Every Mile is a Miracle

Nice job on the T Pace last week! You're killing it!

Not sure if this will help you, because I know it doesn't work for everyone, but one of the things I do when my brain tells me to walk is "delay" it a bit - like I'll tell myself that when I get to a certain block I'll walk but I have to keep running until then, and then when I get to that block, I try to convince myself that there's a better place to walk a few blocks away ... and I basically keep lying to my brain until I get home. It doesn't always work, and I do sometimes walk or stop for a break or something, but ... sometimes it helps

Also ... you might need a new mattress that's really uncomfortable and you don't want to sleep in at all. I'm pretty sure I had a much easier time getting out of bed when I had a crappy mattress.

I like the idea of a daily update! It's definitely hard to remember things at the end of the week ... I try to write notes for myself but I always forget something. And great job getting on the treadmill and not letting sleeping in completely get you off plan.
Great job on those T paces!

I’ve been finding it hard to get motivated for the weekend runs. Maybe on your next plan you could have a Saturday or Sunday as your rest day?
Nice job on the T Pace last week! You're killing it!

Great job on those T paces!
Thank you ladies! I just went through the rest of my plan looking at the speed workouts I have left. SHOULD BE FUN. Haha.

Not sure if this will help you, because I know it doesn't work for everyone, but one of the things I do when my brain tells me to walk is "delay" it a bit - like I'll tell myself that when I get to a certain block I'll walk but I have to keep running until then, and then when I get to that block, I try to convince myself that there's a better place to walk a few blocks away ... and I basically keep lying to my brain until I get home. It doesn't always work, and I do sometimes walk or stop for a break or something, but ... sometimes it helps
THIS is an amazing suggestion. I usually do the opposite. I start to walk and then say okay at that bush I will run, okay the next bush, etc. Which why I end up walking for so long. But since this is strictly my brain being a jerk to me, I will totally try your approach!

Also ... you might need a new mattress that's really uncomfortable and you don't want to sleep in at all. I'm pretty sure I had a much easier time getting out of bed when I had a crappy mattress.
You know what... last fall I was still at my in laws house and their guest bed was awful, which explains why it was so easy to get up at 4:30am. Hahahaha.

I’ve been finding it hard to get motivated for the weekend runs. Maybe on your next plan you could have a Saturday or Sunday as your rest day?
I am definitely leaning toward moving my rest day to Sunday. I think it would help me stick to my plan better and give me a full weekend day with the fam. :)
Gaspin' In The Aspen 15k
Well, I signed up for this race today that is on Saturday. Last minute signing up for races is my favorite hobby. It will be my first 15k race (hello, auto PR) and also my first trail race.

The Course:
This course has both single and double tracks that go through the Ponderosa and Aspen Forest. It is a 100% off road trail run with both uphills and downhills. The elevation is at 8000 ft, so I expect the first few miles to be rough on my lungs. (This is only 1000 ft more than where we are staying nearby and I would have had to do this run anyway while we are up here anyway.) It should be a really pretty course and I look forward to taking in that fresh mountain air.




The Weather:
We are looking at much cooler weather than I am used to right now. Saturday's forecast is: A 30 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms, mainly after 11am. Mostly sunny, with a high near 71. Their website has a link with a live camera at the start site. It is currently 63* with 79% humidity and some rain (at 3pm). I'm gonna check again tomorrow morning around the time the race starts, but I am guessing around the same temp and humidity. Woof.

The Medal:
It's not that impressive and I think it's suppose to be a coaster?? But whatever. Bling is bling. Plus free beer at the end.


The Outfit/Gear:
Honestly, I don't even know how to dress for this. Temperature wise I am gonna be cold but the humidity is gonna suck. As of right now I have a plan to wear my favorite Nike shorts, some ProCompression socks to protect my legs from the trail, and a tank top. I think I will bring some backup options with me (like a t shirt or long sleeve shirt I can throw away if I need to). I might wear my old Brooks Launch 3 that I retired in case the trail is muddy. They have about 425 miles on them but the tread still looks good. And I think I am going to wear my hydration belt so I have a place for extra water, snacks, and my phone. I have never ran a race with my belt on, so this is a good chance to give it a try since I'm using it for training.

Try to stay on pace (EB = 10:58) but also be mindful that this is a trail and I need to be careful. If I can finish around 1:40 I would be happy, but if not I just want to say I finished and didn't get injured.
Wednesday 8/22
  • Running - Plan: 5 mi @ EB (10:58) / Actual: 5.2 miles / 53:30 / Avg Pace 10:40
    • Remember yesterday when I said that I wasn't going to snooze? Well I did... but just once!!! That's a huge win, y'all.
    • With summer "ending" it's starting to be darker for longer in the mornings. I had to use my flashlight on my phone this morning for about 10 minutes. I am hoping to get up earlier tomorrow, so I pulled out my noxgear vest for some visibility.
    • This run was pretty good. I had some tailwind on my downhill for the first half of the run so I was going pretty quick. The second half was uphill against the wind and that slowed me down. I actually did some strides this run!
    • Splits: 10:43, 9:52, 11:23, 11:10, 10:14
  • Cross Training - None
    • Unless baking cookies counts.
  • Life - Countdown to Cabin Fest Weekend: 2 days
    • As noted above, I signed up for the Gaspin' in the Aspen 15k this weekend. It should be fun!
    • Today is my husband's birthday but he had to work, so me and Bay went to his work for dinner. Then I came home and made him some cookies. His favorite cake is German Chocolate, so instead of baking a GC cake and having way too much leftovers, I found a recipe for German Chocolate Cheesecake Cookies. They look delicious, I haven't tried one yet. Haha. Will report back.
    • I was super cranky and irritable tonight and I feel like I took it out on Bay. I have felt bad since she went to bed. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
  • Overall Stress Level - 14
    • Lower than yesterday but I felt more stressed today. /shrug
I am so excited to hear about your race experience- it looks challenging but also super fun! I hope you have a great time!

I am really really confused how one can bake cookies and not try one?? You have really strong willpower!! And HBD to your hubs!

I hope today is stress free :hug:
you must like to climb mountains. LOL. I agree with @Bree though, it looks absolutely beautiful and I wish I was rich and could fly to join you!
I am so excited to hear about your race experience- it looks challenging but also super fun! I hope you have a great time!
Thanks! It's definitely something different so that will be fun, for sure.

I am really really confused how one can bake cookies and not try one?? You have really strong willpower!! And HBD to your hubs!
I wanted to wait for Brad to get some so I could try them with him. Totally worth the wait because I would have probably eaten half the plate of them. They were tasty!!

I hope today is stress free :hug:
Thank you <3
What is it with you and hilly races :rotfl2: That course looks absolutely freaking beautiful though. I'd love to try a trail race someday.
I KNOW RIGHT?!?!?! I just like gravitate to them. Hahahaha. I am hoping to at least get to say I did it and get some pretty pictures.

you must like to climb mountains. LOL. I agree with @Bree though, it looks absolutely beautiful and I wish I was rich and could fly to join you!
*starts a go fund me to get you to AZ in 2 days* Hahaha.
Thursday 8/23
  • Running - Plan: .5 mi @ WU + 5 mi @ HM Tempo (9:24) + .5 mi @ CD / Actual: .5 mi @ 10:33 + 4.84 mi @ 9:43
    • I was pretty unprepared for this run. I snoozed so it cut my time short and I didn't have the run programed into my Garmin and then I didn't have a route set so that messed me up. Despite all that this run was okay. I felt pretty good the first few miles. When I got to the part of my route that had some small rolling hills I slowed down a bit. My body has now figured out where the bathroom is on this route and likes to stop there every run, but the water fountains weren't working so I got pretty upset and pressed on. I chose to run down by the lake but knew that meant I would have to go up the huge flight of stairs on the side. I regret that choice. Ended up having to cut this run short. Also made it the 5 miles for the HM Tempo. Wish I could have held on to that pace better.
    • Splits: 10:33, 9:23, 9:24, 9:30, 9:40, 11:06
  • Cross Training - None
  • Life - Countdown to Cabin Fest Weekend: TOMORROW!
    • One of my coworkers got married this afternoon and on Monday his photographer he had scheduled sprained his wrist, so he asked me if I could photograph his wedding during my lunch break today. So I did. And him and his wife are so cute. I was really happy to be able to be a part of that for them.
    • Packing is the WORST. Therefore I am not packed yet for Cabin Fest and we leave in less than 12 hours. I did pack my running clothes and stuff for my race Saturday because priorities.
  • Overall Stress Level - 40
    • WOOF, what a day. I definitely had some heavy anxiety this evening while I was at the library with Bay. Just overwhelmed with trying to get stuff done, always.
That elevation chart looks :scared1:

But it also looks really beautiful and the temps sound awesome right about now! Just take it easy because any race title with the word Gaspin' in it would make me nervous. Can't wait to hear about it.
Gaspin' in the Aspen 15k Recap

Packet Pick Up

We were staying nearby Flagstaff with a group of friends and had plans to go to dinner Friday night in town, so it worked out pretty perfectly that we could swing into the coffee shop that packet pick up was at. Bonus: I had THE best coffee ever there. It was called the Elite and it was 2 shots of espresso cubano style with steamed half and half. OMG. It was perfect. Packet pick up was nice and easy. Got my bib and coffee and headed out.

Night Before The Race
So, we went out for pizza (my suggestion, obvs) and we found a place that had really great reviews on the Vegan pizza and really terrible reviews on their non-Vegan pizza. We had some Vegan friends with us, so I decided to give this place a try… Well their pizza was mediocre at best. Sauce was bland but spicy, dough was literally not seasoned at all. But the Vegans said their pizza was amazing! So Yelp reviews were not wrong. I had a PBR with dinner because it was literally the best option. This place had “serve yourself beer taps” and after watching our friends struggle at pouring their own beers we decided that their lines were dirty and wanted nothing to do with that. PBR tall boy for $2.50 it is. After that we did some bar hopping. I had an amazing mead at one place that was my nightcap since I didn’t want to necessarily run with a hangover the next day and it was so delicious. We ended up getting back to our cabin around 11pm maybe? And then stayed up a little later playing Catch Phrase with everyone. I went to bed around 12:30pm but couldn’t really sleep because drunk people downstairs playing Catch Phrase. Haha. I probably got a good 4 hours of sleep that night.

Morning Of The Race
I had my alarm set for 5:45am but woke up at 5:20am and decided to just start getting ready. I had everything out and ready for me to make my morning go smoothly. I was borrowing my friend’s car to drive to the race start that was about 45 minutes away. He said I might have to put gas in his car, which was fine because it gave me a reason to stop and get coffee. I got to the race start around 7am, an hour before the start time, which gave me time to pee (twice!) and just like, enjoy the beautiful weather. Now that I think about it, I don’t even remember looking at the temperature, but in the shade I got goosebumps. It was perfect. I lined up at the start and chatted with some women, one was from my town and dropping her daughter off at her first year of college! The other was a Flagstaff local who was super sweet and we joked about dropping down to the 5k.

The Sunrise

Start Line

The Race
At 8am the gun goes off and there we go! I was expecting my lungs to hurt the first few miles but my breathing was pretty normal, so I went with it. The race started off in a downhill and on a double track. I was getting passed by so many people and just kept telling myself “You are not racing, you are training.” I get competitive so I needed to talk myself off that ledge and I did really well staying slow. Main goal: do not injure yourself. CHECK. The first uphill started around mile 1 right after the first aid station. It got pretty steep around mile 2 so I took a walking break. I actually had more problems tripping while walking than running, oddly enough. I ran for another 2 miles until we got to the next aid station / the half-way point! This aid station had SNACKS, y’all!! They had chips and pretzels and M&Ms and I just wanted to stay there forever. (One point, trail races.) I did some run/walk intervals for a bit and then ran for another 2 miles to the next aid station, which again had snacks. I walked a little bit more up the final hill and ran the last mile and a half downhill to the finish!

Double Track

Single Track - solo

Pretty Trees

Aspens <3


The course was mostly shaded until the very end as we were running through the Ponderosa forest. At the beginning of the race we were told that we may see some cows along the course and that they like to steal the flags that mark the course so watch out for that. I did not see any cows but saw all of the cow poop and it was like they found this one single race track and pooped right on it. THANKS COWS. There was one long stretch for probably a mile or more where I was allllll alone. I couldn’t see anyone in front of me or behind me. It was a little scary but also a little cool at the same time. I got a ton of compliments on my shirt. I got to run through some gorgeous Aspens which are my second favorite trees (#1 being Redwoods and #3 because Christmas). It was such an amazing experience. I definitely smiled that whole part. We got free race pictures and the first one I found was like “Of course when the race pictures are free I look like this” but then I found a good second one and felt better. Trail races are fun and scary and a whole different beast of a race. I was mentally and physically exhausted from having to focus so much on the trail and where I was stepping. I actually noticed that it was incredibly hard to enjoy the scenery because I was watching the trail the whole time. I tried my hardest to look around and take it all in during my walking parts though. I did not fall or get hurt, huge win in my book. And I am so excited to run a flat road race in 20 days after doing this one!

Terrible, but free, race photo. I think I was running up towards the finish line.

Better, and still free, race photo. Me looking down definitely describes this whole race.

Finishing Info
Time: 1:55:30
Average Pace: 12:24
Distance 15k/9.3 mi
Overall: 134/159
Gender: 58/79
AG: 17/21

So the medal is actually just a wood slice with the race logo burned on it. Pretty unique and fitting for this race. I think I am going to add a lanyard to it so I can hang it (on my non-existent medal rack that I don’t own).

Medal & Free Beer
Congrats! Sounds like an awesome event. Would you do it again?

PBR & Pizza = Winning
Cow poop land mines= not so much
Love the Wooden Medal.
Nice pics!

Thank you for sharing.
Gaspin' in the Aspen 15k Recap

Packet Pick Up

We were staying nearby Flagstaff with a group of friends and had plans to go to dinner Friday night in town, so it worked out pretty perfectly that we could swing into the coffee shop that packet pick up was at. Bonus: I had THE best coffee ever there. It was called the Elite and it was 2 shots of espresso cubano style with steamed half and half. OMG. It was perfect. Packet pick up was nice and easy. Got my bib and coffee and headed out.

Night Before The Race
So, we went out for pizza (my suggestion, obvs) and we found a place that had really great reviews on the Vegan pizza and really terrible reviews on their non-Vegan pizza. We had some Vegan friends with us, so I decided to give this place a try… Well their pizza was mediocre at best. Sauce was bland but spicy, dough was literally not seasoned at all. But the Vegans said their pizza was amazing! So Yelp reviews were not wrong. I had a PBR with dinner because it was literally the best option. This place had “serve yourself beer taps” and after watching our friends struggle at pouring their own beers we decided that their lines were dirty and wanted nothing to do with that. PBR tall boy for $2.50 it is. After that we did some bar hopping. I had an amazing mead at one place that was my nightcap since I didn’t want to necessarily run with a hangover the next day and it was so delicious. We ended up getting back to our cabin around 11pm maybe? And then stayed up a little later playing Catch Phrase with everyone. I went to bed around 12:30pm but couldn’t really sleep because drunk people downstairs playing Catch Phrase. Haha. I probably got a good 4 hours of sleep that night.

Morning Of The Race
I had my alarm set for 5:45am but woke up at 5:20am and decided to just start getting ready. I had everything out and ready for me to make my morning go smoothly. I was borrowing my friend’s car to drive to the race start that was about 45 minutes away. He said I might have to put gas in his car, which was fine because it gave me a reason to stop and get coffee. I got to the race start around 7am, an hour before the start time, which gave me time to pee (twice!) and just like, enjoy the beautiful weather. Now that I think about it, I don’t even remember looking at the temperature, but in the shade I got goosebumps. It was perfect. I lined up at the start and chatted with some women, one was from my town and dropping her daughter off at her first year of college! The other was a Flagstaff local who was super sweet and we joked about dropping down to the 5k.

The Sunrise
View attachment 346512

Start Line
View attachment 346513

The Race
At 8am the gun goes off and there we go! I was expecting my lungs to hurt the first few miles but my breathing was pretty normal, so I went with it. The race started off in a downhill and on a double track. I was getting passed by so many people and just kept telling myself “You are not racing, you are training.” I get competitive so I needed to talk myself off that ledge and I did really well staying slow. Main goal: do not injure yourself. CHECK. The first uphill started around mile 1 right after the first aid station. It got pretty steep around mile 2 so I took a walking break. I actually had more problems tripping while walking than running, oddly enough. I ran for another 2 miles until we got to the next aid station / the half-way point! This aid station had SNACKS, y’all!! They had chips and pretzels and M&Ms and I just wanted to stay there forever. (One point, trail races.) I did some run/walk intervals for a bit and then ran for another 2 miles to the next aid station, which again had snacks. I walked a little bit more up the final hill and ran the last mile and a half downhill to the finish!

Double Track
View attachment 346504

Single Track - solo
View attachment 346506

Pretty Trees
View attachment 346505

Aspens <3
View attachment 346509

View attachment 346507

The course was mostly shaded until the very end as we were running through the Ponderosa forest. At the beginning of the race we were told that we may see some cows along the course and that they like to steal the flags that mark the course so watch out for that. I did not see any cows but saw all of the cow poop and it was like they found this one single race track and pooped right on it. THANKS COWS. There was one long stretch for probably a mile or more where I was allllll alone. I couldn’t see anyone in front of me or behind me. It was a little scary but also a little cool at the same time. I got a ton of compliments on my shirt. I got to run through some gorgeous Aspens which are my second favorite trees (#1 being Redwoods and #3 because Christmas). It was such an amazing experience. I definitely smiled that whole part. We got free race pictures and the first one I found was like “Of course when the race pictures are free I look like this” but then I found a good second one and felt better. Trail races are fun and scary and a whole different beast of a race. I was mentally and physically exhausted from having to focus so much on the trail and where I was stepping. I actually noticed that it was incredibly hard to enjoy the scenery because I was watching the trail the whole time. I tried my hardest to look around and take it all in during my walking parts though. I did not fall or get hurt, huge win in my book. And I am so excited to run a flat road race in 20 days after doing this one!

Terrible, but free, race photo. I think I was running up towards the finish line.
View attachment 346510

Better, and still free, race photo. Me looking down definitely describes this whole race.
View attachment 346511

Finishing Info
Time: 1:55:30
Average Pace: 12:24
Distance 15k/9.3 mi
Overall: 134/159
Gender: 58/79
AG: 17/21

So the medal is actually just a wood slice with the race logo burned on it. Pretty unique and fitting for this race. I think I am going to add a lanyard to it so I can hang it (on my non-existent medal rack that I don’t own).

Medal & Free Beer
View attachment 346508

Your trail run looks like it had a way more scenic view than mine!
Woohoo! No injuries or stepping in cow poop! That course was gorgeous. I think that medal might be a drink coaster. I have some that are similar.
Great job on the race. Looks absolutely beautiful.

So the medal is actually just a wood slice with the race logo burned on it. Pretty unique and fitting for this race. I think I am going to add a lanyard to it so I can hang it (on my non-existent medal rack that I don’t own).
There's something to be said about unique and fitting finishers rewards. I'm also now giving thought to a medal rack of some sort. Maybe. I never want to fall into the trap of a shadow box for every race, but I want to find a way to display medals from all my races.


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