I love this picture & portrait mode! :love:

Thank you so much!! I'm a fan of portrait mode!!

Ugh agreed. I get the tiers too but so annoying! Especially HS now what the heck!

I feel like the DHS tiers are even worse than the Epcot ones because everyone wants to book Slinky!!! At least there are a lot of options in the top tier of Epcot attractions that ration out which ones people book!!

Oo I always get the orange but I've been on a lemonade kick recently and now I'm gonna have to try the lemon!

It's so good!!!

Sounds AMAZING. And also, that looks big enough to be a meal alone!

It was such a great soup!! Definitely could have had this for my meal, especially with the bread!!

I love a good macaroni and cheese and I need this in my life!

You DEFINITELY need to try this mac and cheese!!!
1900 Park FLAIR
8/20: Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party!
We woke up late-ish on Tuesday. Around 9 AM, so late-ish for me at least. We had a 10:50 breakfast ADR at 1900PF, so we all got dressed and decided to head out around 10:40.

Grace and I went downstairs while dad and mom were finishing getting ready so that I could take lobby pics. It really is one of the nicest little lobbies on property.



In this photo of the chocolate sculpture below, you can kind of see what I'm talking about in regards to the mirror in the background looking "dirty" the way it does on the elevator. But it's... not dirty? It's stained that way somehow and I don't know why? I'm sure it was a "trend" for whatever reason back in the Victorian era but it looked mostly bad and not at all like an aesthetic choice.



And of course... there's that amazing fountain in this lobby that I can't get enough of!


You asked for a close up of every penguin and a biography, yes? This is what you wanted? Gladly. Here comes.

These two are Betram and Augest. They are the very best of friends, because they have the fanciest of names. Betram is the honest waiter, while Augest is the fun-spirited friend who keeps morale up at the penguin tea parlor.


This is Horatio. He has been at the penguin tea parlor for many, many, many years and is a head waiter but not the type of head waiter who is always in every other waiter's business and telling them how to do their job. He is extremely polite and a master of good service.


Ah, Hector! Hector is one of the younger penguins at the tea parlor and is only working here until his career in the Theatre takes off. His boisterous voice and jazz squares delight the afternoon tea crowd. He has an audition tonight. Break a leg, Hector!


Charles is a manager at the penguin tea parlor. He has a beautiful family with two beautiful penguin children and he summers in the countryside.


Les is the bus boy of the penguin tea parlor! A young penguin who works on the weekends for extra money in his pocket to go to the candy store with his friends after school on the weekdays. Keep up the good work, Les!


Last but MOST CERTAINLY not least is Percival. Percival is the Maître d' of the tea parlor. He went to Maître d' academy in FRANCE to learn how to take on this most uppity of jobs. The refinement! The class! Percival LIVES for it!


Anyway, mom and dad came downstairs as I finished snapping and then we walked over to the main building.

We checked in pretty close to our reservation time and we were told the restaurant was running behind a few minutes, so we were encouraged to sit in the lobby until we got our text.

We sat down on a couch close to the main entrance of the lobby and we noticed there were a lot of "plain clothes" CMs, usually management/upper management, out in suits and standing in a line by the entrance to the lobby. Occasionally, a family would walk in through the doors and they'd all clap for them a they entered. My dad asked what they were doing, and I theorized that they might have been waiting for a few CMs to walk into the building to start a Legacy Award ceremony, or maybe a Make-a-Wish family was arriving to check-in.

So then a few minutes later, the CMs really start cheering and I notice a huge group walk through them in business-casual clothing, lead by two other CMs, and that's when I realized what was actually going on: a group of DCP kids are getting their "Grand Welcome" for their area orientation! Whether they were Merch, Seater, Lifeguard, or QSFB, they were about to call the Grand Floridian home for the next few months and I got a little lump in my throat thinking about how excited I was to go through orientation for Magic Kingdom.

I didn't even realize until that moment that because we were in the parks in the middle of August, DCP arrivals were in full swing and we would see a lot of DCP excitement. I think this was the moment where the Spring 2020 wheels started turning for me. Later on in the week, we had so many kids with "Earning my Ears" tags nervously take our order at a QS restaurant or merging FP+ guests on rides. That Friday, I saw a CP Traditions group (first day on the job at Disney) walking through Fantasyland and they were all wide-eyed and pointing things out to their friends and ughhhhhhh it was so cute. If you go to Disney in August for any reason, do it to see all the new Fall CPs being cute.

That happened and then we got the text telling us to come back to 1900PF so we could be seated!

1900 Park Fare is, quite frankly, the superior character breakfast in Disney World. I don't book character dinners anymore, but this is the best character breakfast on property.

We were seated quickly, and our waitress came around really quickly to pour some POG juice for us and take our drink orders, then encouraged us to go get a plate.

Here's plate #1 for me:


A biscuit, some potatoes, and an omelette. The guy manning the omelette bar was less than thrilled to be there this morning, but the omelette was great none the less. I got some onions, cheese, mushrooms, and bacon. It was really great! The potatoes and biscuit were your standard potatoes and biscuits, I guess, but I still thought they were pretty good.

Plate #2 was really the moment I was waiting for.


That in the bowl is my favorite item from any Disney buffet ever, the signature 1900 Park Fare Strawberry soup. It was incredible. It's a creamy puree of strawberries with cream and it is served cold and... I can't describe it. You'll just have to take my word for it. We also have a pecan sticky bun and bread pudding with vanilla sauce. Everything on this plate was outstanding, and I got a third plate that looked exactly like this one. So, so good.

So... we actually do not have character photos from this meal.


Dad insisted we took the photos on his phone, which he never sent to me and quite frankly probably does not have anymore. I did not look great this morning and spilled strawberry soup on myself at one point so I have not asked for them.

At this meal, you meet Pooh, Mary Poppins, Alice, and the Mad Hatter while you're dining. I promise that everyone was really great, especially the Mad Hatter. He literally walked over and I said "what's the tea?" and he shrugged and said "I don't know, you tell me. What's the tea, sis?" I told him that Alice and I just had invisibili-tea, and he mentioned that invisibili-tea stains, so I told him I would be extremely careful going forward.

I have a photo with Tigger, who Grace and I met on our way out! This is a new, common thing at 'Ohana and 1900PF: a character is waiting for you at the end of your meal to take a photo against a backdrop with a Photopass CM.


All in all: if you are in-between the three character breakfasts on the monorail line, I'm gonna go ahead and suggest you book 1900 Park Fare. I think the character interaction is always more fun with characters like Mad and Alice, and I think the food options here are better than what you'll find at Chef Mickey's and 'Ohana. The build-your-own omelette station and the strawberry soup are definitely two great options you'll find here that you won't get at CM or 'Ohana!

(Click here to continue!)
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Around 9 AM, so late-ish for me at least
Wow the luxury!

And of course... there's that amazing fountain in this lobby that I can't get enough of!
Sooo cute. I squee-d.

You asked for a close up of every penguin and a biography, yes? This is what you wanted? Gladly. Here comes
FINALLY! The scoop I've been WAITING FOR.

He is extremely polite and a master of good service.
And has exceptional aim.

He went to Maître d' academy in FRANCE to learn how to take on this most uppity of jobs
Tres chic Percival, tres chic.

a group of DCP kids are getting their "Grand Welcome" for their area orientation! Whether they were Merch, Seater, Lifeguard, or QSFB, they were about to call the Grand Floridian home for the next few months and I got a little lump in my throat thinking about how excited I was to go through orientation for Magic Kingdom.
happy merida small.gif

pour some POG juice
The best juice.

All in all: if you are in-between the three character breakfasts on the monorail line, I'm gonna go ahead and suggest you book 1900 Park Fare. I think the character interaction is always more fun with characters like Mad and Alice, and I think the food options here are better than what you'll find at Chef Mickey's and 'Ohana. The build-your-own omelette station and the strawberry soup are definitely two great options you'll find here that you won't get at CM or 'Ohana!
Ugh I wish my DH liked character meals! He just doesn't care about characters (you might say he doesn't care-acter...nope okay I'll stop). Anyway because he doesn't like them he doesn't like paying extra just to meet them while eating. But this one sounds sooo fun!
I love your introductions of the penguins. It makes my day frankly.

I've never tried 1900 park faire but I always want to, especially dinner, since the step sisters are the best!
Wow the luxury!

We are LIVING large this year

Sooo cute. I squee-d.

It is SO beautiful

FINALLY! The scoop I've been WAITING FOR.
And has exceptional aim.
Tres chic Percival, tres chic.

I just want you to know that I thought about adding this bit into the TR, almost decided against adding it in there, and then thought, "no, Ann will enjoy it, keep it in there."

The best juice.

Seriously the best!!!

Ugh I wish my DH liked character meals! He just doesn't care about characters (you might say he doesn't care-acter...nope okay I'll stop). Anyway because he doesn't like them he doesn't like paying extra just to meet them while eating. But this one sounds sooo fun!

It is the best meal!!! It was super affordable while I was on my program so maybe we can do a pre-F&G breakfast here?????

I 100% agree about 1900 Park fare! Definitely the hidden gem among character breakfasts!

Yessssss!!! One of the best!!!

I love your introductions of the penguins. It makes my day frankly.

Thank you, thank you! I try!

I've never tried 1900 park faire but I always want to, especially dinner, since the step sisters are the best!

I recommend it any time of day! The steps are amazing!!!
Your introductions to each penguin in that fountain were, frankly, what I never knew I needed in life!

I think Percival is my fave. I mean, that bow he's giving. It really sums up how fancy & refined he is! 💁‍♀️

Thanks for the laughs, that made my day :rotfl:

Also, I have NEVER eaten at 1900 Park Fare!
It's one of those I always mean to try and then it just never works out.
I usually book either Crystal Palace or 'Ohana for a character breakfast but I obviously need to branch out & try this!

Loving the updates! Looking forward to hearing all about MNSSHP!

I just want you to know that I thought about adding this bit into the TR, almost decided against adding it in there, and then thought, "no, Ann will enjoy it, keep it in there."
The Ann on your shoulder will always say yes to unnecessary back stories

It was super affordable while I was on my program so maybe we can do a pre-F&G breakfast here?????
anna happy.gif
Love that penguin fountain!

Sounds like a great breakfast. 1900 Park Fare is definitely on my list to try one day!
Hahahaha the penguins bios cracked me up. Thanks for a laugh on a long work day afternoon :D Great pics of the lobby!
I can't wait to go to 1900 Park Fare, it is top of the list for breakfast brunches when I go next. Mary Poppins is an absolute favorite and every time I have gone, I always manage to miss meeting her. So I decided to just book the breakfast where is at. I already have my outfit planned and everything.
We went to 1900 Park Faire for dinner back in 2015 and I was surprised how much we enjoyed it. The Tremaines were awesome, of course, but I was more impressed by the food than I was expecting.

You may have hooked me with "make your own omelet station" - that's one of my favorite parts of Crystal Palace! If we do end up staying at the Poly I may consider adding this breakfast. My daughter loves the Pooh characters and it would be great fun to meet Alice and Mary Poppins.
Ok the penguin bios may have just been the highlight of my day! That combined with your interaction with the Mad Hatter. :laughing:

We ate at 1900PF for dinner years ago and really thought it was just ok, but the food at breakfast looks wonderful! Tusker House is always our go-to character breakfast, and that's mostly because my mom is obsessed with their safari outfits. :rotfl:
The breakfast looks so good, my stomach is growling, haha! I do love the strawberry soup!

The penguin fountain is so cute, do they have a bio on each penguin? So funny!
Your introductions to each penguin in that fountain were, frankly, what I never knew I needed in life!

I think Percival is my fave. I mean, that bow he's giving. It really sums up how fancy & refined he is! 💁‍♀️

Thanks for the laughs, that made my day :rotfl:

Thank you, thank you very much! Percival is certainly a crowd favorite!!! I'm glad I could make you laugh!!

Also, I have NEVER eaten at 1900 Park Fare!
It's one of those I always mean to try and then it just never works out.
I usually book either Crystal Palace or 'Ohana for a character breakfast but I obviously need to branch out & try this!

It is a great meal-- I 10/10 recommend!

Loving the updates! Looking forward to hearing all about MNSSHP!


Yay!! Thank you thank you thank you-- can't wait to get around to MNSSHP!

The Ann on your shoulder will always say yes to unnecessary back stories

That's why I keep her on my shoulder!!!! Always encouraging me to live my best life!!!

Love that penguin fountain!

It's so cute!

Sounds like a great breakfast. 1900 Park Fare is definitely on my list to try one day!

It really is delicious, I bet you would love it!

Hahahaha the penguins bios cracked me up. Thanks for a laugh on a long work day afternoon :D Great pics of the lobby!
I can't wait to go to 1900 Park Fare, it is top of the list for breakfast brunches when I go next. Mary Poppins is an absolute favorite and every time I have gone, I always manage to miss meeting her. So I decided to just book the breakfast where is at. I already have my outfit planned and everything.

I'm so glad I could make you laugh!! 1900 Park Fare is incredible, I can't recommend it enough!

I must try that mac and cheese in France! Love the penguins and their bio. :)

It's so good!! I'm glad you appreciate the bios!!

We went to 1900 Park Faire for dinner back in 2015 and I was surprised how much we enjoyed it. The Tremaines were awesome, of course, but I was more impressed by the food than I was expecting.

You may have hooked me with "make your own omelet station" - that's one of my favorite parts of Crystal Palace! If we do end up staying at the Poly I may consider adding this breakfast. My daughter loves the Pooh characters and it would be great fun to meet Alice and Mary Poppins.

I was also surprised with 1900PF dinner! The food was so much better than we thought it would be!

I will say-- I think breakfast is even better than dinner! And it really is crazy how the omelette station can bring a breakfast buffet from like a 6/10 to a 10/10! I don't normally eat breakfast eggs, but I always end up at the omelette station if it's offered!

Ok the penguin bios may have just been the highlight of my day! That combined with your interaction with the Mad Hatter. :laughing:


We ate at 1900PF for dinner years ago and really thought it was just ok, but the food at breakfast looks wonderful! Tusker House is always our go-to character breakfast, and that's mostly because my mom is obsessed with their safari outfits. :rotfl:

Tusker House is a good one!!! I have to go back, I haven't been there in ages!!!

I love the penguin bios! How cute! Glad you had a great breakfast!

Thank you so much!!!

The breakfast looks so good, my stomach is growling, haha! I do love the strawberry soup!

The strawberry soup is a classic! It's so delicious!!

The penguin fountain is so cute, do they have a bio on each penguin? So funny!

Honestly... Disney should take the bios right from my post and just etch them on a plaque in front of each penguin!
the mirror in the background looking "dirty" the way it does on the elevator. But it's... not dirty?

Is it supposed to be splattered chocolate?!

And of course... there's that amazing fountain in this lobby that I can't get enough of!

I really love a good fountain and this one is amazing! I’ve never seen it before.

1900 Park Fare is, quite frankly, the superior character breakfast in Disney World. I don't book character dinners anymore, but this is the best character breakfast on property.

I’m not crazy about character meals either but I need to give this one a try. I like the Bon Voyage breakfast (except Flynn Rider was missing last time we went) but all others have been a one and done for me.

I told him that Alice and I just had invisibili-tea, and he mentioned that invisibili-tea stains, so I told him I would be extremely careful going forward.

This is hilarious! I’ve met the Mad Hatter twice and he is one of my favorites - always so quick and witty. I’m officially sold on this breakfast!
But it's... not dirty? It's stained that way somehow and I don't know why? I'm sure it was a "trend" for whatever reason back in the Victorian era but it looked mostly bad and not at all like an aesthetic choice.

Yeah that's weird. I feel like Disney owes us a plaque with an explanation lol.

You asked for a close up of every penguin and a biography, yes? This is what you wanted? Gladly. Here comes.

Oo I never knew I needed this but I'm so glad you did it! Fantastic.

o then a few minutes later, the CMs really start cheering and I notice a huge group walk through them in business-casual clothing, lead by two other CMs, and that's when I realized what was actually going on: a group of DCP kids are getting their "Grand Welcome" for their area orientation!

Ugh this is amazing! I can only imagine the butterflies they were feeling at that moment.

I got a little lump in my throat thinking about how excited I was to go through orientation for Magic Kingdom.

:love: :love:

1900 Park Fare is, quite frankly, the superior character breakfast in Disney World.

Agreed. This and the Bon Voyage breakfast top my list!

the signature 1900 Park Fare Strawberry soup.

YUM. I need this back in my life!
The Penguin bio's got me - especially Hector's 😂. Adding another restaurant to our list for the next trip - hoping that the tea spilling Hatter is at our breakfast as well!
Love the penguin back stories! Seriously you SHOULD send that in to the Disney powers that be ::yes::

We haven't done 1900 PF breakfast in probably 10 years but back then, the Mad Hatter was hilarious. We did do dinner there last year and were less than thrilled with the food, but breakfast foods are my fave so maybe I can talk part of my family into this 🤔


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