Something About Nothing ... #12

Nice countdown Robo.......

Back in from town where I picked up a new dress......wasn't looking for anything but there it was........would be rude not to.

It`s so dull today.........not cold, it`s a massive 54F.........for us after the last few days it is positively tropical........:sunny:

To the newest homie


Looks like a new homie to our group!

We are a friendly bunch of peeps and love adding you to our little family here in the darkside

We’re just a chat group and talk about everything from vacations, the Darkside, family, weather and a lot of times food.

Once you post here, you are one of us!

We have peeps that posted with us 5 years ago and come back to let us know how they are doing.

One Nashville poster here just returned to check up with us a week ago.

In the meantime, they/nashville trio, upped and moved maybe 4-5 years ago to Orlando
I think they kept it a secret so we all would not pile in on them to crash at their place...

Nice countdown Robo.......

Back in from town where I picked up a new dress......wasn't looking for anything but there it was........would be rude not to.

It`s so dull today.........not cold, it`s a massive 54F.........for us after the last few days it is positively tropical........:sunny:

Yes it is very unamerican to go shopping and not buy anything.
(you are in our category as you are as american as it gets.)
Well, had an early start this morning.
No I did not get up with the chickens this morning but was up and coffee'd up by 8:00 this morning.
Which is good since I went to bed late.

Had someone come out to measure for the screen for the patio.
When I say screen, as I don't know the word they use down here in Georgia, it is a corded shaded "screen" to block out the sun but you still have clear vision of looking outside

So I'm sure a homie will come along and tell me what the word for that is.
I have added the word fixin to my daily vocabulary.

Such as, "I'm fixin to go to Walmart today"
"I'm fixin to to watch Law and Order this afternoon

Houseofthrees, when are you fixin to come back and join in and post more here?

I lived up in chicago land before moving to Georgia.
We loved Culvers but the closest one to us is near Nashville.

Some months back, had my son go with me as he is good with directions and I am not, to take a drive to Culvers.

Long drive for a burger.....hahahahahah, but had nothing else to do that day.

I forgot about the way to Nashville is going over Mount Eagle.
It was raining steady that day and it was a ride I won't forget.
Not planning to go back to Culvers anytime soon...
Morning all! Welcome to houseofthrees which autocorrect kept changing to trees for so me reason lol

Anyone watch the old Trading Spaces show? Back on Sunday with the original cast woot!

Robo - i’m Curious, awkwardly phrased, but which ‘home’ do you consider home?

Lunchtime for Schumi. Sounds like a fun week-end with car races watching. Nice end table too.

Yeah, older one will eat salmon, and most other seafood too. Me, no way, though I did have a small piece one time I was in Alaska. Little restaurant deep in the woods, and cook told me it would not taste fishy. It did not. I am sure that salmon was caught not that long before. Silver salmon were running while I was there. My colleague stationed there, went fishing at 10pm at night, right in town, and was not the lone fisherman. Ah late summer days, most of the people were out all night.

Agree Charade, a late night school night is not my idea of fun. Lucky, the soccer practice was scheduled for 1/2 hour away, then 10 minutes away, then 5 minutes away. Little one drove herself to practice. And came home with coffee and munchkins. Yes, a DD is not far from the field. She said she was cold from practice. Yes, did you not see we were in the 30's, with 20's wind chills last night? You have under armour stuff.
Hey, Houseofthrees, yep, this time of year, we have pot hole dodging too. Seems the 4 Nor'easters and icy winter we had, needed lots of salt brine on the roads. I'm waiting for Spring. :daisy:


Yep, glad it is Friday, and pizza for lunch.

Rainy start. And wouldn't you know, figured I could run from the car, and not use my umbrella. Within 5 steps from the car, my shoe unties. Eww, wet shoe laces. One thing I hate feeling. And it's cool here again, 38 out, but less windy.

With that, I need tea. And heated seat in my office. LOL

It's a wet Friday, and a fun, and frisky Friday, homies.


So many different things ways you can prepare salmon. Wish we could get it fresh here. They try to pass off Coho from Lake Erie hmmph. It’s good but surely not the same thing. I settle for individual frozen vacuum packs. Nice portion control as the mr won’t touch fish except to catch it. Don’t get me dreaming of ‘good’ smoked salmon drool.

I distinctly remember close-pinning my cabin’s curtains shut around 11 pm at night when doing Alaska, sun still brightly shining. Seemed like every time we turned around were going thru another time zone that trip

Don’t laugh. I will soon be joining you for outdoor sports sitting again. Even tho GD does the competitive gymnastics on weekends, I had urged her parents for last few years for a spring/summer sport. They signed her up for t-ball - yea!

First practice was moved up to Tuesday past (wound up being rained out as prone in the spring). Since she was at my house since Easter & only her cleats & glove purchased by parents, I wound up at Dunhams. Outfitted her with a helmet, bat & field mask. First time colors were ever a factor in equipment lol. Sticker shock for grandma, a quick $150, prices have risen substantially since I outfitted youngest DS.

Nice countdown Robo.......

Back in from town where I picked up a new dress......wasn't looking for anything but there it was........would be rude not to.

It`s so dull today.........not cold, it`s a massive 54F.........for us after the last few days it is positively tropical........:sunny:

How could you pass it up? :).
Yeah, welcome to kids sports Keisha. Prices are crazy. Cleats for little one can run $150 and up. I'm ready, umbrella, winter coat, and blanket. Little one thought if I didn't want to watch, she could take her friend with her. Um, no, driving in a mix of snow and rain, I want to go, and I enjoy watching. Er, talking with other parents. LOL Little one did T-ball when young, and stopped when boys did baseball and girls did softball (I think around 7?). Little one thought that was unfair. So, soccer it was. She also did gymnastics from little, until 7th grade. Then I made her pick which sport. Soccer won. Though she runs track for school, and last year, did basketball (yeah, mom, they needed bodies, I think she needed another pair of sneakers).

Love the countdowns Robo. Hope you are enjoying your coffee.

Mac, glad to hear you are all coffee filled up too. Not sure the word. We call ours screened in. Some here have such, that they call it their summer rooms. Some also put heat and make it an outdoor room, to use more than one season. I hate bugs, so screened in places to enjoy the outdoors is good with me. Darn house flies are out. We get horse flies too, and they are big buggers.

At least this rain is bringing warmer temps. Will be close to 50 this afternoon. I guess we are to have a cool April.
Morning all! Welcome to houseofthrees which autocorrect kept changing to trees for so me reason lol


Yes, when I posted the welcome to houseofthrees i listed the words separately and then went back to edit after posting to make it one word.
I posted at first as three words.

Auto correct kept screwing it up on me.

I almost listed it as treehouse.......
Mac, glad to hear you are all coffee filled up too. Not sure the word. We call ours screened in. Some here have such, that they call it their summer rooms. Some also put heat and make it an outdoor room, to use more than one season. I hate bugs, so screened in places to enjoy the outdoors is good with me. Darn house flies are out. We get horse flies too, and they are big buggers.

At least this rain is bringing warmer temps. Will be close to 50 this afternoon. I guess we are to have a cool April.

Move to the South and you will use a screened in patio porch even in "winter" without having to heat it.
Two years ago this past January, temps were 79 on New Years Day.
Not the case this year....
Yes it is very unamerican to go shopping and not buy anything.
(you are in our category as you are as american as it gets.)

Aww thanks.......I`ll take that as a high compliment indeed.........I need to get a new tee saying Born to be an older one is so faded and worn.........

So many different things ways you can prepare salmon. Wish we could get it fresh here. They try to pass off Coho from Lake Erie hmmph. It’s good but surely not the same thing. I settle for individual frozen vacuum packs. Nice portion control as the mr won’t touch fish except to catch it. Don’t get me dreaming of ‘good’ smoked salmon drool.

How could you pass it up? :).

We get Scottish Salmon which is among the best in the world.......fresh as you like....especially when you buy it straight form the harbor when we go up it!!! And smoked Scottish salmon too is amazing!!!! The really good stuff is exceptional.

A woman after my own heart with shopping.......:D

Time to start dinner.......
Ooh more food talk! We love salmon in our house, son eats it cooked or raw (sushi).
Monyk- enjoy your salon appt! I make sure to go every 5 weeks- don't want to know if there's any gray!
I went way way too long between appointments-actually got the root touch up a couple weeks ago to blend in the highlights/roots/grey. rearranging schedule for the quick March trip left me with no open days or available appointments until yesterday.

Anyone watch the old Trading Spaces show? Back on Sunday with the original cast woot
I loved this show when it was on!! in fact, middle daughter is named Paige :rolleyes1. I will be watching!

still nice here, high of 51 this afternoon, tonight and overnight temps drop and dusting to 1" of snow expected-in April. In SW MO. Now if I still lived in MI or North Dakota this would be a normal thing. Horrible childhood flashbacks with snow in April :rotfl2:
Did anyone hear that really loud scream this morning? That was me realizing that I left my debit card in a restaurant in Roanoke last night. I debated whether it was worth it to make the 2 hour round trip (more like 2.5 hours since I need to drop B off somewhere first) back to the restaurant. I finally decided against it. I just had the bank cancel the card and issue a new one. They have given me a temporary card until the new one gets here.

I had to drop dh at the airport this morning. He is on his way to a week long convention in Las Vegas. Oh the hardships he must endure for his job.

Next I am taking B to do an overnight history program at a local college. I will have this evening and most of tomorrow all to myself.

Houseofthrees - Welcome to the group.

Schumi - It always seems if am not looking to buy anything I can find something I would like. If I go shopping fo something specific I can never find what I want. I went shoe shopping on Monday and found out that my favorite shoes have been discontinued.

Macraven - I think I am using less southern words now that I now longer live in Georgia. I don’t think I’ll ever stop saying y’all though.

Keisha - I used to watch Trading Spaces all the time, but am not sure if I will watch the new one or not. Here’s some useless trivia - Ty Pennington and I are from the same city (Mariettta, GA). We went to different high schools, but may have graduated the same year.

Lynne & Keisha - You both mentioned Alaska. I really want to go back and visit again.

I’m off to make sure B has everything she needs for her weekend. I’m not sure what I am going to do with my free time.
Relax is my voteCharade. Sometimes a quiet house, with control of the TV is bliss. Plus, can eat what you want or go to a store and shop where family does not like to go. I hope you called the restaurant to report the missing card. That's so upsetting. At least the bank was quick with helping you.
ooh, I remember snow on an April Easter more than once. We get snow tomorrow too. Though have to admit just a bit north of ya MonyK.
Yes, my iPad wants to put houseofthrees as trees too, and separate words.........

Charade, that’s me too.......sometimes I’m lucky, but if I set out for clothes I very rarely get anything.......but go for something else and I see loads of stuff.......dh is used to me now and never minds how many clothes I buy.......

Been a very lazy night........think I’m in for something.........had a warm bath and in thick and not very glamorous jammies and big thick winter socks with smiley faces on them.......and Santa’s now I look at them..........

Don’t need to go out all weekend............

Doing crossword puzzles tonight too........the high life on a Friday night.
I am giving up and calling it a night. Today has just not been my day. I went to check my baking account online and had a much, much lower checking balance than what I thought I should have. I made sure that there were no fraudulent charges, but couldn't figure out why I was so far off. Finally I realized that when we got our tax refund I had moved some money into savings to be used later for an extra mortgage payment. When I went to pay the mortgage I though I had transferred the money from savings back into checking. What I actually did was transfer from checking into savings. In my attempt to correct the error today I accidentally moved the money into B's checking account instead of mine. I finally got all that straightened out, but when I went to buy dinner the temporary debit card the bank gave me today was rejected. Arrgh!!

I think I hear some leftover Easter candy calling me name.
Ha, went to pick up our done taxes, and since we could sign for our kids, it was just DH and me. Well, he asked if I was hungry, answered why yes. So we had an impromptu date night and had a nice, quiet meal. When we got home, kids were like you were gone over 3 hours. We asked them what they ate, wawa run. Un hun. Needless to say, little one cooked up noodles when we got home, as said still hungry.

Sorry you had such a stressful day Charade. Yep, Chinese food is always a good easy dinner.

Time for some old Bond movie. Guess that is what DH settled on so far.

Early trip, so no late night for me.

Going down to mid 30’s overnight. Brrr.

Ah, Friday night, and bundled up like Schumi.
I am finally getting a free moment to relax. Work was so hectic today- the last work day before vacation next week. Why are there so many emergencies when you are trying to coast into vacation mode! And the SNOW today didn't help. So many accidents today- roads were very icy.
Went out for Chinese - in Canada tonight. We live 15 minutes from Ft Erie, ON. Watch some tv and bedtime!

Hope everyone here had a nice day! See you tomorrow!!


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