Marathon Weekend 2018

Sorry to be late to the party. I had a fever break at midnight and debated right up until time to head to the bus whether it was a good idea or not. Good ideas not being my forte and with all the words of encouragement here, I decided to give it a shot.

I didn't think the corrals were nearly as cold as they had been the last couple of days, but once we got going, man, that north wind was biting! In an attempt to avoid the 7 mile crash and burn of the half, I cut the intervals back to 1/1 and really focused on nutrition and hydration. I was very dehydrated after the half. By comparison, I felt much better at the MK point today and after we left the park we got some shelter from the wind.

By the time AK rolled around, I felt pretty confident that I wasn't going to crash and burn like yesterday. For me, AK was the point where it started to warm up to acceptable temperatures and ditched the last of my throwaways. As the temps got warmer from there, I got faster and faster. WWoS still felt like it went on forever, but the time from the WWoS exit to the entrance of Epcot flew by and I knew nothing was stopping the train today.

Where the trip through Epcot and past the choir yesterday was demoralizing (it really sucks having someone sing We Are the Champions to you when you think your race weekend is done), today they were uplifting and affirming! I crossed the line at 5:33:33, my 2nd worst marathon result, but I don't care! It was great to have Billy see me come through and have a quick conversation from the chute.

I am also particularly happy with my splits from this race:

1st half: 2:56:08
2nd half: 2:37:25

Thanks again to everyone here whose support, encouragement and words of wisdom helped get me through my disappointment yesterday and not make a decision I would have second guessed forever!

I am so happy to read this- so glad you were able to start and then finish strong- congrats!
Sorry to be late to the party. I had a fever break at midnight and debated right up until time to head to the bus whether it was a good idea or not. Good ideas not being my forte and with all the words of encouragement here, I decided to give it a shot.

I didn't think the corrals were nearly as cold as they had been the last couple of days, but once we got going, man, that north wind was biting! In an attempt to avoid the 7 mile crash and burn of the half, I cut the intervals back to 1/1 and really focused on nutrition and hydration. I was very dehydrated after the half. By comparison, I felt much better at the MK point today and after we left the park we got some shelter from the wind.

By the time AK rolled around, I felt pretty confident that I wasn't going to crash and burn like yesterday. For me, AK was the point where it started to warm up to acceptable temperatures and ditched the last of my throwaways. As the temps got warmer from there, I got faster and faster. WWoS still felt like it went on forever, but the time from the WWoS exit to the entrance of Epcot flew by and I knew nothing was stopping the train today.

Where the trip through Epcot and past the choir yesterday was demoralizing (it really sucks having someone sing We Are the Champions to you when you think your race weekend is done), today they were uplifting and affirming! I crossed the line at 5:33:33, my 2nd worst marathon result, but I don't care! It was great to have Billy see me come through and have a quick conversation from the chute.

I am also particularly happy with my splits from this race:

1st half: 2:56:08
2nd half: 2:37:25

Thanks again to everyone here whose support, encouragement and words of wisdom helped get me through my disappointment yesterday and not make a decision I would have second guessed forever!


You are amazing! Now go get some rest!
Pain is temporary, pride is forever :)
Since our whole trip was cancelled, we are going to do Dark Side - my first non-Marathon weekend Disney event. Already booked the "sun and fun" special rate at AKL. For once, it will likely be warm enough to go swimming.

You’re going to love SW weekend! You also have flower and garden going on at the same time! Epic
The good news: I got an almost 35 minute PR on my @DopeyBadger plan! I have never run a marathon where I finished strong until now. Unofficial time 5:16:29. I met a bunch of you fine folks in the preface meet up which was an absolute blessing for my nerves.
The bad news: I dressed in an Elastigirl shirt with her logo and everybody thought it was a Georgia State shirt. I corrected the first guy but after that I didn’t have the energy. Some people yelled “Roll tide” at me which was confusing but husband laughed and told me they are actually playing in a championship game this weekend? Mistaken identity lol.
The good news: I got an almost 35 minute PR on my @DopeyBadger plan! I have never run a marathon where I finished strong until now. Unofficial time 5:16:29. I met a bunch of you fine folks in the preface meet up which was an absolute blessing for my nerves.
The bad news: I dressed in an Elastigirl shirt with her logo and everybody thought it was a Georgia State shirt. I corrected the first guy but after that I didn’t have the energy. Some people yelled “Roll tide” at me which was confusing but husband laughed and told me they are actually playing in a championship game this weekend? Mistaken identity lol.

Uh oh! Do I need to rethink my plan to run as Mr. Incredible next year?
I need to give a huge thanks to @Keels and another disboard member whose name I didn’t know. (So sorry for that, part of my anxiety is that I don’t retain information in social situations very well). I was having a very rough time after mile 8, including several 20+ minute miles. By WWOS I was worried about health issues and had decided to quit. First, my unnamed angel stopped and asked how I was doing. I know that I was very abrupt and could barely speak; it was still a boost for me. Despite that I stopped at the medical station in mile 19 and was waiting to quit. @Keels was nice enough to stop and encourage me and just being so nice was enough to get me off my butt. I owed it to myself and everyone here to leave it all on the table. Fortunately, I was able to finish.

My nose was stuffed for the entire race, I was still working on low sleep and heavily medicated, but my primary problem was my lack of training. I don’t know how long it took me, but I know it was a PW (a PW that I had thought was impossible). Somewhere in the range of 7:40. Still, I can’t thank the board and my family enough for the encouragement to finish. I know I’d feel worse if I had given in and quit. My legs and feet aren’t thanking me for it, but I’ll live.
I need to give a huge thanks to @Keels and another disboard member whose name I didn’t know. (So sorry for that, part of my anxiety is that I don’t retain information in social situations very well). I was having a very rough time after mile 8, including several 20+ minute miles. By WWOS I was worried about health issues and had decided to quit. First, my unnamed angel stopped and asked how I was doing. I know that I was very abrupt and could barely speak; it was still a boost for me. Despite that I stopped at the medical station in mile 19 and was waiting to quit. @Keels was nice enough to stop and encourage me and just being so nice was enough to get me off my butt. I owed it to myself and everyone here to leave it all on the table. Fortunately, I was able to finish.

My nose was stuffed for the entire race, I was still working on low sleep and heavily medicated, but my primary problem was my lack of training. I don’t know how long it took me, but I know it was a PW (a PW that I had thought was impossible). Somewhere in the range of 7:40. Still, I can’t thank the board and my family enough for the encouragement to finish. I know I’d feel worse if I had given in and quit. My legs and feet aren’t thanking me for it, but I’ll live.

You finished. That’s amazing right there in itself.
Uh oh! Do I need to rethink my plan to run as Mr. Incredible next year?
No it was the “maiden” Elastigirllogo before she was Mrs. Incredible!
In fact there was a regular Mrs. Incredible running near me the whole race and everyone called out to her. I waved the first few times but then I learned to just realize they were calling to her.
So does Disney still give you all the medals for dopey if you don’t finish the marathon?
I need to give a huge thanks to @Keels and another disboard member whose name I didn’t know. (So sorry for that, part of my anxiety is that I don’t retain information in social situations very well). I was having a very rough time after mile 8, including several 20+ minute miles. By WWOS I was worried about health issues and had decided to quit. First, my unnamed angel stopped and asked how I was doing. I know that I was very abrupt and could barely speak; it was still a boost for me. Despite that I stopped at the medical station in mile 19 and was waiting to quit. @Keels was nice enough to stop and encourage me and just being so nice was enough to get me off my butt. I owed it to myself and everyone here to leave it all on the table. Fortunately, I was able to finish.

My nose was stuffed for the entire race, I was still working on low sleep and heavily medicated, but my primary problem was my lack of training. I don’t know how long it took me, but I know it was a PW (a PW that I had thought was impossible). Somewhere in the range of 7:40. Still, I can’t thank the board and my family enough for the encouragement to finish. I know I’d feel worse if I had given in and quit. My legs and feet aren’t thanking me for it, but I’ll live.

PW is better than DNF! Glad you made it through! Hopefully you can relax now.
Achilles is tender. This has been an issue for awhile for me. It is not serious, tendinitis, so I intend to get out there and see how it goes. Start slow and see how things respond. Anxious and excited. I am going to take January off running and let things settle a bit and then build up to some summer races.

Good luck to all you Goofy, Dopey and Marathon runners! 26.2 to go.

Is your tendinitis near the heel insertion point? If so, have you tried something like the OrthoSleeve FS6 Pro compression sleeve? I've been having on and off tendinitis issues in one of my Achilles' and these things have been a life saver! They do a great job providing support and relief as long as the issue isn't too high up.


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