The ABCs of An EPIC Girls' Trip! May, 2019-Q is for: Quietly Sending this Trip Report off Into an Internet Sunset (8/25)

Why are you eating crap? Can't you at the very least make 5 minutes to hit a drive up window on the way home or something?
It may be drive through food she's talking about.

Get wide, throw elbows... this is where a nice wide double stroller next to you comes in handy
Ooh ooh ooh...with the double stroller, do like Nascar drivers when they're warming up their tires.

Well if you really wanted time to take photos you could have slept in!!!
You speak truth. Woukd definitely have a LOT more time for pictures.

Yup - took a DIS break because I was struggling with a little green monster
Explain please...don't know what this means.

before the first grandbaby arrives next year,
Nicely done. Hadn't thought of silent 'P's!
And now you're wondering.... "Is it pronounced Pkondz…. or just kondz???"
Hmmm, I think I'd better keep my thoughts to myself on this... could "trigger" some folks.
You're not armpit level. I think you're mostly safe.
I swear, these people lose their minds! ZERO regard for anyone else.
They led us to the Pandora end of the bridge, yes. Past Tiffins to the other side.
Ah, okay got it.
(Although I can be pretty wild. In a socially acceptable way.)
:laughing: How is that possible?
An extra bitter one.
:scared1: A regular one is bad enough!!!
In short, it was an EPIC Trip in all respects!
Good! So happy you had such a wonderful time. :)
If you have followed along and enjoyed this TR, I'd REALLY appreciate it if you could give me one last soundoff.
I'm doing that right now. :)
Thanks again for a fun and entertaining TR! (as always)
The heat and humidity for a May in Florida was unreal!
:sad2: Yes it was.
While not an attraction, a highlight from that tour was definitely the Flyover by the Blue Angels! So powerful and beautiful with quite a display of raw talent.
That was so cool!
I also lost all of my video from the Herman and the Hermits concert some of us went to.
Either forgot or didn't know that. I've never had the opportunity to see anyone I want, there. Maybe some day. :)
One last soundoff from me (on this TR, that is). Thanks for sharing everything! I started reading some of the other EPIC TRs, but got busy this summer and didn't have time to keep up with the rest of them. Maybe if I get some slow time again, I'll go back and figure out where the heck I was with some of them, but we shall see. I'm trying to limit my DIS time to do more productive stuff, esp since we aren't actually planning any trips.
I was feeling envious and wallowing in a self pity party. Decided to pull up my big girl socks and be happy again! Living vicariously is way better than isolated miserableness :)
Glad to hear it. big girl socks, eh? Must be trying to keep it a family board. :rotfl2:
Seriously, glad you're back.
I was so pathetically behind here that I didn't even bother to quote anything, but Liesa, this was SO fun to read!! Thanks for capturing so many of the fun stories that made your trip EPIC. I had almost forgotten about our 'Ohana birthday song! :) Thanks for sharing the celebration with me!! It was fabulous to meet you, and I do hope our DIsney paths cross again some day!! Now, I'm off to your new report!!
Why are you eating crap? Can't you at the very least make 5 minutes to hit a drive up window on the way home or something?

I do that too on occasion, but try to limit it. I hate nickle and diming my bank account to death like that. Besides, is McDonalds not really very close to crap, anyway? ;)

::yes:: Me too! Nothing irritates me more than following the rules and seeing others blatantly break them to no consequence.

It takes me a long time to simmer down after that.

Get wide, throw elbows... this is where a nice wide double stroller next to you comes in handy.

I am thinking the kids and I will link arms and "get wide"

Well if you really wanted time to take photos you could have slept in!!!

LOL!! I suppose so!

But then they'd be all people-y.

::yes:: That's great! But did you even have an opportunity to rub it in their faces?

There may or may not have been a well-timed smirk.

That whole story is just crazy... the upgrade, the CM celebrity status, all of it. Glad you got to have that experience as Princess Steppe.

You know it! princess:
Yup - took a DIS break because I was struggling with a little green monster, but I decided to grow up and start living vicariously again! I also decided with my superhero powers of rationalization that I should try to squeeze one more trip in before the first grandbaby arrives next year, so I am currently stalking room rates. I feel very badly that the room at the Contemporary at $1400 per night is still not taken - perhaps I should offer to pay rack rate at the ASMu just so that the Contemporary doesn't feel bad about that poor empty room? Lol

I understand how that goes! It's tough to be not planning!

Aww, that poor, poor room; it will be so lonely without you. I'm absolutely certain that that Contemp room would gaze over to the ASMu and wallow in sadness and envy at your occupation of it!!

I think we need to be Millennials At Heart!

For sure!! I need a Childless Millenial shirt and buy a pretzel!!

Congratulations on the new job - what a smart woman to just go on and take care of herself so efficiently! And happy belated birthday!

Thanks, Donna! I won't lie, it was a HARD week and I'm brain-mushed. But the extra cash will be very nice.

Haha, I was too lazy to attempt RD with my last offsite stay, but one day when I was about to drop from the heat I chose to do standby just to get out of the sun for an hour and a half! See you on the next TR!

I can see that too. Some of the queues are quite nice with cool air piped in for saving their medical folks from being overwhelmed with heat strokes.

See you there! :hug:

Already closing up shop. I really loved hearing about the new eateries, of course seeing your amazing photos, and celebrating the extra pixie dust moments. So cool that so many of you got to meet up!

It was time. :) Need to get the show on the road with the next Report, for more adventures await!!

It was the best kind of trip, Tammie!! And there will be more magical moments to share soon!
It may be drive through food she's talking about.
It was both. A cheese quesadilla or a frozen dinner is equally as likely as a quick sandwich or Taco Bell.
And now you're wondering.... "Is it pronounced Pkondz…. or just kondz???"

I've always pronounced it "Pecandz" like the nuts with a "D" in there.

:laughing: How is that possible?


Good! So happy you had such a wonderful time. :)

I did, and it looks like you had a really nice time at all the DISMeets you squeezed in as well.

Thanks again for a fun and entertaining TR! (as always)

You're very welcome. Hopefully the next one will be equally as entertaining. :)

Either forgot or didn't know that. I've never had the opportunity to see anyone I want, there. Maybe some day. :)
That was the first time I saw someone I wanted to bother to see. And I was glad I did.
One last soundoff from me (on this TR, that is). Thanks for sharing everything! I started reading some of the other EPIC TRs, but got busy this summer and didn't have time to keep up with the rest of them. Maybe if I get some slow time again, I'll go back and figure out where the heck I was with some of them, but we shall see. I'm trying to limit my DIS time to do more productive stuff, esp since we aren't actually planning any trips.
I totally hear ya on the DIS Time and being productive. I do enjoy the DIS VERY much, and love to share my stories and photos, but I really hate to let real life stuff pile up too.

Hope to see you on the next TR often!!! I will try very hard to take good notes and share it all.
I was so pathetically behind here that I didn't even bother to quote anything, but Liesa, this was SO fun to read!! Thanks for capturing so many of the fun stories that made your trip EPIC. I had almost forgotten about our 'Ohana birthday song! :) Thanks for sharing the celebration with me!! It was fabulous to meet you, and I do hope our DIsney paths cross again some day!! Now, I'm off to your new report!!
You're so very welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed it, Jackie! I was thrilled to have met you and to share a few Disney moments with you on our special day! See you on the next ABC's report!
I'm sorry it took so long, but I finally came back and got caught up! (I always come back!)

But I did fast walk/jog. Everyone else was running. Which kinda peeved me out.

This is so frustrating!! I'm basically a rule follower, too. People who aren't make things feel very chaotic and frustrating to me! But this did make me chuckle only for the reason that it reminded me of walking past the rope drop crowds waiting to enter EPCOT and dash toward Norway when we were on a tour on our trip, and overhearing the cast members making them all take a pledge that they would not run.

See the girl on her phone?? "Hey, family, come on up! There's loads of room for you and literally no one on earth matters but you!"


as I stepped up to the CM who did the final sorting, stopped me. He said point blank, "You’re lucky, we’re opening up the next room now and you’re first in!"

Sayonara, Suckahs!!! Later, Alligators! The people’s faces that I saw in front of me for cutting were now waaaaaaaaaaaaay behind me and again

Yay! Lucky you! I've said this recently in relation to something you shared, I think, but I'll say it again: once in a while, the good you put out in the world comes back to you! :)

Well, technically it was “shots”, and a friend did some work with it, but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE how it turned out! Definitely a treasure!

Lovely! This is a neat photo! I haven't seen this lantern before.

Sounds like a pretty good novel. And it was. But, it feels like it is time to put this baby to sleep.

I know I was absent for the actual "putting to sleep," but I'll still miss this one! Now I just need to get myself caught up on the next one...

After her initial rough start right out of the gate, Mom did recover enough to trudge on with a few minor setbacks, but nothing too earth-shattering. I think she enjoyed the trip overall, but the heat and excitement were a lot. Heck, the weather was a lot for ME! The heat and humidity for a May in Florida was unreal!

Oh my goodness, the heat and humidity and excitement of a trip like this would do a number on just about anyone, I think! I can't imagine. It seems like it was every bit as intense for this trip in May as are the August trips we take, and that weather is pretty wild. But I'm so glad that she recovered okay and managed to still enjoy herself on the trip! It sounds like you and your mom make pretty great travelling companions. My mom and I have a similar relationship, and I hope it continues for many years to come. (Side note: my mom just surprised me this week with the news that she's taking me to New York for a weekend in the spring to celebrate my graduation! I'm beyond excited! We call it "adventching" when we go on adventures together, and I think this adventching trip will be one for the books.)

Another highlight that stood out: The INCREDIBLE upgrade to the Grand from the Coronado.

This is so amazing! I'm sure you enjoyed every minute of your time there! Coronado is still a lovely resort, in my opinion. You may remember that we stayed there with our wedding party for a few nights. But I certainly would always take the GF over Coronado if the price stayed the same! Happy for you and your upgrade :lovestruc

Losing all my phone photos, a whopping 2 ½ days’ worth (which is a LOT on such a short trip!) sucked. Lessons learned there for sure!

This must have been so very disappointing. As a reader, I didn't feel your report suffered in the slightest, but I still know how valuable those photos are for your own personal collection.

Flower and Garden was AMAZING!! I’m not entirely sure that I can’t say that it isn’t my new favorite Festival now. So, so pretty and the food offerings are equal to, and in some ways better than, F&W. It’s EPCOT at it’s absolute finest!

Oh my goodness, yay!! F&G is my absolute favourite way to experience EPCOT! I thought F&W might change that when I got to go for the first time this year, but after having experienced both I have to say that I still have a real preference for F&G. So beautiful! (It's the reason I had the artist include flowers in my EPCOT tattoo, btw.) I'm glad you enjoyed your time there!

Thanks so much for sharing these experiences with us, Liesa! You put together another wonderful report, and I'm very happy to continue consuming whatever content you create for us!


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