Canadian Buffoon's Sweet 16 Celebration - Update 01/28 - The End

Pretty fortunate in that my house did not flood at all.

Oh, thank goodness!
I'm glad you were spared that.

We have two very large reservoirs near my house that were completely filled in three days (50" of rain...or about 130 cm for you metric folks),

Holy crap.
That is a ton of rain.

so they're still doing controlled releases on them. Problem is that has caused flooding to several hundred houses that weren't already flooded, and that release is going to be happening for another week or two.

Oh, man. They must be so upset.
"Yay we survived Mother Nature!..... oh."

Those homes are expected to be flooded for pretty much most of September. And that's assuming we don't get much more rain.

Holy smokes! A whole month?????

We also never lost power, so that was really fortunate.

That is! I would almost
have assumed you would.

Biggest problem was more or less just being stuck in the house and stressing out about whether the water was going to keep rising.

You must've been worried sick. :hug:

Had Harvey gone a little more westward on its rebound, houston would have gotten another 10-20" of rain. Had that happened, I'd guess at least half the homes would have taken on water, so while it was bad, it could have been worse.

Bad enough.
Have you seen the viral photo
of the French St. sign?


Now we're just hoping Irma stays away.

Now they're saying it's the biggest in a long time.

And yet you found us anyways..
I’m like any good curse…
reoccurring and eternal

I told them not to turn those
things on!
You never know who you'll attract!
Can’t even control your own minions, eh?
How do you hope to save yourself from the likes of us then?

Man-made trumps Mother nature?
The man made ones are far more numerous and vastly more effective.

Isn't that why they're there?
Pretty much the way I figure it.
No sense in keeping all this good damage to myself, now is there?

A lot of empty rooms.
With a lot of cricket sounds.
Imagine, all those PHDs forced to subsist on the meager earnings of Uber drivers and Walmart Clerks…

Oh, wait…
those jobs are being automated out as we speak.
Good thing parental failure provides a more consistent and dependable income steam.

It'll be a while before the next
totally clear update.
Is this even a possibility?

This is getting to be too
much like work.
Given your natural talent for catastrophe…
I suspect that explosions and large African land animals dropping from the skies just happens naturally as a function of your mere presence. No extra work required at all.

She wouldn't.
But only because she wouldn't
know how to get home.
I figured she’d just stay there and help look after the freakishly large rodents.
Problem solved.

I like to give the illusion of hope.
And yet, it’s still just an illusion…

Pass the gravy?
Nope, you might as well just save yourself ‘cause you’re gonn’a have to fight me for the gravy.

Especially if it’s Tam’s sausage gravy and there are fresh biscuits that desperately need to be inundated with all that goodness. I don’t foresee much of that getting shared. With anyone.

Oh, this TR self destructed after
I posted the first chapter.
Not certain the thing was ever cohesive enough to start fallin' apart in the first place.

I'm here!

And I see I've made it in time to start the contest...

1. What time do we leave?

2. Do I drive? Fly? Both? Neither?

3. What one specific question am I
asked by the US border guard?
(Bonus question for my long time readers.)

4. We buy Girl Guide cookies. What kind?
Tagalongs, Thin Mints, Savannah Smiles.

5. We go out for dinner of course.
What gets Kay excited?
The décor, the cute waiter, her favourite dish.

6. What treat do Kay and I have later?
Ice cream, donuts, pie.

7. We go see a movie that night. Which?
Beauty and the Beast, Ghost in the Shell, Logan

8. What is it about the theatre that gets us excited?
D Box seats, reclining seats with foot-rests, reserved seating.

1. 7:30am
2. Both
3. Do you have a banana?
4. Thin Mints! I so hope it's thin mints!
5. The decor
6. Much ice cream
7. Ghost in the Shell? Because it's the only one I haven't heard of...
8. reclining seats with foot rests sound exciting...
Glad to see you started the TR! Looking forward to reading all about your trip. Those Capybaras look interesting, they do look like giant guinea pigs. Interested to see your experience with them.

1. What time do we leave? 7am

2. Do I drive? Fly? Both? Neither? Fly

3. What one specific question am I
asked by the US border guard?
(Bonus question for my long time readers.)---asking if you have a letter from her mom

4. We buy Girl Guide cookies. What kind?
Tagalongs, Thin Mints, Savannah Smiles. ------------Thin mints

5. We go out for dinner of course.
What gets Kay excited?
The décor, the cute waiter, her favourite dish.----------------cute waiter

6. What treat do Kay and I have later?
Ice cream, donuts, pie.--------------------------ice cream

7. We go see a movie that night. Which?
Beauty and the Beast, Ghost in the Shell, Logan---------------Beauty and the Beast

8. What is it about the theatre that gets us excited?
D Box seats, reclining seats with foot-rests, reserved seating.------------------Reclining seats (we have them at our local theater, they are great!! )
I’m like any good curse…
reoccurring and eternal

So... like a virus.

Can’t even control your own minions, eh?
How do you hope to save yourself from the likes of us then?

I was supposed to have hope??

The man made ones are far more numerous and vastly more effective.

Tell that to Irma.

That sucker is scary.

Pretty much the way I figure it.
No sense in keeping all this good damage to myself, now is there?

Nope. Share and share alike!

Except when it comes to good gravy.
I mean... good gravy! There are some things
that just aren't done!

Imagine, all those PHDs forced to subsist on the meager earnings of Uber drivers and Walmart Clerks…

Better a Walmart Clerk
Than some of those Walmart shoppers.

Oh, wait…
those jobs are being automated out as we speak.
Good thing parental failure provides a more consistent and dependable income steam.

And Walmart Shoppers.

Is this even a possibility?

As long as you realize
that when I say "a while"
I really mean "never".

Given your natural talent for catastrophe…
I suspect that explosions and large African land animals dropping from the skies just happens naturally as a function of your mere presence. No extra work required at all.

Oh, sure. That's a given.
The hard part is getting a photo.

I figured she’d just stay there and help look after the freakishly large rodents.
Problem solved.

Actually... she would do that in a heartbeat.

And yet, it’s still just an illusion…

That's okay. So's the hope.

Nope, you might as well just save yourself ‘cause you’re gonn’a have to fight me for the gravy.

I can get downright ornery
when it comes to gravy...

Especially if it’s Tam’s sausage gravy and there are fresh biscuits that desperately need to be inundated with all that goodness. I don’t foresee much of that getting shared. With anyone.

Okay, this needs discussion.

Biscuits and gravy.
Specifically sausage gravy,
but in this context, it's irrelevant.

We don't do that up here.
I've only seen it once.
And that was at a free
hotel breakfast in Georgia,
I believe.

And it looked.... horrible.
Now, I'm more than willing
to admit that a free hotel breakfast
is perhaps not the best representation
of that particular culinary delicacy....


Will you, all kidding aside,
if I come down thataway,
point me to a place that serves
(in your opinion, or others)
a good biscuit and gravy?

I will be upfront here.
I may not care for it
(based on what I saw)
but sure want to at least
give it a fair shot.

Not certain the thing was ever cohesive enough to start fallin' apart in the first place.

Good point.
Glad to see you started the TR!

I did!
And :welcome: to the TR Danielle!

Looking forward to reading all about your trip.

More coming soon!

Those Capybaras look interesting, they do look like giant guinea pigs.

They do, don't they!

Well, you'll just have to wait for the update. ;)

Interested to see your experience with them.

In two updates!

1. What time do we leave? 7am

2. Do I drive? Fly? Both? Neither? Fly

3. What one specific question am I
asked by the US border guard?
(Bonus question for my long time readers.)---asking if you have a letter from her mom

4. We buy Girl Guide cookies. What kind?
Tagalongs, Thin Mints, Savannah Smiles. ------------Thin mints

5. We go out for dinner of course.
What gets Kay excited?
The décor, the cute waiter, her favourite dish.----------------cute waiter

6. What treat do Kay and I have later?
Ice cream, donuts, pie.--------------------------ice cream

7. We go see a movie that night. Which?
Beauty and the Beast, Ghost in the Shell, Logan---------------Beauty and the Beast

8. What is it about the theatre that gets us excited?
D Box seats, reclining seats with foot-rests, reserved seating.------------------Reclining seats (we have them at our local theater, they are great!! )


I haven't been commenting on much lately because school has had me swamped, but I sure have been reading! I am going to attempt a few comments and starting the contest if I still am in on time to start, but I am not sure homework will allow me to keep up on it. Can't win if you don't try though. :dogdance:

You could say I have a slight...
fondness for Ariel.
Which is cool, because
she obviously returns my affection.
(Evidence her smitten expression of adoration.)


She's a good kid,
but sometimes gets in the way
when dad is trying to hit on
aquatic women.

I mean really!

yes, really!

Exploding helicopters.
With giraffes.

What all good TRs should have,


"How about after Phoenix,
we pop over to Universal
and Disney... California?"


I took that as a 'yes'.

Me too.

Did I not mention the contest?
With an actual prize?

Why yes, Virginia.
There is a Santa Pkondz.

Uh, did I mention my over zellas love of all things Christmas? :santa:


Flashbacks of these seem fitting with the jolly red suit!

And for bonus points...
How many of you had to Google
"Sauve qui peut"???

Google is my best friend! Come to think of it, maybe my only friend.

1. What time do we leave?

Hmmm I know Kay is not a morning person...but she does seem to be good at early when she is excited about I am going to go with...6:15 AM

2. Do I drive? Fly? Both? Neither?


3. What one specific question am I
asked by the US border guard?
(Bonus question for my long time readers.)

"Why do you look constipated?"

4. We buy Girl Guide cookies. What kind?
Tagalongs, Thin Mints, Savannah Smiles.

Savannah Smiles (just like the sound of them cause my daughter is Savannah and I love it when she smiles!)

5. We go out for dinner of course.
What gets Kay excited?
The décor, the cute waiter, her favourite dish.

Uh, she's 16....The cute waiter!

6. What treat do Kay and I have later?
Ice cream, donuts, pie.

Ice cream

7. We go see a movie that night. Which?
Beauty and the Beast, Ghost in the Shell, Logan

Hmmm...That's tough... Logan came out March 3rd, Ghost in a Shell came out March 16th, and Beauty and the Beast came out March 17th. I want to say Beauty and the Beast cause well... Disney, duh... but I think that is the "to obvious choice"

Logan, final answer

8. What is it about the theatre that gets us excited?
D Box seats, reclining seats with foot-rests, reserved seating.

reclining seats with foot-rests.
So... like a virus.
Viruses are a lot easier to kill off

I was supposed to have hope??
Yeah, that was a bit ambitious of me.

Tell that to Irma.

That sucker is scary.
Yes it is, but if it holds its current track, things may not be quite as bad as they could.
I’ve got a close eye on the thing though.

Oh, sure. That's a given.
The hard part is getting a photo.
Consider just wearing a Go-Pro all the time.
The image quality won’t be near what you photos are, but you’ll catch all the mayhem that naturally occurs due to your presence.

Nope. Share and share alike!
Yeah! Suffering for everyone!

Except when it comes to good gravy.
I mean... good gravy! There are some things
that just aren't done!
There are sacred truths in life.

Better a Walmart Clerk
Than some of those Walmart shoppers.
But once they get rid of all the subsistence jobs, who will be left to actually be a Walmart shopper?

Actually... she would do that in a heartbeat.
No doubt in my mind.
Good that it didn’t occur to her at the time.

That's okay. So's the hope.
Hope is very often an illusion.
It’s a condition that I well used to.

Okay, this needs discussion.
OK, shoot…

Biscuits and gravy.
Specifically sausage gravy,
but in this context, it's irrelevant.

We don't do that up here.
yeah, y’all do.
You just call it Poutine.

A starch based foundation that is slightly crunchy on the exterior and soft on the interior served with a roux based sauce (and any other added accompaniment).

I've only seen it once.
And that was at a free
hotel breakfast in Georgia,
I believe.

And it looked.... horrible.
The gravy looked horrific or was it the notion of the gravy on the biscuit?

Now, I'm more than willing
to admit that a free hotel breakfast
is perhaps not the best representation
of that particular culinary delicacy....
Likely not.
The quality of the gravy would be the paramount concern.
Well, crappy biscuits would drag it down a notch as well.


Will you, all kidding aside,
if I come down thataway,
point me to a place that serves
(in your opinion, or others)
a good biscuit and gravy?
Short answer: our kitchen.
Tam’s sausage gravy is about the best I’ve ever had anywhere.
When we have it (sometimes as dinner) we’ll also include extras to go on top, like shredded cheese, coped onions and/or peppers, maybe even chopped cilantro or another herb.

After that… Hummmm… that’s a bit tougher.
From a fast food perspective, there’s a chain down this way called Bojangles that makes good biscuits and a ‘decent’ gravy. Ordering a gravy biscuit from them is pretty cheap and filling.
(and the chicken is fairly edible as well, surprisingly)

The real trick here will be in using the best sausage (and enough of it) when constructing the gravy.
It might be best to find the right hole-in-the-wall diner. I’ll start looking around for you.

You could make your own.
I know you to be a rather good cook.

I will be upfront here.
I may not care for it
(based on what I saw)
but sure want to at least
give it a fair shot.
That’s a fair warning, and I wouldn’t hold it against you.
(There are plenty of folks what still won’t even try grits)

But looks are always deceiving.
If you like the gravy itself, then sopping it up with bread is only natural.
Ergo, dumping extra gravy onto the bread up front just means more goodness.

I don't know!!!

But you're here now! :)

:welcome: to the TR!

I haven't been commenting on much lately because school has had me swamped, but I sure have been reading!

No worries.
I totally get the "I'm busy!" part.

am going to attempt a few comments and starting the contest if I still am in on time to start,

You're on time!
Perfect timing. :)

but I am not sure homework will allow me to keep up on it. Can't win if you don't try though. :dogdance:



Always said my readers were smart.

yes, really!

Don't have kids.
They impact your love life.

Then again... they're the result of it, too.


See? Smart!

Uh, did I mention my over zellas love of all things Christmas? :santa:

I may have heard that.



Flashbacks of these seem fitting with the jolly red suit!

Ah, yes. Those do look a bit familiar.

Google is my best friend! Come to think of it, maybe my only friend.

Nah. You have all of us!

Hmmm I know Kay is not a morning person...but she does seem to be good at early when she is excited about I am going to go with...6:15 AM


"Why do you look constipated?"

Savannah Smiles (just like the sound of them cause my daughter is Savannah and I love it when she smiles!)

Uh, she's 16....The cute waiter!

Ice cream

Hmmm...That's tough... Logan came out March 3rd, Ghost in a Shell came out March 16th, and Beauty and the Beast came out March 17th. I want to say Beauty and the Beast cause well... Disney, duh... but I think that is the "to obvious choice"

Logan, final answer

reclining seats with foot-rests.

(And liked your reasoning for picking Savannah Smiles.)
Viruses are a lot easier to kill off

And less ornery.

Yeah, that was a bit ambitious of me.

Silly you.
I hope we've learned something
from this!!

But... probably not.

Yes it is, but if it holds its current track, things may not be quite as bad as they could.
I’ve got a close eye on the thing though.

I imagine you would!
Glad to hear (and keeping fingers crossed)
that it stays away.

Consider just wearing a Go-Pro all the time.
The image quality won’t be near what you photos are, but you’ll catch all the mayhem that naturally occurs due to your presence.

I have actually considered that! :laughing:

Yeah! Suffering for everyone!

Equal opportunity suffering!

There are sacred truths in life.

And that's one of them.

But once they get rid of all the subsistence jobs, who will be left to actually be a Walmart shopper?

Hmmm... good point.

No doubt in my mind.
Good that it didn’t occur to her at the time.

It very, very nearly did.
Details in... 2 chapters.

Hope is very often an illusion.
It’s a condition that I well used to.

And yet....

It keeps us going as well, n'est-ce pas?

yeah, y’all do.
You just call it Poutine.

A starch based foundation that is slightly crunchy on the exterior and soft on the interior served with a roux based sauce (and any other added accompaniment).

Gravy is completely different though.
At least, based on what I've seen.

The gravy looked horrific or was it the notion of the gravy on the biscuit?

Gravy on a biscuit is fine.
Heck, I put gravy on everything.

No, this stuff just looked nasty.
Like it had seen better days...
last millennium.

Likely not.
The quality of the gravy would be the paramount concern.
Well, crappy biscuits would drag it down a notch as well.

True. But even crappy biscuits
can be made better drenched in gravy.

Short answer: our kitchen.
Tam’s sausage gravy is about the best I’ve ever had anywhere.
When we have it (sometimes as dinner) we’ll also include extras to go on top, like shredded cheese, coped onions and/or peppers, maybe even chopped cilantro or another herb.

Man that sounds good!

I'm assuming "coped" onions
is a typo for "chopped"?
It's not some culinary term is it?

After that… Hummmm… that’s a bit tougher.
From a fast food perspective, there’s a chain down this way called Bojangles that makes good biscuits and a ‘decent’ gravy. Ordering a gravy biscuit from them is pretty cheap and filling.
(and the chicken is fairly edible as well, surprisingly)

Okay. Will keep that in mind.

The real trick here will be in using the best sausage (and enough of it) when constructing the gravy.
It might be best to find the right hole-in-the-wall diner. I’ll start looking around for you.

You could make your own.
I know you to be a rather good cook.

Sure! Is she willing to share the recipe?

That’s a fair warning, and I wouldn’t hold it against you.
(There are plenty of folks what still won’t even try grits)

I never had grits until I came on the DIS.
One of my readers was nice enough to send
me a tin.

I made the "fancy" version...
It didn't go over well with the family.

I've since heard I should have just made
"plain ol' grits".

I will have to eventually work up the nerve to do so.

But looks are always deceiving.
If you like the gravy itself, then sopping it up with bread is only natural.
Ergo, dumping extra gravy onto the bread up front just means more goodness.

Sure! Is she willing to share the recipe?

I would be interested in the recipe as well. I've made my own and they didn't come out half bad, but you need to use good sausage and plenty of it!

I made the "fancy" version...
It didn't go over well with the family.

We've had shrimp and grits. Everyone raves about it. Fran and I were kind of "meh", it's OK. Maybe I need to try the cheesy version.
Welp, I found your newest trip report. Yay, me! It looks fun, who doesn't love exploding helicopters and giraffes?
I would be interested in the recipe as well. I've made my own and they didn't come out half bad, but you need to use good sausage and plenty of it!

I have a source for that, so no worries.

We've had shrimp and grits. Everyone raves about it. Fran and I were kind of "meh", it's OK. Maybe I need to try the cheesy version.

It was the cheesy version that we didn't much care for.
Welp, I found your newest trip report. Yay, me! It looks fun, who doesn't love exploding helicopters and giraffes?
Hi Marie!

:welcome: to the TR!

I'm nothing if not accommodating....
Well.... maybe not so accommodating for the giraffes.
And less ornery.
Ornery is pretty much my natural state.

Silly you.
I hope we've learned something
from this!!

But... probably not.
Me… learn?

Remember: ornery.

And yet....

It keeps us going as well, n'est-ce pas?
Oui... C'est la vie.

No, this stuff just looked nasty.
Like it had seen better days...
last millennium.
Had been sitting out on the heat way too long I ‘spect.
Was likely made from a mix as well.

Probably best you shied away.

Man that sounds good!
And it is!
Now I’m gonn’a have to ask her to make up a batch.

I'm assuming "coped" onions
is a typo for "chopped"?
It's not some culinary term is it?
Yeah… missed the key and the checker didn’t catch it.

If it’s green onions or scallions, then chopped fine (chives work as well)
If yellow, Spanish or sweet, then chopped and sautéed.
Same for any type of peppers.

Of course, those combinations can be used to smother just about anything with added goodness.

Is she willing to share the recipe?
Almost certainly…
I’ll check on it this evening.

I never had grits until I came on the DIS.
One of my readers was nice enough to send
me a tin.

I made the "fancy" version...
It didn't go over well with the family.

I've since heard I should have just made
"plain ol' grits".

I will have to eventually work up the nerve to do so.
Define fancy vs plain (although I suspect it’s probably the difference in the liquid)

We simply refer to the difference as “water grits” vs “cream grits” and the cream version is better.
For me, good grits are similar to polenta.
Just as with biscuits-n-gravy, we almost always serve them with add-ins. The most famous SC version of that being Shrimp and Grits. In truth, if you'd consider serving it over rice, you could serve it just as well over grits. In our house grits are usually topped with diced and sautéed sausage (smoked, Italian, kielbasa, chorizo, something in a casing), and of course a good grated cheese. Oh, and copious amounts of fresh ground black pepper. Serve that in a bowl with a separate plate of pancakes and call it dinner.
I would be interested in the recipe as well. I've made my own and they didn't come out half bad, but you need to use good sausage and plenty of it!
And that right there is basically the secret.

We've had shrimp and grits. Everyone raves about it. Fran and I were kind of "meh", it's OK.
I've had meh versions as well. Not everyone does them quite the same, so variations in the quality of the grits, freshness of the shrimp and what type of sauce was used will make for a very wide variety of experience with our Low-Country specialty.
Yikes, I almost forgot about your TR! Quickly caught up. Am I still in time for contest?
If I am...
1. 7 am
2. Both
3. Do you have permission to take your DD across the border?
4. Savannah Smiles
5. Decor
6. Donuts
7. Beauty & the Beast
8. Reclining seats
Ornery is pretty much my natural state.

I thought it was South Carolina.

Me… learn?

Remember: ornery.

Ornery does not necessarily imply
unteachable/unwilling to learn.

Had been sitting out on the heat way too long I ‘spect.
Was likely made from a mix as well.

Probably best you shied away.

I'm going to say...


And it is!
Now I’m gonn’a have to ask her to make up a batch.

Can't say as I blame you!

If it’s green onions or scallions, then chopped fine (chives work as well)
If yellow, Spanish or sweet, then chopped and sautéed.
Same for any type of peppers.

Of course, those combinations can be used to smother just about anything with added goodness.


Define fancy vs plain (although I suspect it’s probably the difference in the liquid)

It was baked in the oven with cheese.
I think I found that recipe online?

We simply refer to the difference as “water grits” vs “cream grits” and the cream version is better.
For me, good grits are similar to polenta.

Maybe I'll have to try this "cream grits" then.

Now ask me how often I've had polenta.

Just as with biscuits-n-gravy, we almost always serve them with add-ins. The most famous SC version of that being Shrimp and Grits

Just learned about that from Alison.

In truth, if you'd consider serving it over rice, you could serve it just as well over grits.


Because I was thinking more.... oatmeal.
Which (in my world) you wouldn't
serve with anything except brown sugar.

LOTS of brown sugar.

No... More.

In our house grits are usually topped with diced and sautéed sausage (smoked, Italian, kielbasa, chorizo, something in a casing), and of course a good grated cheese. Oh, and copious amounts of fresh ground black pepper. Serve that in a bowl with a separate plate of pancakes and call it dinner.

Now it makes sense.

And I'm hungry too.


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