For those of you that stay deluxe - what do you do for a living?

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For me personally, the deluxes aren’t worth it at the rack rate. For others they are and it’s fine either way.

By renting DVC points, I am happy with the price we paid for our upcoming 3 nights at WL. However, I had already decided that as much as I love Disney, if we couldn’t rent points, we were going to stay on longer at Universal, where even at rack rate I think the prices are worth it for the included express passes.
One thing I am struggling to justify for this trip, is Disney’s prices for most of their TS restaurants. I have made a couple of cheaper ADRs (e.g. Trails End), but will have to be content this trip with mostly QS and a few room-prepared meals.
About 5 years ago when we last visited WDW, we ate at many of the restaurants and thought the prices were fair. This year, I am looking at the increased prices and know that the bill will leave a sour taste in my mouth that the food (regardless of how tasty it is) will not be able to erase.
I know many will disagree with me at that’s fine. We, all prioritise our money differently.

We are fortunate to be travelling for almost 6 weeks for this trip, and the whole planning process has been a case of “If we don’t book this, we will be able to afford to do that”. Or “If we don’t eat there, we’ll be able to afford to stay here”. etc etc

We aren’t a poor family, but we certainly aren’t rich either, and once we leave for this trip, we will have been saving for close to 2 years. During this time, I’ve saved hard by spending very little on myself (I even convinced my husband to give my hair a trim the other day). However, I still know the fact that we can afford to travel at all makes us blessed. It’s very much a first world luxury.
Well I certaintly hope your trip will be a great one!

6 weeks is a-maz-ing for a vacation :)
Well I certaintly hope your trip will be a great one!

6 weeks is a-maz-ing for a vacation :)

Thank you.:goodvibes We’ve never travelled for that long in one stretch before, so I’m very excited.
I have a bit of an unwritten rule that we need to be able to afford at least one night at a destination for every hour we spend flying there. Otherwise the exhorbitant cost of flights and time spent in a plane and in airports just doesn’t feel worth it.
For this trip, it meant saving for two years instead of our usual one. But with only 5 months now left to wait, it’s actually coming around much quicker than I expected.
Thank you.:goodvibes We’ve never travelled for that long in one stretch before, so I’m very excited.
I have a bit of an unwritten rule that we need to be able to afford at least one night at a destination for every hour we spend flying there. Otherwise the exhorbitant cost of flights and time spent in a plane and in airports just doesn’t feel worth it.
For this trip, it meant saving for two years instead of our usual one. But with only 5 months now left to wait, it’s actually coming around much quicker than I expected.
I like your discipline, way to go!
When I first read the title of this thread, I wondered is many people would respond and hoped that everyone would be polite. (And they were!) The first time we visited WDW, in 1994, I scrimped and saved and worked extra shifts at the hospital to afford to stay on site with our family of 5. We stayed at POR and fell in love with the resort. It was fancy enough for us and I loved the landscaping. I knew nothing of discounts and there was no Dis. Now I know better. Our kids are grown and my DH prefers not to travel so I go to WDW now with either DD or one or two of my sisters. One sister is poor so I pay her way. I am retired but with a partial pension and my husband has a good job.

But coming from British Columbia, I have to add in the exchange rate. I do use Airmiles but still need to pay the air taxes and buy out of country medical. But I do and I feel very lucky. I do not spend much time in my room so I feel that it would almost be wasteful staying in a deluxe. If I spent more time at the resort, I would likely think differently. Especially as hubby is staying behind, working! Our last trip, I did 5 nites at Pop and 5 nites at POR. It was perfect. I foresee myself doing this again in the future. POR or POFQ suits me just fine but Pop was ok too. I would love to splurge for a few nights at AKL though!
It sounds like you have your heart set on the Grand Floridian, but if you’re interested in the Swan or Dolphin, you can get some amazing deals there. Everything about the resort is deluxe except the price. :)
I'm going to stay there next time, I almost did this trip but next time for sure!
We do not stay Disney Deluxe but we have stayed at Four Seasons. My dad and mum both went to state schools and lived in the bush. They were both farmers. And both studied really really hard to become general practitioners. Which is 6 years in those days of hard work and study.
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I’m sure almost everyone here can admit that the first time they planned a trip to WDW their jaws dropped at the rack rate for deluxes. But once you do research, visit a few times and learn how to find discounts you do find deluxe can be worth it. We aren’t the sort of family (yet) that needs our WDW fix and will do it at any cost or stay value and power through. We just aren’t park warriors. We are on the go a ton with work and other travel and find we can unwind at WDW in a way we can’t elsewhere, even with the crowds. If we can’t afford to do WDW the way we prefer we can travel elsewhere for less.
No not really.
We live within our means. Our vacations are our only real splurge. Compared to our income, our house is very modest as are our cars. We have 3 kids in a 1700 square foot home that we bought 13 years ago, we have just added on as needed instead of "upgrading" to a larger home. Eventually, the kids will be out on their own and we won't need a huge house, so we just didn't see the purpose of going down that road.

Our vacations are a large expense, but we budget for them and because we live pretty modestly "in real life", we get to live it up on our yearly 10 day vacations. To us, it's worth it!! :cloud9:

Oh, and DISCOUNTS!!! All the discounts!!!! I mean, we are staying at GF for 9 nights next month at $300/night. Totally doable.
My husband and I both make pretty good money (I'm in marketing, he's a civil engineer). We didn't really take a lot of vacations before having kids, plus we bought our house based on his salary alone, so we have the money to stay at deluxe hotels without really having to save specifically for it. I will say the one trip we paid rack rate (for eight nights) I was a little shocked at the bill, but we stay where we like and don't worry about the cost.
I'm in I.T. and am a networking and telecommunications specialist. I also do I.T. contract work on the side. I also own a merchandise business on Amazon. Any I.T. contract and Amazon merchandise money I make goes to vacation for the family every year. It's usually more than enough to spend a week at a deluxe. Already booked a room at the Contemporary for next summer.
Well I am a Senior IT Specialist for the US Government but I can afford this by a few things. We only go every 3rd year and I pay cash for everything. My house payment is under $400 a month because I bought a small home years ago and refuse to move. When I need more room, I added onto the house. I have no car payment (I carpool) so the only car insurance I pay is for my daughter (sigh). People at work make fun of what I do but my tastes a simple and making the girls happy makes me happy.
Well I am a Senior IT Specialist for the US Government but I can afford this by a few things. We only go every 3rd year and I pay cash for everything. My house payment is under $400 a month because I bought a small home years ago and refuse to move. When I need more room, I added onto the house. I have no car payment (I carpool) so the only car insurance I pay is for my daughter (sigh). People at work make fun of what I do but my tastes a simple and making the girls happy makes me happy.
Those same coworkers making fun of you will be the same ones blaming other people for their inability to retire.
What we do for a living doesn't really matter - we save for the vacation we want.

This :) We get paid well, but we live in Bergen County NJ where home prices and real estate taxes alone take up a good chunk of our earnings, but we decided that keeping me close to home (my job is 5 minutes away) so not to miss any of our daughter's school shows or events, or if sick I can be there in minutes, makes it all worth while. :)
I haven't read through every response but I have a few thoughts.

First it depends on when you go. It is easy to spend $20k staying at a deluxe during Christmas week, but during another week there may be other specials available. Also the number of people in your party makes a huge difference. If DH and I go alone, we may find it a bargain to stay at a deluxe versus when we take the whole family. But, if we are taking all three kids - the deluxe options are some of the best for five people.

And as others have said - priorities and budgeting so that we have vacation money. DH and I both have well paying jobs and theoretically could stay deluxe each trip ... but would I rather stay deluxe this year for a week and have that be my only vacation, or stay at a moderate and spend the saved money on a VIP guide one day, or go on a second vacation. Those are the types of discussions I have (in my head because I'm in charge of vacations and the vacation budget at our house).
My SO and I both work in healthcare. We stay deluxe by doing a TA discount in late August and this next trip I'm renting DVC points. Staying at BWV for $190 a night.

I don't really skimp 100%. I do like to dye my hair but I go every 10-12 weeks. I get manicures but instead of going every 2 weeks I go every 3 weeks. Same with pedicures. We eat out but mostly just take out since going out as a family of 4 that all eat adult meals gets to be over $100 very quickly. I do drive my 2006 Accord because I love it and I hate a car payment.

I just treat saving for vacation the same as paying the electric bill or paying the rent. It's a "bill" for me and it doesn't get skipped. I also refuse to wait until retirement to vacation since life and health isn't promised.
We are Disney Vacation Club members. We bought our point back in 2008 when prices were much lower. We go [on average] about once a year...

If I was not a DVC member and wanted to stay in a delux resort, I would rent from a member. lots of agencies specialize in renting members points. As mentioned above, if you plan it right, you can stay in a delux resort and be on site for the same price as a value room on site.
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