yes, EE, FOTLK, yes, Flame Tree, saw one, me - 30 points.
DISNEYMOON10121991 - 7:00, 6, AK, yes, yes, EE, Nemo, yes, Harambe, saw both, me (I think) - 38 points.

As usual, if I've made any mistakes,
either above or below, let me know.

Bonus points
DonnaBeeGood - Thanks for the costume! 12 points. Makes a good point. 2 points.
Mac Brew - Thinks I belong at Universal. 2 points.
Captain_Oblivious - Keith Richards. 4 points.
Steppesister - Knows what ride to ride. 2 points. Thanks for seizing the moment. 2 points.
Gracefulskinny - DD knows how to perform for a crowd. 3 points.
irene_dsc - I'll keep it short. Shorts... 2 points.
GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes - Nein! Ok, yah. 2 points.
MAGICFOR2 - For living vicariously. - 2 points.
Thumper_Man - For being a horse's END. - 2 points.
Thumper_Man's Wife - For being married to a horse's end - 2 points.
franandaj - Merry crustacean! - 3 points.
Mrs T 2009 - Foolishly thinks nice things about me. - 2 points.
Terra Nova guy - Pick a pair. - 2 points. Beaver. Done. - 4 points.
Princess Leia - Knows what a real man looks like. - 4 points. 99 bottles of beer in her arms.... 4 points.
jandlinz - Wants to dance. - 2 points.
orangecats2 - Lets me know when to post. - 2 points.

Steppesister - 198 points
orangecats2 - 193 points
franandaj - 183 points
DISNEYMOON10121991 -168 points
Captain_Oblivious - 155 points
Thumper_Man - 153 points
Thumper_Man's Wife - 153 points
GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes - 143 points
irene_dsc - 143 points
Terra Nova guy - 132 points
juniorbugman - 131 points
Mac Brew - 129 points
DonnaBeeGood - 128 points
chookie94 - 122 points
jandlinz - 122 points
queenbetsey - 120 points
Gracefulskinny - 118 points
rndmr2 - 117 points
Mrs T 2009 - 116 points
fallonkendra - 112 points
Chrystmasangel - 108 points
MAGICFOR2 - 105 points
cinderkelly - 95 points
Curiouser&curiouser! - 90 points
bankr63 - 87 points
mustinjourney - 84 points
tashers - 84 points
Heluvsme - 80 points
afwdwfan - 73 points
DaisyDuck001 - 65 points
chillitsanne - 57 points
natebenma - 39 points
SnowWhiteOz - 30 points
SoccerDogWithEars - 30 points
vrajewski10513 - 30 points
kaileighbug - 28 points
krnelson65 - 22 points
lisaviolet - 18 points
Princess Leia - 12 points
QueenJen - 10 points
cindianne320 - 4 points
Ladyfish77 - 4 points
MHSweb79 - 3 points
Self_resqing_princz - 2 points

Questions, next round:

1. Where am I heading next?
a. Another Park
b. Another Resort
c. My resort
d. Disney Springs
e. Other. Because... other.

2. Which park do I go to next?

3. Next park. Extra security. Yes? No?

4. How many parks do I do today?
(Hint: between 1 and 4!)

5. Fast pass. I got one. To what?
(Hint: Get the park right and this is easy.)
a. Frozen
b. EE
c. 7DMT
d. TOT

6. What did I try for the first time?
(Hint: Get the park right and this is easy.
Whoa... deja vu.)
a. Rice pudding
b. Giraffe marshmallow pop
c. Nutella waffle
d. Butterfinger cupcake

7. What time do I leave the park for the night?

8. Last bus of the day. How long do I wait?

Bonus: Did you see it?
You saw it right?
Well, I don't want to know.... here.
PM your answer. (We'll make this a bit tougher.)
Posting here will result in penalties!

Coming up: More surprises!

Last edited:
1. Where am I heading next?
a. Another Park
b. Another Resort
c. My resort
d. Disney Springs
e. Other. Because... other.

a. Another park

2. Which park do I go to next?


3. Next park. Extra security. Yes? No?

4. How many parks do I do today?
(Hint: between 1 and 4!)


5. Fast pass. I got one. To what?
(Hint: Get the park right and this is easy.)
a. Frozen
b. EE
c. 7DMT
d. TOT


6. What did I try for the first time?
(Hint: Get the park right and this is easy.
Whoa... deja vu.)
a. Rice pudding
b. Giraffe marshmallow pop
c. Nutella waffle
d. Butterfinger cupcake


7. What time do I leave the park for the night?


8. Last bus of the day. How long do I wait?

25 min

Mary has three boyfriends.
1. Where am I heading next?
a. Another Park
b. Another Resort
c. My resort
d. Disney Springs
e. Other. Because... other.

a. Another park

2. Which park do I go to next?


3. Next park. Extra security. Yes? No?

4. How many parks do I do today?
(Hint: between 1 and 4!)


5. Fast pass. I got one. To what?
(Hint: Get the park right and this is easy.)
a. Frozen
b. EE
c. 7DMT
d. TOT


6. What did I try for the first time?
(Hint: Get the park right and this is easy.
Whoa... deja vu.)
a. Rice pudding
b. Giraffe marshmallow pop
c. Nutella waffle
d. Butterfinger cupcake


7. What time do I leave the park for the night?


8. Last bus of the day. How long do I wait?

25 min

Mary has three boyfriends.

PM noted too.
Hi Pkondz
I attempted to Pm you with I seen it. It is the first time I have done this so if it worked hooray if not I will try again
What a busy time you have just had with a cold (Man Flu ) and all the responsibility of work as well as orginising your Christmas at your homestead.Used the American term for your house as I don't know the Canadian term for house.Have seen winipeg on ice road truckers my you get lots of snow.The last time we got over six inches at once was 2010 went and bought a four by four and tipical sods law it has never been as bad since.Was it because it was the holiday that your snow plow never cleared your road.
Your morning in animal Kingdom looked good even the lion's turned up all in the same place.Nice photo sequences of the lions as well .Twice on everest all before lunch way to go.
Hi Pkondz
I attempted to Pm you with I seen it. It is the first time I have done this so if it worked hooray if not I will try again

Hi Mac!
Yup. Got your PM. ::yes::

What a busy time you have just had with a cold (Man Flu ) and all the responsibility of work as well as orginising your Christmas at your homestead.

It was.... a bit too much.
Holidays. They'll getcha every time.

Used the American term for your house as I don't know the Canadian term for house

The Canadian term for house is..... house!

Have seen winipeg on ice road truckers my you get lots of snow.

We get our share.
Not as bad as some,
worse than others.

Sucks everytime I need to shovel it, though! :laughing:

The last time we got over six inches at once was 2010 went and bought a four by four and tipical sods law it has never been as bad since.Was it because it was the holiday that your snow plow never cleared your road.

:laughing: Well of course!
And if you hadn't bought it,
it would've snowed every year
until you did.

The snow wasn't cleared because
it had just ended.
Winnipeg has about 500 pieces of equipment
(plows and front end loaders)
but the main roads take priority.
It was cleared out the next night.

Your morning in animal Kingdom looked good even the lion's turned up all in the same place.Nice photo sequences of the lions as well .Twice on everest all before lunch way to go.

I'd never seen even one lion.
I had no idea there was more than two!

Love single rider line for EE.
No waiting! (or not much.)
Happy New Year! I'm back to reality. In the words of our little Maddox, said with a big pout on his face, "I want to live at Disneyland!"

I'm sorry you had to deal with so much snow, especially while sick. We had a couple of chilly days in the parks, but the rain held off until we were done and spending time with family.

So you went to AK? I'M SO SURPRISED! :rotfl2:Good thing you were first in line at Safari. That was a crazy line behind you.
I have to admit, I can't see IT this time. :magnify: I will guess that Miss Rhino has two boyfriends. One of those in the pic is pretty young so I'm not counting him. Looks like a relaxing dsy. Sorry your lunch was not your fav. I hope to get back on my TR and update on my DLR trip, too. We have Hawaii coming up in less than 3 months. I'll be back with guesses.

Hi Pkondz
My answers to the guesses are as follows
1. Answer "C" Back to your resort.
2. That park would be EPCOT.
3. No security this time.
4. 2 parks today.
5. a :- Frozen for your fast pass.
6. d :- buterfinger cup cake
7. 21:00 hrs left the park.
8. 18 mins wait for the bus.

Bonus :- Mary the Rino has three boyfriends.
Just got back from visiting MIL in NJ. Our Christmas trip turned into a New Year's trip, which was fine. No traffic either way- that's a first!
Hope you feel better, Pkondz- here in the states we have what're called "sick days." You should look into that.
I love AK and your pictures are great! We have heard the lion roar many times. On our last trip (when we met the famous Pkondz) we did a sunset safari. We could hear the lion roaring ahead, and just when we passed by, he decided to enjoy his, er, ah, "conjungle" rights. The guy next to me said "I guess we know why he was roaring!" and we all cracked up. Several parents had to cover they eyes of their little ones- not cool, Disney!
As for DD, she is on medication and seems to be fine. She has had several incidents since July of waking up with a sore/ swollen, bleeding tongue and three of those times had urinary incontinence (for you nurses out there) as well, including this one. She also has two cousins who have had seizures (one is epileptic) so maybe adding all that up contributed to her driving restriction and put on medication. She had been incredibly stressed by her job, but no other factors that we know of. Unfortunately, the Providence job requires a valid driver's licence, which she points out she has (doctor put her on the "honor system" not to drive) but I think it's going to be a no-go.
As for our upcoming Disney trip, she was horrified when I said we'd have to cancel, and arranged her own babysitter for while we are away. I was touched, but I am not sure we'll be comfortable leaving her.
I want to thank everyone for the medical advice and good wishes- it really is a nice group here.
So! How was your Christmas?


I'm still recovering....

But not nearly as much so as yours.

I had to stop before the park entrance
while I was frisked from head to toe
and prodded in places that are best left unprodded.
"Hello!!! I'm not hiding anything there!!"

If you're gonna have an exam wouldn't you want it done at Disney?

Maybe you clarify which add-ons and VIP packages you want next time.

I'm starting to wonder if wearing
Harley Davidson shirts might be the reason.

Next time try a My Pretty Pony shirt.

Okay. That didn't happen either.
And except for the lawsuits,
it would be pretty funny if they did.

I dunno, I think I'd laugh all the way to the bank.

The woman in front of me remarked:
"They're going behind the scenes.
While we ride trucks, they ride the animals."
And she said it in such a deadpan,
that a woman behind me said "Really?"


Nice one! Great comp and contrast!

I'd never heard before, nor expected to ever hear,
a lion roaring.
But the male in the picture above was doing just that.

So. Cool.

Uhhh, yeah, cool!

They're a lot like us.
Who knew?

No they're not. My lists are MUCH longer.

"OMG, have you seen Mary?"
"No! What about her?"
"Well, it's obvious she's had some work done."
"Oh I know. Who does she think she's kidding?
No one's horn is that shiny."
"I think she's got a new boyfriend."
"Another one? How many is that now?....

We drove on, so I didn't hear how many
boyfriends Mary had or has.

Bonus points. How many did she have do you think?

She's a horny animal, you say???

One. Only one.

Hey, I have one JUST like that!

Can I share something with you people?
It's so easy to make someone's day.
A smile. A nod. A small gesture.
I really don't understand
why some people find it so difficult.
Just do nice things once in a while, okay?
Sermon over.

Preach it, Bruthuh!!!!


So I just wandered around a bit taking in the sights.

THIS! This is how AK is done. (I KNEW you had it in you.)

After lunch I wandered around a bit more
with no real destination in mind.
I was just enjoying... not doing anything.
Occasionally I'd snap a photo
if the mood or the scene hit me.

See... can you feel the stress melt off of you? (No, that's not the Disney heat doing that. It's unhurried Disney time.)

Steppesister - 135

I think I'd asked to change my guess an update or two back? I asked for 103 minutes, I believe, but am now seeing that's already taken. Can I change it to 125? I'll PM it in my answer so it's in 2 places.
Elle has her boyfriend over,
so this renders her physically incapable
of lending a hand.
Funny how that happens, isn’t it? Seems much the same for any young girl. DD16 had a boyfriend for a few months earlier in the year that (thankfully) ended, but she brought another guy around a couple times in December. Every time, she rushes into the basement and disappears like it’s a storm bunker. Heaven forbid there should be any interaction with the parents.

But I have come prepared!
I'm wearing my big knee high snow boots,
I have my coat on, gloves and a tuque.
I also have a shovel and some sand.
I’m just imagining our good friends in the south having cold sweats while reading this horror story. As for me, I feel your pain. I’ve been there. Although I can’t say I’ve ever shoveled that much of the street before.

I had someplace I wanted to be so I set out at a fast walk,
I paused to take a picture of a bird,
but this stupid tree was in the way.
As much as I like the castle, I think is my favourite of the park icons. I love the detail. Did you know it’s built from the bones of an old oil rig?

Why did I pick the Safari and not EE?
(As many of you guessed.)
Because EE has a single rider line,
and I wanted to do the Safari this trip.
Dang, that makes perfect sense. Might be a strategy for me to use sometime, although I never do EE as a single rider since DD is always with me.

The woman in front of me remarked:
"They're going behind the scenes.
While we ride trucks, they ride the animals."
Reminds me of that song, “Save a horse, ride a cowboy”...

I'd never heard before, nor expected to ever hear,
a lion roaring.
But the male in the picture above was doing just that.
It is very cool to hear a lion roar in person. I had a nice experience some years ago at the Singapore Zoo, where they do a proper night safari. They drive you around in trams in almost complete darkness, except for blue lights used to simulate moonlight and allow you to just see the animals. Come to think of it, Disney could really use some tips from them. Anyway, they stopped us in front of the hyenas when the lion began to roar – their enclosure must have been very close by. As you can imagine, this whipped the hyenas into a frenzy and they started running around and “laughing”. A great experience.

Male: "You don't have to write it down!
It's two items! I can remember two things!"
Female: "And what are those two things?"
Male: "Uh...."
Male: "Right. I know that. I'm going now."
Female: "And put some gas in the car too."
Two things, I should be OK. Add the gas to the equation, that’s it, I’m out. Need a list written down then.

We drove on, so I didn't hear how many
boyfriends Mary had or has.

Bonus points. How many did she have do you think?
Listen, you expect me to be able to keep track of how many boyfriends Mary has had? That girl is like the Taylor Swift of the savannah. I don’t have enough fingers. All I know is that they’re never, ever getting back together.

Obligatory "end of the line" photo.
Everyone has to take this picture
at least once.
It's a Disney by-law.
Yep, I think we all have one. I don’t really get the hair elastic collection up there, though. Is it “a thing” now or something? Do they ever try to clean it up? It kind of confuses me.

But I will say, that I was quite
surprised by it.
Pleasantly so.
I had absolutely zero expectations going in.
And I found myself enjoying it quite a bit.

And the reason I had thought I'd never see it?
The poke in the back (I was afraid of hurting my back)
was very mild and not painful at all.
Yeah, it’s OK. I don’t think I did it last trip, but both times before. Definitely worth watching at least once. Last time I leaned forward before they poked me in the back. It’s not bad at all, but I’m one of those ticklish types.

I'd love to say that it was great, but...
The sausage was better after I peeled the
corn batter off of it.
A bit too much of that.
The salad wasn't my cup of tea
and the slaw was... boring.
Hmm…interesting. I’m not sure I’ll end up eating there, but if I did, that’s what I was going to try.

Occasionally I'd snap a photo
if the mood or the scene hit me.
I love the bicycle/food cart photo that says “best choice for thirst. Yes.” I can just imagine a guy sitting there saying that, as if there’s no debate. It’s the best. End of story.

1. Where am I heading next?
a. Another Park
b. Another Resort
c. My resort
d. Disney Springs
e. Other. Because... other.

2. Which park do I go to next?

3. Next park. Extra security. Yes? No?

4. How many parks do I do today?
(Hint: between 1 and 4!)

5. Fast pass. I got one. To what?
(Hint: Get the park right and this is easy.)
a. Frozen
b. EE
c. 7DMT
d. TOT

6. What did I try for the first time?
(Hint: Get the park right and this is easy.
Whoa... deja vu.)
a. Rice pudding
b. Giraffe marshmallow pop
c. Nutella waffle
d. Butterfinger cupcake

7. What time do I leave the park for the night?

8. Last bus of the day. How long do I wait?
1. d. Disney Springs
2. DHS
3. Yes. Why break the trend now?
4. 2
5. d. TOT
6. d. butterfinger cupcake
7. 9pm
8. 7 minutes
Late to the party, just read thru everything. Love your humor (or is it humour? )
We were at WDW the weekend after your trip & coincidentally will be at DL the last week of March.

Can't wait to read more!


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