Sister Wives

When they were on the porch alone, would it have killed Kody to look and Meri and honestly say "Owning this home has been your dream for so long. And now you have it. I am so proud of you." Followed by a big hug and a kiss. Instead, he beat around the bush and said you should be proud of yourself. Ok. Yes, she should, but hearing your spouse say they are proud of you, that could have gone a long way to rebuilding that relationship. Instead, it was all "I am uncomfortable with Las Vegas. Now, Meri has ties again to Utah. I need to move back to Utah." So next week, we see the big decision.
When they were on the porch alone, would it have killed Kody to look and Meri and honestly say "Owning this home has been your dream for so long. And now you have it. I am so proud of you." Followed by a big hug and a kiss. Instead, he beat around the bush and said you should be proud of yourself. Ok. Yes, she should, but hearing your spouse say they are proud of you, that could have gone a long way to rebuilding that relationship. Instead, it was all "I am uncomfortable with Las Vegas. Now, Meri has ties again to Utah. I need to move back to Utah." So next week, we see the big decision.
I felt like he was at least trying but his body language just completely shut her out. On the flip she couldn’t just take it for what it was, an attempt to acknowledge what she did, however half hearted it was. She had to pick it apart and over analyze it. They don’t know how to talk to each other anymore.
When they were on the porch alone, would it have killed Kody to look and Meri and honestly say "Owning this home has been your dream for so long. And now you have it. I am so proud of you." Followed by a big hug and a kiss. Instead, he beat around the bush and said you should be proud of yourself. Ok. Yes, she should, but hearing your spouse say they are proud of you, that could have gone a long way to rebuilding that relationship. Instead, it was all "I am uncomfortable with Las Vegas. Now, Meri has ties again to Utah. I need to move back to Utah." So next week, we see the big decision.

I thought that same thing. If Kody is sincere in rebuilding their relationship, he needs to at least put forth some effort. I guess that he could argue that he doesn't show much affection to one wife when the others are present. They have all said that in the past and in a recent episode as well. But, they were on the front porch all by themselves. Heck, he could have just given her a Duggar side hug, pat on the shoulder or anything to show some sort of support and praise. Instead, he stood there looking out over the property, muttering something about the view and thinking about how he wants to uproot his family and move them back to Utah, a state from which his family fled.

Am I the only one that thought Kody was trying to take some sort of credit for Meri getting the inn all on her own? It seemed as if he was saying that because he and the family denied/couldn't help fund her, Meri put in extra work and did it all on her own. Like he pushed her to do it and therefore she dug deep and did it. Maybe I was reading too much into it but that's the way it seemed to me.

I have worked for family law attorneys for 30+ years and I've pretty much seen it all including catfishing and cyberbullying. I've seen a spouse who has been mentally and physically abused but were afraid to leave yet came to an attorney as a last resort. I've seen women and men who wouldn't actively seek a divorce from their spouse because of their religious beliefs but had to because the other spouse left them no choice. The Browns, while the program doesn't show them going to church or actively participating in their religion, make several references that lead me to believe that they do. Their faith probably frowns upon divorce and if they are devout in their beliefs, Meri may not want to go that route. Yes, I do remember that she divorced Kody so that he could lawfully marry Robyn but I think that was justified by her and the entire family.

While it is true that the one being catfished has to start out as a willing participant, I can also at least see part of Meri's side of the story as to why she went to whatever site it was to find new friends. Are we sure that Meri went seeking the attention of another man and not just someone with common interests? That could have very well been how the whole thing started...innocently.

Kody wouldn't try for another baby with Meri but married a fourth wife and not only had children with her but also adopted her children from a previous relationship (even though it seems their dad was at least somewhat involved with them albiet infrequently). I'm sure that this did a number on Meri and she may not have gone searching for a lasting/loving relationship with another man online but it snowballed into a huge ordeal that she couldn't get out of due to cyberbullying. I recall Meri saying that this "man" started threatening her and her family. We also need to remember that Meri is a public figure so this person could have been watching all of the previous seasons, googled all sorts of information about her and the family's whereabouts. Thus, they could semi-track what they were doing and pretend to be following them when in fact, they were miles away.

I am sure that we can all agree that online threats, bullying, etc. are very real and something to take very seriously. Even had Meri wanted to get out of the relationship (for lack of a better word), she was scared of what they may do to her family. Imagine what you would do to protect your own loved ones.

I think that if Kody and Meri really want to mend the relationship, everyone, including the rest of the wives and family, especially Kody and the spoiled Mariah, need to let the whole thing lie. Drop it and move on. We have all done something in our past (probably a multitude of them) that we wish we had never done. Something that hurt another. Something that could have potentially torn apart a relationship. The only way to heal is to truly put it in the past and move on.

Whew, sorry for being so long winded.
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I think that if Kody and Meri really want to mend the relationship, everyone, including the rest of the wives and family, especially Kody and the spoiled Mariah, need to let the whole thing lie. Drop it and move on.

i honestly think think that's what the rest want to do but it seems like meri wants to keep rehashing it what with communicating with other victims of the same catfish, bringing them into her home, insisting on kody/other wives/mariah listen to their stories....i'm no fan of mariah in recent times (though i think her girlfriend has had a tremendously beneficial impact on her-it's one thing to be angry at someone/another to go out of your way to say/do hateful, mean, horribly hurtful to them; that doesn't seem to be happening with the girlfriend in her life). i think w/mariah though-she's just DONE with it, does'nt want to keep rehashing it and hearing meri's reasons/excuses. it's like ripping of the band aid over and over and over.

i just feel like meri is blaming all the disconnection and distrust between her and the other wives/kody on the cat fishing and blaming it for how she feels she's mistreated/neglected/ignored now. there was a disconnect for a long time before and i think unless SHE finally puts that issue 'to bed' and stops dwelling on it as the basis for all her perceived woes they will never get to the basics of what the problem(s) are and if they can even reasonably be resolved (or if they choose for religious purposes to remain a family unit for appearances).
i honestly think think that's what the rest want to do but it seems like meri wants to keep rehashing it what with communicating with other victims of the same catfish, bringing them into her home, insisting on kody/other wives/mariah listen to their stories....i'm no fan of mariah in recent times (though i think her girlfriend has had a tremendously beneficial impact on her-it's one thing to be angry at someone/another to go out of your way to say/do hateful, mean, horribly hurtful to them; that doesn't seem to be happening with the girlfriend in her life). i think w/mariah though-she's just DONE with it, does'nt want to keep rehashing it and hearing meri's reasons/excuses. it's like ripping of the band aid over and over and over.

i just feel like meri is blaming all the disconnection and distrust between her and the other wives/kody on the cat fishing and blaming it for how she feels she's mistreated/neglected/ignored now. there was a disconnect for a long time before and i think unless SHE finally puts that issue 'to bed' and stops dwelling on it as the basis for all her perceived woes they will never get to the basics of what the problem(s) are and if they can even reasonably be resolved (or if they choose for religious purposes to remain a family unit for appearances).

I agree that the catfishing story needs to be dropped by everyone. I wonder how much the network is pushing the catfishing story in order to keep a dramatic storyline going. How did Meri find all these women? Did she have help from the network? Without some drama, we'd be watching nothing but weddings and the scoliosis story. Not making light of either but, really, what else have they really talked about. Oh yeah, Kody's idea of moving back to Utah. Ugh!
But did the 5th bedroom add room for family to drop by? As I recall, she only wanted the 5th bedroom because it was the only floor plan that included a wet bar.

Ahh, that's right! I forgot about how the bedroom/bar came together :)
So what's Kody's deal with the scoliosis surgery? I swear he's the most self centered person on the planet. Did he not see that x-ray? It was scary looking. He said that titanium rod just "messes" with him. What the heck? Has he not seen the footage of his daughter in tears over the whole thing?

And he's uprooting all those kids from their schools because ..... why? I really just want to smack him. Well, more than I usually do.
I agree that the catfishing story needs to be dropped by everyone. I wonder how much the network is pushing the catfishing story in order to keep a dramatic storyline going. How did Meri find all these women? Did she have help from the network? Without some drama, we'd be watching nothing but weddings and the scoliosis story. Not making light of either but, really, what else have they really talked about. Oh yeah, Kody's idea of moving back to Utah. Ugh!
You may be onto something considering they re-ran a three year old “tell-all” special about it last Sunday. Why?? Two hours of virtually nothing but the catfish issue. {{yawn}} :rolleyes:
So what's Kody's deal with the scoliosis surgery? I swear he's the most self centered person on the planet. Did he not see that x-ray? It was scary looking. He said that titanium rod just "messes" with him. What the heck? Has he not seen the footage of his daughter in tears over the whole thing?

And he's uprooting all those kids from their schools because ..... why? I really just want to smack him. Well, more than I usually do.
Not sure even how many there are anymore. Since the older bunch of offspring have become adults there’s been very little focus on the children. I couldn’t even name, let alone recognize any of them but maybe for the very youngest. It’s probably actually better for them that way IRL.
You may be onto something considering they re-ran a three year old “tell-all” special about it last Sunday. Why?? Two hours of virtually nothing but the catfish issue. {{yawn}} :rolleyes:

Not sure even how many there are anymore. Since the older bunch of offspring have become adults there’s been very little focus on the children. I couldn’t even name, let alone recognize any of them but maybe for the very youngest. It’s probably actually better for them that way IRL.

I was sure so I googled:

He has 9 kids age 18 and under. At least 8 of them are school aged (not sure about the 18 year old). That's a lot of disruption. I feel worst for the ones in high school. I think Christine mentioned having a high school junior. I get it if it's a necessity, like a job relocation. But this appears?? to be about Kody's feelings.
That porch scene between Kody and Meri was so awkward. You can tell he doesn't like her at all anymore, there is no hiding it.

I don't understand what he has against surgical correction for the scoliosis? Thank goodness Christine is advocating for their daughter!

That woman giving them the tour and numbers for that last venue said it was $15,000 for 100 guests, didn't she? Do they realize they are inviting a lot more than that? Or did I hear her wrong? They are going to end up paying a couple more thousand for open bar unless they keep it to beer and wine.
One of my childhood friends had scoliosis surgery, including the titanium rod in 1979. She was 14-years old at the time. My mom took me to visit her at the hospital, and I remember my friend's mom explaining the procedure and why it was necessary for her to have. It took her about a year to fully recover. She was in a body cast for 9 months that went from her collarbone to the bottom of her spine. She could sit, stand and lie down, but was not supposed to do any type of physical activity. After the cast was removed, she looked great, felt great and resumed all types of activity. That friend just turned 54 the other day. I still communicate with her through Facebook. She never had any complications from the surgery and she's still doing well. I'm sure they've made advancements in that type of surgery over the past 40 years since my friend had it. If my child's spine looked like that, I would do whatever was needed to make it better. My 20-year old son has a 9 percent curve in his spine. The doctor said they don't do anything until it's at least 20-25 percent. He just has it measured every 6 months. He's most likely done growing, so hopefully it stays at 9.
I have scoliosis. I was advised to have the rod surgery at 14 or 15. I was in high school. I was on cheer. I was adamant about not having it done. My parents went with my wishes. I am now 49 and I have some disc problems probably related to the curve. I do not regret my choice to not have the surgery.
mariah and audrey have announced their engagement to be married.
I'm watching Kody tell his wives they're going to move whether they like it or not. And I didn't think it was possible but I hate him more than ever. They have 3 kids going into their junior year of high school. And it's a totally voluntary move. He has no qualms about throwing all those kids under the bus.

"It's called leading". No, Kody. It's called being a dictatorial (insert your own word).


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