Airmiles Armchair Chatter

I redeemed for my car rental. An econo from the 17th to 27th was 2730 miles with earn 100 attached to it and the taxes are $88. This is Alamo which is my preferred company. Very rarely do I not get a free upgrade of one or two categories which I'm also hoping for this time. I had watched the required miles bounce up and down for a couple of weeks. It was fairly static around 3000-3100 most of the time. I was also watching the Alamo site to just do a cash rental. If the price had been under $200(best I've seen was $257) I would have saved my miles and just paid OOP because the taxes on the AM rental were $97. Anyway, as the Alamo prices started to drop so did the AM. Of course (always my luck) a couple of hours after I booked the AM dropped another 150...why I looked again I'll never know. After mentioning it to my DD she said that perhaps it was the tracking cookies. So I think that it might be wise to clear the cookies or use an incognito window before booking.

No matter what I'm happy with getting the rental with my miles. My DD really likes the WDW buses but I reminded her that it's been about 5 years since we were there during the summer and in the heat it will be really nice to have our own ride when ever, where ever. No smelly sticky people to ride with and always a seat. She agreed very quickly.
My suggestion is the print off all your paperwork for the rental and stick it in your "OMG don't lose this crap" pile. Last trip we pieced together 2 rentals because it was cheaper than one longer one and when we went in to pick up the second car i discovered i had brought the wrong paper with us. No problem, they had the reservation but the price that appeared on her bottom line was about triple what i expected. She said she had no record of us pre-paying so was charging us full pop, walk-up rate. NOPE, got out of the line, called Airmiles and had them forward an email with the info, got back into line and "suddenly" she was able to find that we had in fact paid for the rental. For our trip to the Soo next month i've got the email tucked into a file on my phone!
YUP! me too for the two postings, i was just coming in to share the screenshot and mention that while the posting date is August 10th I linked my account the first day of the promo, July 30th, before i had a compatible phone. NOW, i still can't get the app to load to said phone and i've given up trying!! I was using Max (the mighty mixer bought with miles :P ) and my right hand was greasy so i figured i would add the other index fingerprint as well but after i did that the app wouldn't work. I even spent an hour at the Samsung store Thursday and THEY couldn't figure it out :P

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My Amazon (Aug 8) and Indigo (Aug 9) shops are showing the base miles credited today.

Also I received the SamsungPay 50 miles for signing up! For some odd reason they gave it to me twice. 100 miles total.

I just checked my husband's air miles account. He also received the 50 Samsung Pay twice.

Also got the Samsung Pay twice. But still no airmileshop points for me! My Gap order did finally ship though.
I didn't even get it once :( . Maybe I did something wrong. I have used the airmiles card through the Samsung site twice so not sure what happened.
Wednesday flyer updates & musings by The Duck (please tell me I'm not the only one who gets excited by this :P ) Side note: AAKKK the thread title this week :scared: hee-hee

Seems like most of the Sobey's flyers have already been studied & discussed so is there any need for me to add my thoughts? Haven't seen much posting by @marchingstar lately (almost like a new baby takes time!) BUT if you're reading this before Friday ... Diapers are part of the Blue Friday offerings: buy 3 of the "giga-pack" for $19.99 get 100 AM and that will take you just past the 1/2 way mark for the $100 threshold!
Sobey's Atlantic Flyer

Foodland Atlantic Flyer

haha, I’m obviously waaaaaaay behind on this thread. baby has kept me super busy, and excited grandparents even moreso. i’ve kinda been slacking on airmiles lately, but i really should get back to the hunt.

i’m sure i’ll see posts about it while i’m catching up, but i just saw 5 airmilesshops= 1000 miles! not too shabby, and an easy way to get back to collecting.

i hope your summer is going well, duck! and that everyone is keeping as cool as possible.
Quick trip to Sobeys to pick up my Kraft Peanut butter and Tetley tea,,
picked up a few things.
I came home and realized I am missing 20 airmiles,,I'll go back tomorrow.
Nothing noteworthy for airmiles while walking around the store.
Sobeys,Foodland and Metro need some type of summer special!
Hugs Mel
I'm so disappointed with Etsy as an AirMilesShop right now. Three days since this Back-to-School promo started I have tried placing an order with Etsy. Tonight I sat down and finally got everything (digital scrapbook pages, etc) into my cart. I suddenly realized instead of asking for ONE payment of $28, it was splitting my items into FOUR payments. None of which would meet the $20 minimum requirement for the Back-to-School promo.

A lady from Etsy phoned back and basically explained this is the way the programmers set up Etsy and she cannot help put my orders into one payment. (I really dislike lazy programmers by the way).

What use is Etsy as an AirMileShop then? Needless to say, I did not place my order. A couple of items my daughter wanted I just will not be able to order. I'll have to spend more time sorting through the digital collections and seeing what we can substitute that will combine into one payment.
Quick trip to Sobeys to pick up my Kraft Peanut butter and Tetley tea,,
picked up a few things.
I came home and realized I am missing 20 airmiles,,I'll go back tomorrow.
Nothing noteworthy for airmiles while walking around the store.
Sobeys,Foodland and Metro need some type of summer special!
Hugs Mel

Ugh. That's too bad. I hate coming home and finding out the miles were messed up on my receipt.
Today I shopped at Sobeys to pick up things for family dinner tomorrow. I wasn't really shopping for AM. I got a whopping 7AM. That was only because we picked up some Dr. Pepper licorice. The flyer says 1280AM in this weeks store but I certainly never saw a tag for more than 5AM. That's a lot of shopping to get to 1280.

Having completed the Back to School promotion I'm not too worried about the lack of AM in store these days. Things better pick up again soon though. I want my L&G back from Rexall.
My suggestion is the print off all your paperwork for the rental and stick it in your "OMG don't lose this crap" pile. Last trip we pieced together 2 rentals because it was cheaper than one longer one and when we went in to pick up the second car i discovered i had brought the wrong paper with us. No problem, they had the reservation but the price that appeared on her bottom line was about triple what i expected. She said she had no record of us pre-paying so was charging us full pop, walk-up rate. NOPE, got out of the line, called Airmiles and had them forward an email with the info, got back into line and "suddenly" she was able to find that we had in fact paid for the rental. For our trip to the Soo next month i've got the email tucked into a file on my phone!
LOL....I have one of those piles too.
I've got the confirmation on my phone but I've also got it printed on paper. I'm old school like that. I have everything printed on hotel res, my airline res, car rental, some vouchers I bought from Groupon.

I remembered you saying before that you had multiple car ressies. I played around with it and never really found any significant savings. I think about 100 miles was about all. Not really worth the time/trouble. Even if I took the car from the airport, kept it a few days, returned to the CCC and then took another car the night before flying home so that we could drive to the airport the savings was only 400ish miles. Not really worth the time/trouble either.
So, here is a Rexall AM question.

In my Airmiles app, I have both the S$60/G60 (on almost anything in the store) as well as S$40/G60 (on beauty products). If I buy $40 worth of beauty products plus another $20 of other stuff, I should get both, right?

I can probably find $40 of makeup and other beauty stuff but I need to get some blister bandaids, moleskin and other stuff for our WDW trip (NEXT SUNDAY!!!) but I don’t think I need $60 of beauty plus the other stuff.

I *think* it should work?
You book thru the Airmiles Travel Hub ... you'll earn miles, in fact right now there is a big bonus offer going on. You need to pay up-front and the miles will post about a week after you stay at the hotel.

Airmiles Travel Hub

Thanks Hon
Thinking of getting away for a day or so,
I appreciate your help---I looked everywhere on the airmiles web site and couldn't find it.
Thanks again
Hugs Mel
So, here is a Rexall AM question.

In my Airmiles app, I have both the S$60/G60 (on almost anything in the store) as well as S$40/G60 (on beauty products). If I buy $40 worth of beauty products plus another $20 of other stuff, I should get both, right?

I can probably find $40 of makeup and other beauty stuff but I need to get some blister bandaids, moleskin and other stuff for our WDW trip (NEXT SUNDAY!!!) but I don’t think I need $60 of beauty plus the other stuff.

I *think* it should work?
Correct, they are 2 separate offers that should stack no problem .. the one for beauty products is only good tomorrow and if you look closely at the included items you might be surprised because it is actually their Head-to-Toe event so it covers a LOT! Made the image as big as possible so you can read the deets (who am i kidding -- have no idea why it's massive :P ) There are also several items you've mentioned that have bonus miles - bandaids for one
How do I book a room at a hotel through the airmiles site without using points?

Thanks Mel
You book thru the Airmiles Travel Hub ... you'll earn miles, in fact right now there is a big bonus offer going on. You need to pay up-front and the miles will post about a week after you stay at the hotel.

Airmiles Travel Hub
Check the new Pack to School promo...there is a coupon there for the Travel Hub. I didn't read it, so I don't know the details. If I remember correctly it doesn't actually say Travel Hub, just something about hotel bookings.


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