Canadian Buffoon's Back to Front Vacation - Update! 05/18 - Falling Down

The pastie was good,
although not as good as
a good French Canadian tourtiere.
The cole slaw was fine.
The cookie was outstanding.

This looks delicious. Is that gravy, I adore gravy.

Sometimes I got upgraded
to a suite, like this one.
Sometimes I didn't.

This makes me sad for my camp bedroom. Being this tall and having a single size bed is not ideal.

Wait! I did!
When I took my eldest
daughter and her friend
to Cedar Point.

And how was the drive? and Cedar Point?


That looks delicious.

We also both had ice tea
that I was pleased to see
tasted like Canadian ice tea.
Sweet. Not tea-like.
As it should.

I feel like there is a time and place for both kinds of iced tea but growing up with canuck iced tea it is my preference for sure. First time I ever got iced tea in the US I was a very surprised 8 year old.
Fallon (@fallonkendra)
and her DH, Luke, were in town
for a visit.
The only time that worked
for all of us was while I was
at work.
But luckily, weekends are
pretty slow and I was able,
with some help from my
co-worker, to have them
come see me there.

I showed them around the place,
hopefully not boring them
to tears in the process,
and then had lunch.
We chatted, mostly about Disney,
for about an hour,
before I had to kick them out
and get back to work.

Fallon? Luke?
Sure was nice meeting you both. :)


Aww how cute!

You look good too!


So that's the breakfast room.
Any comments?

You were jealous of his flip flops?

I had decided to stop here
for dinner when I first learned
of pasties.

No, not the kind that you might
find tasseled and counter-rotating.
(Although that too,
would be a fine reason to stop.)

These pasties were for your mouth.

I mean... It's food! I stopped for food!!

Sure. I believe you.

Oooh looks tasty! I've always liked a good savory pie/thing. Although it looks way too messy to be handheld.

The pastie was good,
although not as good as
a good French Canadian tourtiere.
The cole slaw was fine.
The cookie was outstanding.

I don't know what a tourtiere is but now I must have one. I really like all the food I've eaten in Canada. Fallon and Meghan told me about Donair and I had one my cruise to Canada last year and it was so good!


I really have to work
on my selfie skills.
It looks like we're balancing
a tomato between our heads.

Aww how cute! Hi Jenn!
Again you look cute too. Especially flanking a tomato!
I'll give you a definite... maybe?
read on...

ok. Maybe is acceptable.

As I mentioned earlier,
I wouldn't dream of imposing
on the girls only events.

As for Ohana... I'd love to...
(always wanted to go, actually)
But Elle is a vegetarian and
I don't think she'd really want to go.
Also, I don't think we'll have the time
for a meal that lengthy.
We're doing just a few quick
ADRs and lots of QS meals.

Plus... well... I don't think she'd be
happy being inundated with a
multitude of strangers.

I do appreciate the offer though,
and if I was solo, I'd be all over that.

I can let you know which parks
I'll be in, when.
And we could certainly arrange
for a short meet.

But I think you'll be busy with
several hundred of your closest friends. :) :laughing:

But everyone KNOWS you so it's not like you'd be imposing, in fact you are a minor celebrity so you should grace us with your presence.
But I can see how your daughter could think otherwise...:laughing: and would probably think we're all crazy.
So yes, definitely a DISmeet in the parks, and maybe a drink somewhere!
BTW Tiffins is only about 6 of us right now, so if you dine with us it won't be as overwhelming and I know they have veggie stuff on their menu. Ohana too!
also we're doing the hoop de doo on May 5th, only a couple of people for that one too.

We arrive on April 30th.
Our last day before moving
on to the Dark Side
is May 4th.

I don't want to be
anywhere near
DHS on that day.


For the record May the 4th was perfectly fine last year. The only people there were Star Wars fans and they are the best fans EVER. It may be a little different next year because it falls on a saturday. So yeah maybe you should go to the Dark Side.

I might want to join if it's okay. I live in Orlando now and can hop over as long as I'm not interfering or imposing

Yes! Shoot me a PM!
Late to respond...been just a tad busy. Finally had a chance to read this thread. At least 6 more. :faint:
Another no for the guy in robe and flip flops. It's a public area not his home. Just my opinion.
Hospitals are a whole other
kettle of fish.

I remember when my DW
was giving birth...
I don't know how many
people took a look... there.

Pretty sure even the janitor
came in and took a look.


I quickly developed an "I have no shame" attitude when I had my neurosurgery.
This looks delicious. Is that gravy, I adore gravy.

It's gravy.
Beef gravy if memory serves.
And it seldom does...

But... pretty sure.

This makes me sad for my camp bedroom. Being this tall and having a single size bed is not ideal.

So either you use the nightstand
as a pillow, or your feet
get cold hanging off the end?

And how was the drive? and Cedar Point?

I'm glad you asked!
Teenage Mutant Backseat Drivers - Chapter 8 - They're trying to kill me!!

That looks delicious.

It was good! :)

I feel like there is a time and place for both kinds of iced tea but growing up with canuck iced tea it is my preference for sure. First time I ever got iced tea in the US I was a very surprised 8 year old.

I don't know how old I was...
But I do remember my first
US iced tea.

I took one sip and looked up
in astonishment.
"This tastes like cold tea!"
Aww how cute!

She's a sweetheart! :)

You look good too!

I had the turn the lights down
so my many, many..... many flaws
didn't overwhelm and break the camera.

You were jealous of his flip flops?

Of course I was.
I bet he could even
bend at the waist.

Sure. I believe you.

Phew! I'm super glad!
I was worried for a bit.

Oooh looks tasty! I've always liked a good savory pie/thing. Although it looks way too messy to be handheld.

It was pretty good.
But not "Wow!" good.

I put the gravy on top,
because that's how they
had it in their menu photos.

But I would imagine that
the miners ate it without...
as a hand-meal.

I don't know what a tourtiere is but now I must have one.

"Tourtière is a Canadian meat pie dish originating from the province of Quebec, usually made with minced pork, veal or beef and potatoes. Wild game is often added to enhance the taste of the pie." (wiki)

I really like all the food I've eaten in Canada.

I'm glad you skipped McDonalds.

I suppose, like anywhere, there are
good foods, great foods...
and horrible foods.

Fallon and Meghan told me about Donair and I had one my cruise to Canada last year and it was so good!

I've known about Donair
for a long time...
yet haven't been able
to try it yet.

Aww how cute! Hi Jenn!

She's definitely a cutey! :goodvibes

Again you look cute too. Especially flanking a tomato!

Can you tell which one
is me an which one
is the tomato?
ok. Maybe is acceptable.


(visions of Su-Lynn coming at me
brandishing a dull butter knife, recede)

But everyone KNOWS you so it's not like you'd be imposing,

Well, thanks again for
the offer, but...
Too many people for Elle anyway.

in fact you are a minor celebrity so you should grace us with your presence.

Oh, brother.
I hardly think so.

I do believe you are
the celebrity, Miss Vloger. ;)

But I can see how your daughter could think otherwise...:laughing: and would probably think we're all crazy.

This is very possible.
I mean... aren't we all????


So yes, definitely a DISmeet in the parks, and maybe a drink somewhere!


BTW Tiffins is only about 6 of us right now, so if you dine with us it won't be as overwhelming and I know they have veggie stuff on their menu.

Hmmm.... maybe?
When are you planning that?

Ohana too!

Hmmm... didn't know that.
Thought it was mostly meat skewers.
(And shrimp... loooooots of shrimp.)

also we're doing the hoop de doo on May 5th, only a couple of people for that one too.

Always wanted to do that.
Even toyed with the idea
of doing it with Elle.

But we'll be in Uni on the 5th.

For the record May the 4th was perfectly fine last year. The only people there were Star Wars fans and they are the best fans EVER. It may be a little different next year because it falls on a saturday. So yeah maybe you should go to the Dark Side.

Late to respond...been just a tad busy. Finally had a chance to read this thread. At least 6 more. :faint:

Yep. Totally get that.
Both the catching up
and the being busy. :hug:

I do believe you may
have ended one job,
started another,
moved and started
house hunting.

What did the Mrs. say
about the house you saw?

Another no for the guy in robe and flip flops. It's a public area not his home. Just my opinion.

Seems like everyone
feels the same.
No dissenters yet.

Do you remember me?! I'm a little bit late aren't I? But hey I only missed two TRs and eight pages of this I'm doing good! :rotfl:But I'm here now! I'll try to make it to the end of this one! :laughing:

THat's why given the choice I'd rather go barefoot. I've gotten a flip flop or two "stuck" in my time. Scary!!

I snagged a couple of to-go cups
of OJ and headed out.

I'd have done 1 of OJ and one of coffee, but I know PK doesn't do coffee.

So that's the breakfast room.
Any comments?

Am I a prude for feeling
that the gentleman in
the robe may have been
a touch under-dressed?
Would you go out in public
like that?
No condemnation or criticism
implied or intended.
I'm just curious.

I think it's weird. THen again, he's covered and on vacation. So...?



No not that kind of wild turkey

A shame.

No, not the kind that you might
find tasseled and counter-rotating.
(Although that too,
would be a fine reason to stop.)

These pasties were for your mouth.

I mean... It's food! I stopped for food!!


Stop while you're ahead...
I was meeting Jenn (@Chrystmasangel ) there.


If I wasn't already in a
wonderful relationship
I might've asked her to marry me.

And I'm sure she'd have said yes. I mean... you provide caramel corn for road trips!

Do you remember me?!

Of course I remember you!!


:welcome: to the TR!

I'm a little bit late aren't I?

Right on time!


But hey I only missed two TRs and eight pages of this I'm doing good!


And I see you started your
2018 TR. I'll be there soon! :)

But I'm here now! I'll try to make it to the end of this one! :laughing:

Hang in there!!!
You can do it!
THat's why given the choice I'd rather go barefoot. I've gotten a flip flop or two "stuck" in my time. Scary!!

Nope. Not gonna do barefoot either.

And... so you have experience
with the stuck flip-flop.
What happened?

I'd have done 1 of OJ and one of coffee, but I know PK doesn't do coffee.

Correct. :snooty:

I think it's weird. THen again, he's covered and on vacation. So...?

Kinda what I thought?
I wouldn't, but...
So... is it that bad?




Oh, you... :drinking1

Stop while you're ahead...

Too late.


I actually suggested
to her that maybe
you could put her up.

Looks like she listened.

A woman who listened to me...

I should write that down somewhere.
It's never happened before.

Wait... I just did.

And I'm sure she'd have said yes. I mean... you provide caramel corn for road trips!

And scintillating conversation!

"So... those are trees...
more trees.... trees... trees...
bush... trees... trees..."
And... so you have experience
with the stuck flip-flop.
What happened?

Got stuck under the accelerator very briefly. But long enough to send an electrifying shock through every fiber of my being.

Kinda what I thought?
I wouldn't, but...
So... is it that bad?

Tasteless maybe, but.... vacation.

I actually suggested
to her that maybe
you could put her up.

So it was YOU!!! @Chrystmasangel , now I can blame him for my snoring bothering you!

And scintillating conversation!

"So... those are trees...
more trees.... trees... trees...
bush... trees... trees..."

This sounds like a joke on JC.
Got stuck under the accelerator very briefly. But long enough to send an electrifying shock through every fiber of my being.

:eek: I bet!

You're lucky you didn't have
the shock of an airbag
exploding in your face!

Tasteless maybe, but.... vacation.

Sooo... that's a "no", then.

So it was YOU!!! @Chrystmasangel , now I can blame him for my snoring bothering you!


(Note to self:
If @Steppesister ever
offers to share a room.

Say no!)

This sounds like a joke on JC.

No. That's favourite plants.
"That one... and that one.. and that one..."
Maybe tthe robe guy was on his waytoWalmart! Apparently sleepwear is encouraged there. :rotfl2:

I'm glad you could at least get your socks on the next day,. I looked at your map. I lived in Baudette as a little girl. I thought it was closer to Duluth than it is. Heard alot about Duluth as a kid, with alot of my family living in MN. I don't know why. :confused3

Nice DISmeets. So much fun you could get those in.

Yay for May 3rd! Our group is headed back to Hawaii that day. May 4th is Mason 's birthday so a great celebration for himparty:


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