VWL Groupies & Lovers Thread (Special Collectors Edition 2.0) updated 21 June 2023

This year we have 4 Coast Guard recruits as our Thanksgiving guests! They come from Columbus OH, Long Island NY, Flint Michigan,and Pittsburgh PA.

They came with backpacks full of study materials. Tomorrow is mid term exams!:teacher:

Right now Christmas Vacation is on TV, watching is another tradition with the recruits!
This year we have 4 Coast Guard recruits as our Thanksgiving guests! They come from Columbus OH, Long Island NY, Flint Michigan,and Pittsburgh PA.

They came with backpacks full of study materials. Tomorrow is mid term exams!:teacher:

Right now Christmas Vacation is on TV, watching is another tradition with the recruits!
That is awesome Bobbi, have a great one and see you soon!
Good morning groupies. Thanksgiving has passed and it is a warm, sunny day in northern Illinois (maybe 50* today). Hoses and reels to put away. Tarps to cover the furniture on the deck. Blow the leaves and sweep the lawn (clover n crab grass really) and sow a little seed. After that I rest my weary back and cross another day off the calendar. Thirty days and we enter that beloved lobby and gaze at the tree. I can hardly wait. Christmas at the lodge.

Have a wonderful thanksgiving weekend everyone
Bobbi, thats great that you folks share your holiday and meal with our service men and women. We usually have one of our local fire departments to come too our gathering, but this year they were running hard so couldn't make it. Maybe next year it will be slow enough for them to come.

We had 86 folks at our gathering yesterday, largest group ever. We even had some folks from Philly that came that Im not sure who they were or who they were with. We live really close to the I-85/40 corridor so not sure if they maybe were just passing by around lunch and saw all the cars!!:D

One other thing to share, I use Safari as my web browser and was having issues with Disneyworld website. So several of you mentioned trying another browser, so Wed AM, I tried two more times trying to get the website to work, computer and phone, no luck. So I downloaded Google Chrome to my phone, works like a charm immediately. Dang if I didn't try again yesterday on Safari, and NOW, it decides to worko_O

Thanks for the help folks! Safari just needed reminding there are other fish in the pond:P
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Sorry to read that the fire department was too busy to enjoy your hospitality.

We have hosted recruits since 1998, and yesterday I realized we are 50 years older then most of the ones who were our guests.:)
I had to go back a few pages and catch up. I'm hopeful all have enjoyed a very Happy Thanksgiving day with family and friends.

All this talk about Christmas and decorations and groupie meets brings a tear to my eye :( We're so very sorry that circumstances have dictated our holiday schedule.

On a positive note, however, we put our Christmas tree up today and have begun Christmas preparations. We've not been home for the early December season for many years.

I've done my fair share of Black Friday shopping online today. For those that had specific (shopping) intent today, I hope you've been successful!

Sleepy - so happy to hear of your waitlist success!
What?! No posts since Friday afternoon? The shame! Must be the Tired Turkey syndrome. Quiet weekend here. I didn't have to work Friday, and it was a fairly nice day in the mid-50s and sunny, so I put up our outdoor holiday decorations, including a new Mickey head shaped, lighted wreath. Lowe's sells them for $89. Very cute!

Thanks, Di! We hope the last day will come through, though so far we've nothing. We still have over 6 months, and we're hopeful that somewhere along the way, we'll pick up that last day. If not, we have our reservation at PP, and the plan is just to pack an overnight bag, let bell services keep our main bags, then simply walk over to PP for the night, then back again for the last two days in the GV. We are super excited about those last two days! I never entertained the idea of using points for a GV since it's normally just the two of us. However, this dropped in our lap, and since it's a celebration of three different milestones, we jumped at the chance. It feels weird realizing I won't get back to the World until 2019, two years after our trip this past July. Still, getting to see DL with Luv and DD is a great reason.

Have a good what's-left-of-your-weekend!
Just checked and the countdown is at 10 days for the 2017 Big Honkin' Groupie Christmas Meet, Part 1 !!! :banana:

Granny - is there another conversation for the meeting on the 6th or just the main one? I think we'll be able to make it at least for a little bit.
Granny - is there another conversation for the meeting on the 6th or just the main one? I think we'll be able to make it at least for a little bit.
I just tried inviting you to the conversation for the 6th. LMK if you can't see it.
Kathy...sorry if I hadn't included you on that thread. You should have access now.

Twinks....thanks for correcting my oversight. :)
Good morning groupie friends. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. We had a nice day & it was good to have DS19 home for a few days. He went back to school yesterday afternoon & now it's back to real life again. Booked my food & wine trip for next year this morning. @sleepydog25 can you add me to the vacation list? 10/27-11/3 BCV. I'm hoping to catch the food & wine classic at Swalphin next year. I've never been before. I've also never stayed for a week before at that time of year, but as I'll be an empty nester by then I figured why not.

Getting excited for the next trip. 12 more days! :dogdance: Sorry I'm going to miss both groupie meets though. :sad2:

Have a great day all! :wave2:
Can you add me to the vacation list? 10/27-11/3 BCV. I'm hoping to catch the food & wine classic at Swalphin next year. I've never been before. I've also never stayed for a week before at that time of year, but as I'll be an empty nester by then I figured why not.

Getting excited for the next trip. 12 more days! :dogdance: Sorry I'm going to miss both groupie meets though. :sad2:

Have a great day all! :wave2:
You're all set! It can be a fun time, but boy it sure gets crowded. However, you should miss the bulk of the extremely hot weather. Welcome back to work, folks!
The joys of being retired! Listening to Christmas music and writing cards.:santa:

Enjoy your F&W trip, horselover, are you saying you will run next year?

We will skip F&W next year again. We have many points allocated for Aulani next year. DH wants to experience sailing DCL out of NYC. Today we decided to book a DCL cruise to Bermuda for late October/early November next year. We will book on board-in just 14 Days!
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You're all set! It can be a fun time, but boy it sure gets crowded. However, you should miss the bulk of the extremely hot weather. Welcome back to work, folks!

Thanks! I'm used to Oct. I used to go Columbus Day weekend when I had to be on the school schedule. That was always packed & hot. This year I went later. Pretty close to the time I'll go next year. It wasn't too bad. Still crowded by nowhere near as bad & the weather was cooler too. Hoping for a repeat of those conditions for next year.

The joys of being retired! Listening to Christmas music and writing cards.:santa:

Enjoy your F&W trip, horselover, are you saying you will run next year?

We will skip F&W next year again. We have many points allocated for Aulani next year. DH wants to experience sailing DCL out of NYC. Today we decided to book a DCL cruise to Bermuda for late October/early November next year. We will book on board-in just 14 Days!

:rotfl2: The only place I'll be running to is the next food booth! :rotfl2: I said the F&W classic but what I really meant was the weekend food festival that runs last weekend of Oct at Swalphin. I've never been to that one only Disney's F&W fest.

Congrats on your DCL booking! It's been way too long since I've been on a DCL cruise. I miss them. Doubt I'll be doing one anytime soon. DH is lobbying for a river cruise next year which I'm not opposed to. I loved the previous one I did. My mind is on Ireland though. We'll see who comes out the winner. :laughing: Not that that is really going to be a loser with either vacation choice.


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