Angelrose's Journey

Hi Angelrose
Helping care of you I’m quite sure is a labour of love ❤️
That’s what family do.
Nice that your aid that comes in is kind and makes your life a little easier, can’t ask for more.
Day at a time and I hope your hurdles are small ones.

Hugs xx
You are such an inspiration. So happy to hear the aid is there to give you that little extra help. Your family could teach lessons on love, compassion, and how to see the positive in most any situation.
Thank you planogirl. I'm afraid this helplessness is permanent. It just keeps getting worse. Every day it's something else I need help with. Chuck and Karen are so wonderful and do whatever they can with jokes and laughter for me.

I an taking my pain pills as ordered AnnS. Now I am almost out and they still haven't gotten my new prescription. This is an ongoing problem with Walmart and Cooper. Karen will deal with it tomorrow if though it is Sunday. I hate to be on the other end of that conversation. LOL
You are such an inspiration. So happy to hear the aid is there to give you that little extra help. Your family could teach lessons on love, compassion, and how to see the positive in most any situation.

So very true indeed
Thank you planogirl. I'm afraid this helplessness is permanent. It just keeps getting worse. Every day it's something else I need help with. Chuck and Karen are so wonderful and do whatever they can with jokes and laughter for me.

I an taking my pain pills as ordered AnnS. Now I am almost out and they still haven't gotten my new prescription. This is an ongoing problem with Walmart and Cooper. Karen will deal with it tomorrow if though it is Sunday. I hate to be on the other end of that conversation. LOL

I’m so very sorry you hurt .. pain is wretched. Hope you get your pain meds and pronto!!
Hi minnie56. Yes I am very lucky to have such a wonderful, caring family.

Thank you frog3101.
I an taking my pain pills as ordered AnnS. Now I am almost out and they still haven't gotten my new prescription. This is an ongoing problem with Walmart and Cooper. Karen will deal with it tomorrow if though it is Sunday. I hate to be on the other end of that conversation. LOL

:sad2: Something you should not have to go through - hassles/bs/red's always there. If they don't get the prescription on time, hopefully Walmart can give you a few until they get the rx. They would get an earful from me too. Good luck.
Do you have the same aid every time? If not, I bet they argue on who gets to go to Marys house! You have described your family so vividly to us, we can all just picture all of the jokes and laughter. That has to be so wonderful. Do you have snow? I bet it was a good weekend to stay in and be cozy!
Ps- want to pull a joke on Karen? After she comes home, tell her you got bored and signed up for an online dating service. See what she says!
Thank you planogirl. I'm afraid this helplessness is permanent. It just keeps getting worse. Every day it's something else I need help with. Chuck and Karen are so wonderful and do whatever they can with jokes and laughter for me.
I know. I can only kind of understand those initial weird feelings. It's nice that they stay light-hearted though. Humor almost always seems to help a little.
Thank you AnnaS. Karen will be having a "conversation" with my doctor's aid tomorrow. Oh I would love to be a fly on the wall.

Thank you Grumpy's Gal. That sounds like a great idea. LOL

Thank you Planogirl. I know how blessed I am to have such a loving and funny family.

Thank you JuneChickie. I am just overwhelmed that you have stayed with my journey all this time. I do need a bit more information to get you as a friend. I will be glad to add you as a friend.
Thank you AnnaS. Karen will be having a "conversation" with my doctor's aid tomorrow. Oh I would love to be a fly on the wall.

Thank you Grumpy's Gal. That sounds like a great idea. LOL

Thank you Planogirl. I know how blessed I am to have such a loving and funny family.

Thank you JuneChickie. I am just overwhelmed that you have stayed with my journey all this time. I do need a bit more information to get you as a friend. I will be glad to add you as a friend.

Edited to say :
I think you're on the same timezone as Florida , but feel free to contact me anytime.
I see that you did find me , that is wonderful. The little dogs you see on my page are my pets , they are my loves.
Last edited:
Dear Mary,
I have been one of your faithful followers on Disboards since a little befor you lost your precious Ron . When that happened I didn’t have any words to write because it seemed everyone would write what I wanted to say and in a better more comforting way.
I’m very very sorry you lost the love of your life !
Yours was a relationship that some us of only get to dream about .
I have loved reading all about your trips and adventures ❤️❤️
You should have been a writer because you have a great way with words .
Your grand babies are beautiful and even they get to go on great adventures with their parents . And you .........
I am 70 and my 3 kids grew up
the youngest is 40 the oldest is 43.
I have no grandchildren.
My son is in Afghanistan in the air force and my daughter lives in Washington DC .
She handles the satellites up in the sky .
She is now working without pay because of the shutdown.
Good thing she saved up knowing that this can happen
I live with 2 little dogs who are 12 and 13
And I live in Florida.
Moved here from Minnesota in 2008.
I too love the water and get into my pool everyday weather premitting.
Any way , years ago I sent you a Facebook friends request and of course you said no because you didn’t know me and now I can’t send you one.
If you like to be friends.
I would like that .
My name is Beth Adams but you would have to send it to me .
If you would like to call I can give you my phone number,then we could talk .
I watch some of the same tv shows and movies .
Thank you for sharing yourself and your family with me all these years.
I hope you’re having a good day today.
I did send this message to you on Facebook because I wasn't sure you would get it and wanted for you to know you're very loved and
prayers are sent up daily.
Thank you again for sharing your life, your adventures , your ups and downs , your walks , your swims , and your ww journey. I signed up for ww too , but only got to 30 lbs and stalled . ugh
Hope this message finds you feeling better today. :flower:
I apologize for this being so long but I wanted you know that you
had one more person and probably lots of others that loved you very
much through the years.

How sweet is this ❤️
Thank you planogirl. I'm afraid this helplessness is permanent. It just keeps getting worse. Every day it's something else I need help with. Chuck and Karen are so wonderful and do whatever they can with jokes and laughter for me.

I an taking my pain pills as ordered AnnS. Now I am almost out and they still haven't gotten my new prescription. This is an ongoing problem with Walmart and Cooper. Karen will deal with it tomorrow if though it is Sunday. I hate to be on the other end of that conversation. LOL

We have that problem here a lot with Walmart , and other places that have a pharmacy. 4 years ago that happened to me too ,
My dr told me to head over to the hospital inside pharmacy and they would fill it. So , I did that. I don't know if thats possible for
Karen to do. Just a suggestion .

Hope today was a good day for you.

Here in Disney its getting chilly at nite. Down in the 40's .
They actually talk about wind chill , ( laughing )
My idea of windchill is something like -20 below .
Now thats freezing.
Is there snow on the ground by you ?
Just thinking of you, and wanted to let you know! Hope you are feeling well and being spoiled by everyone at home. :flower3:
Hello my friends. I just wanted to give you an update. The aid comes 3 times a week to help me shower and either make my bed or today she changed the sheets. The nurse comes to make sure I am doing what I need to do and take my blood pressure and listen to my heart. I have retained so much water that it is difficult to walk and my belly looks like I am 9 months pregnant. Nothing can be done except drink more liquids.

I can't remember from one minute to the next. I know it's just the disease, but it makes me feel stupid. One good thing, I am getting my hair cut and colored tomorrow. That always lifts my spirits. I can't tell you how much my son and daughter in law do for me. And always with jokes. They sure do keep me laughing and that is just wonderful for me.


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