Sister Wives

I'm watching Kody tell his wives they're going to move whether they like it or not. And I didn't think it was possible but I hate him more than ever. They have 3 kids going into their junior year of high school. And it's a totally voluntary move. He has no qualms about throwing all those kids under the bus.

"It's called leading". No, Kody. It's called being a dictatorial (insert your own word).
Just looking at him anymore, he is looking like a lunatic. Scary.
:scratchin I must admit, decision making for a family when husband and wife don't agree is tricky, even when there's only 2 decision-makers involved.
Kody= control! Control! control! He has to be center or attention.

Mary needs to leave and be free. He rejected her so many times and in so many ways, no wonder she seemed attention else where. And no it doesn’t make it right. After he rejected her idea about having more kids my heart broke for her and I could see he had no love for her. All his love was focused in Robyn.

I bet money if he could divorce Meri and have her leave the group he would. But that would look bad for tv on his part. I’m sure he woukd love to remove meri from his group and replace her with a new younger wife.

I think the only reason janelle is there is she’s a bread winner. Christine has to many kids and she does what Kody says. Robyn well she’s the younger fresh wife so eventually he’ll be bored with her too.

Mirah annoys me. She’s bratty and spoiled

Tony probably to lazy to get up off the couch and to many tacos or he wants to much $$ to be filmed
Did anyone else hear Robins passive aggressive behavior when she was listening to Christine tell her story I how Cody needs to be on schedule and take care of Trulie for going to bed and getting ready for school and Cody acted like it was such a rigid time line. Robin chimed in how Cody does not have any trouble with Solemn or her youngest, And how the routine is so easy and natural. Wow, If I would of been Christine, I would of said a few choice words. I feel so bad how Cody treats her, she knows she is so low on the totem pole with him, yet she waits as patiently as she can till he gives her some half *** attention.
"We need to just go. Consequences be damned". What a jerk. I wonder if he'll say God is sending them.

Hey, Kody. Housing is at a peak. But that also means you'll be buying at a peak.
They kept saying we got to sell NOW and then have the bright idea of renting after they sell. Rent will cost them more than paying their mortgage would and houses in this area get snapped up in a day. Add that they’re “famous” houses that would sell in a heartbeat and I don’t get what the urgency is.

It makes me furious that he wants to uproot those kids and he doesn’t even have a REASON. Kody leads. Yeah, right. I won’t even get started on the man leading crap. Being a Las Vegas native I’m probably taking the “don't want my kids growing up in Vegas” theme a little personally but I’ll tell you what, St. George certainly has it’s fair share of trouble to be found.

:scratchin I must admit, decision making for a family when husband and wife don't agree is tricky, even when there's only 2 decision-makers involved.
What makes me crazy is they don’t even have the power of “majority rules.”

My dad moved us around a lot when we were kids and my DH was an Air Force brat so we had the conversation well before we were married. We would raise our family in ONE place unless circumstances were out of our control.

When my oldest was about a year old my FIL cornered me and told me he got my DH a job and we were moving to Idaho. I kind of laughed and he repeated himself. I said it wasn’t happening and he looked me dead in the eye and said, “You ARE moving to Idaho.” When I realized he was dead serious I told him in no uncertain terms that if my DH wanted to move to Idaho he was more than welcome to but DD and I weren’t going anywhere. I think that’s why this particular storyline is making smoke come out of my ears. Like my FIL, Kody is bullying his wives to get his way.
Kody= control! Control! control! He has to be center or attention.

Mary needs to leave and be free. He rejected her so many times and in so many ways, no wonder she seemed attention else where. And no it doesn’t make it right. After he rejected her idea about having more kids my heart broke for her and I could see he had no love for her. All his love was focused in Robyn.

I bet money if he could divorce Meri and have her leave the group he would. But that would look bad for tv on his part. I’m sure he woukd love to remove meri from his group and replace her with a new younger wife.

I think the only reason janelle is there is she’s a bread winner. Christine has to many kids and she does what Kody says. Robyn well she’s the younger fresh wife so eventually he’ll be bored with her too.

Mirah annoys me. She’s bratty and spoiled

Tony probably to lazy to get up off the couch and to many tacos or he wants to much $$ to be filmed

Meri and Kody are divorced.
They kept saying we got to sell NOW and then have the bright idea of renting after they sell. Rent will cost them more than paying their mortgage would and houses in this area get snapped up in a day. Add that they’re “famous” houses that would sell in a heartbeat and I don’t get what the urgency is.

It makes me furious that he wants to uproot those kids and he doesn’t even have a REASON. Kody leads. Yeah, right. I won’t even get started on the man leading crap. Being a Las Vegas native I’m probably taking the “don't want my kids growing up in Vegas” theme a little personally but I’ll tell you what, St. George certainly has it’s fair share of trouble to be found.

What makes me crazy is they don’t even have the power of “majority rules.”

My dad moved us around a lot when we were kids and my DH was an Air Force brat so we had the conversation well before we were married. We would raise our family in ONE place unless circumstances were out of our control.

When my oldest was about a year old my FIL cornered me and told me he got my DH a job and we were moving to Idaho. I kind of laughed and he repeated himself. I said it wasn’t happening and he looked me dead in the eye and said, “You ARE moving to Idaho.” When I realized he was dead serious I told him in no uncertain terms that if my DH wanted to move to Idaho he was more than welcome to but DD and I weren’t going anywhere. I think that’s why this particular storyline is making smoke come out of my ears. Like my FIL, Kody is bullying his wives to get his way.
I just can't get past him uprooting those kids for no reason either. If they have to move because Mom or Dad's job is going away, or relocating, then I get it. But this is Kody's whim. No reason at all. It's infuriating that he created all those kids then refuses to consider their best interests in situations like this.

And maybe it's the editing, but the wives seem to have rolled over almost immediately.

I don't have a family history of moving around a lot, but this story is making smoke come out of my ears as well.
I really wonder what Cody and the wives are like without cameras in their faces. Now I would buy that book! ;)

He probably spends most of his time at Robyn’s house. I wonder if he still keeps a schedule to spend the night at different houses during the week.
I just can't get past him uprooting those kids for no reason either. If they have to move because Mom or Dad's job is going away, or relocating, then I get it. But this is Kody's whim. No reason at all. It's infuriating that he created all those kids then refuses to consider their best interests in situations like this.

And maybe it's the editing, but the wives seem to have rolled over almost immediately.

I don't have a family history of moving around a lot, but this story is making smoke come out of my ears as well.
Believe it or not there’s a fair amount of people who don’t think kids should be considered at all when it comes to decisions made for the family. I get snide comments about it from certain people in my life fairly often.

I think the wives probably did roll pretty quick. They’re raised to follow the men (fathers, brothers, uncles, husbands) and do it without question. I’m surprised they put up any fight at all. He’s such a jerk on camera, I can’t imagine what he must be like when the cameras are off.

He probably spends most of his time at Robyn’s house. I wonder if he still keeps a schedule to spend the night at different houses during the week.
She certainly seems to think of herself as “head wife” now that she’s the legal wife. I notice they all seem to look to her when they’re trying to decide how to deal with Kody.
Word on the street is that all 4 houses were bought on balloon payments and they cannot afford them once that payment is due. Which is a legitimate reason to sell, for sure, but it is interesting Kody has been vague about why they need to move. Just says it's for the financial health of the family longterm. *shrug*

All 4 houses are still listed for sale - Christine and Janelle dropped the price since listing them back in July while Robyn and Meri put theirs on in January. Carrying all those mortgages has to sting.
Word on the street is that all 4 houses were bought on balloon payments and they cannot afford them once that payment is due. Which is a legitimate reason to sell, for sure, but it is interesting Kody has been vague about why they need to move. Just says it's for the financial health of the family longterm. *shrug*

All 4 houses are still listed for sale - Christine and Janelle dropped the price since listing them back in July while Robyn and Meri put theirs on in January. Carrying all those mortgages has to sting.

Well, that would certainly be the missing link. So are we seeing that Meri really couldn't afford 5 bedrooms, a wet bar and a family homestead in Utah selling LuLaRoe?

If home values were strong, I wonder why they didn't just refinance.
I wonder why they didn't just refinance.

may not have qualified to.

their credit was terrible before they bought but they were at least pulling down better (than now) wages from the show (to continue the show they've taken significant pay cuts for the past few seasons). then how much did they lose on all those pie in the sky bsns. ventures (the closet, the gym, the life coaching...). robyn's house had a lien on it a couple years ago when they defaulted on paying off one of the kid's medical bills (makes me wonder if the cost is one of the reasons kody is against the scoliosis surgery).

yet they still managed to put together some kind of deal to purchase a big chunk of land in arizona.
Word on the street is that all 4 houses were bought on balloon payments and they cannot afford them once that payment is due. Which is a legitimate reason to sell, for sure, but it is interesting Kody has been vague about why they need to move. Just says it's for the financial health of the family longterm. *shrug*

All 4 houses are still listed for sale - Christine and Janelle dropped the price since listing them back in July while Robyn and Meri put theirs on in January. Carrying all those mortgages has to sting.
Well, that explains the cut and run, we got to go now mentality. I wonder if they’ve done this before. They talked about how many times they’ve moved before.

Well, that would certainly be the missing link. So are we seeing that Meri really couldn't afford 5 bedrooms, a wet bar and a family homestead in Utah selling LuLaRoe?

If home values were strong, I wonder why they didn't just refinance.
I’m going to guess they couldn’t. Failing businesses and a failing show probably wouldn’t cover it.

eta: Or what barkley said. :laughing:
may not have qualified to.

their credit was terrible before they bought but they were at least pulling down better (than now) wages from the show (to continue the show they've taken significant pay cuts for the past few seasons). then how much did they lose on all those pie in the sky bsns. ventures (the closet, the gym, the life coaching...). robyn's house had a lien on it a couple years ago when they defaulted on paying off one of the kid's medical bills (makes me wonder if the cost is one of the reasons kody is against the scoliosis surgery).

yet they still managed to put together some kind of deal to purchase a big chunk of land in arizona.
It sure makes me wonder even more about Meri taking on that additional mortgage.
Word on the street is that all 4 houses were bought on balloon payments and they cannot afford them once that payment is due. Which is a legitimate reason to sell, for sure, but it is interesting Kody has been vague about why they need to move. Just says it's for the financial health of the family longterm. *shrug*

All 4 houses are still listed for sale - Christine and Janelle dropped the price since listing them back in July while Robyn and Meri put theirs on in January. Carrying all those mortgages has to sting.

How much are their houses listed for? They’re probably making a lot less on the show now that there aren’t as many kids around. Maybe that’s why Kody and Robin are considering #3?
How much are their houses listed for? They’re probably making a lot less on the show now that there aren’t as many kids around. Maybe that’s why Kody and Robin are considering #3?

Janelle's is listed at $599,900 - they dropped it from $649,900. It seems she bought it in the mid-400's. She was the original listing agent but now it seems all 4 have the same (not family) agent.

Christine's is $614,900 - dropped from $675,000. Janelle was her original agent. She bought it for $443,000.
Janelle's is listed at $599,900 - they dropped it from $649,900. It seems she bought it in the mid-400's. She was the original listing agent

i wonder if they ended up doing that weird reno to the top floor they were talking about a season or so ago to afford the newlyweds some privacy. something about putting up some walls and making one portion more of an en-suite larger living area-kind of like a mini studio set up). if they did it could negatively impact selling. the other thing that occurs to me is if there's been any damage due to the filming. on the real housewives there has been issues in the past where temporary lighting supports had to be installed in some of the rooms-and THOSE homeowners know how to negotiate their contracts such that the damage is repaired. if the browns are so desperate to film that they are taking next to nothing in salaries these days they may have never negotiated any kind of repairs into their contracts in which case there could be considerable cosmetic damages (not to speak of the general wear/tare on flooring/counters.....all those family members/filming crews/hoards of party guests have caused those homes.


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