Zip-ah-de-doo-da, Zip-ah-dee-EH! Two Canadians Visit WDW for the 1st Time - COMPLETE!

I am SUPER late to the party but just wanted to say I am really enjoying your TR! Spent the last hour reading through it :)
Looking forward to hearing about the end of your trip...although the ending is always the saddest part!
Joining in! Can't wait to read more. Also it's great to see the math breakdown of the dining plan. I always wonder how that math ends up working out, so I'm glad you enjoy showing us!
Day Seven - Part Two - January 11th, 2016 - So Many Rides!

When we left Be Our Guest, it was still only 8:45am, so the park did not officially open for another 15 minutes. We realized that the Mine Train was already up and running, so we quickly headed in that direction, which isn't a very far walk at all from BOG.

We had planned on skipping this ride today, since we didn't have a Fastpass for it, but since the line was non-existent we actually walked right onto it! We even got to admire some of the queue line at our own pace! There were not even enough people to fill the entire train, and we ended up riding with only 6 other people!

On January 6th when we were on this ride, the cameras must have been broken or my Magicband didn't work properly, because we didn't get any pictures or video from the Mine Train that day :sad:. I didn't realize this until way too late to try and do something about it. You'll notice in the pictures above, Luke and I were actually taking a selfie since we didn't realize there were pictures on this (if we did know, we would have been making funny faces...). Here's proof of our selfie :rotfl::

By the time we got off, the park had started opening, so we headed straight for Peter Pan's Flight. We had less than a 10 minute wait until we were in a ship, sailing over London! It was a really cute ride, but there's no way I would wait for over an hour for it! The standby line is really great too, so much detail! We actually had a Fastpass for this scheduled for later in the day, but we didn't feel the need to re-ride it so we went on our MDE app, dropped that FP+ and managed to pick one up for Haunted Mansion in the afternoon. Score!

From there, we decided to go on Winnie the Pooh. I had my entire bedroom done in Pooh bear when I was younger, so I love this ride! So cute! And the interactive queue line is fantastic! I also prefer the motion of the ride over the Pooh ride in Disneyland. (They are practically the same ride, but I find the one in Florida has better movement during the windy day part).

When we exited Winnie the Pooh, it was only 9:20. The park had only been open for 20 minutes, and we had already been on three rides! This day was going wonderfully! We decided to head over to Tomorrowland. We were trying to hit any and all rides we had missed on our first MK day, so when we saw a 15 minute wait time posted for Astro Orbiters we jumped in line. That ride is a tight squeeze for two adults! But it does offer some pretty great views :)

It was then time to use our first FP+ of the day for Space Mountain! I don't even know what I was doing with my face, but I think the award for funniest face has to go to the random stranger in front of me...I'm also not sure why Luke looks like he's freaking out?

Next up was Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin and Luke beat me again. I might have mentioned this already, but this ride is so much better in California. I don't like that the guns are attached and you can't pick them up in WDW. In DL, by being able to pick the gun up your aim is so much better! And yes, this is yet another ride photo where we are making stupid faces...

We started walking towards the castle but stopped for Photopass pictures under the Tomorrowland sign. The photographer was a bubbly little thing, very friendly. She was fascinated by my magenta-coloured hair and wanted to talk about hair dye for at least 5 minutes. Poor thing wasn't very good with the camera though...It's a good thing we have plenty of other great Photopass pictures that I didn't mind these ones not turning out.

OMG! I have never ever commented on a TR before and I know this post is a little old but I just found your report last night. My hubby and I are in your Mine Train pictures!! That's amazing!! ETA: We are in the back. We also had BOG reservations and were out by 8:30 so we did Mine Train 3 times in a row. I think this was our last ride of the 3 and we were trying to be "serious" to make a funny picture but it just looks like we are mad.
Last edited:
I am SUPER late to the party but just wanted to say I am really enjoying your TR! Spent the last hour reading through it :)
Looking forward to hearing about the end of your trip...although the ending is always the saddest part!

Thanks for reading! The end of the trip wasn't too bad, since we knew we already had plans to return :)

Joining in! Can't wait to read more. Also it's great to see the math breakdown of the dining plan. I always wonder how that math ends up working out, so I'm glad you enjoy showing us!

Thanks! I need to find my spreadsheet I did with the total cost breakdown so I can post that!

OMG! I have never ever commented on a TR before and I know this post is a little old but I just found your report last night. My hubby and I are in your Mine Train pictures!! That's amazing!! ETA: We are in the back. We also had BOG reservations and were out by 8:30 so we did Mine Train 3 times in a row. I think this was our last ride of the 3 and we were trying to be "serious" to make a funny picture but it just looks like we are mad.

That is awesome!
Day Eight - Part Four - January 12th, 2016

After tossing away the way-too-sweet lemonade, we said our final goodbyes to Animal Kingdom, and left a Disney park for the last time on this trip :( We caught a bus back to All Star Music for the final time. We weren't in a rush, and had no other major plans for the evening, so we made our way to Intermission Food Court - we still had dining plan credits to use! Head over to my dining report for the deliciousness (I'll hyperlink it once I actually write that post...). After emptying our dining credits, and enjoying our last Disney meal, we went and collected our luggage from Bell Services and called a cab. 25-30 minutes later, we were dropped off in front of Westgate Palace to start the Universal Studios portion of our trip.

I will go through the Universal portion of the trip fairly quickly, but if you only wanted to read about Disney feel free to stop reading here :)

At check-in, the staff were quite pushy about us attending an information session the following morning to learn about "their timeshare opportunities". No thank you! I have zero interest in purchasing a time share at a hotel. They just would not take no for an answer! They kept telling us we "couldn't use any of the hotel ammenities unless we attended this info session" - I eventually snapped on them. The next day was my birthday, and I was not going to waste an hour+ of my day in an information session I had no interest in - what a waste of time. Once I made it VERY clear I would not be attending, they left us alone for the rest of the trip :)

I booked this hotel using Hotwire, so we ended up getting an awesome deal on it! It was so nice! We had a full kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a washer/dryer in our room. One bedroom had a king sized bed, the other one had a double and a twin.

We found out the details of our room once we paid for it on Hotwire, so we had brought travel sizes of laundry detergent with us. After we checked out the huge suite that would be our home for the next 4 nights, we unpacked a bit and did a load of laundry. We watched a bit of TV, ate some snacks, showered and went to bed fairly early.

Also - why can't I get these in Canada?! So good!

Day Nine - Wednesday, January 13th, 2016

Spoiler alert - I was cranky this day, and not happy with Universal. If you want to only read happy posts, I'd just stop reading if I were you haha.

We woke up fairly early this morning - it was my 28th birthday and I was going to Harry Potter World! We decided to just pay for a cab ourselves instead of using the shuttle provided by the hotel - I was not going to give them any reason to force me into their stupid timeshare information session! We arrived just before park open at 9am, which was great! We headed to an electronic kiosk where I just had to enter in my confirmation number I had received when I purchased our tickets online and it spit out our paper passes with no issues - easy peasy! We decided to go through security at Islands of Adventure and headed straight to Hogsmeade. As soon as we got there, we got into line for Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. It was a really cool queue line with lots of details and little things to look at.

We ended up waiting about half an hour in line, which isn't too terrible. I used that time to read some of my Facebook birthday messages from friends and family :love:. Eventually we made it to the front of the line - and this is where our day went downhill really fast. Each group of seats for the ride are in groups of 4, and an employee told Luke to go to an outside seat since they were for "bigger people". I didn't hear this, but I ended up sitting in the 2nd seat in anyways. My should restraint bar was snapped in place, Luke sat down beside me and then the next thing I knew, the ride was starting and Luke was being led away to the exit because the safety restraints wouldn't fit him. I didn't even enjoy the ride, I spent the entire time close to tears - I hadn't even thought to research any of that stuff - we go on every Disney ride and we go to travelling amusement parks each year, and have never had an issue. When I got off the ride feeling pretty sick (that ride is intense, even without me being in an emotional state), I found Luke. He was feeling upset with himself, he thought he had ruined my birthday :( It was not a good start.

We decided to go grab something to eat, so we could sit down and clear our heads. We decided on the Three Broomsticks. It was early enough that they were still serving breakfast which made Luke happy, but you could also order off the regular menu (which made me very happy!). We paid for our meals out of pocket. Overall, the food wasn't bad. I loved my frozen butterbeer :) While eating, I did some googling and found out a bunch of rides have "tester seats" before you even entered the queue line. We found the one for Dragon Challenge - no go. What the heck were they thinking when they built these rides?! I wasn't happy.

Rode Flight of the Hippogriff - a cute little kid roller coaster. Went to the Superhero section - I really wish Disney could utilize an area of their parks for Marvel, I think the theming would be so much better.

Found the tester seat for Doctor Doom's Freefall - again a no-go. We tried one other ride (I can't remember which one now), but it was also a no. What the h#ll?! I was furious now, and I started crying. I stormed off to find guest services. I was a bit of a mess, I swear I'm not usually like this. I think Luke was a bit embarrassed by the entire thing. Once I found guest services, I explained through tears how this has never been an issue for us before, I was just hoping for a great birthday and I would not be going on rides by myself and leave Luke waiting for me off to the side. The lady I was talking to explained that since we were already in the park, they could only refund the remaining 2 days on our tickets - I actually laughed at her. I had paid about $400 for our tickets, but the way they were priced out the third day was basically free, so the refund she was offering would have been about $80. It was only a little after 11am by this point, so I was being told that our 2 hours in the park were going to cost me over $300 - I don't think so. I told her that was a joke. She then offered us a handful of paper Express Passes for the day to use on rides Luke could go on, and she even made us a list of rides that should be ok. I could tell she was trying to calm me down and make the situation better, so I thanked her, took the tickets and we decided to do a hard reset on the day and try to make the most of it.

We walked back to the other side of the park.

We walked around the Jurassic Park Discovery Centre, it was kind of neat. We watched people on the Jurassic Park ride, but it was way too cold for us to think about getting wet. Since we had Park Hoppers, we went back to Hogsmeade and decided to get on the Hogwarts Express and head to Universal Studios.

I stopped to get a picture with the Knight Bus

Luke loves the Simpsons, so we headed there.

We used one of our Express Passes for the Simpson's Ride. We still ended up waiting over 25 minutes in the Fastpass line, which I didn't understand. The park was not busy that day, and the normal standby line was moving much quicker. While we were in line, some employees were standing around with each other, talking very loudly about their plans for the upcoming weekend, and about the parting and drinking they were going to do. I have nothing wrong with drinking/partying/having a good time, but you don't need to discuss these plans while wearing your uniform and working at a family theme park. One of the employees must have been on a break or something, he was standing there drinking an energy drink. The entire thing felt so unprofessional, and after spending the previous week at Disney I was not impressed. All of the Disney cast members we encountered were very professional, and seemed to take pride in their work. Throughout the entire day, I felt like a lot of the Universal employees were just there to collect a paycheck, and didn't care about anything else. Obviously not all of them, but I noticed a huge difference between the two parks.

Once we finally got onto the Simpsons Ride, it was fun. We then used another express pass on Men in Black - we really enjoyed that one (see, the entire day wasn't all bad!). Went to ET Adventure - meh. Decided to go check out the Minion Mayhem Ride, and used another one of our Express Passes. Even with the Express Pass, we still waited about half an hour for this. My thoughts on that one - way overhyped, and just ok. I wasn't wowed, and there's no way I would wait in that standby line. Used another Express Pass on Shrek 4D and hated it. The bucking motion of the seats got really annoying really fast, and it just kept going. I was glad when it ended. Another Express Pass on Transformers - we both enjoyed this one a lot, but what is up with all of the screens at Universal? Can they not think of other ride options? It's very monotone.

We decided to head back to Diagon Alley and check out Escape From Gringotts. Once we got there, we located the test seat but some lady was letting her kids climb all over it. I went over and politely asked if we could check the sizing of the seat, and she gave me the dirtiest look ever before calling her kids over. Luke tried, but no luck. I started crying again - I'm sure I was quite the sight, standing in Diagon Alley with tears streaming down my face, sobbing. I had been looking forward to the Harry Potter World for so long, and I had even done our scheduling so we would be there on my birthday! My original plan was to spend the entire day just checking out the Harry Potter stuff, then the remaining 2 days covering everything else. We had even watched all 8 Harry Potter movies in the few months leading up to our trip.

I just don't understand why the rides are not more all-encompasing for people? The Forbidden Journey used over the shoulder safety restraints, but so does Rock N Roller Coaster in WDW and California Screamin' in DCA, and we've been on both of those with no issues. How is Escape from Gringotts any different than Space Mountain or Big Thunder Mountain?

It was barely 5pm, but we decided to just call it a day at that point. We made our way to City Walk to try and find a place to have my birthday supper. That place was packed! We knew we wanted something quick, so we decided on Red Oven Pizza Bakery. Luke went and stood in line to order, while I tried to find us a table. I noticed a couple getting ready to leave, so I swopped in and grabbed their 2-top once they left. The other couple had left the table in a huge mess, so I stacked up what I could of the dishes and set them on the side of the table. More than a few employees simply walked by, looked at it, and kept going. I finally had to stop one of them and ask them to clear off the table and wipe it down for us - what is wrong with the service here?! The employee I asked said they would go get something to clear it off, but Luke had made his way over to me and another employee brought our food over and set it down, and the dirty dishes were still on our table! Seriously?! Even the employee who set our food down looked at the stack of dirty dishes, set our food down and then walked away. I had to ask a second time for our table to be cleared. I get that they were busy, but come on! If you work in the food industry, this is common sense!

Luckily, our food itself was good so it helped ease some of the bad thoughts about this place. After eating, we boxed up our leftovers and caught a cab back to our hotel. I was so emotionally drained, I was in bed asleep by 8:30.
I've heard a number of people complain about the seat size issues at Universal. It's kinda ridiculous ... I understand that they want to design their ride vehicles in a certain way, but when you end up excluding so many people ... maybe you should try a different ride seat design? Even though I've never had a problem fitting into any of the seats, it still frustrates me to no end every time I hear about it.
I'm sorry that you had such a rough birthday, that definitely sucks!
Oh man Fallon I'm so sorry about your Universal experience :( I did know that many of their rides don't work for larger people, but honestly Luke doesn't look that big!!! That is such a shame and really ridiculous that, given how upset you were, they wouldn't refund your money. In addition I agree that too many of their rides use screens and are 3D. My boys enjoyed a lot of it and HP is beautifully done, but in my eyes it just doesn't compare to Disney. The thing that stood out the most to me on our trip there last summer was the big pink donut we had in the Simpsons section lol! Really I don't know why SO many of their rides exclude larger folks.
Yikes, now I know what you meant when you mentioned that you would not be back. And on your birthday no less. That really sucks about the ride vehicles and service you encountered. Knowing me, I'd probably be in tears too. I'm glad there were at least some things you enjoyed though.
By the way Doom's Free Fall was a huge disappointment so you lost nothing there.
I've heard a number of people complain about the seat size issues at Universal. It's kinda ridiculous ... I understand that they want to design their ride vehicles in a certain way, but when you end up excluding so many people ... maybe you should try a different ride seat design? Even though I've never had a problem fitting into any of the seats, it still frustrates me to no end every time I hear about it.
I'm sorry that you had such a rough birthday, that definitely sucks!

Thank you. It was not how I pictured my birthday going :(

Oh man Fallon I'm so sorry about your Universal experience :( I did know that many of their rides don't work for larger people, but honestly Luke doesn't look that big!!! That is such a shame and really ridiculous that, given how upset you were, they wouldn't refund your money. In addition I agree that too many of their rides use screens and are 3D. My boys enjoyed a lot of it and HP is beautifully done, but in my eyes it just doesn't compare to Disney. The thing that stood out the most to me on our trip there last summer was the big pink donut we had in the Simpsons section lol! Really I don't know why SO many of their rides exclude larger folks.

I agree, the Harry Potter Worlds look amazing, but the rides all kind of felt the same, I didn't think there was a ton of creativity put into it. Oh, Despicable Me is a hit? Let's do another 3D Simulator Ride!

Yikes, now I know what you meant when you mentioned that you would not be back. And on your birthday no less. That really sucks about the ride vehicles and service you encountered. Knowing me, I'd probably be in tears too. I'm glad there were at least some things you enjoyed though.
By the way Doom's Free Fall was a huge disappointment so you lost nothing there.

Good to know about Doom's Free Fall.

Luckily the week before my birthday was awesome at Disney, so it made the whole thing a little bit better. But yeah, I wasn't very happy that day, it was rough.
Day Ten - January 14th, 2016

I apologize now, this post won't have very many pictures. But it'll also be fairly short!

After the horrendous day we had the day before, we decided not to set an alarm. Despite the fact we had went to bed early, we ended up sleeping until after 10am - I guess I was tired! After my 14 hour snooze, I went out and sat on the couch in our suite's living room and turned on the TV. Titanic had just started - I hadn't watched that movie in years, and Luke had never seen it, so we decided why not? Side note - I HATE Leo Dicaprio as a person, but he's a great actor. While watching the movie, we reheated our leftover pizza from the night before - thank you in-suite oven! I dislike cold pizza, and microwaving it ruins it (I'll do it if that's my only option, but I'd much rather heat leftovers in the oven). We talked about maybe heading back to Universal for a few hours, since we did still have 2 days left on our passes, but as soon as Titanic ended, A Knight's Tale started. I loved that movie when it first came out, and hadn't seen it in years so we decided to skip the parks on this day, and just watch movies in our hotel room. After A Knight's Tale, we watched something else - but I can't remember what it was.

It ended up being a wonderful afternoon, just enjoying each other's company. There was a window right beside the couch, and if I turned to look outside I had a great view of the Orlando Eye.

After our movie marathon, we realized we were getting hungry. We could see a TGIFriday's from our window, and since that's a franchise we don't have in Canada (or at least Alberta) we decided to walk there. It was really convenient and close, it took us less than 10 minutes to walk there.

I ordered a drink, I don't remember what it was called or what was in it - it had alcohol and it was sickly sweet. Almost too sweet, but I managed to finish it. I know, I'm such a trooper.

I was in the mood for deep-fried, greasy goodness, so I convinced Luke to split the Apps All Around With Me.

We went for the traditional wings. I couldn't make up my mind on exactly what I wanted, so we went for the 5 choices :teeth: Our selections were the green bean fries, mozza sticks (the main reason I wanted to go to TGI Friday's in the first place), loaded potato skins and the pot stickers.

That's definitely not a meal I could eat all the time, but it hit the spot that night! After we finished eating, we walked back to our hotel and watched more TV until it was time for bed.

This was such a lazy day, but it really helped after the stress of the day before. Plus, any day that involves mozza sticks is a good day :)
I love that you guys took a day to just relax and spend time together! Sounds like a great way to recover from the nightmare of the day before.
I don't blame you for taking a "chill" day, and it sounds like it was just what you needed :) We finally got a Friday's by us about 5 years ago; before that I would get so excited whenever we got to go to one! I do really like it though, good comfort food.
I really need to get this report wrapped up, I'm not allowing myself to start my new one until this one is finished...

Also - this was over a year ago now, and I didn't seem to take any notes from the day. When I uploaded my photos from my camera, they got all out of order, so I'll try my best, but most of this post will be in point form. Sorry!

Day Eleven - Friday, January 15, 2016

We decided that we would go back to Universal on this day, since we did have 3 day tickets. We didn't set an alarm though, and just woke up on our own around 10am. We got ready, and then caught a cab to the parks. Since we had entered through Islands of Adventure on my birthday, we entered the park through the Universal side this time. After this, I can't really remember the order in which we did things. But, here's a run-down on the things we did do this day:

  • Shared a Lard Lad doughnut. This thing was huge, and overall was just ok. The pink frosting was the best part haha. Also, for reference, that's an iPhone 5S and an iPhone 6 sitting on top of the box to show the size of that thing
  • Found the American Express Lounge. I had bought our tickets on my Amex just so we could utilize this lounge. It was nothing special, but it was air-conditioned and had complimentary bottles of water, bags of chips and granola bars. It was also nice and quiet, which was nice after a few hours in the loud theme park.
  • Watched the animal show - Animal Actors Live on Set I think it was called? It was cute, but I don't remember what any of the animals actually did...

  • Ate at Krusty Burger (well, Luke did). We sat inside to eat, and there were TV screens showing a loop of Simpson's clips. I do remember being really disappointed by the clips - the show has been on for almost 30 years, and you're telling me Universal was too lazy to put together more than a 15-20 minute loop? We weren't even there for an hour, and we saw the entire loop two and half times. I know it's minor, but it just seemed lazy to me. As far as the food - it was terrible. It was fairly expensive, and Luke said it was barely edible. He claims he would never buy food from there again.

  • Luke had to get a Duff beer, and in a souvenir glass. He compared it to a Labatt Blue, just a standard lager. He drank it all, and the mug is still in our cupboard here.

  • I believe we rode the One Fish Two Fish Dumbo-style ride at one point, but I have no pictures to prove it. :confused3
  • We went back to the Harry Potter section. I decided I had to buy Gryffindor robes, which were crazy expensive, but so cool. My best friend is also really into HP, so I bought her an awesome zip-up hoodie, and Luke picked up a few things for his Harry Potter loving sister. We also rode the Hogwarts Express in the opposite direction we had rode it the other day (since it is different).

  • We caught a cab back to our hotel, dropped off our purchases from the day and then decided to walk over to TGIFriday's again (for the second day in a row!) I ordered the Sizzling Chicken and Cheese - Garlic-marinated all-natural chicken breast served over melted cheese with onions, peppers and creamy mashed potatoes. It was a lot of cheese, but it was delicious. I didn't take a picture of Luke's food, and I have no idea what he ate. He did remind me that long island iced teas were on special, and he drank 2 or 3 of them.

After our meal, we went back to our hotel room and packed up all of our luggage.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

We woke up, finished packing up the last of our stuff, checked out of our hotel, called a cab and flew home to Canada. I was so ready to go home by that point. We landed too late to go to the kennel to pick up our dogs, so we just hung out with our cats and had a good night's sleep back in our own bed. The next morning (Sunday), we drove out to the kennel (which is about half an hour outside the city) only for Luke's car to die 1km from the kennel. We had to call my mom to come rescue us, and a tow truck to get Luke's car back to the city. A couple hundred dollars later, it was fixed and has been ok ever since. Things like that always have to happen right after a trip though...​
Wrap Up!

While we were planning this trip, it was meant to be a once-in-a-lifetime thing (or at least once-until-we-have-children trip). As everyone knows by now, that's not exactly what happened. We fell even more in love with Disney Parks, and ended up winning a trip to Anaheim less than 2 months after this trip ended. We just returned less than a week ago from another 9 night vacation in WDW, and have already started planning our 2018 trip back to Florida. We leave next week for a 5 night stay in Anaheim (and our first ever Disneyland-centric trip - it will be our 3rd time there, but the first time we've actually gone just for Disney). We also have plans in place to return to Disneyland in November for Avengers race weekend. I think you could say we've been bitten by the Disney bug...

Dining Plan
  • We did end up saving money by being on the dining plan, but it didn't really fit with our style of eating. I'm not typically a entree and dessert person when I go to restaurants.
  • If you read my trip report/dining report from our 2017 trip, you'll see that we ate at a LOT more table service restaurants. This was definitely more my style.
  • The food overall was really good (minus a few meals).
  • The dining plan was just too much food!
  • In case you couldn't tell, I think it will be a hard sell to get me to use the dining plan again anytime soon. I'm not ruling it out forever, but paying out of pocket just makes more sense for us.
  • All Star Music was fine for our first trip. The food court had great selection and quality of food.
  • The beds were a little hard at ASMu, and we definitely noticed that by the time we checked out...
  • We were pretty far from the main building, it was about a 7-8 minute walk - which isn't terrible, but it was a bit of a pain at the end of the night after a full day in the parks.
  • Westgate Palace Hotel was extremely nice. The staff, not so much.
Theme Parks
  • We love Disney. Animal Kingdom was my favourite park, although they were all fantastic.
  • Universal - I didn't love. Maybe I was being too picky, looking for the Disney level of detailing and it just wasn't there. Employees seemed to just be there to collect a paycheck, whereas at Disney I felt like they actually enjoyed their jobs.
Race Weekend
  • Everything seemed to be so well organized and well run. I was very impressed!
  • Watching the marathoners on the Sunday motivated Luke to step up his distance training, and aim for a full marathon in January 2018.
  • I was motivated as well, and ran my first ever 5k during race weekend 2017.
Well, there you have it! Thank you all so much for reading this trip report, as I relived our adventure. This has been a lot of fun to write, hopefully you will follow me over to my new trip report (which I hope to start in the next few days!).
Wow, that donut is big!

I love that you bought Gryffindor robes. When I went to Wizarding World (which was so long ago that Hogsmeade was still brand new and there was no Diagon Alley), I saw a few things I wanted but I balked at the prices. All I got was a keychain (and a pack of playing cards for my dad) - I kinda regret not getting some sort of clothing (I don't know that I would have gotten robes, but I could probably should have gotten a t-shirt or a hoodie).

Thanks for sharing your trip - I really enjoyed reading along (and seeing how often we were in the same park and didn't see each other). I'm looking forward to reading about this year's trip once you get that report started.
That's quite the quick wrap-up lol! But congrats on getting it done :thumbsup2
And I don't want to spoil anything but party:on the other thing to be congratulated on, if you know what I mean ;) I'll definitely follow over to your new TR when you start it!

Shared a Lard Lad doughnut.
I loved this and could've eaten the whole thing by myself lol!
Wow, that donut is big!

I love that you bought Gryffindor robes. When I went to Wizarding World (which was so long ago that Hogsmeade was still brand new and there was no Diagon Alley), I saw a few things I wanted but I balked at the prices. All I got was a keychain (and a pack of playing cards for my dad) - I kinda regret not getting some sort of clothing (I don't know that I would have gotten robes, but I could probably should have gotten a t-shirt or a hoodie).

Thanks for sharing your trip - I really enjoyed reading along (and seeing how often we were in the same park and didn't see each other). I'm looking forward to reading about this year's trip once you get that report started.

Yeah, the prices were not easy to swallow on the Harry Potter stuff, but I've loved Harry for so long I had to get something...

Thanks for following along the entire time! Maybe we'll actually get to meet one of these years!

That's quite the quick wrap-up lol! But congrats on getting it done :thumbsup2
And I don't want to spoil anything but party:on the other thing to be congratulated on, if you know what I mean ;) I'll definitely follow over to your new TR when you start it!

I loved this and could've eaten the whole thing by myself lol!

Haha, I wouldn't allow myself to start my new report until I finished this one up, so I made it quick haha.

Thank you! I'm not sure if you've read my PTR, but I posted over there that we have decided on a wedding venue already - and it's DISNEY!


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