Something About Nothing ... #12

Just wanted to take a moment to wish all my SANS Moms a Happy Mother's Day!!!!

Happy Mom's Day, Bobbie!!!:)

Nice!!:) at Portofino?

Sapphire this time unless something changes.

Robo It sounds like a great trip with your grandson. I agree you are a great grandma! A week in Universal is always the best:goodvibes I hope you and Mr. are doing good:goodvibes

Thanks bobbie68...I sure do enjoy spending time with the grandchildren.

Still tired from time change. We landed @12:30am Friday. Had a bit of a rough flight, left Thursday evening. On the MCO to SeaTac segment I dozed off, woke up dripping in sweat, dizzy, nauseous, vision blacked out and I was incoherent for awhile. Sure glad my daughter was with me. She buzzed flight attendant who gave me cold compress and gingerale. After 15min or so I started coming around.

Wow.....sounds frightening. So glad to hear your daughter was there and you are doing better.

Our oldest boy has graduation today, Happy Mother’s Day to all you wonderful mother’s!!!

Happy graduation to your son.


We even have a birth-cat mom celebration at our house!!

Beautiful cats pattyw
Awww....they’re all gorgeous.

Thanks, Charade!

Sapphire this time unless something changes.

Love Sapphire!!

Beautiful cats pattyw


I've been a couch potato all day! Joe made breakfast! Troy bought me flowers! Kyle & Erin sent a card and called- told us all about their cruise!! They just got off of their cruise in Port Canaveral and headed over to UO. They checked in to Cabana Bay!! Lucky!! We're going out to dinner later with my mom!
Happy Mother’s Day to all.........

Despite not being an American I’m still celebrating........:D

We have been very kindly given the use of a cabana all day today......and make use of it we have. We got here at 8.30 after chatting to Kyle and stayed till 11am where we left for a while.

The very lovely and very kind Mr Beiderman had us at the Mother’s Day Brunch as his guests which was beautiful......there was every kind of food you could imagine......and I think I ate my body weight in shrimp and crab legs.......very grateful to him for such a lovely gift. It really was wonderful. Can thoroughly recommend Sapphire Falls special brunches.......

Thankfully rain came on while we were in the brunch so we missed the pool closure due to weather......didn’t last long and pool reopened just after we got changed back into swimming stuff.........

So sitting enjoying ourselves and having a very relaxing and wonderful day by the least till 8.45 tonight when we’ll go back up to our room to watch GoT..........

Congrats to DisneyLifePapioNe son on his graduation.....always a special reason to celebrate......::yes::

Having a wonderful time and met some lovely folks from the boards....... SCSabresfan and his wife in the Club Lounge yesterday and Nancy (Team Jacob) in StrongWater Bar last night........lovely to meet them all........

Haven’t caught up with everyone’s posts......but hope all are well........back to the sunshine........:wave2:
Enjoy reading trip report, Schumi.

Congratulations to Disneylife’s son. Great achievement.

Patty, sweet cats. Nice all kids kept in touch with you.

Robo, trip sounds fun at SF.

Chinese dinner with dear mom and family. Full and a bit left over. I am sure it will be eaten later, so not planning on taking it for lunch tomorrow.

Hope this finds all having a nice night.
Happy Mother’s Day to all!
Very chill day here. Takeout Mexican for dinner. Kids got me fancy chocolate covered strawberries- actually delivered Friday. I wasn’t supposed to find out til today lol.
Spent day watching old monster movies (Frankenstein and Wolfman) in prep for HHN. Now watching Mummy as middle said she’s never seen the whole thing. She’s thoroughly enjoying it too.
18 days...
Our oldest boy has graduation today, Happy Mother’s Day to all you wonderful mother’s!!!

What you do is so great!!!

Have a fantastic day, you deserve it!!!

Somehow I missed this post earlier

A big congratulations for your son’s graduation!

It’s a big step in life when that happens

Wish him success in whatever he pursues

I hope you had an awesome Mother’s Day
Hope Miss Ginger got extra kitty treats on her birthday

Gorgeous cat !
And her babies are beautiful!

Yes- the kitties received their favorite food this morning! But Ginger is a true unselfish mama! Every morning, Oliver finishes his food in record time and goes right over to steal Ginger's food. As any mama would do, she humbly steps aside so her son can eat the rest of her plate!:lovestruc

And we did sneak her a few treats!!:thumbsup2

Hope everyone had a great day! Had a great dinner with my mom! We took her out for Italian as spaghetti is her favorite dish! She even indulged in a glass of wine with dinner!

Good night all!!

Thank you everyone!!!!!

We are just so happy for him!!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day!!!

We had quite a busy day, but we’ll worth it obviously, my wife and I celebrate 20 years in January and it’s just so much to take in our first born has graduated, we are just sooooo proud and happy!!!

A hearty hello to all the homies! Good Monday Morning. Wet and cool feeling commute. Yep, heated car seat, umbrella, and now sweater on. Tea for me, and it's a Monday. Why yes it is.

Yeah, and I was trying to find some warmer clothes to wear. Between the very wet and cool feeling yesterday, until the looking like another wet and cooler day, warmer coat worn. Ack, still cannot put that away yet. And it's almost the middle of May.

So, for this Monday:

- me, happy. Tastsykake and tea, yep, happy.

For those enjoying their holiday/vacation, those ready to go, and those in route, fabulous time to you all. For the rest of us with countdowns, tick, tick, tick. Fun to look forward to, and may time go fast..

Magical and Marvelous Monday to all the homies. And Real, sending more positive thoughts for mum, and hoping she is not in pain.

More tea. Why yes I will. Later homies.
Good Monday morning all!!

Lynne- same cold, dreary, rainy weather here! I've had the heat on in the house all weekend!! Yuk!!

Day off today- have a lot of housework- cleaning, laundry, and trying to clean out a few cupboards, too! There is no yard work in the near future as our yard is a swamp from all this rain!! :(

Time for coffee!!:thumbsup2 Have a great day all!!

Realfoodfans thanks. Yeah, I don’t want to have to be on meds for this either. I could be better about hydration. I’ve been trying to cut down adding salt as all my friends tell me I add too much! Maybe for me it’s not such a bad idea!
Hope you enjoyed your day off hospital duty.

Tink hope Garden Centre wasn’t too boring for you in the rain! My husband had bought all of the hanging baskets for our patio! Almost. Only a few more plants to buy for a couple of urns, and another planter on my light post.

Mac sorry to hear you also have low BP problems. Always hear about people having to take meds for high BP, but never for low!

ckmiles, safe travels!

Charade hope you found a lunch place that wasn’t too crowded. We never go out on Mother’s Day in town. This is the first Mother’s Day I’ve been in town in awhile. Usually my daughters and I go to a small town, Harrison Hot Springs on Saturday and over night, leaving Sunday after Brunch. It’s about a 1.5 hr drive from home. The hotel is one of those historical grand old hotels. Thru the years wings have been added on. And it has 4 or 5 hot spring fed pools. We’ve been lucky, since we started going the weather has been good.
Didn’t go this year as we just got home from Florida.

Pattyw beautiful kitties.

Schumi brunch and pool cabana sound lovely. During our stay I had great plans to check out Sapphire and CB since they’re so close to RPH but never got around to it. Amazing how fast 10 days go.
Sorry we never got the chance to meet, timing just was too tight. Next time!

Monykalyn Mexican take out sounds fun. Love Mexican food. This trip we tried Anjitos in City Walk. Was disappointed.
Not long for your trip now!

DisneyLifePapioNe congrats on sons grad!

Lynne still sunny here but rain reported for Tuesday. Every time my Wisteria is in bloom I can count on it raining and knocking off all the blooms!
Enjoy your Tastykake! I’ve always heard so much about them, an east coast friend bought me down some once when our WDW trips coincided!

Happy Mother’s Day and hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day. Sounds like you did! We have cousins out visiting from Nova Scotia so Saturday night was the family dinner/BBQ. Mother’s Day was pretty quiet. Cousins came for breakfast. Rest of day was quiet. Just lounged around! I was feeling tired and lazy! Then GOT night!

Woke up at 5:30 am this morning. Ugh. My time is still messed up. May be a nap in my future lol. I’m going to Costco early, in hopes Garden centre is still open. Then get home and unpack and do laundry while I can still hang it out. Tomorrow is supposed to rain. :laundy:
Hi Sue!! Nice about buying outdoor plants! Love hanging baskets! Hopefully the weather will turn next weekend so I can pretty up the yard!

Bon Voyage Ckmiles! Have a fantastic trip!!
Good Morning!

Quick stop by to wish all Mom's a Happy Mother's Day! I hope you all enjoy your day!

Im off to pack.. 1 sleep to go!
Had to go a page or two to copy this
It’s travel day for youse

Safe flight and have an awesome vacation!
Greetings everyone. I'm going to keep this quick since I can barely keep my eyes open. I have not slept well for the past 2 nights. I discovered that one of the Hallmark channels shows old Hart to Hart episodes from about 3-6 in the morning. I'm trying to stay awake in hopes that I will be able to sleep better tonight.

Despite not being an American I’m still celebrating.
What's the expression? When in Rome.....

Kids got me fancy chocolate covered strawberries
Yummy. Dh sent me some once. They weren't delivered on time, so the company sent a second batch.

We had quite a busy day, but we’ll worth it obviously, my wife and I celebrate 20 years in January and it’s just so much to take in our first born has graduated, we are just sooooo proud and happy!!!
Sorry I missed you earlier. Congratulations on the graduation.

Between the very wet and cool feeling yesterday, until the looking like another wet and cooler day, warmer coat worn. Ack, still cannot put that away yet. And it's almost the middle of May.
We started out wet and cool today too, but got some much needed sun this afternoon.

Day off today- have a lot of housework- cleaning, laundry, and trying to clean out a few cupboards, too! There is no yard work in the near future as our yard is a swamp from all this rain!! :(
I'm doing laundry now. Not sure when I will find the time to get it all done. Maybe I should have done some last night when I couldn't sleep.

Charade hope you found a lunch place that wasn’t too crowded. We never go out on Mother’s Day in town.
Thanks. We did find a place. Not my first choice, but it was fine. We usually make reservations at one of my favorite local restaurants, but I just wasn't really feeling up to it this year.

We are finalizing more plans for the California trip. We are going to meet up with the woman who is possibly dh's niece. She has recently relocated to Los Angeles. (For those who are new here a brief background - dh was adopted as an infant, recently did an Ancestry DNA test and has discovered that he might have half siblings.)
Ckmiles safe travels!

Charade any new plans for LA? We don’t go until 2nd week ish of August. Only going to DL. Not expecting to get into Galaxy edge.

Today I came down with a cold, ugh. Probably from flight. Yuck. Tonight is cousins last night in town so we’re all going out for Japanese at local restaurant. Don’t know how much I’ll feel like eating but at least it’s not heavy.

Wednesday is our Disney Trivia pub night. We decided on a name, Beer Necessities. Can’t remember if I mentioned. My head is so stuffed up I can’t think. o_O
Sue M, hope the cold you have disappears quickly!

Sending you Mummy Dust for a fast recovery

You need the be in top form for Beer Necessities Wednesday...


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