The What's for Dinner Thread - August 2014 (recipe index in OP)

Kimmar ~ I too can see the picture of the graduate - Congratulations. But not the other one.
...they are the same pic....I uploaded it from my phone, but when I put the graduation pix into a new folder, I guess it somehow got deleted [which, in reality, it wasn't - it was only moved to a new location]....
Hello all :wave2:

Diner tonight was Jersey Mike's subs. I had a buy one get one free coupon that expired tomorrow so I wanted to use it. Tomorrow will probably be homemade pizza since it is Friday night.

We have had so much rain and are going to get more tonight and it will keep raining until Sat. morning.
...they are the same pic....I uploaded it from my phone, but when I put the graduation pix into a new folder, I guess it somehow got deleted [which, in reality, it wasn't - it was only moved to a new location]....

Let me guess. The first is a Trick shot!


Nice pic of you and your niece. I bet your brother would have been so proud!! :hug:

TGI Friday night.

Glad this week is over and that I have the weekend to look forward to.

WFDT? Teriyaki chicken and rice.
PIO- I am glad it's Friday as well. What a long two weeks!!!

Meals have been a bit sporatic in the G Household. Buddy is working almost every night at the farm so we need to be sure dinner is both quick and easy to get ready.

Our planned strip loin roast front eh weekend ended up Monday night dinner, served along with mixed veg, roasted mushrooms and some potato salad that I brought home from Donny's gathering.

Tuesday I had dinner at the college I had attended. I sit on the accounting and business advisory board and it was our yearly meeting. Buddy had leftovers.

Wednesday was BLT's and chips. YUM!!!

Last night was a chicken thigh, string bean and roasted bliss potato one pan meal. It was good! There is a facebook recipe going around that includes Italian dressing mix and butter. I used a yellow and green string bean and carrot medley, red bliss potatoes, and onion soup mix. Delicious!
Let me guess. The first is a Trick shot!


Nice pic of you and your niece. I bet your brother would have been so proud!! :hug:
Thanks....I upload all my photos [especially the ones that take on my cell phone] onto photobucket, but that site has been acting wonky lately....instead of having them all in one big file ["Mobile Uploads"] I decided to break them down and put them in separate files [like "Alex's Graduation", "Our New Home",etc.] but when I moved them, a lot of them seem like they are deleted.....thank goodness I still have them on my phone so I can upload them again.
Hello all :wave2:

Diner tonight was Jersey Mike's subs. I had a buy one get one free coupon that expired tomorrow so I wanted to use it. Tomorrow will probably be homemade pizza since it is Friday night.

We have had so much rain and are going to get more tonight and it will keep raining until Sat. morning., love, LOVE Jersey Mike's Subs! We've always gone to the one in Long there's a couple here in the northern part of New Jersey!
Thanks....I upload all my photos [especially the ones that take on my cell phone] onto photobucket, but that site has been acting wonky lately....instead of having them all in one big file ["Mobile Uploads"] I decided to break them down and put them in separate files [like "Alex's Graduation", "Our New Home",etc.] but when I moved them, a lot of them seem like they are deleted.....thank goodness I still have them on my phone so I can upload them again.
....and, speaking of, here's another update:
Nancy - Hope you and the family are doing okay. :hug:

Kimmar - That's an amazing looking demolition and reconstruction surgery going on in your kitchen. Thanks for sharing. I really appreciate it.

Pooh'smate - We don't have Jersey Mike's Subs here. I feel like I'm missing out on a taste sensation. :(

It's Sunday and the sun is shining. Wait 5 minutes and I think we might get some drizzle today. I'm catching up with some other togs for lunch today. We are planning a themed Mad Hatter shoot complete with models and everything. This is a planning meeting. I only know two of the other photographers; so it will be interesting to meet them all.

WFDT? I have no idea....yet.

Have a great day everyone. girlfriend and I had a garage sale in her driveway....the weatherman called for cooler weather than yesterday, but an overall nice breezy what does it do? RAINS on our stuff (only for about 20 minutes or so, but the temperature dropped over 30 degrees in 24 hours).... girlfriend and I had a garage sale in her driveway....the weatherman called for cooler weather than yesterday, but an overall nice breezy what does it do? RAINS on our stuff (only for about 20 minutes or so, but the temperature dropped over 30 degrees in 24 hours)....

What DID you do to upset Mother Nature????
Didn't you put in an order for nice weather with her?
Yesterday was Field Day at our school and it was a sunny SWELTERING 96 degrees....this morning it was cloudy and BARELY 59 degrees!
Happy Monday ladies,

Yesterday was just beautiful. The sun shone, no rain, no wind and mid 70's. Almost a perfect day. Doug was able to thrash (lol) the lawn and wow it looks beautiful. We have almost 3 acres to mow and it usually takes him 1 1/2 hour but yesterday it took 5 hours. Now the ditches need mowing as you can hardly see the house, but that can be done with the tractor. Hopefully we will be back to normal by the end of the week. BUT...........rain is in the forecast for every day this week, not a complete wash out but rain every day.

Kimmar ~ Bless you my friend. You have honored your brother well. Beautiful picture.

PIO ~ What a fun shoot that sounds like. Did you have fun?

Pooh ~ We have a Jersey Mike's in Kearney and I need to try it. But I do like Jimmy Johns.

Nan ~ I sure hope things settle down for you. You are way to busy. :rotfl2:

Alison ~ hello my friend.

WFDT ~ Doug is golfing - Men's league has started, Doug will eat at the Country Club and I am eating leftover Cheese Tortillini

Make it a great day.
PIO ~ What a fun shoot that sounds like. Did you have fun?

It was a planning meeting for the shoot. The location looks amazing and the models are going to look even better. The organiser is into all the details and I think the props will look awesome. The shoot is in June. I'm soooooo looking forward to it.
Happy Tuesday.

Work is going to be a killer for the next 2 weeks, so I hope I survive. It really doesn't know how to stop at the moment. :(


DH pulled out an old favourite for dinner tonight. Instead of baked potatoes, we ended up with a brown rice and spicy red bean and tomato bake. Cook the brown rice first.
For the topping, fry onions, garlic and add tinned tomatoes. Once the tomatoes have been cooked down a little, add some red kidney bean. Season with a dash of chilli, salt and pepper. Put the brown rice in a deep dish and pour the bean/tomato mix over. Top with cheese. Bake in a moderate oven for about 20 - 30 mins.

Have a great day, all.
Happy Monday ladies,

Happy Mother's Day (belated) to all the Mother's to babies to be, furbabies and kids of all shapes and sizes. My neice can't have children and this day is very hard for her. I bought her a beautiful planter of flowers from her furbaby. After all, I think Cooper is a baby just as my kids. She liked it. And then on the other hand, yesterday was so hard for me as I don't have a Mother anymore. I am always sort of happy when the day is over.

Alison ~ Good for you. I just love how you just "matter of factly" say your are going to DL for the day. I so wish I could do that. I am still working on Doug to come out.
Chili cheese fries are our guilty pleasure.

Nan ~ I pray that your Mother's Day was special and healing. Bless you!

Brandi ~ Oh, Doug and I would fit in just great. We have a ball in whatever we do. Let me know next time and we just might join you. Doug would love it, me not so much as I don't drink wiskey/burbon but I would love it if Doug did. Know what I mean?

Kimmar ~ Your pictures won't come up for me. It just says, "Photo not found"

PIO ~ How was the Thai? Sounds yummy to me. I have to go into the big city to get anything close so I am a bit jealous.

We had 4 graduation receptions to go to over the weekend, Doug was in a golf tournament on Friday and we had yummy steaks for dinner. Saturday and Sunday we just grazed at the receptions - we has some of the BEST brisket I have ever had.

This morning my heart was hurting. I picked Liam up and took him home from preschool for the last time. I truly do not know where the time has gone. He starts kindergarten in the fall. He is such a homebody, I have NO idea how he is going to manage all day at school. It could be a long year. His preschool graduation is on Sunday.

WFDT ~ BBQ grilled chicken, asparagus, sliced cantaloupe and strawberries.

Make it a great day!!

Ellen, that sounds perfect for us, and you can be the DD for us! lol

can't believe Liam is out of pre-school and now ready for Kinder. Wow time is flying by.


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