Sci-Fi Dine-in is not for us!

Same car, literally the seat in front or behind you is closer than a different car in my opinion.
At a real drive-in you don't have people in your car, just sayin'... :car:

Well, the tables in the cars are super short. I would guess maybe 14", just enough for your plate with a little wiggle room, so you are very close the backs of the heads of the people in front of you. Maybe it was unusually quiet during our visit, but I could have easily just whispered to our kids in front of us and they would have heard.

Fair enough. We've been the hitchhikers many times and have found the glass "screen" that comes up over the table portion generally reaches the back of the people in front of us's heads, which gives some sense of privacy. Last trip, we had family sitting in the car next to us (on the other side of the fake drive-in speaker in the middle) and I could reach out and touch my nephew, that's how close he was. It wasn't bothersome to us, but like many other WDW restaurants, they were in close proximity.

If you don't like the closeness of your neighbors here, don't eat at Chefs de France or Le Cellier - sardines!
We just went for the first time yesterday and hated it! It came highly recommended by several people and we were excited about going. It was strangely quiet and way too dark. The people next to us looked asleep. I couldn’t even read the menu and then couldn’t see my food to eat it! I got the shrimp pasta and honestly could not see well enough to get the food on the fork. I stopped eating before I was full because of this. We have older kids but also a 2 year old. Terrible place for her. She didn’t like being trapped in the booth with us. We felt like sardines. I also didn’t like having strangers seated in the same car because any conversing we managed to do felt awkward not including them. Our server was slow and didn’t return for drink refills. The film clips were funny, and I have a son who’s at the age where he can appreciate campy things. Another son, however, doesn’t get the camp quite yet and was nervous about them showing something gory. Oy ve.

We could not believe this place has the demand it does!! Horrible, horrible. If it was brighter and more lively, we could understand the hype. Maybe.

The quiet, dark, and trapped in the booth remarks make me scratch my head. You knew it was themed like a drive-in movie and you sit in cars - right? When I think of a drive-in movie in my car, I think of quiet... dark... and in small seats in my car. That's exactly what this place is and what makes it unique.
I like Sci Fi because of the quieter environment and being in the dark. It's great for decompressing away from the crowds and the blazing hot sun. On our trip in 2014, my daughter was turning right years old. We were at HS the third day of our trip and crowds there were much higher than expected due to the Frozen Summer Fun mania. By a few hours in, my daughter was tired, overwhelmed, and close to a meltdown. I thought we'd have to cut the day seriously short. Our lunch at Sci Fi that day was the perfect remedy. It did wonders for my daughter. She left the refreshed and renewed and we went on to have a really fun day in the park.
Sounds similar to our first experience with Sci Fi. :) It was in January 2005, back in the days when you could just "walk in." We had a 4 year old, a 3 year old, and a 6 month old and our meal at Sci Fi was the most peaceful and relaxing on our whole trip! The older two sat in the front and were completely mesmerized by the screen, the baby came with us in the back and fell asleep, Dh and I got to relax and eat. We emerged about an hour later completely recharged!
But yeah, if it's important to someone to have conversations during the meal, Sci Fi will be a disappointment.
I have to say I don't think I've ever heard someone come out of it with your POV, especially since most of what you noted was how it normally operates (and well known) so it wasn't a miss on the restaurants part. Complaints are usually food quality and wait ... and the wait is due to popularity. Yes there are always empty tables, it operates on kitchen/staff capacity.

Last trip we ate for lunch and we broke our 1 TS a day rule and had 50's Prime for dinner; another great imagineered restaurant with a great server who teased us, fed us our last beans and treated us like family.

Every table should have had it's own ketchup.

I love researching for our Disney trips and still wasn't prepared for the environment at Sci-fi. Sure, you can look at photos and the seating arrangement, review the menu, but no-one can fully appreciated it until they've actually experienced it. It is highly themed, and it looks awesome in photos. We were very excited to try it.

I lump the restaurant venue/seating together with food quality when I look at options of places to eat. I expect most people do. If the food is great, but the environment stinks, then yes it is a major miss. You have to weigh both together. It turned out that we didn't like the environment, so that was a miss... for us

The day we were there the crowding appeared to be the walk-ups. This is from the discussion I overheard and the folks waiting, and the fact that we were seated quickly (we had an ADR). IMO, saying that they seat people to the kitchen/staff capacity is saying that someone poorly designed or poorly manages Sci-fi. How many popular TS locations do you see at Disney with open so many open seats at dinner time? (about 1/3 of the cars were empty when we walked in)

I understand why some would like the quiet and the dark, and the inability to carry on a normal conversation at dinner. For us, it's not what we prefer.

The ketchup comment was a joke. Sorry if it didn't come across that way

I guess you have never been to a drive-in theater before. Because the atmosphere is exactly correct.

I loved the drive in as a kid and went many times. Had one just a few miles down the road. Saw E.T. there. Many great memories. You are right though, for us Sci-fi is a little TOO much like a real drive in. I didn't go to the drive in to eat dinner. I went to watch a movie and eat some popcorn. You don't carry on a conversation during movies, and you're right, it's more difficult to talk at Sci-fi too. :) The setup wasn't for us. Many others enjoy it, I'm happy they do.

You said you knew about the seating style beforehand...and you admitted your family is the type who love to talk up a storm about your day while you how happy did you think you'd be leaving this place? You really thought it would work? Not being snarky, im just curious.

Like I said earlier, it's hard to appreciate until you've actually done it. I'm not sure how I expected it to play out, but I've never had a problem with any Disney restaurant's table setup so I figured we'd give it a try. Found out it didn't work for us, just like I state in this review.

Never said we "talk up a storm". We like to be able to have a conversation though. Maybe we're unusual that way and actually enjoy talking with each other.

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Like I said earlier, it's hard to appreciate until you've actually done it. I'm not sure how I expected it to play out, but I've never had a problem with any Disney restaurant's table setup so I figured we'd give it a try. Found out it didn't work for us, just like I state in this review.

Never said we "talk up a storm". We like to be able to have a conversation though. Maybe we're unusual that way and actually enjoy talking with each other.

First off, I too enjoy talking to my family. Not sure if that is what you were insinuating? But when you're at a place like scifi, you cant help but appreciate the peace. Because its rare. There arent many quiet restaurants in disney. You just have appreciate it for what it is....a cool and quiet retreat. Ever been to via napoli? You might like can yell as loud as you want and nobody would look your way. its insanely loud in there. I have a hard time hearing my table mates talk. So naturally when im at a place like SciFi, I cant help but enjoy the semi-silence.
First off, I too enjoy talking to my family. Not sure if that is what you were insinuating? But when you're at a place like scifi, you cant help but appreciate the peace. Because its rare. There arent many quiet restaurants in disney. You just have appreciate it for what it is....a cool and quiet retreat. Ever been to via napoli? You might like can yell as loud as you want and nobody would look your way. its insanely loud in there. I have a hard time hearing my table mates talk. So naturally when im at a place like SciFi, I cant help but enjoy the semi-silence.
I agree 100% Scifi is unique in the fact it is fairly quiet. It is a small dining area, but because people are there for the atmosphere (watching an "outdoor" movie, the table conversations are kept low. I had been in scifi once where the people had dined there before and the uniqueness wore off and they just chatted during the "movie". It was rather irritating.
My goodness, let's not get up at arms, it's just a dining revue, but the beauty of Disney Dining, so many choices, so many experiences. To each his own as they say, but as a longtime fan of Sci-Fi, I've always appreciated the detail that the designers/imagineers put into this venue, it's on-point and beyond adorable. The food is non-pretentious, typical burger, fries, onion ring, drive-in fare! It's fresh and well prepared, and though I've had a hard time forgiving them for doing away with my "Reuben" I still find a lot to enjoy. Sci-Fi is always a nice respite from the brutal Florida heat. In the end it continues to meet my expectations and those of my family and friends. Sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy it!
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First off, I too enjoy talking to my family. Not sure if that is what you were insinuating? But when you're at a place like scifi, you cant help but appreciate the peace. Because its rare. There arent many quiet restaurants in disney. You just have appreciate it for what it is....a cool and quiet retreat. Ever been to via napoli? You might like can yell as loud as you want and nobody would look your way. its insanely loud in there. I have a hard time hearing my table mates talk. So naturally when im at a place like SciFi, I cant help but enjoy the semi-silence.

Agreed, it is the most quiet table service we've been to. If peace and quiet is what you want, that's what you'll get. We don't shout during our meals, and aren't loud talkers or anything, but Sci-fi kept us from having a conversation at all without someone craning their necks. If it was just me, and the person next to me, it wouldn't have been much of a deal. Loud TS locations aren't pleasant either. The conversion bit is just one aspect of our overall experience.

We've been to Via Napoli and frankly it didn't live up to the hype here on the Dis. It had nothing to do with the noise level though. The entrees were just o.k. and the pizza wasn't anything spectacular, but rather just "good".

I know a lot of people comment on the quietness of this place, but if you are next to the speaker, it's definitely not quiet. I found the speaker noise to be very annoying.
We are going in a few weeks, dining out of pocket, and I was between 50’s prime time and Sci Fi. I let my husband choose and he went with 50’s! Sounds like a good decision

50's primetime is much better! Good choice!
This is why there are so many different restaurants as they are not one size fits all. I enjoy the quiet, peacefulness of SciFi, which is hard to come by in the parks. It's mostly just my husband and I, so the 2 person seating set up works for us. I can't recall hearing the other people in the car with us other than hello if we made eye contact while being seated. Other than the people in the same car, I like not having someone directly to my left or right. There are some places where I almost feel like we have dining partners because the tables are so close.
Agreed, it is the most quiet table service we've been to. If peace and quiet is what you want, that's what you'll get. We don't shout during our meals, and aren't loud talkers or anything, but Sci-fi kept us from having a conversation at all without someone craning their necks. If it was just me, and the person next to me, it wouldn't have been much of a deal. Loud TS locations aren't pleasant either. The conversion bit is just one aspect of our overall experience.

We've been to Via Napoli and frankly it didn't live up to the hype here on the Dis. It had nothing to do with the noise level though. The entrees were just o.k. and the pizza wasn't anything spectacular, but rather just "good".

Lol I know what you mean about people craning their necks. And its true that its not an ideal place to eat if you want to be able to talk freely. At least you tried it and know that its not for you.

As for Via Napoli, i've noticed mixed reviews lately. But that's typical of any restaurant in disney I suppose. Good thing there's something for everyone.
The quiet, dark, and trapped in the booth remarks make me scratch my head. You knew it was themed like a drive-in movie and you sit in cars - right? When I think of a drive-in movie in my car, I think of quiet... dark... and in small seats in my car. That's exactly what this place is and what makes it unique.

My thoughts exactly ! I think that is what makes Sci-Fi so special -
This is why its good for Disney to have so many different types of restaurants. Different people enjoy different types of food and experiences.
We enjoy Sci Fi whether its 2 or 4 of us going. The food is good quality and what I would expect (just tried the burgers only). Didn't find the seating arrangment too weird.
Just not as much of a fan of 50s Diner. We are trying it again this fall, so maybe that will change.
Lol I know what you mean about people craning their necks. And its true that its not an ideal place to eat if you want to be able to talk freely. At least you tried it and know that its not for you.

As for Via Napoli, i've noticed mixed reviews lately. But that's typical of any restaurant in disney I suppose. Good thing there's something for everyone.

A couple of weeks ago, we had reservations set for Via Napoli the same day that we had reservations for Nine Dragons. We decided to only do Nine Dragons for lunch because we've made the mistake of two TS meals in one day before and it was just too much food. We wanted to try Nine Dragons because it was completely new for us. (There aren't too many TS locations left that we haven't done by now). Nine Dragons gets super mixed reviews, but everyone really enjoyed it. Great appetizers, and the meals, while typical Chinese food was well prepared with good flavor. Now, talk about empty tables! There were a lot, which also made it pretty quiet in there, but no straining of necks or straining to see the menu. :)

We used to love Sci-fi before we had kids. When our kids were young (7, 4, and 1) we went to sci-fi and had a horrible experience. The check in was a cluster--we waited nearly 50 minutes and that was WITH an ADR. Food wasn't great and my kids were so cranky from hunger at that point. We swore off Sci-Fi for many years. We gave it another shot a few years ago, and it was a completely different experience. We were seated quickly, had great service, and food was very good. As a vegan, they are very willing to accommodate any special requests I may have. My kids thought it was the coolest restaurant and now it is a "must-do" every trip (we visit WDW 2-3x/year). On our last trip 2 weeks ago, we had another awesome experience. Our server was so great. DH and I especially love the seating. My younger kids (11 and 9) sit in front, my 14 year old in the middle (loves quiet time with his phone), and we sit in the back and pretend we are kidless for a meal.

I get it though...there are many restaurants that people rave about that I don't love. Fortunately, there is something for everyone!
We have eaten there several times and I do agree that with a larger party it is awkward. It is a truer experience of what going to the drive inn was all about, I can remember being a kid and talking to the back of my parents heads, Plus its a movie theater and we are programmed to be quite in them.

We really don't care if there are hitch hikers or not, as long as they pay their bill we are good to go.

I agree that the food is not consistent. With that said we have been lucky everything as been good or okay... but not terrible. I will say our service has always been very good.

I do agree with a lot of other posters that this is a good place to re-group, relax, and its dark and cool. It takes a step back from all the energy and give's you some down time with out leaving the park.

Well at least now you know and only you can decide to try it again or skip it.


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