What is the most physical pain you have experienced?

Kidney stone

Yep, this is a 10/10 on the painscale

I had a spinal tap in 2017. The procedure itself doesn't hurt but they warned me I might get a little headache afterwards. OH MY GOD... a few hours later I was in fetal position. It felt like a hot poker stabbing me in the brain every time I stood up. I had to lay flat on my back for a couple days until it subsided.

I got a spinal headache that lasted five days. I thought it was a 10/10 on the pain scale until I had kidney stones.

A very bad bout with kidney stones while being 9 months pregnant.

I had kidney stones 3 weeks after major abdominal surgery. Pain on top of pain shouldn’t be allowed lol
Childbirt for me.

The worst I've ever witnessed as a nurse: trigeminal neuralgia. It was horrible to see, I hope to never experience anything like that.
Other than childbirth, a scratched cornea. The pain was more intense than I would have thought. Opening my eye hurt, closing it hurt, then it would water and hurt even more.
Ugh, I can relate to your pain. A few years ago my allergist put me on a daily asthma inhalant that really dried out my eyes. As a result, I developed a corneal ulcer (basically a hole in my cornea) and a few months later it happened again in the other eye! The pain was pretty bad- and even sunlight hurt. I couln’t read, watch TV, go to work, for about two weeks each time and it took longer to fully heal.

When the doctor asks you to describe your pain from 1 to ten, I can say that I’ve had a number of 10s. At the time, each one feels like the worst ever. I wouldn’t want to relive any of them. I do think they have made me resilient, careful, and proactive.
My first migraine. Had the first one about a month after having my oldest ds. Had the last one when I got pregnant with dd, 16 years later. I guess they were hormonal.

The first one was the absolute worst. I honestly could not see out of one eye. Could not hold my head up straight. I thought I was having a stroke at 18!

Luckily my best friend was staying with me and she took care of ds through the night for me. All I could do was sit in a dark room and cry. The next day was absolute heaven! Being pain free after that kind of pain is the best feeling in the world!
When I hemorrhaged - twice - after my CSection with the birth of my twins. I lost half the blood in my body in 30 mins (placenta accreta) and in order to save my life, they had to pounce on my uterus (which was the size of a watermelon and newly sutured) and vigorously massage it in order to get it to contract to stop the bleeding. The nurse looked at me and said she was sorry. I said don't apologize, just do what you have to do (and I knew what was coming). I'd sworn I wouldn't scream but I had little choice with that. Twice. Will never forget it.
As we have had ridiculous injuries

I would say a part from having a football whacked into my private area , it would have to be when I was a child falling off a slide , the pain was unbearable and I struggled to walk back home.

Kidney stone. Percocet didn’t help.
Kidney stone

Have also had surgery for wisdom teeth & the pain meds wore off.

6 fractures

Direct hits to the groin

Scratched cornea

And several hits to the head.

Kidney stone heat them all.
Apparently, it was getting my bag of waters stripped to induce labor with my 3rd dd. I was just reading my diary from then and I really ranted about how painful it was! Glad time dulls the memory a bit :)
Gave birth 2x naturally. That was nothing compared to:
1. Severve dental work
2. Broken ribs due to whooping cough abd having a coughing fit. Cried in pain, couldnt breath thiught i would die v
3. An inflamex cyst on my elbow. Wierdest thing. Started as a pimple thing. grew to a monster. Woke nevup one night felt like fire. Pain so bad I cried. Had major surgery with overnight to remove it.

Will never forget dentist’s face telling him I woukd rather give birth than sit here.

Friend in college was once shot in the shoulder. Had bullet removed no anesthetic. . Too dangerous. ( if true dont know) DR. Told him he’d experience pain worse than childbirth
Contractions on pitocin withOUT an epidural. Yeah big headed baby didn't come out and I ended up with a C-section.

Same experience.

However, the WORST pain I have had, to this day, was a freak gout attack on my big toe at age 19. I literally passed out from the pain, and was out of my mind until I was given some heavy duty narcotics. The doctors never figured out what caused the attack at my (very young) age. It hasn't happened since. But I can still feel the agony that just having my bed sheets touching my toe caused. I hope to never experience it again.

I've also had numerous migraines that were so bad that I have contemplated suicide to make it go away. The gout pain was still worse.
A few years ago I had a general cystoscopy (if you don't know it's like a colonoscopy but for, well, the other side). I felt fine at first but you wake up having to pee. That was unpleasant! I described it at the time as feeling like flaming razor blades! Also, it's blue, which is just weird (but all normal effects of the procedure). This actually lasts for a few days. It hurt so much I would dread going to the bathroom. On the plus side nothing troubling was found.

Been there, done that. Now picture having that sort of pain as a chronic condition. Months of that. For some, it never goes away. The lucky ones can go into remission, but it may always come back. You never know. Some people have their bladders removed. Some people end up committing suicide it is so bad.

It's called Interstitial Cystitis.

I am one of the lucky ones and have been in remission for awhile now. I still get flare ups, but I don't have to live with it all the time. I used to. It took about a year to get a diagnosis and dealing with that pain. I truly wanted to die.
I guess I have a tie. One was my hysterectomy. I know lot of women have easy surgery and recovery. I was not one of those women. I could barely walk for almost 2 weeks and I was walking hunched over with a pillow on my abdomen. I had no idea how bad I would hurt after this surgery.

My other surgery was to repair my broken talus across my ankle. It was severely broken and separated across. To repair my talus the doctor broke my tibia and screwed it to my ankle bone. Additionally I had 4 more screws put in across my ankle. I went to sleep with no broken leg and woke up with very swollen leg that was nonweight carry for 8 weeks at least. It was the most pain I had ever had during the first day after surgery. The throbbing down my leg into my ankle was like nothing I had ever had and until my hysterectomy easily worst pain I have had.
Nowhere near as invasive but I had a laparoscopy and ablation/excision for endometriosis, and the recovery wasn't bad at all. But more recently I had a bilateral salpingectomy and the recovery for that was way worse. Its different from person to person and even procedure to procedure I guess.
Nowhere near as invasive but I had a laparoscopy and ablation/excision for endometriosis, and the recovery wasn't bad at all. But more recently I had a bilateral salpingectomy and the recovery for that was way worse. Its different from person to person and even procedure to procedure I guess.

Oh I can understand. I had two prior ablation/excision of endometriosis and ovarian cysts and a D/C. Within 3 or so days I was walking upright alone and doing okay. I think that's what led me to believe that my hysterectomy would be the same.

I hope you are feeling better.


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