February 2017 Wish Lifestyle / Weight Challenge: Beat the Sugar Rush and Earn Your Hero Medal!

Question of the Day:
Let's talk about your "ah ha" moment. When do you recognize that you needed to make a change?
Do you have something motivating you to reach the finish line?

My original "Ah ha" moment was a long time ago. My boyfriend at that time cheated on me and blamed me because I had put on so much weight for his behaviour. I was really unhappy then and decided that the one thing I could change was my weight. Stupid me stuck with that guy for another year until I realised that he was not worth it. By then I had lost quite a bit and it actually felt good to dump him when I looked so much better than when we started to go out. I continued losing weight and got to the weight that I now consider my goal weight (then I thought I was still too fat because I had a bunch of girlfriends who just were naturally thin). It was really amazing how that changed my life and my character. I became much more self-confident around others. Every time I put weight on after that I always got to a point where I was just really unhappy and then it usually kicks in that I remember how I managed it then and that I shoudl be able to get my act together again and lose those kilos.

Bonus Question: name your favorite video game 'bad guy'.

I am not a video game person at all. The only video games I ever really enjoyed were the Monkey Island adventure games. I had to look it up, but the villain there was called LeChuck, so I guess he is my default favourite video game bad guy.

Or, you can talk about planning for your upcoming Disney trip!
I'm sure some of you have a 180+10 food reservation coming up ;)

Ha! Do you want me to bore everyone with my Tokyo plans??? No 180 days food reservations there though. I still need to figure out restaurant reservations there... Looks like I need to call as online reservations are in Japanese only.

Question of the Day
What new thing are you going to try this week as part of your lifestyle change?
Will you try a new food? A new exercise? A new approach?
Will you wake up earlier and exercise before work? Will you make meals in advance?

The week is already two days old. But I just decided that my new thing will be to try one of those 7 minutes apps with short exercise videos. My neighbours were recently talking about this and it sounds like something that is easy to do and will give me at least a little bit of exercise every day.

Bonus Question: What new thing do you want to try on your next Disney trip (any park!)

Ha!! What about three new parks! :teeth: But actually, I will be in Florida before we are in Japan and China. I am planning to try the new restaurant at the Wilderness Lodge. It should open a week from now and I am looking forward to see some of the new stuff being done there. I own DVC at VWL, so it is always interesting to see what has happened to my home resort!
I'm alive! After another trip to the ER this weekend for uncontrolled coughing, I got a new diagnosis of walking pneumonia, a prescription for antibiotics, and a new inhaler. But it seems to have worked! I woke up this morning feeling 100% human for the first time in WEEKS. I'm not coughing. My head doesn't hurt. And I can breathe. Yay!!!!!! Hoping that I will be able to start weaning off the steroids this week so I won't be so hungry and start up my pre-C25K training plan again by the weekend.

Wow!! I am glad that they finally figured out what the problem is! However, let your body heal properly before you engage in too much physical activity!!

Bonus QOTD: My next Disney trip is likely to be Disneyland Paris next year as a side trip on a longer France visit. I've been to France but never to DLP so the Disney part will all be new! Particularly looking forward to Pirates, Phantom Manor, the Ratatouille ride, and seeing the dragon under the castle.

I absolutely adore DLP, in my opinion it is the prettiest castle park (at least of the ones I have visited so far). And since it has just been through an extensive refurbishment process, it should still be in very good shape in 2018. I guess you know already that you need to be prepared that Europeans have a different attitude to smoking in public, personal space and queuing. But to me these things have always been minor inconveniences.
Question of the Day
What new thing are you going to try this week as part of your lifestyle change?
Will you try a new food? A new exercise? A new approach?
Will you wake up earlier and exercise before work? Will you make meals in advance?

Bonus Question: What new thing do you want to try on your next Disney trip (any park!)

I've been thinking about this and I'm going to commit to meal planning (at least most dinners for the week). I'm very bad about it for some reason and I know it would help with the weight loss and also just with our evenings in general. I'm not saying it's going to be fancy or anything, but at least it will be a plan!

At this point, we don't have any Disney trips planned - we've been hooked on cruising lately, so I'm not sure. I would love to make my plan be to try to visit one of the parks not it the US though! We've been to WDW, DL and visited Aulani last summer. Maybe I need to just plan that one for fun and hope that it happens some day!
Question of the Day
What new thing are you going to try this week as part of your lifestyle change?
Will you try a new food? A new exercise? A new approach?
Will you wake up earlier and exercise before work? Will you make meals in advance?

Bonus Question: What new thing do you want to try on your next Disney trip (any park!)

This week I am going to start eating less processed foods. After I had DD5 I did that and found that losing weight was easier and my body felt better.

Bonus: My next true Disney vacation is going to be DLP and I recently bought a learn french program. Also DH has a co-worker from Paris that I am going to practice with. I really want to know what is going on and maybe even hold some conversations. So I am going to say try to speak french :)
You are doing great with the running! Also have meant to comment on your avatar for quite some time when I first noticed the Danish flags. Is that a picture from Nyhavn in Copenhagen??

Thank you! Yes, it is from Nyhavn. We did the Norwegian/Iceland cruise in 2015 and spent a few days in Copenhagen prior to the cruise. It was one of the best places we've visited and would love to go back to at some point.

My daughter and I are doing a girls only trip this weekend to San Francisco for the Chinese New Year Celebration. I plan out a lot of things on any trips our family takes so although I do have a plan for this trip I'm going to try and not be so rigid. Traveling with a 13 yo can be frustrating and she is already telling me she doesn't feel good and she currently has a hurt ankle from a fall so I'm going to try and be more patient (an area I really am lacking). I have a tendency to get worked up over stuff that doesn't really matter so as part of just an overall lifestyle change I'm going to just Let it Go! as they say and just concentrate on enjoying the time we have together.

Our first trip to Disney as a family was last Oct before a Halloween cruise so we just tried to cram everything in a couple of days (MNSSHP/ Food & Wine/ HW Studios) which made it not that enjoyable. Our next visit I'm planning on a week stay so we can take our time and really enjoy everything.
Ha! Do you want me to bore everyone with my Tokyo plans??? No 180 days food reservations there though. I still need to figure out restaurant reservations there... Looks like I need to call as online reservations are in Japanese only.

You can bore me with your plans. We will be in Japan for a couple of weeks in Oct. I set aside 2 days for Tokyo Disney but am thinking about maybe making it 3. I haven't bought tickets or considered doing any kind of restaurant reservations. Are you staying onsite? We would love to stay on property but it is just out of my range so we are going to be at the Hilton Tokyo Bay.
Yesterday was a busy, crazy, stressful, not overly productive day and today is shaping up to be more of the same! It's a little bit of one step forward, two steps back. I'm just chasing my own tail for most of the day. My eating was okay yesterday although I didn't track much and by the time I got home I just wanted to veg and crash. Today I will be better!

I've pinched a nerve in my back, I think, so I need to go to the chiropractor and get adjusted so that I'm not quite so miserable. I haven't been able to work out since then.
Question of the Day
What new thing are you going to try this week as part of your lifestyle change?
Will you try a new food? A new exercise? A new approach?
Will you wake up earlier and exercise before work? Will you make meals in advance?

Bonus Question: What new thing do you want to try on your next Disney trip (any park!)

I meant to come back yesterday and answer this, but got totally busy and forgot!

New things I am trying this week.... hmmm.... Nothing specifically new other than I am going to try to up my attendance. I would really like to get in 2 classes this week due to my weight going back up over the weekend and also last night's family dinner. Hungarian dumplings... I have NO regrets! LOL

Although, since I never worked out before, everything is always new at Orangetheory since they mix up the work outs and haven't recycled any for the classes I go to yet haha!

I would love to wake up early but it's so incredibly hard for me.

Bonus-- well I hesitate to speak it aloud since it's not confirmed, but my best friend from college wants to go to Paris this spring. When I was there 3 years ago, the Ratatouille ride wasn't open yet, so I would LOVE to go experience that! We have already agreed that if she has no interest in going, then we will split for the day so I can get my Disney fix. I can't be that close and not go!

If that trip doesn't happen, then the next new thing will be Avatar. I am very excited about this! I watched videos of the new Pirates in Shanghai and I am hoping beyond hope that the same jaw-dropping technology will be used for the Avatar boat ride. Fingers crossed!

Oohh! Toothsome? How was it? I have it on our itinerary just for the theming alone, but I'm not sure it's going to happen because they aren't taking reservations at this time and I don't want to spend hours waiting around.

I guess this was the Toothsome Chocolate Emporium? What is your verdict? We are thinking of going there on our next visit.

It was neat, fun, and the desserts were good. DH and I got some appetizers that were good, but not like insane out of this world good or anything. He got a milk shake and I got a sundae. They were both delish! You can easily share both. We wanted different things, but neither of us could finish them.

Theming was neat, and they were into it way more than I expected. Not as good as I would expect from Disney, but better than other Universal restaurants for sure. I hope that's not too cryptic without ruining the experience :)

As for wait--- we walked up and waited 5 minutes. But this was a slow time of year. YMMV.

Ha! Do you want me to bore everyone with my Tokyo plans???

YES! PLEASE hahahaha! I love hearing about Tokyo!
You can bore me with your plans. We will be in Japan for a couple of weeks in Oct. I set aside 2 days for Tokyo Disney but am thinking about maybe making it 3. I haven't bought tickets or considered doing any kind of restaurant reservations. Are you staying onsite? We would love to stay on property but it is just out of my range so we are going to be at the Hilton Tokyo Bay.

We are going to do 4 days... :rolleyes1 Both my BF and I are pretty big Disney nuts. The official hotels are totally out of our price range. And I also think it would be a waste of money because we will be there in the summer and parks should be open late. I know us, we will spend the whole day at the parks. We are currently booked at the Mystay Maihama, which is just outside Tokyo Disney Sea. It is a 3-star hotel with decent reviews, really close to the parks and costs 100$ per night while we are there. The Hilton would be double that currently. We are still looking for any deals to be found at one of the official neighbour resorts (like the Hilton), but ultimately I think the Mystay will be fine for us. We are also only two people, so no need for a lot of space. I rather want to splurge a little more in other hotels.

My BF really wants to have a meal at Magellan's in TDS, so that will be the one reservation we will try to get in advance. It is supposed to be an amazing restaurant. Otherwise I am really looking forward to trying funny snacks and really do not want to spend too much time on sit down meals, so I guess that will be it with reservations.

Where are you going to go besides Tokyo? We are currently thinking of Hakone, Kyoto, Himeiji (the typical highlights I guess). With our four days at TDR, there is not that much time left over unfortunately. So, I can see why you are thinking only 2 or 3 days.
February 7 - Let's Gear Up For... The Sugar Rush

It's like Willy Wonka Meets Mario Kart.
A large portion of Wreck it Ralph takes place in the video game Sugar Rush. It's a high-speeds racing adventure with sweet tricks and delicious vehicles. When I watch the scenes in the movie I really get a craving for something yummy.... seriously. Anyone else have this problem?

Our goal this month is to beat The Sugar Rush - and I'm not just talking about the video game. We're trying to make healthier choices in the foods we put into our body. Small quantities of sugar won't harm your body, but eating an entire bag of fun size candy may do some damage to your waist line.

Question of the Day
February hosts Valentine's Day - a holiday all about sweets and treats.
How do you manage your intake of sugars, especially in this month where treats are expected?
What about restaurants? Do you ever stray from the dessert menu or do you make better decisions?

Bonus question: Share your favorite Disney sweet treat! (pics are healthier than eating :))

My attempts at starting something new have stalled. I'll try again tomorrow - was way too tired when I woke up this morning. :sad:

I'm getting pulled into some meetings, so I don't have time to post the results yet. They're coming, promise! Be back later.
February 7 - Let's Gear Up For... The Sugar Rush

It's like Willy Wonka Meets Mario Kart.
A large portion of Wreck it Ralph takes place in the video game Sugar Rush. It's a high-speeds racing adventure with sweet tricks and delicious vehicles. When I watch the scenes in the movie I really get a craving for something yummy.... seriously. Anyone else have this problem?

Our goal this month is to beat The Sugar Rush - and I'm not just talking about the video game. We're trying to make healthier choices in the foods we put into our body. Small quantities of sugar won't harm your body, but eating an entire bag of fun size candy may do some damage to your waist line.

Question of the Day
February hosts Valentine's Day - a holiday all about sweets and treats.
How do you manage your intake of sugars, especially in this month where treats are expected?
What about restaurants? Do you ever stray from the dessert menu or do you make better decisions?

Bonus question: Share your favorite Disney sweet treat! (pics are healthier than eating :))

Well for Valentine's day I get the kids a stuffed animal, because seriously my daughter thinks she doesn't have enough, and the sugar candy hearts. I know I won't touch these. They are gross. My husband gets me chocolate covered strawberries from my favorite chocolate place, Malley's. it is a really big local place here. If you ever come to Cleveland you need to try them. They have the best chocolate. They only have the chocolate covered strawberries twice a year. Valentine's day and sweetest day. They are really fresh strawberries and you have to eat them in 24 hours or the strawberries start to get mushy. Other then that we don't really get any other sweets.

As for desserts we typically don't get them. The meal is more then enough for us. At Disney we do get the dessert because we have the dining plan. I usually only have a scoop of ice cream that I don't even finish. This last trip was all about me trying new things so instead of ice cream I did venture out and try the different offerings.

Favorite Disney treat. I don't know if I have one. Even though we always have the dining plan we don't tend to get treat. We always go when it is hot so we try to find slushies to drink. I have always wanted to have a cupcake but never seem to remember when I am there.


Today it is kind of crummy here. 60 degrees but with a ton of rain and thunderstorms. The weather is going along with how I feel. I went to bed with a headache and I still have it today. I am sure the headache will continue as tomorrow we are supposed to be back in the 30's. I hate when the weather has these drastic changes.

I did get up early this morning. I was in the mood to wear a dress and do more with my hair then just brushing it. I wanted to wear make-up to but I am having issues with my eyelids being really dry and I don't want to make them worse.

I know I have talked about my son and his grades last month so here is a little update. We have had several talks about how important his grades are and I think he gets it for now. We have also made a chart for him at home that we go over each day. This has helped him tremendously. I am really proud of his hard work so far this quarter. He has turned in all of his work.

Last night I had to charge my fitbit and this morning in the craziness to get my kids to get ready, they wanted no part of getting up this morning, I put on the wrist band without the fitbit. I am so mad. I am still getting my steps in for now. I may not work out tonight. it all depends on this headache. If it keeps up it may be early to bed for me.
How do you manage your intake of sugars, especially in this month where treats are expected?

My husband and I have never really celebrated Valentine's Day so I won't have to worry about any sweets for that.

I'm not really a candy person but I absolutely love desserts! Whenever we go out to dinner I would always get dessert. The best part about taking cruises for me is all the desserts! But, after going sugar free for a month as a kind of detox from my serious sugar addiction I've noticed that it is a lot easier for me to pass up eating sweets.

My favorite Disney dessert is creme brulee or a cannoli so I will probably never pass those up!
I'm all about sugar, in any form, at anytime, and it certainly doesn't take a holiday to get me going. That being said it is somewhat of a challenge to decide what my favorite Disney sweet treat is. I really like the Minnie frozen Strawberry Bar and get a couple each trip, so light and refreshing when it's hot. I went thru a period of deep love for the Ice Cream Martini's in France, but the past two trips didn't even get one, instead I had a rum infused Dole Whip. I do like to peruse the food booths during F&G and F&W to see what might be offered... something with berries and/or chocolate would be a winner.
Question of the Day
February hosts Valentine's Day - a holiday all about sweets and treats.
How do you manage your intake of sugars, especially in this month where treats are expected?
What about restaurants? Do you ever stray from the dessert menu or do you make better decisions?

Bonus question: Share your favorite Disney sweet treat! (pics are healthier than eating :))
Oddly enough, sugar is not my (main) downfall. We rarely have deserts with our meals - especially when we eat out. When the kids were younger, I tended to bake a bit more and they would sometimes have the sweets as a "bedtime snack", but now, we rarely have them around. DH does love Chips Ahoy cookies and likes for me to keep them around, but luckily for me, I don't really enjoy them enough to eat them. They are ok, but if I'm going to have that many calories with something, I want to really love it for it to be worth it!

I really don't know that I have a favorite Disney sweet treat - we really don't do much snacking while we're there. DH tends to be a meal kind of eater, so even on vacation, we tend to have 3 meals a day and just really aren't hungry for snacks. I will say, this past summer in Hawaii, we ate Dole Whips (at least I think there were) at the Dole Plantation and at Aulani and if those are what everyone is referring to at WDW, I'll definitely have to get one next time we go. It was delicious!
Question of the Day
February hosts Valentine's Day - a holiday all about sweets and treats.
How do you manage your intake of sugars, especially in this month where treats are expected?
What about restaurants? Do you ever stray from the dessert menu or do you make better decisions?

Bonus question: Share your favorite Disney sweet treat! (pics are healthier than eating

Most years we don't have the funds to do anything though we have gone to Kmart the closest payday afterwards and gotten some treats. Sadly our store closed last year so I don't know what we are going to do. I might make some homemade treat. DH and I sometimes go out for a nice dinner on a weekend close though since we have to work around the all class wrestling tournament, at least 2 class c district tournaments, a class c divisional tournament, a class b divisional tournament, and a class A tournament in both boys and girls basketball not to mention if we have any state games here which can also include the class AA schools. While the teams tend to eat at places like Golden Coral, HuHot, Dennys, IHOP their parents will branch out into other places like Dos Machos (a mexican place) or Olive Garden.

I rarely eat dessert type sweets with a few exceptions. My sister's caramels though only the plain, cinnamon, and butter rum flavors which she does not make enough of and she can leave out the darn champagne and green apple flavors. I love chex mix though especially homemade with all the nuts and honestly I tell myself that is my reward for putting up with my husband's extremely loud family every other year at Christmas. Once in a while when we go out we will get a desert but it's usually a we don't have a lot of money and need a date situation so DH and I will leave the girls with the inlaws and go some place and share an app and dessert or just hot chocolate and a dessert, which he eats most of. Last September he managed to cut his leg picking corn since he was using his pocket knife and I ended up taking him into the the doctor's office ( who happens to be a friend of his that they went all the way through school together-told ya I lived in a small town) that was the first time that I was not told that he needs to eat more because he was either A underweight or B close to being underweight so most of the time I have one or two bites and let him eat the rest. On our Disney Trip he quite often not only ate his food he finished off the kids, mine, and my aunt who is under 5 ft tall and has to eat child size portions but got adult size a Disney automatically 's and still came home 10 pounds lighter.

My favorite Disney Dessert would had to have been the Ginger Green Tea Cake I had in Japan at Epcot. My favorite treat I had a Disneyland was a pineapple spear.

I completed 22.5 house laps in 15 minutes and did 5 minutes of a combination of weight ball, resistance band, and old fashioned stretching for a total of 20 minutes today.
February 7 - Let's Gear Up For... The Sugar Rush

Question of the Day
February hosts Valentine's Day - a holiday all about sweets and treats.
How do you manage your intake of sugars, especially in this month where treats are expected?
What about restaurants? Do you ever stray from the dessert menu or do you make better decisions?

Bonus question: Share your favorite Disney sweet treat! (pics are healthier than eating :))

I had about 5 desserts last year 3 of them at wdw and 2 at Christmas period. In addition to that I had tiny bit of my husband dessert- perhaps 3 times
But I eat fruit so fruit is my candy.

I don't crave them anymore and it makes it so much easier. Honestly I don't at all plan or had temptation to eat them only as it's st valentines. To want a dessert it has to be some signature type of dinning and even on such meals most times I feel satisfied without

At wdw I enjoyed the liquid nano truffle from food and wine. Disneyland will be ourequired first visit this June
Good morning friends! I ended up with a day a home yesterday due to the weather... no school AND I had to cancel my WW meeting again. Nice to have a day relaxing at home, but if I don't work, I don't get paid! Today is a 2 hour delay for school, so I'll be heading in about 9:30 am (I'm working in the office this week so I want to get there early)..... and it looks like tomorrow will be another snow day.... and probably another cancelled WW meeting!

So Sunday I was coming upstairs with a fresh hot cup of tea in my hand and I tripped on the stairs and ended up splashing my face and arm with the scalding hot tea.... burned myself pretty well, I must say. I immediately put cool water and then ice on it (apparently ice isn't recommended, but I didn't know that). I kept a cold washcloth on my face for about the next 3 hours.... it hurt really bad. I was finally able to get past the pain and put some aloe gel on it and go to sleep. Didn't really look at it when I got up to shower, but apparently it blistered during the night and I broke the blisters when I washed my face and hair. The blisters have continued to develop and break and ooze (sounds delightful, right?). Woke up today with a swollen eyelid (there is a blister on it) and will probably end up skipping most of my make-up today. I'm sure it will heal over time, but for now it is really icky. I was so concerned about my face that after the first few minutes I forgot about my arm and of course, the burn there is still nice and red.... but at least it didn't blister much.

Sorry.... that was just a lament and rant and desperate desire for some sympathy.... nothing to do with our subject here!:sad2::crazy2:

Lots and LOTS of crazy weather going on around the country.... tornadoes, flooding, snowstorms... you name it! Praying that everyone is safe! I need to get my breakfast and get ready for work.... I'll try to pop on during the day today!........P
So Sunday I was coming upstairs with a fresh hot cup of tea in my hand and I tripped on the stairs and ended up splashing my face and arm with the scalding hot tea.... burned myself pretty well, I must say. I immediately put cool water and then ice on it (apparently ice isn't recommended, but I didn't know that). I kept a cold washcloth on my face for about the next 3 hours.... it hurt really bad. I was finally able to get past the pain and put some aloe gel on it and go to sleep. Didn't really look at it when I got up to shower, but apparently it blistered during the night and I broke the blisters when I washed my face and hair. The blisters have continued to develop and break and ooze (sounds delightful, right?). Woke up today with a swollen eyelid (there is a blister on it) and will probably end up skipping most of my make-up today. I'm sure it will heal over time, but for now it is really icky. I was so concerned about my face that after the first few minutes I forgot about my arm and of course, the burn there is still nice and red.... but at least it didn't blister much.

Oh my goodness this is awful! I'm so sorry this happened to you! I'm hoping for a speedy recovery for you with no long term damage.
Oh, @pjlla, this sounds horrible!! Take good care of you, make sure you treat the open wounds with care to avoid infection!!

@HappyGrape great to see you!! I was about to send you a PM to see how you are doing!

I am usually not a candy person and Valentine's Day is not a big thing here in Germany and I am going to spend it on my own, not with my BF (the fun of a long distance relationship...). But that is fine with me, I have no need for any candy for the day. Even though I usually can be quite good about candy, I am currently in kind of a strange sugar craving period. I need to break it somehow. Not sure how. Usually it is more the cheese, meat, bread that is my downfall.

Bonus QOTD:
I am not big into treats at Disney parks, they are too large for me to start with. However, on my last trip I had a citrus swirl at the MK and that was delicious: orange sherbet and vanilla soft serve.


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