Forget this Christmas cheer, lets talk Christmas misery....

Even though we split Christmas, I told my ex-husband he could take the kids out west to Grandma's from the 24-28. Then my older son's grandparents asked him to come to Kentucky. My only brother that lives in the same state is deployed in Afghanistan and I'm sure my Christmas will be way better than his. Friends have invited me over but I don't want to intrude on Christmas so I will stay home with the animals and watch movies.
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I am so sorry everyone. Even though they say misery loves company, I don’t find joy or solace from your misery.

Things are rough around here. My sister is getting married next month and they recently found out that her future mother in law is riddled with cancer and has very little time left. We don’t know if she’ll make it to the wedding.
DH’s younger brother’s cancer has spread as well and it doesn’t look good.

On top of it all, my house hates me. Long story, but we’ve been out of the house for over a month for lead removal. Been back for a week and the furnace just broke today. It can’t be fixed and I don’t have the money for a new one because I spent what I had on the mandated lead removal. Not sure yet, what we’re going to do. January in New England is warm, right?
No matter how much I try, I just can't get the Christmas spirit this year. I am not big on Holiday's in general (don't get me started about the one in February designed to make single people feel miserable) but Christmas was always one I could take or leave. But this year I have the Christmas Blues. Coupled with New Years a week later all I want to do is get drunk and stay that way for the next 10 days.
I couldn't begin to explain the situation I'm in, and have been in since October. So I'll just say I'm struggling pretty bad this year, and my heart goes out to all of you who are also suffering.
My dad passed away on Friday, not expected. Arrangements have been made for after Christmas, except for the repast catering. Still need to finalize the obituary. My sister and her family are flying in Wednesday evening and will be staying at his house, I got his cleaning lady to come in that day, not her normal schedule.

I’m so sorry for you and your family. You always strike me as kind, my heart and thoughts are with you. Try to be kind to yourself
Everything went wrong starting in October. Had the car repaired, had to get new tires. Toilet was leaking so had it replaced, it had leaked longer than we thought and we had mold. Had to take up floors and replaced dry wall. Floor still isn’t replaced, but the dry wall is. Next up the furnace went out and we had it replaced. Had a water leak under the house and had to have it repaired. Dh got sick and was in the hospital meantime, we had to have an exterminator come in and treat the house.

Middle DS won’t be home this year and my dad won’t be here because of his dementia. I feel like we have a black cloud this year!
My dad passed away on Friday, not expected. Arrangements have been made for after Christmas, except for the repast catering. Still need to finalize the obituary. My sister and her family are flying in Wednesday evening and will be staying at his house, I got his cleaning lady to come in that day, not her normal schedule.

So sorry for your loss. I follow your posts about your dad because my mom has dementia. I don’t think she is quite as far along as it sounds like he was, but I am always interested in how other families manage. You have my sympathy.
Fighting the melancholy myself this season, my Mother (85) entered the hospital early in December, with a C-Diff infection, so i have been running back and forth to visit her (and detoxing the house) in addition to the usual end of the semester cray ( I teach college A&P). I am glad I got the decorations up and all my shopping done before it all hit the proverbial fan, so that helps. We were hoping to have her home for Christmas, but that is not going to happen, so some of our Christmas day will be spent in the hospital.
I had 2 funerals this past week. My BIL was on Thursday. He had been ill and fought cancer several times but he knew that he was never getting out of the hospital this time. He was the only sibling my husband had left, he was 19 years older than my husband so lived a long life, and my in laws died years ago so I was happy my husband at least had a chance to spend some time with his brother in the hospital before he passed.

My cousin was buried on Monday. It was one of the hardest funerals I have been to in a long time. My cousin turned 37, my sons age, the week before he committed suicide. He fought drugs for so long and just couldn't do it anymore. His 13 year old son found him and that poor child looked so lost my heart was breaking for him. My uncle was devastated. The only thing that came out of the death was seeing my uncle again after 17 years. There was a family fight that was stupid but now both sides want to make amends.

A friend who I love dearly but is not the sharpest tool in the shed is going through a rough time with her husband. He was actually arrested for violating a protection order trying to break into the house. She keeps reaching out to my husband and I for help/advice but there is so much we can do if she won't follow our advice.

My nephew's wife left him the week after their 23rd anniversary. No word, no warning, just left. We always do Christmas Eve at their house and she did all the cooking/baking. I have been put in charge of desserts. After not baking much the past couple of years I have been in the kitchen for 3 days and still have more to do. It's also the first holiday there without my BIL so I think I am over compensating.

I can't wait for the New Year.

So sorry for all your sorrow. I hope that 2019 will be a fabulous New Year for you!!
My dad passed away on Friday, not expected. Arrangements have been made for after Christmas, except for the repast catering. Still need to finalize the obituary. My sister and her family are flying in Wednesday evening and will be staying at his house, I got his cleaning lady to come in that day, not her normal schedule.
So sorry for your loss
My dad passed away on Friday, not expected. Arrangements have been made for after Christmas, except for the repast catering. Still need to finalize the obituary. My sister and her family are flying in Wednesday evening and will be staying at his house, I got his cleaning lady to come in that day, not her normal schedule.
SO VERY SORRY for your unexpected loss.:rose: So so difficult dealing with loss of a parent, and around Christmas this is even more of a challenge. Both my parents died very unexpectedly, so difficult. I hope for you that you have extended family that you can lean on during this very difficult time. Hugs to you and your family.:grouphug:
We have been dealing with a serious family emergency within my immediate family the last two weeks. No one passed, but it is something we will be dealing with for the rest of our lives. It has certainly put a damper on our holidays.
Wishing you strength during this difficult time.:hug:
So sorry for all your sorrow. I hope that 2019 will be a fabulous New Year for you!!

Thank you. I just put one foot in front of the other and soldier on but it has been a tough end of the year for sure.
So sorry for everything that everyone is struggling with this year.
This is our first Christmas without my grandma. She passed pretty unexpectedly on Sept 28. My cousin and I were talking about ways to keep things up beat on Christmas with some games and fun activities as grandma's absence will be very noticable - however, she would want us all to celebrate being together.
My thoughts , prayers and warm wishes for all who are struggling and dealing with loss.
We have had those years and still feel the loss of certain family members.
My dad passed away on Friday, not expected. Arrangements have been made for after Christmas, except for the repast catering. Still need to finalize the obituary. My sister and her family are flying in Wednesday evening and will be staying at his house, I got his cleaning lady to come in that day, not her normal schedule.

So sorry to hear of your loss. (((HUGS))))
I’m sorry to hear of everyone struggling this year. Holidays bring out all sorts o emotions to begin with, let alone when extra things are thrown in the mix.

No real problems for us, just a mix of emotions. We have lots to be thankful for and very blessed. However, my mom passed away nearly 5 years ago (in the spring it will be 5 years) and I miss her so much. She loved Christmas and it’s not the same without her. My dad moved to Florida last year, our 2nd year without him at the holidays. A phone call is not the same, it just isn’t. He was to be on a cruis during the holidays but needed to cancel. My DS25 has been living at home and he will be buying a house, with his girlfriend, settling on 12/28. this is his last Christmas “home”. It’s wonderful and we are very proud of him,however, just tugs at our heartstrings a bit. I know we’ve done our job and, as a parent, we want our kids to succeed and land on their own 2 feet. As I said, a mix of emotions, but I know we are very blessed.
My dog is not doing well. He is 12 1/2 so has def. lived a long and happy life. He has a very large cyst on his side that the dr. does not want him operated on. We tried draining it but it comes back almost immediately. Although he is still himself and not in pain he just cannot travel to my mom's in NY. So we are only going up and back home in the one day (about a 3 hour trip each way). My bro in law was nice enough to volunteer to come over and let him out and feed him/medicate him for us. It's just very sad as I am super attached to him. Glad he is still with us so the kids can spend time with him while they are home from college.

Sorry to everyone going thru a rough time.

I am so sorry to hear about your dog...they hold special places in our hearts, whether we have them for 12 weeks (my rescue who was hit by a car) or 12 years ~hugs~
Hugs to everyone struggling this holiday season :grouphug: :hug:

Christmas Eve didn't start out well around here - we had to have our sweet 16 year old cat put to sleep this morning :sad1:


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