"When I went it was all lights, and music, and Mickey doin' his magic." — Aug. '18 Disneyversary TR — Completed (Finally!!) August 20, 2021

Next we walked straight on to Living with the Land. I love this ride! I’m hopeful that maybe sometime in the next few years Disney will make some updates to this ride to reflect up-and-coming innovations to help combat the climate crisis. If anyone could lead the way in this in a way that's accessible to the masses, I like to believe it would be those who carry on Walt’s radical vision.
I agree! That would totally make sense! I wish they could install screens before and after the greenhouses, so they could keep them updated with current methods and stuff!

Ok, you are seriously the best at Selfies! I suck so much - I need to take a class in how you manage it!
Obviously the most important ride to fit the bill was Journey into the Imagination with Figment. Duh.

I was a bit sad I didn't get to ride it last week. :(

It says "NON-SCENTS" :rotfl::rotfl:

:laughing: Love those little touches!

These were the same flavour as our wedding cupcakes: brownie cupcakes with cinnamon frosting

That actually sounds pretty amazing!

The server discouraged me from talking to the chef about my allergies, but I asked to anyway. When the chef came, he was brief, took my order, offered curt answers to my questions, didn’t really address N at all, and then left. This was perfectly adequate, but much less chef interaction than I was used to. Still, fine.

Just... huh? :confused3

:confused3Again…dunno exactly what went down for sure...this is what happens when you write a TR 9 months later. :rotfl:

Yeah, I can't even remember details from last night, let along 9 months ago. :rolleyes:

An obligatory annual selfie where we were married:



We sauntered (I’m learning from @Steppesister!) back toward Future World, taking photos along the way.


It's the BEST way to leisurely take it all in. :goodvibes

After Illuminations, we hung back to listen to “Promise,” (the “leaving song” at the end of the show which had served as our official “first dance” at our wedding.)

So perfect!!!
Glad to see you are back on the boards!

Epcot is a wonderful park, I spent much time there my last two trips!

It looks like a nice night despite the lackluster Anniversary dinner!

Thanks, Caroline! We really did have a nice night. EPCOT is quickly becoming one of my favourite places to spend time. I always thought my favourite park was AK, followed by MK, but now I really don't know. I love the way I feel walking around EPCOT! Such a wonderful place!

Welcome back! And I agree....love this ride, and great idea to add a climate change angle. Looking forward to the rest of your TR (as much as you can remember anyway!). :)

Thanks so much! I'm gonna try my best to get as much of it written down faithfully as possible before it all just becomes a distant memory :)

Wonderful update. What a sweet way to celebrate your one year anniversary; I'm sure you look at the Canada pavilion with a different perspective than some of us other DISers.
I also love that you ordered the same flavored cupcakes as your wedding cake. The perfect little way to celebrate.

Thanks so much! I really do have a serious fondness for the Canada pavilion these days, and EPCOT in general. The cupcakes were really a wonderful little treat to remind us of our special day! We had two different flavours at our wedding, so I'd like to order the other flavour for our upcoming trip this August.

Great to see an update from you, Meghan!

Thanks! Good to be back!

I can see how it feels like a lifetime ago. I'm looking at the date and realizing it was the first day of my August trip! Oh well, it's nice to see you have time now to update it.
I have never done Garden grill, but the breakfast seems good. It's one of the few character meals I haven't done but would like to.

The Garden Grill breakfast was really enjoyable! I wouldn't say it's the best, but it's certainly on par with many of my faves, and I'm a big breakfast fan. The character interactions were a lot of fun :)

Some small updates would be good. I love the ride too, but it could do with a little refresh.

I think Disney should hire me to come up with neat little ideas like this! I'd hate to leave the intense stress of my internship, but for Disney, I'd consider it. :laughing: I love the ride and would want it to keep its original purpose and vibe, but a little facelift with some new innovations would be exciting :)

I agree completely. I was sad to read it will be going away. I'm all for re-imagining Epcot and changing the entrance. It sounds like they want to add some greenery to it as well, which is all good. But that fountain was such an integral part of opening day, I really don't like the idea of it being bulldozed. I am not sure if I even have a picture of me next to it!

My thoughts exactly. I absolutely love the diversity and harmony it represents, symbolically containing water from ambassadors all over the world. It's a piece of Disney history that I'll be sad to see go, to say the least...especially if it's being replaced by a beer garden. :headache:

I did those booths too and it's the only ones I did. I don't know if I missed something, but I had no border on the picture, (like your 2018 logo) or anything.

I don't remember how we did that exactly, but I think it was on the booth screen itself before we saved the pictures to photopass? I'll have to try again this summer and see if I can figure out what we did.

Very nice that you could return to the Canada pavilion on this day. Too bad Le Cellier was a bit underwhelming. I have never eaten there, partly because the reviews I've read over the last few years are just so-so, and the price is a bit steep for me to risk a mediocre meal.

Yeah, I don't think you're missing too much. We've eaten there a few times, and the first time was so great that it made us want to go back in hopes of having that kind of experience again, but it typically hasn't held up. Now that we've had a few "just okay" meals there, I think we'll choose to spend those silly amounts of money elsewhere, rather than on a meal that doesn't seem quite worth it.
Welcome back! :goodvibes

Sounds like a great morning and evening at Epcot! That was a sweet idea to celebrate your anniversary in the place you got married! I'm sorry the meal was so lackluster though.

Thank you! It really was a nice way to honour our anniversary and have a fun day!

Welcome back! What a special way to celebrate your anniversary!

Thanks! It made for a pretty special day :)

I can't believe the waitress at Le Cellier discouraged you from talking to the chef! Super uncool. But glad that overall your anniversary was lovely!

Right!? So weird. I know a lot of restaurants seem to be trying to fade out how much chef interaction happens for allergy diners, and I think that's great if it works for your guests, but if someone asks then they should totally have that option to feel safe with what they're being served. But that's just my two cents. Otherwise it was a generally wonderful day :)

Uh oh, don't you make me cry! I'm all in my feelings about Illuminations going away!

The struggle is so real. Listening to the soundtrack at the moment.

Oh! I thought of you the other day because I was driving and the license plate on the care in front of me said "WE R 1" and I was like, "I wonder if they love Rivers of Light!!?"

Yay, you're back...again! :) :)

Loving the way you spent your anniversary. I am definitely thinking about a GG early a.m. breakfast for our trip in December just to do this very type of park touring day. Sounds like it worked out very well for you!

It was a wonderful way to start the day! If you give it a try, I'd love to hear your thoughts about how it works for you.

YAY loving your updates

Thanks so much! Glad to be back.

Oh, that's easy.
Just have someone idling their car and someone else smacking them upside the head.


photopass/morning = good
photopass/afternoon = not so good
photopass/afternoon/summer = Heck no!


What colour is it now? Brunette, I think?

Yes, you are correct!

Um... WHAT??????

Yep. I'm not pleased. The rumour is that it will be replaced with a beer garden. Last time I checked, there were plenty of pretty places to drink alcohol in EPCOT without tearing down an integral part of its history. :confused3 :headache::headache::headache:

Very nutritious.

I love McD's fries.

Me, too. It's a guilty pleasure.

Yeah... in Canada, bathwater warm would be great. In the heat of Florida? Not so much.


Guess what! When DD and I were there a few days ago, I talked about you guys getting married there!

Wow, I feel famous! :goodvibes It's one of my favourite little fun facts about us, and it really makes visiting this part of EPCOT extra special.

I agree! That would totally make sense! I wish they could install screens before and after the greenhouses, so they could keep them updated with current methods and stuff!

Right!? That would be so cool! They already have big picture screens and things in parts of it. I'd love for them to keep most of it true to original form, but to add some new stuff to reflect current technology. I mean, after all, that's right in line with the original purpose of EPCOT.

Ok, you are seriously the best at Selfies! I suck so much - I need to take a class in how you manage it!

:lovestruc Thanks so much! I never feel that way, but we're our own worst critics. I think the secret is that I just take SO many that there are bound to be a few good ones, and the terrible ones don't usually make it to the trip report. :rotfl: I'm trying to get better and better at positioning my head in a flattering non-double-chin kinda way where you can't see up my nose, and looking into the camera. It's easy to smile nicely when you're in the happiest place on earth :)
Hey friends! Remember that time that your good Disfriend Meghan disappeared from the face of the Dis for three months? :eek: It was a truly dark time in trip reporting history, I know. Let’s not talk about it. I’m home now—that’s what matters.
Dark, dark indeed. But then there sprang a pink haired light....

“I’m Gonna Beat Him With a Stick!”
Aug. 17—Part 2

Yeah…I have no idea what the context was for that quote, or when it was said, except that I remember it was said by a parent. :confused3 :laughing:
Cause what parent doesn't say that at least 10 times a day :P


Oh my goodness, I forgot how cool it was to have pink hair! :cool: I miss it very much these days.
You look amazing no matter what they hair, but I rememberer last summer Casey caught a look at our hair on facebook and has been petitioning for pink hair ever since

“Everything’s Already Set in Stone. Now It’s Just Acceptance.”
Yes everything is set by me and the world better just accept it :P


It says "NON-SCENTS" :rotfl::rotfl:
How have I never seen this on the millions of trips Casey has been us take on this ride. I'll totally have to be "cool" Mom and point this out next time

(Passing several of the classic 192 gift shops that look like they should be adult entertainment stores to get there.)

I have never been on 192 but it looks like such horrible cheesy gloriness that I would adore how bad/good it really is

Dinner of champions!!!

It was fine. We ate our meals and were reasonably satisfied. But the last time we'd been there N's meal had been spectacular, and the allergy chef (a different one!) had gone out of his way to make my meal special, even making a special risotto for me without any dairy in it, so this wasn't the experience we'd been hoping for. We've had mixed experiences with Le Cellier...never terrible, but sometimes not up to the standard we'd expect for the price
Sorry your anniversary experience didn't live up to past ones. So often a meal can have so much influence its hard to have it stand the test of time.

Hi, Space Jesus! (Thank you so much for bringing this into my life, @pepperandchips!)

Yes, we all thank you!
*waves from the other side of Canada *

Following along!

I’ve never actually eaten at Le Cellier, I’ve looked at the menu a couple times but the idea that I’m paying extra for my meat to fly down and meet me in Florida always makes me give it a pass :laughing:

Have you tried the GF churros at Nomad lounge? They are my GF must do at WDW
Thanks, Caroline! We really did have a nice night. EPCOT is quickly becoming one of my favourite places to spend time. I always thought my favourite park was AK, followed by MK, but now I really don't know. I love the way I feel walking around EPCOT! Such a wonderful place!
I find as I get older, I like EPCOT more, but you're not old like me.

I think it might have a bit to do with that's where you were married??
Yep. I'm not pleased. The rumour is that it will be replaced with a beer garden. Last time I checked, there were plenty of pretty places to drink alcohol in EPCOT without tearing down an integral part of its history. :confused3 :headache::headache::headache:

This is what Walt would have wanted, I'm sure.

"So were going to take out a beautiful fountain, loved by many, and replace it with a tent that people will come out of vomiting and passing out. It'll be great."

Me, too. It's a guilty pleasure.

The struggle is real.

Wow, I feel famous! :goodvibes It's one of my favourite little fun facts about us, and it really makes visiting this part of EPCOT extra special.

You already were famous. :)

But... You are the only people I know that have been married there. :)
You look amazing no matter what they hair, but I rememberer last summer Casey caught a look at our hair on facebook and has been petitioning for pink hair ever since

I love it! You can tell her that it's a lot of maintenance and my hair kinda felt like straw by the end of the summer :laughing: But it was a lot of fun.

How have I never seen this on the millions of trips Casey has been us take on this ride. I'll totally have to be "cool" Mom and point this out next time

I'm sure you're always "cool" Mom! But I love these little touches. I had never noticed it before either.

I have never been on 192 but it looks like such horrible cheesy gloriness that I would adore how bad/good it really is

Totally! I feel like you would appreciate it. It's the kinda place I hate to love and love to hate.

*waves from the other side of Canada *

Following along!

I’ve never actually eaten at Le Cellier, I’ve looked at the menu a couple times but the idea that I’m paying extra for my meat to fly down and meet me in Florida always makes me give it a pass :laughing:

Have you tried the GF churros at Nomad lounge? They are my GF must do at WDW

Hi, fellow Canadian friend! I have had the GF churros at Nomad Lounge (and probably also too many of their pork ribs and zingiber fizzies!) They're so tasty!

I find as I get older, I like EPCOT more, but you're not old like me.

I think it might have a bit to do with that's where you were married??

Haha sometimes when I get out of bed and everything hurts I feel like I'm getting pretty old! But hopefully I have many good years left ahead of me.

I'm not sure about that. I think getting married there definitely contributes! But I was beginning to feel that way even before our wedding. And I do love World Showcase, but I feel especially energized and at home in Future World, which feels very different from our wedding spot. I love Spaceship Earth, and Soarin' (the whole Land pavilion, really) and watching the monorail pass by. It's a wonderful place! :goodvibes I think there are a lot of contributing factors. But having been married there certainly helps :thumbsup2

This is what Walt would have wanted, I'm sure.

"So were going to take out a beautiful fountain, loved by many, and replace it with a tent that people will come out of vomiting and passing out. It'll be great."

Totally. That sounds like the Walt I've heard so much about. I'll stay off my soap box today, (no promises for tomorrow, or the next day!) But my main thought on this, other than that it's a pretty fountain that should stick around, is that at a time when we're seeing so much division in the world, it would be pretty cool for Disney to continue to value symbols of togetherness and multiculturalism, especially when they play such an important role in a park's history. :confused3 But what do I know? :scratchin

You already were famous. :)

But... You are the only people I know that have been married there. :)

:goodvibes On the few occasions where we've passed by the gazebo at Beach Club, I also always mention Fallon and Luke's wedding, since they're the only people I know who were married there.
Totally. That sounds like the Walt I've heard so much about. I'll stay off my soap box today, (no promises for tomorrow, or the next day!) But my main thought on this, other than that it's a pretty fountain that should stick around, is that at a time when we're seeing so much division in the world, it would be pretty cool for Disney to continue to value symbols of togetherness and multiculturalism, especially when they play such an important role in a park's history. :confused3 But what do I know? :scratchin

So... that whole "staying off your soap box"...


(but I agree with you)

:goodvibes On the few occasions where we've passed by the gazebo at Beach Club, I also always mention Fallon and Luke's wedding, since they're the only people I know who were married there.

I know of at least three couples off the top of my head. :)

No. Four.

I like that you guys did something different. I had no idea you could even do what you guys did!
"Sorry, I Don't Work Here."
AKA: "Makes You Wonder What the Poor People Are Doing..."
Aug. 18—Part 1

I promise you that we were not the ones who said that second quote. But it was so surprising and appalling that we kept going back to it again and again during the trip! I will explain...

So this day actually began with a little unplanned field trip! ...to, I believe, a fire station. :confused3 We were on our way to the beautiful paradise that is Discovery Cove, and I was still sleepy because we had to leave shortly after 6am, so I dozed while N drove with the help of his GPS...until I awoke to this sight:


Somehow N had managed to take us...here? :confused3 "So....is this it?" N asked, forgetting what the entrance to the park looked like. I assured him that this was certainly NOT "it." ("PRETTY SURE WHEN YOU GO TO DISCOVERY COVE THERE'S A BIG SIGN AT THE FRONT THAT SAYS 'DISCOVERY COVE,' HONEY!" was briefly going to be the name of the trip report, for the record. :laughing:) We turned around, got our bearings, and shortly after found ourselves pulling in here, instead:


Much better!

I wish every morning looked like this...


It was going to be a beautiful day!

We arrived at Discovery Cove at 6:35am because we had signed up for an extra experience that took place first thing in the morning before the rest of the park opened. But when we got inside there was nobody there! We hung out for a few minutes, and then checked in. We were supposed to be doing ray feeding, which was supposed to start at 7am, and we were told to arrive early. 7:00 came and went, and I was beginning to get nervous. We tried to enjoy the view while we waited—not difficult to do in a place like this!—and N had a cup of complimentary coffee.



A few other people were beginning to gather at this time, and they all looked like the kinda folks who would also feed rays, so I figured at least we were in the right place. There was a parent with a small child waiting around close to where we were, and the child kept trying to get all up in their grill and tell them things. The parent (I think it was a mom? Seems right in my head...) said, "Yes. I understand that. But personal space!" I also considered this as a trip report title...and also maybe just the title of my life in general. Finally, at 7:20, a DC employee came to meet us all for our ray feeding.

We were given wetsuits, and we took them to the bathrooms to change.



Then they fit us for the proper size gloves, and gave us some direction about what to expect that morning. I don't have any photos of this because cameras aren't allowed, and because we wanted to just participate and enjoy the moment without worrying about documenting it. First we observed a southern ray feeding, and we were able to pet the ray as it swam by. These rays are super large—5 to 6ft wide. Then we fed little silver fish to the smaller rays. Their teeth aren't like ours, and they didn't "bite" us with them, but their mouths/jaws are still very strong! They suck the fish into their mouths, so we were taught to make a fist holding the fish, so that half the fish stuck up out of our hand. Then when the ray sucked the fish into its mouth, we would let go. It was a super neat experience, and one that I'm so glad we decided to try! Afterwards we also fed some of the fish with a mix that they called "fish jello." It contained shrimp, fish, and a nutrient-rich gel of some sort.

After the marine animals had their breakfast, it was time for us to do the same. N went to get in the line, which now was snaking through the whole queue around and a fair distance outside the building.


At the same time, I went to talk to the chef about my allergies. Chef Renee was absolutely super (better than the chef who had helped me the previous year by far,) and she went out back to get me eggs, bacon, sausage, and some fruit. For the first time ever on vacation, I actually had my allergy-safe food before N got his regular food!! I was almost feeling bad about it while everyone else had to wait in a long line, but then N reminded me of how I have to wait an extra 15-20 minutes at most every quick service place at Disney while everyone else gets their food in minutes, and then I decided that it was more than fair. :goodvibes

In the five minutes or less that I was waiting for Renee for my food, I stood in the area at the end of the food line, waiting around in my black and yellow DC wetsuit. I had my lanyard around my neck that showed I was a guest of the park. And I don't think I looked particularly professional. And yet...four different people, on four separate occasions, asked me to do things for them as if I worked there. The napkins were gone, could I refill them? Sorry, I don't work here, I don't know where anything is. Can you get me a cup of juice? Sorry, I don't work here, but you're welcome to get some yourself at the pop machine just outside these doors. I need a fork! Sorry, I don't work here. I'd like a coffee. I'm sure you would, but sorry, I don't work here.

At first I assumed this was just because I was the only one in the area in a wetsuit, but it happened again later a couple of times throughout the day. And also, most of the people in the area who DID work there were not wearing a wetsuit. And you'd think that even if I DID work there, if I was wearing a wetsuit I probably would be working in the water with animals and might not be the first person you'd want to call on to get your juice anyway! What if I'd just given medicine to a shark or something and hadn't washed my hands!? Anyway, maybe people who have pink hair just seem like the kinda spunky people who would work in marine biology? Or maybe I just look super at home in a soggy clingy wetsuit? Or maybe people are just demanding and I just always happened to be in front of them when they decided they wanted something. Some of them were quite rude, too. It gave me a new appreciation for employees at Discovery Cove and other theme parks. And it also lends a bit of clarity to the attitude of the gentleman we'd meet later who was responsible for that horrendous quote...but, I digress. Either way, it was kinda funny, and for the rest of the day we joked about my new job at DC. (Also, I joke...but if Discovery Cove wants to hire me and sponsor my Visa, I'm SO IN!)

Chef Renee came back with my breakfast and asked where my family was sitting. I told her that N was still in line, so she WENT AND GOT HIS BREAKFAST TOO SO WE COULD EAT TOGETHER!! Above and beyond, I tell you! When I told her we were fine without special treatment, she replied that "it's not special treatment; it's fair treatment." She told me how she knew that allergy diners almost always have to wait for each other's food to get cold, or eat separately, so if she can help people avoid that at DC then she's happy to. I found N in the line—he'd barely moved inside the building at that point—and we joined Renee outside where she was putting both our breakfasts on a table. :lovestruc



After breakfast, we hit the aviary. This is our typical plan of attack at Discovery Cove: eat early, do the aviary (before the water opens up, before it gets too hot to be out of the water anyway, and while the birds are still hungry,) and then go get wet.



There we got what my notes referred to as a "shoulder bird." She's one of the older birds at DC, and has become quite fond of people, partly due to how she was hand-raised. She wasn't even in it for the little cups of peas and mush the other birds were eating. According to my notes: "She was a carnivore, but just liked to cuddle."





Then it was time to hit the lazy river. We started out, not tooooo "lazy," by swimming a lap without noodles while we still had the energy. Parts of the lazy river reach a depth of 8ft though, so by the time we came around for a second lap, we were ready to take up some noodles and go for a leisurely float.






I took a break for my first of many ICEEs. My philosophy is that if it's included, I'll drink my ICEE fill.


We did go snorkeling in the Grand Reef next, but of course I don't have any decent pictures of actual marine life. It was lovely, albeit chilly, and the fish were mesmerizing.


Since we'd been up so early, we decided on an early lunch around 11:00. N managed to end up with a little bit of everything, which turned out to be a good thing since some of the food items were better/worse than others.


After Chef Renee gave me a list of options, I asked her to make me a pulled pork sandwich on a gluten free bun with some veggies. N snagged me some fruit from the line as he went through.


This wasn't anything special, but it was fine, and it gave us some energy to set out once more into the water. We saw the marmosets, though naturally, I have no pictures. We did a bit more of the lazy river, and then I went to the freshwater oasis to lounge in the shallow water for a bit. I have no recollection what N did at that time, just that I hung out there for a bit while I waited for him, and eventually he joined me there. He may have been doing a bit more snorkelling at the Grand Reef, but I'm not sure. :confused3 I was admiring how my pretty rose gold vacation nails were glittering under the water...


The oasis really was...well...an oasis! I could have hung out there for quite some time.


But eventually N returned, and we were both starting to feel a little played out with our early morning and all the swimming we'd done. We decided to take some showers and change, and then grab a few more snacks and drinks before leaving. We found some nice chairs back in the shade where we could enjoy this view:


I swear, I'll never get tired of languorous palm trees and azure skies as long as I live. :lovestruc

I grabbed a bag of chips and an ICEE. N doesn't drink often, partly because it usually doesn't really appeal to him, and I think partly because he knows I'm perpetually sober and he wants to support me. But he does, however, occasionally enjoy a nice stereotypically "girly" drink. Since I know this about him, I pressured him only slightly until he decided to try the mango daquiri and the pina colada. They're just pre-made slush drinks from a machine, but he liked both, and I think he preferred the pina colada slightly. (In case you're curious, he also likes getting caught in the rain.)


While we were sitting relaxing, an older gentleman working there sweeping the sand struck up a conversation with us. (P.S. when I retire, I definitely want to work as a sand sweeper at DC! None of that Walmart greeting for me! I want to spend my days in the sun with after-work-access to bottomless ICEEs!) He was chatting with us about where we were from, whether we'd been to DC before, etc. The usual stuff. It started getting weird though when he made repeated comments about how nice and relaxed we looked, sitting in the shade with our drinks, nothing but time to kill, must be nice, etc. Then he sighed and said, "...makes you wonder what the poor people are doing."

Ummm... :scared1:

How does one even respond to that!?! :confused3


*Edit: thanks to pkondz for filling in my knowledge gap here, that this is actually a very common saying for when life is good! Somehow it's not one that our folks ever used, despite the fact that our lives were often "good." Not surprising, I suppose, since some googling tells me that it's common in the South, and I'm very much from the chilly North. According to elcogote on the very scientific webpage of funtrivia-dot-com: The saying is part of American lore. It was said often in the South, usually by people who were not so rich. It was first popularized by Fats Waller, who used to say it after striding up to a piano or at the climax of of a raucous jazz solo. He meant it subversively (he'd often add "I'd like to be doing it with them.") More recently, Kurt Vonnegut revived it in his "A Man Without a Country" as a cynical but welcome comment made in a basement during the bombing of Dresden. ...but it definitely still strikes me as strange! So I leave my original response to this below as a representation of how we received this brazen little catch phrase.*

It was so strange. We couldn't quite tell whether he felt like we were part of his in-group, or the out-group. Like, did he feel like we three were all wealthy people, and we were speculating about the difficult lives of the underprivileged? Was he expressing that he was of a lower SES than us, and thinking that N and I are made of money, he was trying to subtly shame us for having an extravagant vacation? Was it supposed to be a joke? Or serious? Either way, his comment clearly seemed to indicate that N and I were the opposite of "the poor people." In my shock, I managed to make some kind of comment to clarify that N and I don't get to live like this very often. The whole thing just felt very uncomfortable. Maybe, like I saw earlier at the breakfast line, this gentleman had a little too much experience with entitled park guests, and now assumed that everyone at DC was wealthy and entitled and deserved to be called out about it. I really don't know. :confused3 I will say that N and I are both very fortunate to live our lives with a huge amount of privilege. We're comfortably middle-class folks, childless and in the process of becoming well-educated, N works at a job he enjoys that typically pays the bills, and we are able to put money aside for some pretty awesome vacations. These are luxuries that many people don't get to enjoy, and I don't take that for granted. But woah... :laughing: For the rest of the trip, whenever we did something extravagant that felt a little bougie, whether it was a Disney tour, or just ordering a fancy dessert, we'd make sure nobody around us was listening, then look down our noses at each other, guffaw, and croon, "Makes you wonder what the poor people are doing!" :snooty:

We finished up at Discovery Cove, made a couple of small souvenir purchases, and headed back to the resort for a short rest.


While at the resort, I dyed my hair a slightly darker and more obnoxious shade of cotton candy pink, in prep for my MNSSHP costume the following week. And after some R&R, we were getting to hit the Disney parks again that evening.
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"Sorry, I Don't Work Here."
AKA: "Makes You Wonder What the Poor People Are Doing..."
Aug. 18—Part 1

I promise you that we were not the ones who said that second quote. But it was so surprising and appalling that we kept going back to it again and again during the trip! I will explain...

So this day actually began with a little unplanned field trip! ...to, I believe, a fire station. :confused3 We were on our way to the beautiful paradise that is Discovery Cove, and I was still sleepy because we had to leave shortly after 6am, so I dozed while N drove with the help of his GPS...until I awoke to this sight:


Somehow N had managed to take us...here? :confused3 "So....is this it?" N asked, forgetting what the entrance to the park looked like. I assured him that this was certainly NOT "it." ("PRETTY SURE WHEN YOU GO TO DISCOVERY COVE THERE'S A BIG SIGN AT THE FRONT THAT SAYS 'DISCOVERY COVE,' HONEY!" was briefly going to be the name of the trip report, for the record. :laughing:) We turned around, got our bearings, and shortly after found ourselves pulling in here, instead:


Much better!

I wish every morning looked like this...


It was going to be a beautiful day!

We arrived at Discovery Cove at 6:35am because we had signed up for an extra experience that took place first thing in the morning before the rest of the park opened. But when we got inside there was nobody there! We hung out for a few minutes, and then checked in. We were supposed to be doing ray feeding, which was supposed to start at 7am, and we were told to arrive early. 7:00 came and went, and I was beginning to get nervous. We tried to enjoy the view while we waited—not difficult to do in a place like this!—and N had a cup of complimentary coffee.



A few other people were beginning to gather at this time, and they all looked like the kinda folks who would also feed rays, so I figured at least we were in the right place. There was a parent with a small child waiting around close to where we were, and the child kept trying to get all up in their grill and tell them things. The parent (I think it was a mom? Seems right in my head...) said, "Yes. I understand that. But personal space!" I also considered this as a trip report title...and also maybe just the title of my life in general. Finally, at 7:20, a DC employee came to meet us all for our ray feeding.

We were given wetsuits, and we took them to the bathrooms to change.



Then they fit us for the proper size gloves, and gave us some direction about what to expect that morning. I don't have any photos of this because cameras aren't allowed, and because we wanted to just participate and enjoy the moment without worrying about documenting it. First we observed a southern ray feeding, and we were able to pet the ray as it swam by. These rays are super large—5 to 6ft wide. Then we fed little silver fish to the smaller rays. Their teeth aren't like ours, and they didn't "bite" us with them, but their mouths/jaws are still very strong! They suck the fish into their mouths, so we were taught to make a fist holding the fish, so that half the fish stuck up out of our hand. Then when the ray sucked the fish into its mouth, we would let go. It was a super neat experience, and one that I'm so glad we decided to try! Afterwards we also fed some of the fish with a mix that they called "fish jello." It contained shrimp, fish, and a nutrient-rich gel of some sort.

After the marine animals had their breakfast, it was time for us to do the same. N went to get in the line, which now was snaking through the whole queue around and a fair distance outside the building.


At the same time, I went to talk to the chef about my allergies. Chef Renee was absolutely super (better than the chef who had helped me the previous year by far,) and she went out back to get me eggs, bacon, sausage, and some fruit. For the first time ever on vacation, I actually had my allergy-safe food before N got his regular food!! I was almost feeling bad about it while everyone else had to wait in a long line, but then N reminded me of how I have to wait an extra 15-20 minutes at most every quick service place at Disney while everyone else gets their food in minutes, and then I decided that it was more than fair. :goodvibes

In the five minutes or less that I was waiting for Renee for my food, I stood in the area at the end of the food line, waiting around in my black and yellow DC wetsuit. I had my lanyard around my neck that showed I was a guest of the park. And I don't think I looked particularly professional. And yet...four different people, on four separate occasions, asked me to do things for them as if I worked there. The napkins were gone, could I refill them? Sorry, I don't work here, I don't know where anything is. Can you get me a cup of juice? Sorry, I don't work here, but you're welcome to get some yourself at the pop machine just outside these doors. I need a fork! Sorry, I don't work here. I'd like a coffee. I'm sure you would, but sorry, I don't work here.

At first I assumed this was just because I was the only one in the area in a wetsuit, but it happened again later a couple of times throughout the day. And also, most of the people in the area who DID work there were not wearing a wetsuit. And you'd think that even if I DID work there, if I was wearing a wetsuit I probably would be working in the water with animals and might not be the first person you'd want to call on to get your juice anyway! What if I'd just given medicine to a shark or something and hadn't washed my hands!? Anyway, maybe people who have pink hair just seem like the kinda spunky people who would work in marine biology? Or maybe I just look super at home in a soggy clingy wetsuit? Or maybe people are just demanding and I just always happened to be in front of them when they decided they wanted something. Some of them were quite rude, too. It gave me a new appreciation for employees at Discovery Cove and other theme parks. And it also lends a bit of clarity to the attitude of the gentleman we'd meet later who was responsible for that horrendous quote...but, I digress. Either way, it was kinda funny, and for the rest of the day we joked about my new job at DC. (Also, I joke...but if Discovery Cove wants to hire me and sponsor my Visa, I'm SO IN!)

Chef Renee came back with my breakfast and asked where my family was sitting. I told her that N was still in line, so she WENT AND GOT HIS BREAKFAST TOO SO WE COULD EAT TOGETHER!! Above and beyond, I tell you! When I told her we were fine without special treatment, she replied that "it's not special treatment; it's fair treatment." She told me how she knew that allergy diners almost always have to wait for each other's food to get cold, or eat separately, so if she can help people avoid that at DC then she's happy to. I found N in the line—he'd barely moved inside the building at that point—and we joined Renee outside where she was putting both our breakfasts on a table. :lovestruc



After breakfast, we hit the aviary. This is our typical plan of attack at Discovery Cove: eat early, do the aviary (before the water opens up, before it gets too hot to be out of the water anyway, and while the birds are still hungry,) and then go get wet.



There we got what my notes referred to as a "shoulder bird." She's one of the older birds at DC, and has become quite fond of people, partly due to how she was hand-raised. She wasn't even in it for the little cups of peas and mush the other birds were eating. According to my notes: "She was a carnivore, but just liked to cuddle."





Then it was time to hit the lazy river. We started out, not tooooo "lazy," by swimming a lap without noodles while we still had the energy. Parts of the lazy river reach a depth of 8ft though, so by the time we came around for a second lap, we were ready to take up some noodles and go for a leisurely float.






I took a break for my first of many ICEEs. My philosophy is that if it's included, I'll drink my ICEE fill.


We did go snorkeling in the Grand Reef next, but of course I don't have any decent pictures of actual marine life. It was lovely, albeit chilly, and the fish were mesmerizing.


Since we'd been up so early, we decided on an early lunch around 11:00. N managed to end up with a little bit of everything, which turned out to be a good thing since some of the food items were better/worse than others.


After Chef Renee gave me a list of options, I asked her to make me a pulled pork sandwich on a gluten free bun with some veggies. N snagged me some fruit from the line as he went through.


This wasn't anything special, but it was fine, and it gave us some energy to set out once more into the water. We saw the marmosets, though naturally, I have no pictures. We did a bit more of the lazy river, and then I went to the freshwater oasis to lounge in the shallow water for a bit. I have no recollection what N did at that time, just that I hung out there for a bit while I waited for him, and eventually he joined me there. He may have been doing a bit more snorkelling at the Grand Reef, but I'm not sure. :confused3 I was admiring how my pretty rose gold vacation nails were glittering under the water...


The oasis really was...well...an oasis! I could have hung out there for quite some time.


But eventually N returned, and we were both starting to feel a little played out with our early morning and all the swimming we'd done. We decided to take some showers and change, and then grab a few more snacks and drinks before leaving. We found some nice chairs back in the shade where we could enjoy this view:


I swear, I'll never get tired of languorous palm trees and azure skies as long as I live. :lovestruc

I grabbed a bag of chips and an ICEE. N doesn't drink often, partly because it usually doesn't really appeal to him, and I think partly because he knows I'm perpetually sober and he wants to support me. But he does, however, occasionally enjoy a nice stereotypically "girly" drink. Since I know this about him, I pressured him only slightly until he decided to try the mango daquiri and the pina colada. They're just pre-made slush drinks from a machine, but he liked both, and I think he preferred the pina colada slightly. (In case you're curious, he also likes getting caught in the rain.)


While we were sitting relaxing, an older gentleman working there sweeping the sand struck up a conversation with us. (P.S. when I retire, I definitely want to work as a sand sweeper at DC! None of that Walmart greeting for me! I want to spend my days in the sun with after-work-access to bottomless ICEEs!) He was chatting with us about where we were from, whether we'd been to DC before, etc. The usual stuff. It started getting weird though when he made repeated comments about how nice and relaxed we looked, sitting in the shade with our drinks, nothing but time to kill, must be nice, etc. Then he sighed and said, "...makes you wonder what the poor people are doing."

Ummm... :scared1:

How does one even respond to that!?! :confused3


It was so strange. We couldn't quite tell whether he felt like we were part of his in-group, or the out-group. Like, did he feel like we three were all wealthy people, and we were speculating about the difficult lives of the underprivileged? Was he expressing that he was of a lower SES than us, and thinking that N and I are made of money, he was trying to subtly shame us for having an extravagant vacation? Was it supposed to be a joke? Or serious? Either way, his comment clearly seemed to indicate that N and I were the opposite of "the poor people." In my shock, I managed to make some kind of comment to clarify that N and I don't get to live like this very often. The whole thing just felt very uncomfortable. Maybe, like I saw earlier at the breakfast line, this gentleman had a little too much experience with entitled park guests, and now assumed that everyone at DC was wealthy and entitled and deserved to be called out about it. I really don't know. :confused3 I will say that N and I are both very fortunate to live our lives with a huge amount of privilege. We're comfortably middle-class folks, childless and in the process of becoming well-educated, N works at a job he enjoys that typically pays the bills, and we are able to put money aside for some pretty awesome vacations. These are luxuries that many people don't get to enjoy, and I don't take that for granted. But woah... :laughing: For the rest of the trip, whenever we did something extravagant that felt a little bougie, whether it was a Disney tour, or just ordering a fancy dessert, we'd make sure nobody around us was listening, then look down our noses at each other, guffaw, and croon, "Makes you wonder what the poor people are doing!" :snooty:

We finished up at Discovery Cove, made a couple of small souvenir purchases, and headed back to the resort for a short rest.


While at the resort, I dyed my hair a slightly darker and more obnoxious shade of cotton candy pink, in prep for my MNSSHP costume the following week. And after some R&R, we were getting to hit the Disney parks again that evening.
Sounds like N had the same GPS as @Steppesister uber driver.

I can't belieyve ou were so rude to all those people needing things. It's not as if you don't work there. Oh wait, never mind. :laughing:

Maybe they just figured since you weren't in line, you obviously must be waiting simply to cater to them.

Brings some creedence to what the sand raker said...some(not all) folks there are wealthy and expect everyone to do their bidding.

I can't speak about all the poor people, but this one is working to pay for the next MEP (mouse extortion payment or Mickey's extravagant prices...your pick)

Is N into yoga?

I happen to love pina coladas...and never considered them girly. Hmmm. I suppose if they are, then I'm even more girly since I often get them virgin. Just love the taste of pineapple and coconut and it being cold. I don't drink much and still good without the alcohol. So, I guess...I like pineapple/coconut slurpees.
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AKA: "Makes You Wonder What the Poor People Are Doing..."
Aug. 18—Part 1

I promise you that we were not the ones who said that second quote. But it was so surprising and appalling that we kept going back to it again and again during the trip! I will explain...

And I will comment...

Yay! We're going to explore a fire station! Haven't done that since I was a kid. :)


Very subtle, Meghan.

So.... no firehall?


we had signed up for an extra experience that took place first thing in the morning before the rest of the park opened. But when we got inside there was nobody there!

Most people would kill for an empty park, you know.


they all looked like the kinda folks who would also feed rays,

What do ray-feeding people look like? Do they have webbed toes or something?

The parent (I think it was a mom? Seems right in my head...) said, "Yes. I understand that. But personal space!"

Early in the morning and already just about at the end of her rope.

Cutie patootie.

Except... you kinda look like you work there, ya know?



I don't have any photos of this because cameras aren't allowed, and because we wanted to just participate and enjoy the moment without worrying about documenting it.

I do that too.
And yet... afterwards, I wish I'd taken pictures! :laughing:

First we observed a southern ray feeding, and we were able to pet the ray as it swam by. These rays are super large—5 to 6ft wide.


Then we fed little silver fish to the smaller rays.

But... fish are friends!

Wait. This isn't Disney...

Nevermind. Eat away, rays!

They suck the fish into their mouths, so we were taught to make a fist holding the fish, so that half the fish stuck up out of our hand. Then when the ray sucked the fish into its mouth, we would let go.

Huh! Cool!

"fish jello." It contained shrimp, fish, and a nutrient-rich gel of some sort.

Chef Renee was absolutely super (better than the chef who had helped me the previous year by far,) and she went out back to get me eggs, bacon, sausage, and some fruit.

Nice of her to accommodate. :)

N reminded me of how I have to wait an extra 15-20 minutes at most every quick service place at Disney while everyone else gets their food in minutes, and then I decided that it was more than fair. :goodvibes

Exactly right. ::yes::

And yet...four different people, on four separate occasions, asked me to do things for them as if I worked there.

No way! :laughing:

The napkins were gone, could I refill them? Sorry, I don't work here, I don't know where anything is. Can you get me a cup of juice? Sorry, I don't work here, but you're welcome to get some yourself at the pop machine just outside these doors. I need a fork! Sorry, I don't work here. I'd like a coffee. I'm sure you would, but sorry, I don't work here.

I like your answers to the juice and coffee...

I would probably have taken a very different tack...

At first I assumed this was just because I was the only one in the area in a wetsuit, but it happened again later a couple of times throughout the day. And also, most of the people in the area who DID work there were not wearing a wetsuit. And you'd think that even if I DID work there, if I was wearing a wetsuit I probably would be working in the water with animals and might not be the first person you'd want to call on to get your juice anyway!

But maybe you know someone who does fetch juice.

What if I'd just given medicine to a shark or something and hadn't washed my hands!?

Oh, no. A shark's mouth is so clean it's practically an antiseptic. Millions of years of evolution have created an enzyme in a sharks mouth that actually sterilizes and protects the shark from infection.

You probably find that surprising, which doesn't surprise me, since I made it all up.

Anyway, maybe people who have pink hair just seem like the kinda spunky people who would work in marine biology?


Or maybe I just look super at home in a soggy clingy wetsuit?

Cute as a button.

Some of them were quite rude, too.

In that case.
"Coffee? Absolutely. Just take a seat and I'll have someone bring it to you right away. If they don't get there within a few minutes, just keep waiting."

(Also, I joke...but if Discovery Cove wants to hire me and sponsor my Visa, I'm SO IN!)

::yes:: I bet!

Chef Renee came back with my breakfast and asked where my family was sitting. I told her that N was still in line, so she WENT AND GOT HIS BREAKFAST TOO SO WE COULD EAT TOGETHER!! Above and beyond, I tell you!

she replied that "it's not special treatment; it's fair treatment."

Wow! Just... wow! I am very impressed with her!

She told me how she knew that allergy diners almost always have to wait for each other's food to get cold, or eat separately, so if she can help people avoid that at DC then she's happy to.


This is our typical plan of attack at Discovery Cove: eat early, do the aviary (before the water opens up, before it gets too hot to be out of the water anyway, and while the birds are still hungry,) and then go get wet

Huh. Smart. Wouldn't have thought of that.

Great photo!

You look partially happy, partially perturbed. :)

Then it was time to hit the lazy river. We started out, not tooooo "lazy," by swimming a lap without noodles while we still had the energy.

You're doing the lazy river wrong!!

Cool! (Yes I know it's man-made.)

I took a break for my first of many ICEEs. My philosophy is that if it's included, I'll drink my ICEE fill.

::yes:: I would too!

We did go snorkeling in the Grand Reef next, but of course I don't have any decent pictures of actual marine life. It was lovely, albeit chilly, and the fish were mesmerizing.

That's something I'd like to do. :)

N managed to end up with a little bit of everything, which turned out to be a good thing since some of the food items were better/worse than others.

Typical of a buffet.

I was admiring how my pretty rose gold vacation nails were glittering under the water...


Purty. :)

Nice! I could se myself chilling there.

I swear, I'll never get tired of languorous palm trees and azure skies as long as I live. :lovestruc


But he does, however, occasionally enjoy a nice stereotypically "girly" drink.

I'm the same way, actually. I don't drink much, but when I do... it's a girly drink.

think he preferred the pina colada slightly. (In case you're curious, he also likes getting caught in the rain.)


(P.S. when I retire, I definitely want to work as a sand sweeper at DC! None of that Walmart greeting for me! I want to spend my days in the sun with after-work-access to bottomless ICEEs!)

:laughing: "I'd like to work here?"
"Here's your apron. Go peel shrimp. Don't come out until you've done 800lbs. See you next week."

Then he sighed and said, "...makes you wonder what the poor people are doing."

Okay... so I didn't bother quoting all your comments about that.
It's actually a very common saying. It's not meant to be malicious or demeaning or negative in any way.
It's just an expression that refers to the fact that life is good.
If you're sitting on a porch drinking a lemonade on a hot day, you could say "I wonder what the poor people are doing"... even though the "poor" people could be doing the exact same thing.
It's a comment on comfort and happiness as opposed to an arbitrary monetary situation.

Oh look! A spirit of a car is going up to heaven!

While at the resort, I dyed my hair a slightly darker and more obnoxious shade of cotton candy pink, in prep for my MNSSHP costume the following week.

Can't wait to see! :)
Your Discovery Cove adventures are always so fun to hear about. Especially that journey there, I would've been just as sassy as you that early in the morning lol

How awesome it was that Chef Renee got you and N's breakfast all at the same time so you could eat together. We stan a dietary restriction tolerant queen.

I love your pictures in the aviary especially with the cuddly bird. I wouldn't leave if a bird just plopped themselves on my shoulder. Either that or I would've taken them home.

That is... quite the comment to make. I would've let out the most awkward forced giggle of my life if it was me. You handled it a lot better but it really makes you wonder. But what a phrase for one's bougier moments.
Lol a pretty funny start to your day!!

Wow what a GORGEOUS sunrise behind the palm trees!

So bizarre that so many people thought you worked there! And an even stranger comment from the worker!

But sounds like a really fun day at DC!!
Sounds like N had the same GPS as @Steppesister uber driver.

I had the same thought when I read that in her report!

I can't speak about all the poor people, but this one is working to pay for the next MEP (mouse extortion payment or Mickey's extravagant prices...your pick)


Is N into yoga?

He's not! :laughing: Though on the issue of having half a brain...I won't comment on that one...

Just love the taste of pineapple and coconut and it being cold. I don't drink much and still good without the alcohol. So, I guess...I like pineapple/coconut slurpees.

:laughing: As you should! It's a good flavour combo.

So.... no firehall?

No firehall. :confused: But in the words of Stitch: Still good, yeah, still good!


Thanks! It was a beautiful morning.

What do ray-feeding people look like? Do they have webbed toes or something?

They look tired. They've been up since before 6am.

And here I thought I'd forgotten to take pictures of this bit, but somehow you managed to find this actual photo of the actual fish jello! :laughing:

But maybe you know someone who does fetch juice.

That's fair. I do know a lot of important people.

Oh, no. A shark's mouth is so clean it's practically an antiseptic. Millions of years of evolution have created an enzyme in a sharks mouth that actually sterilizes and protects the shark from infection.

You probably find that surprising, which doesn't surprise me, since I made it all up.

:laughing: You had me going for a second there. And I would have been inclined to believe you because I know nothing about sharks because I do NOT work at Discovery Cove.

:laughing: "I'd like to work here?"
"Here's your apron. Go peel shrimp. Don't come out until you've done 800lbs. See you next week."

Hmmm...suddenly sounding a little less tempting. ....I'd still consider it...

Okay... so I didn't bother quoting all your comments about that.
It's actually a very common saying. It's not meant to be malicious or demeaning or negative in any way.
It's just an expression that refers to the fact that life is good.
If you're sitting on a porch drinking a lemonade on a hot day, you could say "I wonder what the poor people are doing"... even though the "poor" people could be doing the exact same thing.
It's a comment on comfort and happiness as opposed to an arbitrary monetary situation.

Thanks for filling in my knowledge gap here! I went back and added a little edit to my update to acknowledge this for anyone, like me, who's never been introduced to this little catch phrase. It caught us so off-guard! But it's nice to know that at least when we've used it "ironically" since then we're actually using it correctly!

Oh look! A spirit of a car is going up to heaven!

:rotfl2: I didn't notice this at all until now!
No firehall. :confused: But in the words of Stitch: Still good, yeah, still good!

Oh, okay. Fine. No firehall.

They look tired. They've been up since before 6am.

:laughing: Ah!

And here I thought I'd forgotten to take pictures of this bit, but somehow you managed to find this actual photo of the actual fish jello! :laughing:


That's fair. I do know a lot of important people.


:laughing: You had me going for a second there. And I would have been inclined to believe you because I know nothing about sharks because I do NOT work at Discovery Cove.

So obviously you need to work there to fill in that knowledge gap.

Put that on your resume.

Hmmm...suddenly sounding a little less tempting. ....I'd still consider it...


Thanks for filling in my knowledge gap here! I went back and added a little edit to my update to acknowledge this for anyone, like me, who's never been introduced to this little catch phrase. It caught us so off-guard! But it's nice to know that at least when we've used it "ironically" since then we're actually using it correctly!

Pretty much! :)

:rotfl2: I didn't notice this at all until now!



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