The Last Trip: An (Eastern) Fantasy Food Adventure-Bonus Feature, Pam & Her Mom Pt 2 Sept 17 the end

No, it's "Love Stinks"

My best friend growing up had a teacher named Mr. Love. They sang that song quite a bit. He wasn't amused.

Would we be napping together? :confused3

As long as Fran doesn't mind. Wait, is she there too? How big is your bed???

Wow. I can't believe you can count them.

I can even give you the approximate dates. (year and month only)

I'm pretty sure that blenders are on the "verboten" list, as are musical instruments, and portable irons.

Of course blenders are banned. How else are they going to charge you $4.75 to use one?

OK repeat after me. The ice enhances the flavor of the beverage. Oh heck, just dine with me and I'll do all the talking!


I try not to be a drama queen.

Just a queen. Check.

I'm guessing that someone got a new iPod, but you're lucky with the cloud.

I'll let you know in an update... or two...

The gay mice?

They're gay?!?! I need to watch this movie again.

I was getting a massage, why wouldn't I be?

Good point.

I've stopped doing deep tissue massages, so if I fall asleep i figure it was a good one. Today was interesting....Normally I prefer a female therapist, but they omly had a male available.

Interesting. I prefer a female too. Does that make me homophobic if a guy doing it gives me the heebie jeebies? Or a pervert because I prefer a woman?
Discuss amongst yourselves.

I think my update when I got back to the room explains how the ice cream went with the indigestion. She thinks dairy helps. I'm not so sure.....


I was surprised too, but it had been like 8 hours since I'd had any food and I think massages make me hungry.

Ah. Makes sense now. And yes... I think massages do make people hungry.

Actually that was the night I emailed you thinking our vacation was "over", she did bounce back. I was amazed.

Oh! That was that night. I do remember that... and that she bounced back.

Yeah, I've had enough times in the ER with her with pneumonia, no wonder I'm scared of it!

Yikes! I guess so!

I've said it on FB, but...


Wow, that's an impressive transformation. Very cool. (see what I did there?)

Gus and Jaques (who we affectionately call the gay mice)

Interesting. Hadn't heard that one before.

I had a massage coming up and wanted to spend a little time in the hot tub beforehand.

Makes sense. It's a rough life, but someone's gotta do it.

The hot tub was nice, but the jets didn't seem to work.

On the other hand...

We gave our tenants our email addresses and told Naked Jim to contact us via email if he had any questions or problems.

Or if he locks himself out of the house.:rolleyes1

I told her it was OK, then she asked if there was any ice cream available. There is always soft serve ice cream on Deck 11, so I took her little tupperware container up and got her vanilla ice cream.

Ice cream for dinner for the win!

For my main course I ordered the Prime Rib. When he asked how I liked it done, I told him to bring me the rarest piece of meat he could find. It was a huuuuge piece, you could even say bigly. It was really good, all stupidity aside. Nice chunks of fat to pair in each bite of lean meat. I did my best, but could only eat about ⅔ of it.

Still mooing. In fact, please escort the cow up to my table and kill it in front of me.

When I got back to the room, I found Fran worshipping a god no one wants to honor.

Yuck! Ice cream for dinner for a total loss. :crazy2:

I was afraid that she might aspirate and it would turn into pneumonia. Spoiler alert: She did not.

Thank goodness! Sorry she wasn't feeling so well. No fun.
The Enchanted Garden menu was so yummy! Probably my favorite of the 3 MDR menus on our 7 night.
Aww I'm glad to hear! You seemed to have made FANTASTIC time on your sea days! How was the spa?
Sorry to her Fran got sick, but a tub of soft serve does look amazing haha. I actually never even thought to bring any containers before!

I love the spa, but it's expensive compared to what I get at home.

The only reason we had the container was because we packed the sandwich in it on the plane, however it was convenient to have because she likes to take extra cookies from Cabanas and that way they didn't spoil so quick.

Cheers to the Birthday Girl!
party:Have a magical birthday today, Alison. party:


Thanks! I love that picture!

Thanks! This is a great picture!

Happy Birthday!!!

Thank you! :goodvibes
Looks like it is your birthday. Have a tiggerific day!

Thank you!

Happy Birthday!!! party: party: party:


Thank you very much!

My best friend growing up had a teacher named Mr. Love. They sang that song quite a bit. He wasn't amused.


As long as Fran doesn't mind. Wait, is she there too? How big is your bed???

Oh no worries, it's big enough for Fran and I along with six cats, although I'm not sure Fran would be so cool with another human in there.

I can even give you the approximate dates. (year and month only)

OK, when?

Of course blenders are banned. How else are they going to charge you $4.75 to use one?

Might as well just buy the dang smoothie!

OK! We'll pencil it in on the roadtrip!

Just a queen. Check.

@Steppesister is the Queen. I'm just a princess.

I'll let you know in an update... or two...

Well get on it! Inquiring minds want to know!

They're gay?!?! I need to watch this movie again.

Well technically they're ambiguous, in that era queer folks were not "out". But c'mon with names like Gus and Jaques, and how many straight mice do you know who can design and sew a ball gown?

Interesting. I prefer a female too. Does that make me homophobic if a guy doing it gives me the heebie jeebies? Or a pervert because I prefer a woman?
Discuss amongst yourselves.

I think any discussion on this subject could lead to banning!

Ah. Makes sense now. And yes... I think massages do make people hungry.

I certainly ate my fair share the other night!

Oh! That was that night. I do remember that... and that she bounced back.

Pretty much, although not quite so quick. There's still some whining to come.

Yikes! I guess so!

I've said it on FB, but...


Thank you! :worship:

Happy Birthday!!!!!


Hope you had a good birthday!!! Happy birthday!!! (Sorry this is just a bit late!)

That's OK, I'm always behind! It was pretty great!

Wow, that's an impressive transformation. Very cool. (see what I did there?)

Yes, I did see what you did there.

Interesting. Hadn't heard that one before.

Scroll up a bit an see what I replied to @pkondz, makes a pretty good case....

Makes sense. It's a rough life, but someone's gotta do it.

I'm willing to take one for the team.

Or if he locks himself out of the house.:rolleyes1

Yeah there is that too! But now our laundry room door is also combination entry. Except if someone stupidly locks the bottom lock. I have it taped now so hopefully no one turns it.

Ice cream for dinner for the win!

Sort of.....

Still mooing. In fact, please escort the cow up to my table and kill it in front of me.

I often say that!

Yuck! Ice cream for dinner for a total loss. :crazy2:


Thank goodness! Sorry she wasn't feeling so well. No fun.

I'm just glad that we have started bringing an entire pharmacy (based on past knowledge), I was able to head it off quickly.

The Enchanted Garden menu was so yummy! Probably my favorite of the 3 MDR menus on our 7 night.

Overall Enchanted Garden is my favorite MDR menu. I just love the Grand Marnier Souffle in Royal Court/Palace/Lumiere's/Triton's so much that overall it beats out the alternative, but as far as appetizer through dessert, Enchanted Garden wins for best choices for every course.
Well no TR update here today. I'm struggling to keep afloat. Everyone posted a bunch of updates, so I'm making my rounds (on my phone) when I can steal a moment here or there. We have been working on the old place. I've taken a load of stuff to the thrift store, two loads to storage, and another back to the new house. Sold a freestanding wine rack. The guy gave me 10 bucks, not much but it's gone and I didn't have to put it in my car.

We haven't had the time or strength to destroy the Armoire, and our gardener offered to haul it off to the dump as he has to go anyways in the next week.

We also got rid of some very heavy mirrored closet doors from one of the extra bedrooms today. We offered them up for free on Craigslist and a guy came today and took them away. I realized a couple weeks ago that I hadn’t actually emptied all the kitchen cabinets. Today we got most of that done we split it up into what we’re going to take back home and what we’ll donate. I also found a whole bunch of alcohol in another cabinet, and I’m not sure how good it is, some of the bottles look 30-40 years old! :crazy2:

Slowly it's looking like stuff is leaving, but there's still a lot to do. We have six weeks left to get it out of there and I'm really hoping we can hit the mark!

I've also been showing the vacant apartment like crazy! I took an application two days ago and of all the people who saw the place, this was the guy I wanted to submit an application. We set up an appointment to sign the paperwork for Monday. That will mean we are again all rented, with the exception of our old place. However, there is one problem. We bought a new refrigerator for the place that rents Monday, and they delivered it. The refrigerator is ¾ inch too tall for the space. There is about ½ and inch extra that can be trimmed from the cabinets, so our contractor has a dilemma to solve as we paid such a good price at a discount location, we can’t take it back. He said he would take care of it.

The other thing that has been keeping me busy is that our eBay accounts have been going strong. We have everything from Disney pins, DVD boxed sets, sheet music, to Civil War reenacting gear listed. Not only does this get stuff out of our house, it also brings in $$’s!

The next update is going to have a ton of pictures since it's our first port day. Luckily I've figured out a way to write updates from my phone. I'm barely halfway through, and it has taken me extra research and resources to put together. The things that I do for my readers! I'm going to take a poll here….

How many would prefer I break up our first port day (adventure) into two smaller updates? Versus one long update with the entire port adventure?

In the meantime I did put an update on the DCA F&W Festival on my Celebrating 20 years….bonus material thread.
I have to admit that for reading purposes, I prefer updates to be broken up. Especially when there are plenty of pictures. I find that pages with so many pictures have trouble loading sometimes. On the other hand, I am not good at breaking posts up myself because I like to post what I have ready.

Great news on the progress on the old place and on renting the vacant one! I am surprised that renting can be such a hassle for you. Here in Germany in the bigger cities the rental market is so empty that any halfway decent place is rented out so quickly and for incredible sums! We have such a shortage of accomodation that can be rented.

Hope you get to where you need to be in the next 6 weeks (I guess this is cut off day for the Panama Canal cruise?)!
Everyone posted a bunch of updates,

Guilty as charged! :blush:

Sold a freestanding wine rack. The guy gave me 10 bucks, not much but it's gone and I didn't have to put it in my car.

YAY for selling. Even if it's at a low price, at least it's out of the house.

Not only does this get stuff out of our house, it also brings in $$’s!

Double YAY for this!

How many would prefer I break up our first port day (adventure) into two smaller updates? Versus one long update with the entire port adventure?

Happy to go with the flow and whatever is easiest for you. :hug:
Do some research before you toss that 30 year old alcohol. Some whiskeys and bourbons from the 70's are valuable.
Love your trip reports! I have enjoyed reading several of them recently.
As far as the poll I like both kinds of updates. Short ones and long ones, post away with whatever is easiest for you :-)

What name do you sell under on Ebay, I would love to take a look at some of the items you have for sale :-)
Happy Belated Birthday!! party::cake: :bday:

Well technically they're ambiguous, in that era queer folks were not "out". But c'mon with names like Gus and Jaques, and how many straight mice do you know who can design and sew a ball gown?

---I never thought of them as gay but LOL good point! :rotfl2:

How many would prefer I break up our first port day (adventure) into two smaller updates? Versus one long update with the entire port adventure?

I like either way, sometimes shorter ones are easier but whatever works best for you.
Who me??!


I have to admit that for reading purposes, I prefer updates to be broken up. Especially when there are plenty of pictures. I find that pages with so many pictures have trouble loading sometimes. On the other hand, I am not good at breaking posts up myself because I like to post what I have ready.

OK you get your wish! I was counting the pictures and I already have enough for two updates and we're only partway through our excursion.

Great news on the progress on the old place and on renting the vacant one! I am surprised that renting can be such a hassle for you. Here in Germany in the bigger cities the rental market is so empty that any halfway decent place is rented out so quickly and for incredible sums! We have such a shortage

It's not a huge hassle, what is the hassle is meeting people at the place and finding good tenants who won't be a PITA, plus this was an upstairs unit so I was getting lots of exercise going up and down the stairs. I had brought a folding chair and tray table up there, and on a few days, I set up appointments every half an hour. One day I brought my computer and the hot spot when I was going to be there for three hours. Most of the time I just brought my tablet and played Mahjong.

Hope you get to where you need to be in the next 6 weeks (I guess this is cut off day for the Panama Canal cruise?)!

Yesterday was 55 days until the PiF date. Later today we'll be back over there. Hopefully we make it!

Guilty as charged! :blush:

But I got caught up!

YAY for selling. Even if it's at a low price, at least it's out of the house.


Double YAY for this!

We still have a lot to go, unfortunately.

Do some research before you toss that 30 year old alcohol. Some whiskeys and bourbons from the 70's are valuable.

Oh, no none of this is at all valuable. It's all open bottles, 1/4 full, and mostly liqueurs made by Hiram Walker or DeKuyper. Creme De Menthe, Creme De Cocoa, Peppermint Schnapps, and the bottles are so old, I think Fran had them before we started dating. :crazy2:

Love your trip reports! I have enjoyed reading several of them recently.
As far as the poll I like both kinds of updates. Short ones and long ones, post away with whatever is easiest for you :-)

Well thank you!

What name do you sell under on Ebay, I would love to take a look at some of the items you have for sale :-)

gettingneater is the screen name.

Happy Belated Birthday!! party::cake: :bday:

Thank you!

---I never thought of them as gay but LOL good point! :rotfl2:

Fran is the one who told me that, but it makes sense.

I like either way, sometimes shorter ones are easier but whatever works best for you.

Well by doing a shorter one, I can put one up ASAP.....
Well no TR update here today. I'm struggling to keep afloat.


We have been working on the old place. I've taken a load of stuff to the thrift store, two loads to storage, and another back to the new house.

You guys have been working hard!

The guy gave me 10 bucks, not much but it's gone and I didn't have to put it in my car.

Win, win.

Did the glass come with it?
I would've paid $11.35.

I also found a whole bunch of alcohol in another cabinet, and I’m not sure how good it is, some of the bottles look 30-40 years old! :crazy2:

Isn't that called "aged"?

I've also been showing the vacant apartment like crazy! I took an application two days ago and of all the people who saw the place, this was the guy I wanted to submit an application. We set up an appointment to sign the paperwork for Monday. That will mean we are again all rented, with the exception of our old place.

Great news!

However, there is one problem. We bought a new refrigerator for the place that rents Monday, and they delivered it. The refrigerator is ¾ inch too tall for the space. There is about ½ and inch extra that can be trimmed from the cabinets, so our contractor has a dilemma to solve as we paid such a good price at a discount location, we can’t take it back. He said he would take care of it.

Ugh... but sounds like your contractor has a plan.

The other thing that has been keeping me busy is that our eBay accounts have been going strong. We have everything from Disney pins, DVD boxed sets, sheet music, to Civil War reenacting gear listed. Not only does this get stuff out of our house, it also brings in $$’s!

$$'s is good. You guys are selling machines!

Luckily I've figured out a way to write updates from my phone.


How many would prefer I break up our first port day (adventure) into two smaller updates? Versus one long update with the entire port adventure?

I prefer two smaller ones I think. Makes the TR longer. Means I get to enjoy it longer.

I AM reading... but busy with my birthday weekend celebrations. Clean, clean, cook. Repeat...


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