Canadian Buffoon's DISmeet vacation - 09/14 - Bowled Over

There's a lot that is similar. The original term Creole meant a mixture of French & Spanish. Louisiana ownership went back and forth between France and Spain before being sold to the US. Over time Creole meant something else.

Some of that I knew...
And some I didn't. :)

Yes I do. Many people make the trip to Nova Scotia to see where they came from. I have a family tree that traces one side of my Dad's family back to France. That side didn't come from Acadia. I don't know about the other side. But my Ancestry shows that some of my DNA came from Nova Scotia.

Really! Well, hi there
fellow Canuck.


Very sad. He always had trouble with certain English sounds.

I'm very familiar with that.
My Dad does too.

It's not like that anymore. The Cajun lifestyle and food is very much in demand now . I wish he had lived to see it.

I'm sorry that he didn't too.

I agree. We now have to be taught to speak French and very few places teach Cajun French.

You do????
I had no idea!

I guess I just assumed that
if you live in a southern State
that Spanish might be more
common as a second language course.

Thanks for the support.


I hope you like spice.

Well, I did have a thing for Ginger Spice
back in the day...
but I was never a big fan of their music
and I turned off their movie about
half way through... maybe less.

I was going to suggest the same!

Well hi there, stranger! :)

All caught up - love reading about your adventures.

Thanks! :goodvibes

I get so many tips for possible places to visit in the future from several trip reports. Ahh....only so much time and not enough $$.

Oh, I know... but I'm trying!

I noticed you picked up a poker chip from the dealership closest to me - Irvine, CA. Hope there was not too much gridlock for you to get there. How did you like the packed 16 (I believe) lane freeway?

It was my second time doing that
so I knew what to expect and...

I don't know if I just hit them right
this time or I hit them wrong last time,
but they weren't too bad this time around.

We enjoy the drive down the 5 to San Diego - try to go at least once a year - it's nice to see the ocean right there!

I really enjoyed the ride.
I'd like to repeat that
when I have more time.

I was finishing up the last few pages and now I want Bad Burger Daddy for dinner followed by Sunni Sky's ice cream. I think I'm going to be 0 for 2 on that! :laughing:

I'm hoping to be 2-0 in about a month or so. :)
yes I65 south bound was closed for about a month, but it is now open. Of course we now have closures starting in September for I 465 East bound near I 70. Should open back up on or near Sept 24'th. Go to for details.

Naturally, I didn't see this until we actually got back, lol. We were starting to get close to Indy, and I was wondering where all the detour signs had gone! (Since our route was basically, get on I-65, and drive forever, I didn't have Google Maps going.) But, the lack of detour signs, and the ability to drive through downtown Indy were a dead giveaway that the construction was done!


I first read that as if
you were talking
old-timey speak.

"We had to go around when we drove to Columbus, ohhhh, earlier this summer I reckon'."


Interestingly enough,
my next chapter will
take me to Nashville.

Was wondering if the
Pokémon games were
still going on. :)

Worlds, no less!

Let us know what happens. :)

Cool! We didn't do much touristy stuff in Nashville - a quick trip to the replica Parthenon so dd could look at the Athena Parthenos statue (referenced in the Percy Jackson books) was pretty much it.

We had a lot of fun at Worlds - got to see lots of friends. It's weird now that she's 14 - sometimes she hangs out with a few of the girls near her age, and sometimes she hangs out with the older teens and 20something guys (and there are way more guys than girls, especially in the older crowd). As far as the tournament went, she hadn't really been seriously practicing over the summer, so she had warned me to keep my expectations low. She went to a practice session a week before, and decided she wanted to completely change her team. She ended up getting a team some friends had been using, but that meant she didn't really have time to do much practicing with it. So, she got knocked out relatively early from the main tournament. However, on the second day, they also had a tournament that counts towards the next season's points, and she got Top 8 in that, so that means she got a nice head start on the next season's points. So, that part was good (and had kinda been our goal in the first place).
Enjoying your journey through the South and your dismeet! I feel like I have seen a few of the things you saw in california. My Uncle was stationed on the USS Midway at the end of the 60's

What? You don't like North Dakota? We spent 3 years there and our oldest was born there. Very nice people there, and I guess there is an oil boom now. I remember the Winter being so cold the kids had swingsets in the basements because it was such a long season and they had nowhere to play. But you probably know an little about that.:cold:

You drove a long way for an ice cream, glad it was so good!

Oh, I remember what else I thought about... thanks for the trip down memory lane, I also remember A&W as a kid and the tray on the window. My parents used to order that teeny tiny kids' size frosty mug for me. There is one about an hour from here, but not sure if they still bring a tray to your window.

I think I have almost caught you
Last edited:
Well I guess I caught myself

I was sad to hear we lost a Disdad. Sometimes I read updates but can't post and have to go back and review what I wanted to post.
But, the lack of detour signs, and the ability to drive through downtown Indy were a dead giveaway that the construction was done!

That'd do it. ::yes::

Cool! We didn't do much touristy stuff in Nashville

Actually... neither did I.
I wasn't there long enough.

a quick trip to the replica Parthenon so dd could look at the Athena Parthenos statue (referenced in the Percy Jackson books) was pretty much it.

See? You know more
about it than I do. :)

It's weird now that she's 14 - sometimes she hangs out with a few of the girls near her age, and sometimes she hangs out with the older teens and 20something guys (and there are way more guys than girls, especially in the older crowd).

Oh? How does that
make you feel?

As far as the tournament went, she hadn't really been seriously practicing over the summer, so she had warned me to keep my expectations low. She went to a practice session a week before, and decided she wanted to completely change her team. She ended up getting a team some friends had been using, but that meant she didn't really have time to do much practicing with it. So, she got knocked out relatively early from the main tournament.

Huh. I know nothing
about it, so that
surprised me.
That you'd have to practice.
Also... that there are teams.

However, on the second day, they also had a tournament that counts towards the next season's points, and she got Top 8 in that, so that means she got a nice head start on the next season's points. So, that part was good (and had kinda been our goal in the first place).

Well, good then!
But... "Top 8"?
How many are we talking?
Enjoying your journey through the South and your dismeet!

Glad you're enjoying it! :)

I feel like I have seen a few of the things you saw in california. My Uncle was stationed on the USS Midway at the end of the 60's

No way! Really!!

What? You don't like North Dakota?

I don't dislike it.
It's just... a tad.... dull.

We spent 3 years there and our oldest was born there. Very nice people there, and I guess there is an oil boom now.

I will give you that.
They are nice.
Most places I've been
I've found nice folks. :)

I remember the Winter being so cold the kids had swingsets in the basements because it was such a long season and they had nowhere to play. But you probably know an little about that.:cold:

I might know a bit about cold...
But I've never heard of indoor
swing sets!
We just played outside, regardless
of the temperature.

You drove a long way for an ice cream, glad it was so good!

It was...
but the company was better. :goodvibes

Oh, I remember what else I thought about... thanks for the trip down memory lane, I also remember A&W as a kid and the tray on the window. My parents used to order that teeny tiny kids' size frosty mug for me. There is one about an hour from here, but not sure if they still bring a tray to your window.

We have several A&W's here.
At least 28 that I found
with a quick search.
But none bring your food
out to your car anymore.

I was sad to hear we lost a Disdad.

It came as quite a shock.

Sometimes I read updates but can't post and have to go back and review what I wanted to post.

I hate that. I try to not
open threads that I suspect
might have updates
if I can't reply to them right away.
Oh? How does that
make you feel?

It has been, well, interesting. Fortunately, most of our local players are pretty protective of her, so I generally know that she's got a bunch of people looking out for her. And they've also been good about letting me hang out with the big group, so not only do I get to keep an eye out for her, she also feels better knowing that I'm there (as long as I don't hover and embarrass her, lol). It helps that since I also help out at local tournaments, they know me in that capacity and not just as a mom.

Huh. I know nothing
about it, so that
surprised me.
That you'd have to practice.
Also... that there are teams.

Yeah, it takes a lot of brain power, strategy, and also practice, in order to do well, which I think surprises people. There is also luck involved. But, yeah. You have to build a team of 6 Pokemon, including which moves they use. There is a bit of rock, paper, scissors involved, so that a fire type is weak to water types but strong against grass types, for instance - but there are I think around 12 different types so it gets more complicated than that. And...other factors that are also complicated. The most successful players tend to be really smart people.

Well, good then!
But... "Top 8"?
How many are we talking?

I think in that particular tournament, around 30? Top 8 kids were guaranteed to get points. Depending on the type of tournament and how many people participate, different amounts of people get points. And it changes every year. A couple years ago, for local tournaments, you needed 4 people in an age category before anyone besides the person in 1st place to get points. Last year, they changed it to guaranteed top 4 got points for those local tournaments. It made it a lot less stressful, but also less meaningful.

I am not very good at the game, but I've gotten to be somewhat of an expert on the tournament season structure...
It has been, well, interesting. Fortunately, most of our local players are pretty protective of her, so I generally know that she's got a bunch of people looking out for her. And they've also been good about letting me hang out with the big group, so not only do I get to keep an eye out for her, she also feels better knowing that I'm there (as long as I don't hover and embarrass her, lol). It helps that since I also help out at local tournaments, they know me in that capacity and not just as a mom.

Good that she's got some backing. :)
And Heavens no.
Don't embarrass the poor child!


Yeah, it takes a lot of brain power, strategy, and also practice, in order to do well, which I think surprises people.

It did, me!

There is also luck involved.

Otherwise would it
really be a game?

There is a bit of rock, paper, scissors involved, so that a fire type is weak to water types but strong against grass types, for instance - but there are I think around 12 different types so it gets more complicated than that. And...other factors that are also complicated. The most successful players tend to be really smart people.

I had no idea.

I think in that particular tournament, around 30?

Not bad.

Depending on the type of tournament and how many people participate, different amounts of people get points. And it changes every year. A couple years ago, for local tournaments, you needed 4 people in an age category before anyone besides the person in 1st place to get points. Last year, they changed it to guaranteed top 4 got points for those local tournaments. It made it a lot less stressful, but also less meaningful.

Okay, got it.
How many age categories
are there?

I am not very good at the game, but I've gotten to be somewhat of an expert on the tournament season structure...


Like how I'm pretty good
at judging dance competitions.
Otherwise would it
really be a game?

Well, there is chess, if you want a game without any luck involved! (We tend to bring that up whenever people complain about RNG (random number generators) not going their way...

Okay, got it.
How many age categories
are there?

3: Junior, Senior, & Master. Dd just started her last year as a Senior, and then she gets lumped into the big group of Masters, which is pretty much everyone 15 and up. (Just to make things more complicated, age categories are by birth year, but the season changes in July.)
Well, there is chess, if you want a game without any luck involved! (We tend to bring that up whenever people complain about RNG (random number generators) not going their way...

That's funny.
When I wrote that, I thought to myself
"Except Chess... but I'll just ignore that for now."

3: Junior, Senior, & Master. Dd just started her last year as a Senior, and then she gets lumped into the big group of Masters, which is pretty much everyone 15 and up. (Just to make things more complicated, age categories are by birth year, but the season changes in July.)

Okay. Will she continue in the Masters?
Or do you think interest will start to wane
with high school and boys?
Okay folks.
Sorry for the delay in the next chapter.
But I have been working on it. :)

Been working for the past few hours
as a matter of fact.
Expect an update...
oh, next couple days or so?
Will you take it in the fall then?
Or will you be back in school, so... no?

No school, just work! Speaking of work. I worked 3 days for the moving company before Ledcor called me and is sending me up to Fort McMurray.

It's the very least that I deserve.

Just be like all those silly people who start go-fund-me's for things like that!

Wait...... with spacesuit... with air?

Hmmm, I'll give em to ya!

To another planet?
Well.... I will assume you mean Mars,
since there is even less of a likelyhood
of us getting anywhere else in my lifetime.
(Barring fundamental shifts in our
perception of physics, anyways.)

Hmmm.... I'm getting a bit old
to be a candidate
and I think there might be a few
people who would miss me
if I made that trip.

One way? See above.
Round trip?
If the time involved is say...
less than two years?
Can I bring a friend?
Less than a year?

Okay, seems same as me then.

Apparently kids are dumb
as doorknobs.

Yes, yes they are.

Darn... I'm at work so
can't count and I don't
remember for sure...

But... 97, I believe.

Krikey! That's quite a few.

Some places would make
you pay a fine for that.
(No. Not kidding.)

That is insane! I actually stumbled onto a Japanese garden this week. Ally's mom took us and all of her other kids and SO to an Air BnB on one of the smaller islands off the coast for a few nights and there was one just down the street from us. I took pictures for you!


I love deeper sounding bells.
Little high pitched ones
just annoy me.


Me too! The one we saw was very deep.

No idea if I'll ever go...
But thanks for the tip!

Most people don't but the Swizzle should always be in your mind if you do.

There wouldn't be a story
if that's the turn it took!

Well, there would be a story. It would just be theirs.

I've had some of those.
That's when I realized
that eating overly hot foods...

Was stupid.

i used to eat the hottest foods I could when I was younger but I no longer feel the need to impress people with upset bowels.

Well, geez. I was just there last month,
what more do ya want??

A hello!
Okay. Will she continue in the Masters?
Or do you think interest will start to wane
with high school and boys?

Good question. We shall see - the homework load is just starting. She says she will do it forever, but you never know with kids...
No school, just work! Speaking of work. I worked 3 days for the moving company before Ledcor called me and is sending me up to Fort McMurray.

When you heading up?

Just be like all those silly people who start go-fund-me's for things like that!

Good idea!
Can I put you down for
a $500 donation?

Hmmm, I'll give em to ya!


Krikey! That's quite a few.

Will be more, in about a month or so.

That is insane! I actually stumbled onto a Japanese garden this week. Ally's mom took us and all of her other kids and SO to an Air BnB on one of the smaller islands off the coast for a few nights and there was one just down the street from us. I took pictures for you!

Thanks! :)


Most people don't but the Swizzle should always be in your mind if you do.


Well, there would be a story. It would just be theirs.

I'll give you that one.

i used to eat the hottest foods I could when I was younger but I no longer feel the need to impress people with upset bowels.

I'd rather taste the food I'm eating.


Gee, that was easy.


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