The "Why do my cats do that?" Thread

Our kitty used to only jump up onto the armchair from one side- so she'd go all the way around the coffee table past the sofa, appear at her preferred side and jump up.
I have a new one. I've been running a humidifier in DS's room, and when I empty it in the morning, my cats (one of the two especially) have been trying to drink out of it. Why is that so much more fascinating than than their perfectly good water bowls?
I have a new one. I've been running a humidifier in DS's room, and when I empty it in the morning, my cats (one of the two especially) have been trying to drink out of it. Why is that so much more fascinating than than their perfectly good water bowls?
Ah yes, the humidifier. I need to dig ours out. It's so funny to watch how one of our cats plays with it. When I fill the tank and turn it upside down, bubbles escape as the tray beneath fills. Our 2 year old cat chases those bubbles, jumping from side to side and swatting at them until it stops. Bless his little heart for trying and trying to catch them. Every. Single. Time. :laughing:
What's up with my cats...they don't do anything! They sleep most of the time or eat constantly....the little fatties. I have opened up all my cabinet doors by the sinks so the pipes won't freeze...minus 27 yesterday....brrr. They have been sleeping in there, all three, trying out each location as if it was a new home. In the summer, they do go outside and they like to hunt. In the winter, they are just like me, sitting around in their jammies, looking out the window at the birds and the deer...LOL!
What's up with my cats...they don't do anything! They sleep most of the time or eat constantly....the little fatties. I have opened up all my cabinet doors by the sinks so the pipes won't freeze...minus 27 yesterday....brrr. They have been sleeping in there, all three, trying out each location as if it was a new home. In the summer, they do go outside and they like to hunt. In the winter, they are just like me, sitting around in their jammies, looking out the window at the birds and the deer...LOL!
LOL, you just described our 2 older cats. Only the young 'un earns his keep by entertaining us daily. :cat:
LOL, you just described our 2 older cats. Only the young 'un earns his keep by entertaining us daily. :cat:
I think mine are middle aged now, 9 years old. Every once in a while one of them will run from one end of the house to the other for no particular reason. Their exercise for the month...LOL! I love them to pieces.
We have 3 cats and they each have their own quirks.

One likes to pack around hairs ties AND he meows while doing it. Just packs one around, lays it down, comes back later and packs it somewhere else, meowing the whole time.

One sits in the chair by my husband at dinner every night and watches him eat. After a few minutes, he will lightly tap his arm and keep doing it until my husband dips his finger in whatever we are eating to give him a taste. He is partial to spaghetti sauce with parmesan in it, ranch dressing, macaroni & cheese sauce, and mashed potatoes.

And last but not least, the princess of the bunch, she likes to lay between my husbands legs on the recliner part of the chair when he has the recliner up...under the blanket. She also likes to lay beside you and demand that you scratch her chin. Once you start, she wraps her arms around you and holds your hand there until she has decided its enough. And she does this thing where she will get in the floor and paw her foot like a bull, but she does it with a back foot, and then all of a sudden she just takes off. It's like she is revving up, lol.

Weridos...the lot of them. But we wouldn't take anything for them!
Ohhh... I forgot...the one that likes to eat with us...he is scared of the swiffer floor duster. I'm not even joking. The regular swiffer, just the kind that you pick hair and dust up with. If you get it out to run over the floors, he hisses, arches, growls, the whole nine yards. He has done it since the day we got it. He pays not one ounce of attention to the vacuum, but get the swiffer out and it's on. o_O
Oh, the cuteness!! - The one with the paw over his face is just priceless!
He is so adorable with his little pink tongue like that. One of my girls will take common pins out of the pin cushion one at a time. When I first saw her doing this, I had to hurry up and get them away from her. I always have to watch her when I'm sewing or she'll come right over and start taking them out. She's like a surgeon...very precise and only one at a time.
Mine plays Kick and Lick, but only with me. Sometimes, when I'm petting her, she decides it's time to jackrabbit kick my hand with her back legs. No claws....just for fun. She kicks me a while and then suddenly changes to licking my hand. Then she returns to more kicking, followed by more licking. At some point, the cycle ends. I have no explanation. But I love it.


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