The Running Thread - 2018

Having now injured myself on a run, I feel like a legit runner. I may look less legit wearing safety glasses in case of hail. #puremichigan
I now feel justified in buying a hat (I have safety glasses covered) but upon reviewing the post a few pages back, there were few details from those who were in the ‘yes to hats’ camp. Any specific loves or hates of your running hats?

If you're looking for a cheaper option, the Headsweats Supervisor Sun Visor is incredibly comfortable with a wide variety of colors.
I now feel justified in buying a hat (I have safety glasses covered) but upon reviewing the post a few pages back, there were few details from those who were in the ‘yes to hats’ camp. Any specific loves or hates of your running hats?

I always run with a baseball-style runner's hat, regardless of the temperature, for several reasons:

1. I sweat. A LOT. The hat does a decent job of keeping the sweat out of my eyes, mostly.
2. The hat's brim keeps the sun out of my eyes also, so I'm not squinting the whole run. I usually wear glasses for all waking hours but don't run with them, so my vision during a run is impaired enough that I don't need the sun in my eyes to make it worse.
3. When it rains, the hat's brim also keeps the rain out of my eyes. On days like Boston on Monday, it's a definite advantage to have some protection for your eyes when the rain is absolutely pounding you. See above.

As for brands, I've got several hats I use, and don't really have a favorite brand. Just make sure the hat is comfortable on your head, has some venting to allow heat to escape, and has a good brim for some eye protection. Hope that helps!
@Waiting2goback Thanks for the insight! I did start running with a heart rate monitor last year in order to try to make sure my easy runs really are easy. I think I was doing a lot of running in zone 3 before. Part of me feels like that may have contributed to me getting slower but it may just be coincidental timing since I know for most people, running slower on easy days is actually an important part of training. I will definitely go back to my doctor for a full check up. I saw her in January but she only tested for known problems, i.e. thyroid, cholesterol and vitamin D. I don't think she did a full blood analysis.

ETA and good point on the food. I generally eat pretty healthy, lots of vegetables and whole foods. But there have been too many sweets sneaking in and they've become too regular instead of a rare treat.
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I now feel justified in buying a hat (I have safety glasses covered) but upon reviewing the post a few pages back, there were few details from those who were in the ‘yes to hats’ camp. Any specific loves or hates of your running hats?

I need four things: comfortable to wear, quick dry, washable and packable. My current one is made by Brooks.
Is her name Amanda? She lives in TX and has 3 boys? If so, I follow her too. I was thinking of her yesterday. If she ran she could have been the second place finisher, that's how fast she runs too.

Yes! That is her. I was thinking the exact same thing, she definitely could have placed.
I need four things: comfortable to wear, quick dry, washable and packable. My current one is made by Brooks.

Check out the Headsweats race hats. They meet all the requirements (except maybe packable, but they pack up pretty small). I like them so much I've got like 8 of them in different colors so I can match them to the rest of my outfit... :rolleyes1
Check out the Headsweats race hats. They meet all the requirements (except maybe packable, but they pack up pretty small). I like them so much I've got like 8 of them in different colors so I can match them to the rest of my outfit... :rolleyes1
+1 for Headsweats hats! I can even wear them when it's cold (down to 30* - as cold as it usually gets here in FL!) with a fleece ear cover over them.
Today's QOTD: After watching Boston yesterday and seeing several elite runners struggle or drop out, what are the worst conditions you have ever ran a race in?

Just last month, in the Sam Costa Half Marathon in Carmel, IN. The race started off great, and I was on PR pace for the first 9 miles... until the snow started to stick... and then turn to mush... and get slippery... and the wind started howling...
I didn't drop out, though!

Bonus QOTD: Bacon, sausage, or neither?

uh... let's go with facon?
Sorry for the delay, good morning from AZ -- I just got to work! :D

QOTD: Let's talk about fueling while training. If you are on a DopeyBadger Plan(TM), then you have probably had a day where he scheduled in Nutrition during a long run. In what ways do you practice fueling while training? Do you practice exactly what you would eat on a race day? Do you bring your own fuel during race day or just go with what the race supplies on the course?

When I train, I don't practice exactly to the race day, like I don't eat breakfast like I would on a race day, but when I am scheduled to work on fueling on my training plan, then I usually have a Honey Stinger waffle before my run and bring a Gu with me to take half way through. I usually always bring my own fuel for during a race unless I know they will have the brand I like on course. The less stuff I have to carry with me the better.

Bonus QOTD: Pineapple on Pizza - yes or no?

This is such a controversial thing, I can't wait to see the answers. But I am a lover of Pepperoni and Pineapple on my pizza. YUM.

I nominate @KSellers88 for tomorrow's QOTD! :)
+1 for Headsweats hats! I can even wear them when it's cold (down to 30* - as cold as it usually gets here in FL!) with a fleece ear cover over them.

+2 for Headsweats hats! The visors are too tight for my big ol' noggin, though. Squeeeeezy.

My most frequently worn hat is my 2016 Dark Side Challenge cap, which I just wore through the Indiana hurricane on Sunday.
@Waiting2goback Thanks for the insight! I did start running with a heart rate monitor last year in order to try to make sure my easy runs really are easy. I think I was doing a lot of running in zone 3 before. Part of me feels like that may have contributed to me getting slower but it may just be coincidental timing since I know for most people, running slower on easy days is actually an important part of training. I will definitely go back to my doctor for a full check up. I saw her in January but she only tested for known problems, i.e. thyroid, cholesterol and vitamin D. I don't think she did a full blood analysis.

ETA and good point on the food. I generally eat pretty healthy, lots of vegetables and whole foods. But there have been too many sweets sneaking in and they've become too regular instead of a rare treat.

Actually, the HRM may be the issue but on the reverse. Yes, you may have been running faster before you got it but you might have been running in zone 3 as you said, so of course you would be faster if you were pushing yourself. Zone 2 is meant to be easy but over time it makes the heart more efficient while being less taxing on the body. I think after you get the check up and get all your blood work, once you get the all clear from the doctor then focusing on Zone 2 might be the key.

I have been struggling lately myself. I am now admitting that I slacked for the last 18 months and blamed it on my injury. But I remember when I was in my best shape I was doing low 8:00 pace and my HR would take forever to get into Zone 2 on my easy runs, which back then were in the 9:00 pace. Now I am looking for an ambulance at 10:00 pace. The point is, I know I can get there again and I know you can get where you want to be too.

Yes! That is her. I was thinking the exact same thing, she definitely could have placed.

I love her. She's a machine. 3 kids, mid 30's and she is built out of stone. What I love the most is her positive messages and the fact she is so humble about her achievements. I recently stopped following someone else because while she was equally impressive for her age, she felt like she was so full of herself and I just couldn't take it anymore.

Sorry for the delay, good morning from AZ -- I just got to work! :D

QOTD: Let's talk about fueling while training. If you are on a DopeyBadger Plan(TM), then you have probably had a day where he scheduled in Nutrition during a long run. In what ways do you practice fueling while training? Do you practice exactly what you would eat on a race day? Do you bring your own fuel during race day or just go with what the race supplies on the course?

When I train, I don't practice exactly to the race day, like I don't eat breakfast like I would on a race day, but when I am scheduled to work on fueling on my training plan, then I usually have a Honey Stinger waffle before my run and bring a Gu with me to take half way through. I usually always bring my own fuel for during a race unless I know they will have the brand I like on course. The less stuff I have to carry with me the better.

Bonus QOTD: Pineapple on Pizza - yes or no?

This is such a controversial thing, I can't wait to see the answers. But I am a lover of Pepperoni and Pineapple on my pizza. YUM.

I nominate @KSellers88 for tomorrow's QOTD! :)

I LOVVVVE Pineapple pizza. My FAVE!

This is an interesting question for me. While I have admittedly been slacking lately when I was in my best shape I realize I had no plan for fuel. I would only take in something when I was hungry, which is probably too late. I wonder if this kept me from having even better times. Once I get back to where I want to be I need to pay more attention to this I think.
Sorry for the delay, good morning from AZ -- I just got to work! :D

QOTD: Let's talk about fueling while training. If you are on a DopeyBadger Plan(TM), then you have probably had a day where he scheduled in Nutrition during a long run. In what ways do you practice fueling while training? Do you practice exactly what you would eat on a race day? Do you bring your own fuel during race day or just go with what the race supplies on the course?

Bonus QOTD: Pineapple on Pizza - yes or no?


At this point, I'm pretty set in my fueling ways. For anything over 6 miles, I'll have a gel every 4 miles. I'll usually have my race day breakfast of bagel and peanut butter for those days, too. I'll usually bring my own fuel to supplement what's available on the course, but I've learned you can't always trust a race. The Monumental Half Marathon in Indianapolis is notorious for running out of gels halfway through the runners. >:(

Pineapple pizza? Sure.
ATTQOTD: I try to fuel the same for a race as I do in training (which includes bringing my own fuelds), but I have a tendency to forget to fuel during races and then remember like a mile later. Oops?

ATTBQOTD: Ew. I also dont like pineapple in general, but mostly ... ew.
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I don't currently take fuel. My stomach is super sensitive so I am always loathe to try anything far from home. I know I will need to start doing the fueling thing as my mileage creeps up. I will probably try out different things and stick with whatever works best. And that may be gummy bears - who knows :rotfl2:

No Pineapple Pizza. I am a purist and prefer cheese always.
I don't currently take fuel. My stomach is super sensitive so I am always loathe to try anything far from home. I know I will need to start doing the fueling thing as my mileage creeps up. I will probably try out different things and stick with whatever works best. And that may be gummy bears - who knows :rotfl2:

I use a few different fuels, but one of them is straight up jelly beans that I buy at Costco. I've never tried gummy bears, but they'd probably work too. Candy is an awesome fuel.
ATTQOTD: If it's a run that is long enough to require fuel, we typically do what we do for races. It isn't necessarily exactly what we would do on race day because, honestly, we switch things up sometimes, but it's typically pretty close. We'll eat something before we leave usually (maybe a piece of toast or something) and then fuel throughout the run as needed like we would during a race. We are actually a lot more particular about ensuring we have enough fluids (electrolyte drink in particular) than we are about fuel per se.

Bonus: Pineapple is a yes. I don't typically choose it on pizza or seek it out, but if presented with pineapple on pizza, I like it well enough.
QOTD: Let's talk about fueling while training. If you are on a DopeyBadger Plan(TM), then you have probably had a day where he scheduled in Nutrition during a long run. In what ways do you practice fueling while training? Do you practice exactly what you would eat on a race day? Do you bring your own fuel during race day or just go with what the race supplies on the course?

Bonus QOTD: Pineapple on Pizza - yes or no?
I don't really practice nutrition so much and I probably should. I stick to mainly sports beans because those work for me. I will keep water on my curb or something since I do loops around my neighborhood. I also do clif shots from time to time but those aren't my favorite. Most of my races are runDisney so I look at what they have on course. I don't usually eat anything unless it is more than a 10K because I don't feel the need.

Bonus: Absolutely not.
QOTD: Let's talk about fueling while training. If you are on a DopeyBadger Plan(TM), then you have probably had a day where he scheduled in Nutrition during a long run. In what ways do you practice fueling while training? Do you practice exactly what you would eat on a race day? Do you bring your own fuel during race day or just go with what the race supplies on the course?
ATTQOTD: Same fueling all the time, whether training or racing - Tailwind (or on-course Powerade at rD races) in my handheld bottle, plus a gel every hour. Keeps my chronically-low blood sugar from plunging badly and gels are the smallest, easiest to carry packaging I can find for 100 calories. Always bring my own, as you never know what a race will have or if they'll have enough!

Bonus QOTD: Pineapple on Pizza - yes or no?
I'm okay with it, but it's a solid NO from my family, so it doesn't happen at my house, lol!


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