July's Summer Fun WISH Journey

Yes, absolutely, I am a tourist!

I spend all my energy thinking and not actually doing. Even with the clearing course, I'm reading the daily prompts but not doing the tasks (except when the task is to just think about something)... I'm currently on lesson #19 and still haven't written the letter to myself from lesson #4, really, how hard is it to write a letter? To myself?
what week of June were you there? We can't go May unfortunately and flights in the July and August are so expensive
I was just there 6.8 to 6.14. I've always avoided high summer, but couldn't go early in the spring this year. You just have to plan for it, make sure you're doing in-doors things, like shows and sit-down meals, to get air conditioning breaks. The days when the storms were in the afternoon were OK, because I take afternoon resort breaks, but when they were in the evenings that really altered my schedule.
In your journey to healthful living, are you a tourist, or are you really doing the work?

I'm in the middle - not exactly a "tourist" in that I do set exercise goals and make a good share of healthy food choices, but I definitely read more than I act on. - I like to collect information. :rotfl:

I'm very leery of extremes in anything, though. So I'm not the type to commit to WW or keto or whatever "plan" I read about. I just sort of try to incorporate the knowledge into a broader balance.

I don't have a ton of weight to lose (though a little wouldn't hurt) but am more concerned with halting the natural gain as I age. So right now, I'm of the mindset that every healthy decision is good, but a few unhealthy ones are not tragedies.
I don't have a ton of weight to lose (though a little wouldn't hurt) but am more concerned with halting the natural gain as I age. So right now, I'm of the mindset that every healthy decision is good, but a few unhealthy ones are not tragedies.
This is me, also. But that’s now. I spent a good while reading different diet books and buying cute clothes to wear to the gym :p
What about early vs late June? Last school day is 29th of May so we could go earlier and try to experience some of food and wine? But I keep reading that early June the weather is the wettest of the year and I don't fancy it. However when we were in June [/QUOTE

We went in June last year and a week of beautiful weather and no rain. We have also frequently gone in August where some rain is predicted almost every day and it’s been fine. My only suggestion is if you want to go to the water parks or spend time at the pool, go in the morning. Even when storms are predicted the earlier part of the day is usually sunny and nice.
My husband and I finally have a plan for me going back to work this fall, hopefully everything pans out fairly smoothly, and I'm hoping to take a turn in my career and find a spot in my dream job. I will need to be a good weight and strong to be able to pass the medical to get the job so more motivation!

Hope you plans work out the way you want and you get that dream job :)

The quieter morning boardwalk & calming ocean is also motivation this week.

Gorgeous place to relax and exercise - depending on your mood.

In your journey to healthful living, are you a tourist, or are you really doing the work?

Ugh - I am so a tourist.
Yesterday was a good day. The scale is moving again which is so good to see after having stalled for the last few months. This is a long trek for me. I'm making every effort to really overhaul my food and lifestyle choices to heal my body. I don't think I'll know for sure if I'm a tourist until the weight is all off and I can maintain goal weight. For me though I do not think of keto as a diet, it is my way of eating I am learning how to feed my body properly so it can function without IBS and migraines and heal from harmful treatments I've had in the past.

I did my yoga, jumping jacks, and a nice walk yesterday morning and stuck to good clean foods yesterday. Today I have to tour a daycare and it's pouring rain so not sure if the walk will happen but I shall try to get it in at some point if even just walking around the mall for a bit.

@4Mickeys Thanks! Fingers crossed it all works out. First steps are daycares for the boys and then going back to my current job while I wait for spots to open and start applying.
Woohoo... I've now gone two days without hitting the vending machine for afternoon sugar fixes. I also haven't had any ice cream the past week, so I'm going to say I have made progress with my 10 day goal of reducing sugar and dairy intake.

My community's Summer Fest Street Fair is this Fri/Sat/Sun, hard to believe it's already that time of year! It's overcast, cool and drizzly today but the weekend weather looks perfect with temps in the mid 70's. There's one Vendor in particular that I'm looking for, a gal who makes jewelry out of found wood and lichen, I bought a necklace from her last year and want to get another.

My goal for the next 10 days is to get out for a minimum of six walks of at least a mile in length, and at least half of them need to be nature walks. This also feeds in to getting out of tourist mode and actually walking, not just thinking about it.

Happy Wednesday everyone.
I totally forget it was Wednesday. I am back at work but the kids are away this week so it is still throwing me off. I have 2 woohoos. the first is that my nephew was by my work yesterday and asked me to lunch. He is my favorite, well sort of. I love all of my nieces and nephews but he was the first by like 6 years. My sister was a single mom and still liked to party and I didn't want strangers watching him so I was watching him instead. I was like another parent to him until my sister got married when he was about 6 and also at that time we all started to have kids. he will always hold a little different spot in my heart because of this. I don't get to see him much because he is in college so him asking me to lunch just made my day.

My other woohoo is that I have lost 5 pounds since July 1. I am shocked by this because I have never lost that much at one time. I was eating ok but not great and I was walking a decent amount. So it is just odd to me. Right now I will take it though. I think it was more water weight because I was drinking more pop while off of work and now that I am back at work I an drinking more water.
Yesterday was a good day. The scale is moving again which is so good to see after having stalled for the last few months. This is a long trek for me. I'm making every effort to really overhaul my food and lifestyle choices to heal my body.
For me though I do not think of keto as a diet, it is my way of eating I am learning how to feed my body properly so it can function without IBS and migraines and heal from harmful treatments I've had in the past.

I have also stalled in the weight loss department the last few months. Similarly I am also approaching Keto as a longer term eating style to help me heal years of neglect and unhealthy eating which saw me pre-diabetic and with high cholesterol - I also have started having auras sometimes followed by the migraine headache and just plain fatigued all the time! I had made some improvement on my blood results - but they are still up there - I need to have them re-done and I am procrastinating as I know my eating has slipped lately and I am scared I undid the improvements. Doctor wants to put me on medication for the high cholesterol.

Woohoo... I've now gone two days without hitting the vending machine for afternoon sugar fixes. I also haven't had any ice cream the past week, so I'm going to say I have made progress with my 10 day goal of reducing sugar and dairy intake.

That is great @Oneanne - I know that is huge for you!

My other woohoo is that I have lost 5 pounds since July 1. I am shocked by this because I have never lost that much at one time. I was eating ok but not great and I was walking a decent amount. So it is just odd to me. Right now I will take it though. I think it was more water weight because I was drinking more pop while off of work and now that I am back at work I an drinking more water.

WOW - that is another awesome effort!

My WOOHOO is to say that I feel I did well with my first 10 day goals - Mine was to walk twice with a friend - okay this did now happen due to her not feeling well. The bit that did work well though was that I did both my 'walking' 15 minute video and my 10 minute yoga video workouts 8 out of 10 days. The 2 that I missed whilst I was not able to work it into my day - I did feel bad about missing it.

My other WOOHOO is that DS18 and I went to see Toy Story 4 yesterday - when he was little he had a Toy Story bedroom, lots of the toys and dress ups. So that was a nice nostalgic movie for us.

Not so woohoo - is I had a bad night last night - I actually stopped at the shops to purposefully buy comfort food (chips and peanut m&ms) on my way to pick up DS15 from work at 9pm. I came home and ate them whilst crying - that is how I know it was complete comfort food binge. Something snarky my BIL said whilst I was leaving my sisters the other day, really pushed my buttons and I have let it get to me. I really hate this as I don't really think much of my BIL so should care less what he has to say about anything. Ugh. Went to bed with a horrible headache - then dreamt about the family friend who recently died in his 50s as a result of not looking after himself - so I am taking that as a message that I really need to get this looking after myself train back on track. Only a few days of vacation left for me and I am actually dreading going back to work next week for some reason - I have really enjoyed this break, even though I have not gone away, and think I really needed to completely unplug from work (which I did do) and am starting to feel overwhelmed by all that is awaiting me back at work.
I have also stalled in the weight loss department the last few months. Similarly I am also approaching Keto as a longer term eating style to help me heal years of neglect and unhealthy eating which saw me pre-diabetic and with high cholesterol - I also have started having auras sometimes followed by the migraine headache and just plain fatigued all the time! I had made some improvement on my blood results - but they are still up there - I need to have them re-done and I am procrastinating as I know my eating has slipped lately and I am scared I undid the improvements. Doctor wants to put me on medication for the high cholesterol.

That is great @Oneanne - I know that is huge for you!

WOW - that is another awesome effort!

My WOOHOO is to say that I feel I did well with my first 10 day goals - Mine was to walk twice with a friend - okay this did now happen due to her not feeling well. The bit that did work well though was that I did both my 'walking' 15 minute video and my 10 minute yoga video workouts 8 out of 10 days. The 2 that I missed whilst I was not able to work it into my day - I did feel bad about missing it.

My other WOOHOO is that DS18 and I went to see Toy Story 4 yesterday - when he was little he had a Toy Story bedroom, lots of the toys and dress ups. So that was a nice nostalgic movie for us.

Not so woohoo - is I had a bad night last night - I actually stopped at the shops to purposefully buy comfort food (chips and peanut m&ms) on my way to pick up DS15 from work at 9pm. I came home and ate them whilst crying - that is how I know it was complete comfort food binge. Something snarky my BIL said whilst I was leaving my sisters the other day, really pushed my buttons and I have let it get to me. I really hate this as I don't really think much of my BIL so should care less what he has to say about anything. Ugh. Went to bed with a horrible headache - then dreamt about the family friend who recently died in his 50s as a result of not looking after himself - so I am taking that as a message that I really need to get this looking after myself train back on track. Only a few days of vacation left for me and I am actually dreading going back to work next week for some reason - I have really enjoyed this break, even though I have not gone away, and think I really needed to completely unplug from work (which I did do) and am starting to feel overwhelmed by all that is awaiting me back at work.
Liking the goals and Toy Story parts, but no the BIL part... so sorry that happened. What a gift that the family friend came to you in your dream. ❤
Catching up quickly before bed. For Topic Tuesday, I would say I'm somewhere in between. I'm definitely not just a tourist. Once I set my mind to something, I'm a go-getter. I like to set and achieve goals. But I also find that I sometimes reach a goal and then let things fall apart again. So I tend to drift in and out.

For Woohoo Wednesday, I have gotten up and walked/jogged the boardwalk every morning of vacation! It's not only been great exercise for my body, but it's also been a nice quiet time for me. I am up before the rest of the house, put my earbuds in and walk up to the boardwalk. So it's been good for my soul too :)
I was so moody yesterday. I had a nice catch up with a friend that just came back from Orlando and got me replacement for my WDW parks favourite sun visor. However there was so much rain pouring down on my way home, and I was wearing white shirt. I was running to make it home. Any day in Ireland and doing theme parks in Florida in the summer - skip white. Wet white shirt on woman age 40 - not good look. It never is but at 6 you will get away with it.

not very whoohooo post, right :)? sorry about that

Whoo - it's summer! It rains, but the rain is warm summer rain :). It's nearly the end of the week.
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DD and I took mum to see Yesterday at the movies today - we really enjoyed it. Mum would not leave until the credits were over and she had finished singing along to 'Hey Jude' lol.

Had a lovely catch up with a work friend today who is expecting boy/girl twins in October - so she wanted to come over and look at pics of my twins when they were babies and ask questions - we run out of time for at work haha. She left feeling very excited about meeting her twins. Ahhh memories.

Tomorrow the kids and I are off to Australia Zoo - which was started by Steve Irwin aka the famous Crocodile Hunter. It is nearby here on the Sunshine Coast and whilst the boys and I have been - we realised that DD never has - so off we go and she wants to cuddle a Koala while we are there. There will be lots of walking involved tomorrow.

My next 10 days goal is to really refocus on what I am consuming. I want to get back to more water, on track with Keto meals and reduce my chocolate indulgences. Heading back to work Monday should help with water - I always do better with that there.
Tomorrow the kids and I are off to Australia Zoo - which was started by Steve Irwin aka the famous Crocodile Hunter. It is nearby here on the Sunshine Coast and whilst the boys and I have been - we realised that DD never has - so off we go and she wants to cuddle a Koala while we are there. There will be lots of walking involved tomorrow.

OK, I know it's Thankful thursday, but allow me a moment of jealousy first - I want to cuddle a koala too!!

I am thankful that my sinus infection seems to be getting better, and that I got a bunch of college stuff done with DS this morning.

My late "woohoo" from yesterday is that I'm down 2 pounds! (I'm sure it was mostly water weight that had built up while I was away, but down was certainly nicer to see than up!)
I am thankful for the word "AND". I've long thought that in western culture we're taught to think in binary terms, this-or-that, male-or-female, right-or-wrong, good-or-bad. But in truth it's not 'or', it is 'and'... this-and-that, male-and-female, right-and-wrong, good-and-bad.

I need to remember to apply 'and' to my healthful journey... for me 'and' represents the middle ground, where I don't stop and throw up my hands or beat myself up when I fail to meet my goals. It needs to be: I have goals and sometimes I'm not going to attain them, and then I start over again.

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