The Running Thread - 2018

I have always found the soda pronunciation thing weird. Then again people think I am nuts when I say bubbler....
You must be in the part of your state that thinks it's from Boston/New England. ;) Calling a water fountain a bubbler... well, a "bubb-lah", is a thing around here.

The "so-der" pronunciation is just an example of the conservation of R's, or "ah's". We drop them off words that end in R and add them to words that end in vowels, like soda and pizza. :D
You must be in the part of your state that thinks it's from Boston/New England. ;) Calling a water fountain a bubbler... well, a "bubb-lah", is a thing around here.

The "so-der" pronunciation is just an example of the conservation of R's, or "ah's". We drop them off words that end in R and add them to words that end in vowels, like soda and pizza. :D
Bubbler is a very Milwaukee thing.
ATTQOTD: No music for me and definitely no rootbeer.:crazy2: I'm ultra-picky. :oops:

The map cracked me up as the one county in NM that refers to soda as soda must've been where I grew up...and of course now SoCal has it right as well. 8-) I've cut all soda, but would occasionally have a sip of my youngest DD's if she ordered Dr. Pepper. She caught on quickly and now mainly orders rootbeer.:sad2:
Waay behind and no update from me for a while so here are some of the important ones:

March distance 191km/119mi - still a recovery month from the 33km coastal horrible challenge in Feb.

Beer - love me some beer, especially craft beer, and we have a pretty good scene here in New Zealand. Favourite brewer is Garage Project, based in Wellington. Here is what I had tonight:

Big hops, big alcohol, enough malt backbone to carry it so nicely balanced. Tasty!

Also on the beer front I just heard our company will start importing and distributing Ballast Point in a couple of months! Hopefully my wine allowance can be extended to a beer allowance...

Hats (boring running stuff now) don't much like them but wear them when conditions require it.

Socks - Thorlo. Haven't seen any of the other brands mentioned here but I only shop for Thorlos

Sounds - usually podcasts especially the Dis, have just downloaded some Sopranos discussions so looking forward to those. Sometimes music, always from my Neil Young/Pink Floyd/ The Who collection...

Soda - we call them all soft drinks here. For me Coke rules them all, and only the full strength stuff. Root beer isn't much of a thing though there is a place I go to that does a mean root beer float with Dr Brown's root beer. They also do Cel-Ray soda so I can relive a small part of my NYC Katz' Deli experience. No egg creams though...
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Podcasts alllll runs for me! Everything from
Celeb gossip, running, Disney, history, current events and politics, depends on my mood and length of run.

Yup - soder and pizzer are a popular New England combo ;)

@Wendy98 and @BikeFan - follow @growingwisdom on twitter for weather. He’s my go-to for metro west Boston weather. My fam will be at the Wellesley Public Library cheering (around 13.5)!
A little late today for the QOTD b/c DD (4 years old) said she wanted to meet snow white at WDW. I told her that this was the first I'm hearing of this request. She said in a very stern voice that we were not to leave WDW until she meet Snow White.... So we are meeting Snow White since I cant afford to live at WDW and had to revise our plans. lol Then I had this whole job thing to do this morning.... So without further delay:

QOTD: Music or no music while running? (music could be pod cast or something similar)

ATTQOTD: None for me. It was not always that way though. When I first started running it's what helped me get out the door. Two reasons I stopped: 1. Safety, 2. To get a better feel for my breathing. A bonus was how much clearer my head was after a run, I was able to work out a lot of problems in my head while out for those long runs.

BONUS QUESTION: Continuing with the beverage discussion: Favorite type of Root Beer? Barqs... because it has bite! Out of a glass bottle is the GOAT!

I do podcasts for slower runs. When I want to run or ride faster it's music all the way. But since adoption the 80/20 rule of slower makes you faster I am more about podcasts.

As for not running outside with music for safety reasons, my headphones allow me to hear everything around me. I'm sure if I turned my volume as high as it goes I wouldn't be able to but I turn it loud enough that I can hear what I am listening to but still hear around me. Never had a problem.

I can't have caffeine as it gives me awful headaches so I'm limited but I prefer Mug root beer anyway.

Thank you! This is probably my favorite weekend of the year. Training has been rough this go around and I had to improvise with a butt load of cross training. I know I won't be hitting last year's time, but I am going to give all I have. The weather looks less than ideal. Rain, cold, and wind. This is how it was in 2015 and it was miserable. Crowds will still be out, but a little thinner. I was on BAA website last night and saw this:

Can anyone spot me in the pic? I know it's hard when you don't know someone IRL!

ATTQOTD: I stopped listening to music when running a couple of years ago. I wasn't allowed to have it for the Chicago Marathon, so learned how to run without it. I have been spending a lot of time in the gym the last few months and do listen to music. I need ANYTHING to drown out the sounds of the gym. Take today for instance...I didn't bother digging out the headphones for a quick elliptical before and after spin. There was a woman behind me that kept blowing her nose like a circus clown. Over and over...Then I hate listening to people carry on conversations about the stupidest stuff. Or you will have the people who talk on their phone. No, if you can make a phone call, you aren't working out hard enough.

I do like to watch mindless TV while on gym equipment. I watch is using closed caption at the gym. It can't be anything I need to follow closely, just something I can look at occasionally to take my mind off of working out.

And rootbeer? Blech.

OMG. People at the gym bother me. Like when they don't wipe down equipment after they are done. People in general are just inconsiderate. The rules say when you walk into the gym not to talk on the phone and people do it. Rules say to wipe down after yourself and it doesn't get done. It's like people that drive the speed limit in the left lane, right next to someone driving the same speed. You look ahead and there are miles of open road in front of them. AHHHHHHHHH!

But I do love people watching and I often watch people at the gym and the ones that move so slow they aren't even sweating. I'm never one to put someone down trying to improve themselves but I want to ask them, "If your heart rate isn't any higher here than it is in the couch do you still think you will lose weight just because your in the gym?"
OMG. People at the gym bother me. Like when they don't wipe down equipment after they are done. People in general are just inconsiderate. The rules say when you walk into the gym not to talk on the phone and people do it. Rules say to wipe down after yourself and it doesn't get done. It's like people that drive the speed limit in the left lane, right next to someone driving the same speed. You look ahead and there are miles of open road in front of them. AHHHHHHHHH!

But I do love people watching and I often watch people at the gym and the ones that move so slow they aren't even sweating. I'm never one to put someone down trying to improve themselves but I want to ask them, "If your heart rate isn't any higher here than it is in the couch do you still think you will lose weight just because your in the gym?"

You could be my gym soulmate. I have a running friend who moved 5 hours away. We trade gym stories all the time—sometimes pics included (we would never publicly call someone out though). One of my gripes is the “fan stealers”. If no one is around I always point a fan on me (if a bunch of people are there, I just go with the flow). I have been doing elliptical sessions from 90 minutes to 3 hours (I know, I know...). A few weeks ago, it was later around 8 pm. About 60 minutes in, I got really hot. Then I noticed a woman pointed the fan in the opposite direction so it wouldn’t blow on her. There are plenty of machines, why pick that spot if you don’t want a fan on you? Then she barely moved on her elliptical because she was talking non stop in her phone. Less than 20 minutes later she moved on. Ugh, thankfully I was almost done.

I do enjoy the people watching. Saturday there was a woman “all done up” for the gym. She had on camouflage leggings, coordinating shirt, matching Camo Army hat (tilted sideways for effect), full makeup, and pearls. First sighting of pearls at the gym for me.

And for wiping machines...I am now a “pre wiper” because you just don’t know. I wish my gym cracked down a little more in cleaning up.

I could tell a hundred more stories...
Podcasts alllll runs for me! Everything from
Celeb gossip, running, Disney, history, current events and politics, depends on my mood and length of run.

Yup - soder and pizzer are a popular New England combo ;)

@Wendy98 and @BikeFan - follow @growingwisdom on twitter for weather. He’s my go-to for metro west Boston weather. My fam will be at the Wellesley Public Library cheering (around 13.5)!

Please make the rain go away. Or maybe throw a dry towel at me so I can wipe my face? Love people handing out paper towels!

I can run in rain. It’s the trifecta that sucks:rain, cold, and wind. Ugh, that wind.
For training runs, podcasts only. For short ones, I like the DIS podcasts. For long weekend runs, either Joe Rogan or Rich Roll.

For races, I've rolled with music for 5k's and 10k's. For my 10-miler, I went with nothing and didn't mind that too much, but I'm thinking of going with a podcast for long races in the future(if earbuds are allowed).

In my experience, podcasts make the miles fly by much more quickly than music does.
Please make the rain go away. Or maybe throw a dry towel at me so I can wipe my face? Love people handing out paper towels!

I can run in rain. It’s the trifecta that sucks:rain, cold, and wind. Ugh, that wind.

Great advice! We’ll bring a few rolls if it’s rainy!

I did just see the weather guy mention there’s a chance for later afternoon thunderstorms impacting runners in later corrals. :(
And for wiping machines...I am now a “pre wiper” because you just don’t know.
Me too! And I use lots of wipes too. I sometimes wonder if people know that they don't charge for the soap in the washrooms...yes, please use it!
You could be my gym soulmate. I have a running friend who moved 5 hours away. We trade gym stories all the time—sometimes pics included (we would never publicly call someone out though). One of my gripes is the “fan stealers”. If no one is around I always point a fan on me (if a bunch of people are there, I just go with the flow). I have been doing elliptical sessions from 90 minutes to 3 hours (I know, I know...). A few weeks ago, it was later around 8 pm. About 60 minutes in, I got really hot. Then I noticed a woman pointed the fan in the opposite direction so it wouldn’t blow on her. There are plenty of machines, why pick that spot if you don’t want a fan on you? Then she barely moved on her elliptical because she was talking non stop in her phone. Less than 20 minutes later she moved on. Ugh, thankfully I was almost done.

I do enjoy the people watching. Saturday there was a woman “all done up” for the gym. She had on camouflage leggings, coordinating shirt, matching Camo Army hat (tilted sideways for effect), full makeup, and pearls. First sighting of pearls at the gym for me.

And for wiping machines...I am now a “pre wiper” because you just don’t know. I wish my gym cracked down a little more in cleaning up.

I could tell a hundred more stories...

SAME HERE! I always ask people currently on the machines before I turn a fan on or off. Monday at the gym I was the only one on any cardio machines so I turned the fan on that pointed directly at my treadmill. After about 30 minutes, a girl came in and turned the fan off and got on the elliptical right in front of me. There were 5 other ellipticals she could have gotten on that the fan did not hit (our gym is in our building at work so it is really small). Of course I am the type to not say anything, but stuff like that drives me crazy! Also, the fact that it is a work gym means we all know each other, and to me that's even worse than a complete stranger being rude for some reason.
QOTD: Do you feel guilty if you go on vacation and do not bring your running stuff?

ATTQOTD: Yes and no... I normally like taking a run at whatever destination I travel to as it is a unique way of seeing things. However, for this upcoming trip I'm leaving the stuff at home. My runs have been few and far between, and instead of pretending I will go for a run I will just enjoy my trip. One less bag of stuff. We leave tomorrow at 3:00 AM............ hopefully. Going to be a unproductive day at the office.

Tomorrow since I will be driving i wont be able to post a QOTD. First person to respond they want the honors get it! Also that person will be responsible for nominating someone for Mondays QOTD.
Nothing is as good as a beer and an Italian, though. Best combo in Maine.

I grew up in MA and were I lived subs were called grinders. My DH grew up in Maine and all his family still lives there. I remember the first time I tried to order a grinder there. We went to a pizza place and I wanted an Italian grinder, cold, not toasted. The people behind the counter were confused. They had no idea what I was trying to order LOL!!! All subs there are called Italians. Doesn’t matter what meat is on it or if hot or cold. They are all called Italians. Meatball Italian, tuna Italian, ham Italian, etc. I still get confused when they ask if I went fresh dough or regular dough for my pizza.
Trip report question for those who do them. I have a pre trip report going. After the trip do you start a new thread or just change the title and OP and add from there?
ATTQOTD: usually if going to WDW no. However this summer I will be there and cruising nearly 3 weeks total so the running gear will have to come along. If heading to Vegas where we used to vacation frequently yes. While in Vegas I usually don't run but I do hike quite a bit at Red Rock. It's my favorite place to hike.
I also have gym gripes. I hate people who sit on a machine and play on their phone. It is really inconsiderate if someone is waiting to use the ab machine or something. I am fine if you are on your phone on the cardio equipment as there are plenty of machines available. Like it’s one thing if it’s not busy, but don’t do it if it is. Also not wiping down mats is gross. I pre and post wipe. Finally planet fitness serves pizza once a month and that really grossed me out. Who wants to touch and eat pizza that other people have touch after working it.
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Gym gripes? Haha. My neighborhood has a gym. The gym is small but serves its purpose however the neighbors are kind of disgusting. So many people don't wipe anything down! I'm not sure who they expect is going to do it but they sure don't. I wipe down everything before and after I use it. That's my only real complaint about the gym. Ugh gross
QOTD: Do you feel guilty if you go on vacation and do not bring your running stuff?
ATTQOTD: Yes. I'm still not going to do it, but yes. Realistically, I know it is hard on my husband, and then I either miss out on sleep or miss out on doing something with my kids, both of which make me sad. I went with a local friend to the POFQ fun run, and had a blast but still felt tremendously guilty for ditching the fam for 45 minutes.

But I do love people watching and I often watch people at the gym and the ones that move so slow they aren't even sweating. I'm never one to put someone down trying to improve themselves but I want to ask them, "If your heart rate isn't any higher here than it is in the couch do you still think you will lose weight just because your in the gym?"

Yes, I did think so, and I did. Motion burns calories, and while it is not nearly as many as I can burn off with a higher heart rate, it is better than sitting on the couch.
Even though I can now physically run 5 miles on my lunch hour, I still need to shower afterwards, so it is not always practical. I'd rather go for a long, low impact walk or cruise on the elliptical and burn a few calories and not need to shower so I can make it to my 1pm meeting or parent teacher conferences, or a business dinner. And in these cases, I do particularly hate the fan blowing on me, but I would also seek out a different location before asking (and I do ask) if I could redirect the airflow :)


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