The ABCs of Another Steppe Into Adventure!- Last Africa Ch. + World Showcase Pt. 2

I am finally all caught up and really enjoying your stories both in Disney and in Africa. It really is an amazing world of contrasts, thank you for opening my eyes even more.
BTW, I'd really like to attend the flag retreat. You reminded me that this happens every day and yet we are never around for it either. I think Steve would really enjoy this. He is very patriotic too :)

YAY!!!! And a giant huge :welcome::welcome::welcome:!

I'm enjoying sharing these adventures with you and you're right- some pretty big contrast going on.

I do hope that you can see the Flag Retreat someday. It's respectfully and proudly done. I think his patriotism may grow an extra size or two when you do. :)
Aye, aye, commander commando!

At your service.

Good! Looking forward to more photos (hopefully?)

OH yes. Many more coming up.

No, no, no. I mean. You brought all these medical supplies and... doors?

OH no, those were already in there. Perhaps the owners? Not sure; they were just... there.

But it's a cause. I'm cutting you some major slack here.

Thanks! :hug:

That's a very, very good point! Of course. And... what if you'd asked and they went without as a result?

You is smart.

Nah, but I do have a few moments now and then.

It just seems to be that generation and possibly that culture.
My mom does that too sometimes. :sad2:

Possibly? I guess they said what was on their minds without fear of repercussion? I wonder sometimes if we've begun to err on the of too much caution and not being able to speak our minds.

And I'm super stoked to hear all about that! :goodvibes

And hear it you shall.

Definitely not.
I'll pay some kid to stand on the slide. Entertainment worth paying for.

As long as his parents have health insurance.

Heh, in this case, the kid's parents may be hoping Disney has insurance. Or counting on it. ;)

Too much to see. Rides are fun... but I don't need to go on all of them. Been there, rode that.

Exactly. But if I go too long skipping one, I might hit that up for posterity's sake. ie, Storybook Boats. ;)
*Hallelujah Chorus*

Don't sing too loud or long....

Well, that doesn't sound encouraging at all.

Chapter 5 of You're Gonna Feel Worse coming soon-ish.

Well, considering you were already suffering from bubonic plague, what's a little salmonella going to do?

Dang. Good point.

Ugh. It's like visiting a museum with my mom. She needs to read Every. Single. Sign.

Sigh.... it was... weird.

We all have those moments. You're exhausted, sick, dehydrated, and just about done with people and end up saying something inappropriate. Not that it's an excuse, it's just that you're not alone. We've all been there.

One of those "wish you could have a do-over" moments. :sad2:

That's really weird. I guess on the plus side, while the parade is going on the lines at the rides are probably really short.

Oops, sorry--got the chapters mixed up. :p

Crap. I worried this might happen doing the TR this way.


"Something something...Man, that lady is REALLY obsessed with her coffee..."

"....let's make sure she never gets any!"


That's interesting. I was just watching a TV show where they talked about how they thought tomatoes were poisonous and it was the pewter utensils that they ate them with.

Huh! We have a bunch, and I do love it. But we never eat from it.
I always thought that pewter was equivalent to our tin plates and such, which thy still use here in Nuremberg for serving the famous sausages. But it turns out that German tin always had far less lead in it. And modern tin that is being used for food may not have any lead. SO, the Nuremberg sausage plates are safe to eat from!!

Phew! Because I ate more than a few helpings of those sausages.

I could live on those sausages. And the kraut. And mustard. And pretzel bread. Nom, nom, nom....

I don't think I'd trust my pewter here at home to serve food off of. Although as many times as I have to remind my kids to do their chores, I sometimes wonder what they're using for school lunch platterware. ;)

But the tomato story reminds me of that according to my mother, you are not supposed to cut a cooked potato with a, you break it with your fork. The reason for that table etiquette rule is that the silver when cutting the potato would discolor it, so you want to have as little contact between potato and cutlery. Of course, this only applies to those who were using silver cutlery (i.e. not the masses...).

Interesting about the potato rule. I'd never heard that little tidbit of etiquette trivia. HUH! We eat off of silver every day (plated) and now I'm totally going to test this out.

Yes!! I am standing ready to serve as your tour guide!!

YAY!! You just never know!

Loved how you danced in AK!! I really need to get more into shows like this!

It's just a lot of fun. I love making these little memories.

I think I missed it by about 5 minutes. Stupid FP lines that are longer than standby (or seem to be anyway). :sad:

Poop!!! :( That really stinks! But, it had been on my list for YEARS, and well, there's always reasons to go back because not everything gets crossed off every time.
At your service.

I'll have a Coke with ice, please.

OH yes. Many more coming up.


OH no, those were already in there. Perhaps the owners? Not sure; they were just... there.

Ah. Got it now.

Possibly? I guess they said what was on their minds without fear of repercussion? I wonder sometimes if we've begun to err on the of too much caution and not being able to speak our minds.

Hmmm.... And yet... apparently if you say "no offense" you can say anything.

And hear it you shall.


Heh, in this case, the kid's parents may be hoping Disney has insurance. Or counting on it. ;)


Exactly. But if I go too long skipping one, I might hit that up for posterity's sake. ie, Storybook Boats. ;)

I think I'm good on that one for a looooooooooooooooooong time.
**To mix things up, and to see if you're reading the fine print, Contest Questions are peppered here and there throughout the update.
Glad it wasn't much glasses are only SO strong!

So, it’s time for a confession. My chapters have been titled since before I ever got home. To be specific I couldn’t sleep on the flight home from Africa, so after watching Ferris Beuller’s Day Off, I killed time by doing a fair bit of reminiscing of my time in Disney and the upcoming (at that time) Trip Report. I scrolled through my photos and started thinking up titles for the photos I wanted to chunk together. So, without further ado in cruising through the TR Alphabet with Steppe, I give you…
I'm not sure why that's a confession type thing. It's your TR, you can title whenever suits you.

Precisely as the title alludes to, it serves as a place to stash a few miscellaneous things I’d done that were purely for FUN! Of course, everything is supposed to be “fun” at Disney, or at least entertaining, but some involve an extra measure of silly- those things meant for letting a little of the crazy come out and cast decorum aside (not that that's very hard to do). Trust me, there are plenty of opportunities around Disneyworld to find that inner kid we all have. So, while this update may seem to contain a random montage of various activities, they are connected by the common theme of JUST FOR FUN!! (For a Contest Point, what is one thing about Disney, or something you do there, that MOST makes you feel young again?)
Every time I do the speedway in tomorrowland. It brings me back to the very first time in 1971 (I was 7). I do it a bit differently now goal now is to make it through without touching the rail in the center. It's not easy...the steering in those cars are not the most responsive or accurate.

(For a Contest Point: Did you listen to any of his tracks? If so, which one and did you like it?)
I'm not much of an instrumentalist type (with the exception of Kenny G), but I listened to Nocturne and Someday, somewhere. I was thinking they'd be somewhat like the songs with the same names, but they were not. I guess I liked Nocturne best, but not really my thing.

Did you know he’s a Disney Legends Inductee as well?
I did not. Legacy, yes. Legends, no.

(Contest Question: Which is your favorite area of AK: Africa, Asia, Dinoland, or Pandora?)
How am I ever supposed to catch Ponzie if you're giving away free points? ;)
Hmmm...tough call
Asia - My favorite ride is EE
Africa - They have dole whips
Pandora - They have FOP
Definitely NOT dinoland. That might have been my kid's favorite when they were younger.

I think I'd have to go with Asia.

(For a point, caption this photo ^)
Not quite what the macarena is supposed to look like.

(Yes, I realize I look pregnant in that ^ photo. I'm not.)
No you don't, but REALLY not doing the macarena the right way.

Looks like y'all have just been caught stealing TVs...the lady on your right dropped hers and is putting her hands in the air to on the other hand don't want to let go of your TV. Shame shame. Busted!!!

Getting closer to looking like the macarena. Funny thing...when I first looked at this picture I thought...he has 3 arms!!! With the shadow of his right arm, it looked like he had his hands clasped below his waist and then one sticking out. I caught it quickly enough, but first glance I was like WHOOOAH!

One more random silly thing I did just for fun was something I’ve wanted to for years. So long, in fact, that the original iteration has morphed. Same concept, new game- Agent P’s World Showcase Adventure. I like technology, so using my cell phone to make cool stuff happen just sounded fun. So, I chose a game and ended up in Germany. (Oh, don’t I wish! I’d love to explore a bit more of Bavaria- @Flossbolna ) And now for the inevitable commentary: It was fun, but didn’t blow me away. Glad I played a round of it once? Sure. Would I do another? Maybe... if I had a couple of tweens with me, but otherwise, probably not. Perhaps if they’d thrown in some exploding helicopters, I’d have been more enthralled. Nevertheless, my motto is try everything once, you never know. I DO think the kids would love it if you are there with any.
Huh??? You lost me. "chose a game and ended up in Germany"??? Guess I'll have to lookup the game to understand. Exploding helicopters always makes it better --- that and beef jerkey.

Is it just me or does that guy look like doofenschmurtz from Phineas and Pherb?

While I did a LOT of super fun things during my last trip, those were 3 that I took time out to solely have some silly fun. Time out from the rides and rushing from one queue to the next; time out to just truly relax and just be me. I’m sure you all have some things you do each trip OR have wanted to try for a while, but just haven’t. So for another Contest Point or two, share with us! I’d love to hear about those things that are off the beaten path that you like to do or about something you’ve heard or read about that you haven’t yet. (A point for each)
I want to do the keys to the kingdom tour and see the utilidors. I would also like to do the night time safari at AKL, but the price!
I'm not sure if those are "off the beaten path", so since I love trains, I enjoy watching the model trains in WS for as long as those I'm with will allow. I actually like the figment ride...I went to EPCOT the year it opened and it was one of the few rides that existed. I had a figment hat for years. Don't know what ever happened to it.
EDIT: In reading another person's response, it reminded me of something. While we were at BWV, I had planned on trying to catch some of the performances there, but seemed to either run out of time and get back too late or be so exhausted to not see them. So, that's also on my off the beaten path and/or Disney bucket list.

And, your 'J' Mystery Photo to guess: Where in the World is this?

I'm going with somewhere in the African area since you like it so much.

There was only one photo to guess last chapter. Only 4 of you took a stab at it:

franandaj, Captain_Oblivious, Terra Nova Guy, and pkondz
In my defense, I was AT Disney and not on the DISboards. The fact that I had no clue where that photo was had absolutely nothing to do with it. If there were a Greece Pavilion in WS, I would have guess that, but alas...wouldn't have gotten a point for that either!

Scores to date:


pkondz: 36
franandaj: 35
docsoliday: 31
Captain_Oblivious: 28
Mom3sonstt: 22
Terra Nova Guy: 18
Poolrat: 17
Chrystmasangel: 13
Princess Leia: 9
Amazingact21: 3
Rndmr2: 3
Getting further and further away from Gold medal contention. :sad:
I'd like to state for the record, I did go back and count the photos instead of the text, so I'm not sure if that counts.

This is more a game of participation at this point. So, join in. :) It's meant to be fun, not a huge time sucking burden.
I'm participating...I just stink! :rotfl2:
Last edited:
**To mix things up, and to see if you're reading the fine print, Contest Questions are peppered here and there throughout the update.

Man, you're really penalizing us skimmers!

Uh, I mean...other people who would have the nerve to skim. They get hurt. Yeah.

My chapters have been titled since before I ever got home. To be specific I couldn’t sleep on the flight home from Africa, so after watching Ferris Beuller’s Day Off, I killed time by doing a fair bit of reminiscing of my time in Disney and the upcoming (at that time) Trip Report.

Now that is efficient traveling.

(For a Contest Point, what is one thing about Disney, or something you do there, that MOST makes you feel young again?)

What really does it for me, more than anything, is the music. There's background music everywhere. It really changes my mood. Makes me want to explore. Life is better with a soundtrack.

Now, shared in no particular order whatsoever, first let’s sing silly songs with Bob. (Why does Veggie Tales suddenly pop into my mind?)

Ohhh, me and you. In our Sport Utility Vehicles...

(For a Contest Point: Did you listen to any of his tracks? If so, which one and did you like it?)

Not as of yet. I'm at work, so it would be frowned upon. I'll try and get back to it later.

Did you know he’s a Disney Legends Inductee as well?

I did not know that!

It’s amazing how a classical composer can switch up genres and still be astounding. Kind of like Freddie Mercury or Danny Elfman – I think you’d be surprised at their training, talent, and versatility as well.

I really love Michael Giacchino. Hard for me to believe that the same guy could write the big band music for The Incredibles, the sad waltz of Up, and Star Wars music.

Of course, there was also time to give a Tarzan yodel and beat my hands on my chest when he played his bugle, and sing “Sarah, Sarah, Sitting on the Shed House Door”.

Should I admit that I have no idea what that song is?

Then again, who really wants to see a 50-year old looking like a dancing doofus?


(Contest Question: Which is your favorite area of AK: Africa, Asia, Dinoland, or Pandora?)

Well, some of us haven't seen Pandora yet. So I can't pass judgment there. And Dinoland...has never been my favorite. I get that is supposed to look like a trashy tourist trap on purpose, looks like a trashy tourist trap.

So that leaves Africa and Asia, and I think both look amazing. But I'd probably give the nod to Asia due to the Maharajahahahaha Jungle trail. The ruins and prayer flags along there just blow me away.

(For a point, caption this photo ^)

Tam Tam: "Do you see what I have to work with??"

(Yes, I realize I look pregnant in that ^ photo. I'm not.)

Don't feel bad. I look pregnant in every photo.


I feel like this is the one that should have been captioned. World's least threatening gangstas.

Same concept, new game- Agent P’s World Showcase Adventure. I like technology, so using my cell phone to make cool stuff happen just sounded fun. So, I chose a game and ended up in Germany. (Oh, don’t I wish! I’d love to explore a bit more of Bavaria- @Flossbolna ) And now for the inevitable commentary: It was fun, but didn’t blow me away. Glad I played a round of it once? Sure. Would I do another? Maybe... if I had a couple of tweens with me, but otherwise, probably not. Perhaps if they’d thrown in some exploding helicopters, I’d have been more enthralled. Nevertheless, my motto is try everything once, you never know. I DO think the kids would love it if you are there with any.

Sounds about right. It's pitched at the kids' level, so I don't think it would be any adult's first choice. My kids absolutely love it, though. And I was really struck by what a great job the Imagineers did incorporating those game elements into the various pavilions.

So for another Contest Point or two, share with us! I’d love to hear about those things that are off the beaten path that you like to do or about something you’ve heard or read about that you haven’t yet. (A point for each)

Pandora. :rotfl2:

I think I wouldn't mind getting my hair cut one time at the Main St. Barber Shop. Before I lose it all, that is.
I never spend enough time watching the street performers in Epcot or Hollywood Studios.
I'd really like to play golf on one of their courses that used to host the PGA tournament as well.
And stay a night in the Cinderella Castle suite. Hey, it's fun to dream.
Oooohhh.... sneaky.

Just like me! :laughing:

Well, you are very inspirational.

:eek: You think that far ahead???? I never know my titles until after I've written an update!

Yeah. It's how I roll.

The Principal is so funny!

Wait just a cotton picking second! No "J" photo?!?!?!!? What the heck?!?!??

So disappointed. (Please pronounce the "so" as dripping with disappointment and sarcasm.)

I fixed it. Happy?

Hmmm... I'm glad you added "entertaining". There are some things that are decidedly not fun... but entertain nevertheless. Some things (not many.. but some) are sobering.

Case in point... your last Disney update.

Okay, I"ll give you that one. I suppose it's safe to say, Disney has covered all the bases.

That's easy. While pretty much all of Disney makes me feel young again, MK does it the most. But the one thing that really takes me back is HM.
The second I walk through the doors, and especially when I see this:

It's funny how certain things can just stick even at very early ages. For me it's the mayor getting dunked scene in PoTC. Just... cemented. The whole ride sparks wonderful imagination and takes me.... there. I love how this scene in HM does that for you!

I am immediately transported back to my parent's house, watching Wonderful World of Disney beside my sister, on the black and white TV while eating Sunday dinner on the TV table.

What a cool memory! :goodvibes Thank you for sharing!

No idea. Never seen. Don't want to.

Awww, but Veggie Tales had some great material and referential jokes that were even funny for adults. You just haven't lived until you've heard the Hairbrush Song!

Well, since I don't need to have listened for the point, I'll say no.
But only because I'm at work.
When I get home, I intend to listen to at least some of it.

When I do, I'll let you know which track and what I thought.

I think you'll be impressed for sheer talent alone even if it's not your style.

From what I've heard, he's quite successful at it.

I'd say so. Every show I've been to has been pretty packed.

Didn't recognize Danny Elman's name. Quick rabbit trail later (thanks Wiki!) and yes, of course I know Oingo Boingo. And just recently re-watched Miss Peregrine's...

Of course Mercury's name was known. Still.... once again down the rabbit hole. I didn't read it all (I only have a few hours... it would take more. Lots there.) but I really liked this:

"The Who lead singer Roger Daltrey called Mercury "the best virtuoso rock 'n' roll singer of all time. He could sing anything in any style. He could change his style from line to line and, God, that's an art. And he was brilliant at it.""

Miss Peregrine is actually one I"ve never seen. Should though.

And yes, I too had read Daltry's accolades of Mercury. High praises indeed.

:lmao: I'm sure that would've been something to see!


Just what are you guys pointing at??

A nice volunteer who offered to take our photo. And that's Bob's signature pose he asks all of his guests to strike when they do with him.


Although I'm starting to wonder... Seems you were on the ragged edge of exhaustion and illness, so...

Yes. Yes, I was.

That's a bit of a tough one.
I can easily say that Dinoland is my least fave. I'm quite content to skip that area.


Pandora is amazing... very well done... but.... it doesn't have the impact that Africa and Asia do. In those two, I feel like I'm getting a taste of something a bit more... real.
Disneyfied to be sure, but...

If I have to pick one... Geez, that's tough. Africa seems more compact and vibrant to Asia's more spread out style. And yet... I've always loved things Asia, so I'll have to go with that.

It'll be interesting to see how the vote ends up. I might even get 4 total responses. ;)

... yeah. What you just said.
I can't dance worth spit, but even I wouldn't care what others think, in that setting.

Disney has a way of doing that. One more reason I love it there.

And... no one is laughing except in joy and no one is judging.
Those who judge, don't see.

.... or shouldn't be at Disney. Go home and be a party pooper there.

Liesa: "Hips, don't fail me now!"
Tam Tam dancer: "Is that the sound of a hip popping?"
Luckily it was the woman to Liesa's right. You can see it in her face... and her posture.


Are you sure?

Oh. Of course. You need to tell Mike before you spill it here. Not to worry, we'll wait!
(It will be nice for Alice to have a playmate.)


"I caught a fish, thiiiiiis big!"

"And then I let it go... thatta way!"


::yes:: I was lucky enough to do it when it was Kim Possible. Much better. I have done the Agent P (Last solo trip) and was underwhelmed.
I think they made it a bit more... littler kid friendly.

I should have played it a million years ago. Or should have chosen a different country. Ah well.... c'est la boohoo.

I'll give you that. I think I used their phone still when I played. They don't hand out flip phones anymore?

Well, I went to the kiosk for more information only to find a sign that read, "Go to such and such web address and play from there." So, I"m guessing no? :confused3

Oh, gosh, yes. I've been... four times? It's one of my favourite places on Earth.

Lucky ducky!! I'd love to go during Christmas one of these days.

That was in Italy. You were so close! Too bad you picked the wrong one.



Off the beaten path. I suppose the Japanese garden is a bit off the beaten path. I love taking a moment or three there.
I do keep a running list of things I want to do at Disney... believe it or not, I've done all but one.
The rest of the list is food related.

As an example, I wanted to take the boat from Epcot to the Boardwalk and then DHS. Done.

The last item on my list is... Voices of Liberty.

What are your food ones?

And oh how I love VoL. A treat for the ears and heart. Even if you're not American (it's a rather patriotic show) it's just beautiful. Credit should be given where it's due.
I'll have a Coke with ice, please.

Fridge is over thataway! ;)

I think I'm good on that one for a looooooooooooooooooong time.

More legroom for me!

Glad it wasn't much glasses are only SO strong!


I'm not sure why that's a confession type thing. It's your TR, you can title whenever suits you.

Very true.

Every time I do the speedway in tomorrowland. It brings me back to the very first time in 1971 (I was 7). I do it a bit differently now goal now is to make it through without touching the rail in the center. It's not easy...the steering in those cars are not the most responsive or accurate.

I rode it recently too and you're 100% right. Those things are HARD to steer!

I'm not much of an instrumentalist type (with the exception of Kenny G), but I listened to Nocturne and Someday, somewhere. I was thinking they'd be somewhat like the songs with the same names, but they were not. I guess I liked Nocturne best, but not really my thing.

Noted! Still I think he's a pretty talented guy!

I did not. Legacy, yes. Legends, no.

Yes, you are right; it's was the Legacy Award in 2013, not the Legends. There are both, but Bob received the former. (Will fix in TR)

How am I ever supposed to catch Ponzie if you're giving away free points? ;)
Hmmm...tough call
Asia - My favorite ride is EE
Africa - They have dole whips
Pandora - They have FOP
Definitely NOT dinoland. That might have been my kid's favorite when they were younger.

I think I'd have to go with Asia.

More points are attainable- game is still early!

And...all noted. But, I DO like your reasoning in all the categories.

Not quite what the macarena is supposed to look like.

No you don't, but REALLY not doing the macarena the right way.

I've danced the Macarena at every wedding I've gone to for years. It can't be helped. And is done quite well if I do say so myself.

Looks like y'all have just been caught stealing TVs...the lady on your right dropped hers and is putting her hands in the air to on the other hand don't want to let go of your TV. Shame shame. Busted!!!

Buahahaha! Good one!

Getting closer to looking like the macarena. Funny thing...when I first looked at this picture I thought...he has 3 arms!!! With the shadow of his right arm, it looked like he had his hands clasped below his waist and then one sticking out. I caught it quickly enough, but first glance I was like WHOOOAH!

Phew, I wouldn't want to mess it up!

Huh??? You lost me. "chose a game and ended up in Germany"??? Guess I'll have to lookup the game to understand. Exploding helicopters always makes it better --- that and beef jerkey.
You choose which country you want to play in from several options. :)

And yes.. Beef jerky. Yum!

Is it just me or does that guy look like doofenschmurtz from Phineas and Pherb?

It IS Doofenschmertz. ;)

I want to do the keys to the kingdom tour and see the utilidors. I would also like to do the night time safari at AKL, but the price!
I'm not sure if those are "off the beaten path", so since I love trains, I enjoy watching the model trains in WS for as long as those I'm with will allow. I actually like the figment ride...I went to EPCOT the year it opened and it was one of the few rides that existed. I had a figment hat for years. Don't know what ever happened to it.
EDIT: In reading another person's response, it reminded me of something. While we were at BWV, I had planned on trying to catch some of the performances there, but seemed to either run out of time and get back too late or be so exhausted to not see them. So, that's also on my off the beaten path and/or Disney bucket list.

I too would love an AK tour, but yes, eek! Too much!

I love those trains too and spend quite a bit of time each trip watching them. Nice choice. And I'm with you. I like the Figment ride too. Most don't, but I sure do. Cute and catchy tune.

The clown is especially entertaining at the Boardwalk. ::yes::

I'm going with somewhere in the African area since you like it so much.

Noted. :)

In my defense, I was AT Disney and not on the DISboards. The fact that I had no clue where that photo was had absolutely nothing to do with it. If there were a Greece Pavilion in WS, I would have guess that, but alas...wouldn't have gotten a point for that either!

But.... I'd take a trip to WDW over a point any day.

Getting further and further away from Gold medal contention. :sad:
I'd like to state for the record, I did go back and count the photos instead of the text, so I'm not sure if that counts.

Yes, you did! And I will go back and re-consider. Might take a fair bit, but I will.

I'm participating...I just stink! :rotfl2:

Nah, plenty of time yet!
Man, you're really penalizing us skimmers!

Uh, I mean...other people who would have the nerve to skim. They get hurt. Yeah.

So... most of my readers, then. Got it.

Now that is efficient traveling.

Or too long a flight to stay entertained otherwise.

What really does it for me, more than anything, is the music. There's background music everywhere. It really changes my mood. Makes me want to explore. Life is better with a soundtrack.

You know what? As an adult I actually think I agree with you. I find myself playing it as quiet background music on my laptop pretty often- the Future World Loop, the Main Street Loop, Even Adventureland Loops. It's just my thing. But when I hear it THERE, it the parks, or even on the paths at the resorts it completes the set- brings it all together, doesn't it?

Ohhh, me and you. In our Sport Utility Vehicles...

My Lovely Cheeseburger...

Not as of yet. I'm at work, so it would be frowned upon. I'll try and get back to it later.

Let me know when you do...

I really love Michael Giacchino. Hard for me to believe that the same guy could write the big band music for The Incredibles, the sad waltz of Up, and Star Wars music.

How could I not recognize the artist who did my favorite soundtrack of all Disney movies? Oy! Ok, now I know and THANKS!

Should I admit that I have no idea what that song is?

Totally okay to. It's one of his originals that he plays during his show. You can find it online. ;)

Well, some of us haven't seen Pandora yet. So I can't pass judgment there. And Dinoland...has never been my favorite. I get that is supposed to look like a trashy tourist trap on purpose, looks like a trashy tourist trap.

So that leaves Africa and Asia, and I think both look amazing. But I'd probably give the nod to Asia due to the Maharajahahahaha Jungle trail. The ruins and prayer flags along there just blow me away.

Dinoland sucks for me too. Pass.

Love your new name for the Trail. ;)

And yes, love the tranquility and beauty of Asia!

Tam Tam: "Do you see what I have to work with??"


Don't feel bad. I look pregnant in every photo.

Could it be the BBQ is catching up to you?

I feel like this is the one that should have been captioned. World's least threatening gangstas.


Sounds about right. It's pitched at the kids' level, so I don't think it would be any adult's first choice. My kids absolutely love it, though. And I was really struck by what a great job the Imagineers did incorporating those game elements into the various pavilions.

Oh, don't get me wrong. I think most kids would. And while I like to "get my kid on" at Disney, this just didn't do it for me. But now I can say I've tried it, right?

Pandora. :rotfl2:

I think I wouldn't mind getting my hair cut one time at the Main St. Barber Shop. Before I lose it all, that is.
I never spend enough time watching the street performers in Epcot or Hollywood Studios.
I'd really like to play golf on one of their courses that used to host the PGA tournament as well.
And stay a night in the Cinderella Castle suite. Hey, it's fun to dream.

All of those sound like really good options as alternate things to do. Well, except the golf for me. That'd just be frustrating and I think I'd let some very non-Disney words slip out. :blush:

Funny...I immediately thought "Celery, Broccoli, gotta be, Veggie tales"
Also, Billy Joe McGuffrey is one of my favorites.

We quote soooooo much Veggie Tales at our house! But this is a name I'm going to have to Google.
I rode it recently too and you're 100% right. Those things are HARD to steer!
We ran out of time on this trip, so wasn't able to do them, but last trip I made it about 3/4 of the way around and then hit the rail. I was kicking myself (hard to do while driving a car ya know. Or was it me kicking myself that made me hit the rail? Hmmm). Just that one time, so maybe next time I can make it all the way around.

Noted! Still I think he's a pretty talented guy!'s just that I'm not a big classical music person and instrumental piano music tends to make me check my eyelids for leaks.
I don't debate he's talented and his long stretch at POR shows he's popular/liked/whatever as does the Legacy award. I like the fact he plays and sings in church so he's using his talents there as well.

And...all noted. But, I DO like your reasoning in all the categories.
Why thank you. I think FOW was in Africa and I was so bummed when I found out it had been closed down and couldn't see it (spoiler alert).

I've danced the Macarena at every wedding I've gone to for years. It can't be helped. And is done quite well if I do say so myself.
Can't prove it to me by those photos...didn't look like a well done macarena to me. :rotfl2:

Buahahaha! Good one!
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while

You choose which country you want to play in from several options. :)

And yes.. Beef jerky. Yum!
After seeing Mark's reply, it makes more's a game on your phone that is Disney themed, but more slated for younger folks. Got it!
If I didn't need vegetables also, I think I could survive off of bacon and beef jerkey.

It IS Doofenschmertz. ;)
That explains why it looks like him! Man, I'm good! Okay fine, at least mediocre.

Sent a PM for real guess.

But.... I'd take a trip to WDW over a point any day.
Truer words have never been spoken.
I'd take a trip to WDW over several hundred thousand points (unless those points were for a WDW trip)
I'd take a trip to WDW over winning any contest (unless of course the contest was for unlimited trips to Disney)

Yes, you did! And I will go back and re-consider. Might take a fair bit, but I will.
I just noticed you had my guess still listed as "xx" and I know I had numbers not letters.
Last edited:
We quote soooooo much Veggie Tales at our house! But this is a name I'm going to have to Google.

It won't ruin the song for you...
"Now, Billy Joe McGuffrey was a really clumsy kid...."

It's sung by Chris Rice who is one of my favorite artists (although not his normal style). Go light your world is the best. Another funny one he does is called Cartoons. If you're so inclined, you can look those up also.
Well, you are very inspirational.

Yes. I've inspired many people to stop reading and run away in terror.

Yeah. It's how I roll.

And I rock, so we'd make a good pair.

The Principal is so funny!

You mean this guy?

I fixed it. Happy?


Okay, I"ll give you that one. I suppose it's safe to say, Disney has covered all the bases.

And I'll give you that one.

It's funny how certain things can just stick even at very early ages. For me it's the mayor getting dunked scene in PoTC. Just... cemented. The whole ride sparks wonderful imagination and takes me.... there. I love how this scene in HM does that for you!

Sounds like we each have our moments. :goodvibes

Awww, but Veggie Tales had some great material and referential jokes that were even funny for adults. You just haven't lived until you've heard the Hairbrush Song!

Oh, I think I can live without it.

I think you'll be impressed for sheer talent alone even if it's not your style.

I'll get there eventually!

Miss Peregrine is actually one I"ve never seen. Should though.

No. Pass. It starts off pretty good. I can definitely say I was enjoying it.... and then... the last 1/3 - 1/4 of the show? I felt like walking out.

A nice volunteer who offered to take our photo. And that's Bob's signature pose he asks all of his guests to strike when they do with him.

Ah. The things ya learn! :)

Yes. Yes, I was.


It'll be interesting to see how the vote ends up. I might even get 4 total responses. ;)


.... or shouldn't be at Disney. Go home and be a party pooper there.

Think of all the money you'll save!



I should have played it a million years ago. Or should have chosen a different country. Ah well.... c'est la boohoo.

Judging from your pictures, it was better a million years ago too.

Well, I went to the kiosk for more information only to find a sign that read, "Go to such and such web address and play from there." So, I"m guessing no? :confused3

I'm guessing you're right. Everyone has a phone these days. Why use up theirs (loss, damage, etc.)

Lucky ducky!! I'd love to go during Christmas one of these days.

I haven't been to Bavaria in Christmas but I did go to Nuremberg for the Christmas market. It was wonderful.

What are your food ones?

That's a long list! :)
Here's two:

Columbia Harbor House in MK for lobster roll
Sweet and Spicy Chicken Waffle Sandwich at Sleepy Hollow

And oh how I love VoL. A treat for the ears and heart.

Yes, I recall you saying. You are one of the reasons I want to hear them.

Even if you're not American (it's a rather patriotic show) it's just beautiful. Credit should be given where it's due.

Not too worried about patriotism. I want to hear the sound. :)

Fridge is over thataway! ;)


<wanders over>

Hey! Where's the Coke????

More legroom for me!

Or to be eaten by a whale.
@pkondz Nuremberg is in Bavaria!! :goodvibes Technically it is in Frankonia, but became part of Bavaria in 1806 thanks to Napoleon.

And if you ever come back to Bavaria, especially Nuremberg, please get in touch, I am always happy to show people around and help planning. :thumbsup2
@pkondz Nuremberg is in Bavaria!! :goodvibes Technically it is in Frankonia, but became part of Bavaria in 1806 thanks to Napoleon.

And if you ever come back to Bavaria, especially Nuremberg, please get in touch, I am always happy to show people around and help planning. :thumbsup2
I hope that offer covers me as well. Germany is definitely on my bucket list.
DW's heritage is from Sicily, so for our 25th anniversary, I took her to Sicily/Italy (some say they're separate although somewhat not). My dream (ever since I was supposed to be stationed at Ramstein while in the Air Force) is to make it to Germany. I love many German foods and I want to drive fast on the autobahn. I would also like to visit a couple castles. I guess in a way, it's like Disney...there may be a lot of things I want to plan there, but just BEING there will probably be more than enough to put a huge smile on my face.
@pkondz Nuremberg is in Bavaria!! :goodvibes Technically it is in Frankonia, but became part of Bavaria in 1806 thanks to Napoleon.

And if you ever come back to Bavaria, especially Nuremberg, please get in touch, I am always happy to show people around and help planning. :thumbsup2
:laughing: of course it is!
We took the train straight from Frankfurt, stayed one night then the train to Hannover. I was a bit jet lagged! That’s my excuse! :)
(For a Contest Point, what is one thing about Disney, or something you do there, that MOST makes you feel young again?)

Having snacks in place of a meal…Dole Whip for lunch, carrot cake cookie for breakfast….

(For a Contest Point: Did you listen to any of his tracks? If so, which one and did you like it?)

No, I haven’t yet – but I’m still at work, I’ll try to remember to come back later an have a listen

(Contest Question: Which is your favorite area of AK: Africa, Asia, Dinoland, or Pandora?)

I’ll have to say Africa. I seem to spend most of my time there between the Safari and the Lion King show.

(For a point, caption this photo ^)

“Who farted?” (sorry I raised 3 sons, plus 2 stepsons….fart jokes are automatic)

So for another Contest Point or two, share with us! I’d love to hear about those things that are off the beaten path that you like to do or about something you’ve heard or read about that you haven’t yet. (A point for each)

Boy, I could really rack up some points here!

I love to go down on the Boardwalk and watch the performers (or watch Ryne watch the performers)

At Epcot it’s not exactly off the beaten path, but it doesn’t seem a lot of people stop at watch…the Fountain show. I don’t know if it’s on the hour or how often, but periodically the main fountain “dances” to music. And in the same vein, over by Imagination I could watch the jumping water for way too long!

At Hollywood Studios I used to enjoy the drawing class that they would offer. But it’s gone now. I like to go by Indiana Jones where there is a sign saying Please Pull Rope, and getting people to pull it. Usually they’re just leaning up against the fence not paying any attention to it or maybe taking a picture, but not actually pulling the rope.

Animal Kingdom I’ll explore the trails on Discovery Island and take pictures of or just watch the animals. We used to go over to the bridge over Kali River and squirt the rafters as they were coming back in.

At Magic Kingdom, like you already mentioned, the Flag ceremony is nice to catch. And as corny as it is I like to watch/listen to Sonny Eclipse sing!

And, your 'J' Mystery Photo to guess: Where in the World is this?
good question…ummm, it’s in the “j”oists of a building??? It’s cute wherever it is



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