A Salute to all things Disney, but mostly Magic Bars; a July 4th 2019 TR*update 11/28 new TR link!

The AH is flawed at DHS because there are so few rides and if one is not running at capacity this makes it even more flawed. Bummer! I love ToT and for being a ride chicken I’m pretty proud of myself!

I am starting to look at a few extra things in January, what night are you all doing MK AH?
Lucky page #13!!!

Can't believe you only got to ride TOT once :( You must have been SO bummed!! I'm glad you got that great pic of all of you on RnRc though :) Yay, family fun!
I did AH at MK in May with @Elevationist , @IowaTater and @Jenny Sanders and her DH Joe and it was amazing! It was like there was hardly anyone else in the park! Steve and I are doing it again with Jenny and Joe in January and I'm crossing my fingers that one is just as great.
Woot! Woot! :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:
This was a walk on, yay! It had been awhile since we'd done this and I'd forgotten how long the walk was from the ride exit back into the land.

Can we also talking about the ridiculous walk to get on the ride right now? With the new entrance I feel like I’m walking through the back area which I guess we kinda are? But I find it so strange they couldn’t have fixed that even a little bit

I just didn't like it being that I'd wanted us to experience this as a family. But I wanted to ride TOT more lol.

haha that’s my girl, sorry kid figure it out haha!

I am debating an after hours event in Feb at AK, people seem to love them, but I agree 5 rides is a bit disappointing, I know ToT was half down but still!
Ah...love the photos you all got on the 5 rides you DID get to do at AH at HS. Bummer about TOT though. I have yet to do a "paid" After Hours event yet but I am sorta considering doing the AK one that will happen later this month. I'm just not sure I want to fork out that money for a few hours in the park, but then again I do enjoy some AK and especially enjoy Disney Popcorn. I think I could eat $90+ dollars worth of Disney popcorn in a few hours. :)

With NO park passes and NO plans to get any annual passes this year I'm trying to figure out just what parks I want to visit this month and in December. After Hours gives us a chance to do that without tickets. We'll see.
Oh no!! Thats such a shame that TOT had such a long wait, I would have been mad too! They probably shouldn't have offered the event when TOT was under refurb. Especially with the limited number of rides anyway!

I'm slightly worried that I've spoiled my Moms expectations of AHs lol the one we did for DHS in March was dead because it was cold and rainy (which worked out well for us because it stopped raining and warmed up a smidge once the event started!) and we did MKs in September and literally every ride was a walk on! lol if we ever do one where she actually has to wait I think she'll be devastated!
So sad that TOT had such a long wait! I think DHS isn't the best park for AH, so maybe that contributed to it not being so great. Hopefully if you do another one again it's much better!
Anyway while they were here they booked their very first Disney vacation!! Not only is it Hayden's but my DIL Candace's first trip:goodvibes And of course Steve and I are going!
WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!! I so cannot wait for you to experience it with her. I still remember Casey's first trip and it was everything

Chris's first time riding and we were surprised he'd made it this far! As you can see he made it on the ride and back with us too:
Chris? Are you sure this is your Chris and not some look alike you found wandering Harambe?

It's from the walkway connecting Pandora and Africa so we must have "walked this way" to attractions. Oops wrong park!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: You're so "crazy" :P

That does not even look good. Looks more like cherry coke than a proper sangria. Must have come from a box 🍷📦

Ugh, what is that even. I used to follow a now defunct twitter account called someone ate this. This is right up there with some of their gems

Because I love Mexican food I would give this another try, especially since everyone else enjoyed it. But it was a disappointing meal for me and I knew I'd be hungry later since all we'd have at AH was ice cream and popcorn!
You are much more forgiving than me. I think we've finally realized that if we want mediocre Mexican food we'll just get it at home


No recollection of where but since it's after the band picture it had to be at HS!
1. Is this a family bathroom selfie?
2. Steve?

along with these guys:

Only you would like the creepy dolls!!!

And believe it or not Chris did have a good time and asked to do it again, so we did!
Firmly in the not camp

Bottom line he was feeling good and back to being really active before we left, but earlier in the day at AK his RIGHT foot started bothering him :headache: His LEFT knee was the injured one. So after a good 90 minutes in HS it was noticeably bothering him.
Oh poor guy! He really can't get a break.
I'd been texting with Susan @suse66 who was there with here DH celebrating their anniversary, and after "knowing" each other for quite some time here we were hoping to finally meet up in person. And that we did!

♥♥♥ I didn't realize you two had never met. You all were the first two Disers I met.

Popcorn on TOT what??? I didn't notice when we left but I guarantee there was at least one piece on the floor. Oh and Ricky's "ride face" is back complete with looking off in the corner at nothing. Unless.......did he see a 👻 Also not sure what's going on with my hair? It looks like I have extensions in the back and I swear I don't. I do have 40 gallons of hair though so I guess that's it!
So many things going on in this picture I'm not even sure where to start. Popcorn is genius! May have to steal that one to get Casey on there some day. And all the hair. So much hair. Pretty sure you teased it just for the occasion.

And with this - we were done. Sadly done. We left about 30 minutes before it ended and only rode 5 attractions, pathetic! We definitely could have done more, we could have done TSM again as a walk on, or SDD with another 20 minute wait, and RnRc was a walk on all night.
Yikes!!! Sounds like they are overselling these along with the Halloween parties. For as much as they charge that really is unacceptable.

Picture #1 Chris: "do I like this?"
Picture #2 Chris: "you know, I think I Do like this??"
This is hilarious!!! It totally looks like that!


Popcorn on TOT what??? I didn't notice when we left but I guarantee there was at least one piece on the floor. Oh and Ricky's "ride face" is back complete with looking off in the corner at nothing. Unless.......did he see a 👻 Also not sure what's going on with my hair? It looks like I have extensions in the back and I swear I don't. I do have 40 gallons of hair though so I guess that's it!
Ricky looks like a where's waldo in the picture. Trying to somehow blend in.

I don't know if I could ride RnR that many times.

But between Ricky's foot and my anger over the TOT wait times we all felt it was time to go. So this my friends is what was worse than that pathetic looking Maya Grill chicken, the fact that during a 3 hour special event at HS I only got to ride TOT 1 time. I hang my head in defeat and shame 🥴
Bummer. I am sorry the night wasn't as fun as you wanted it to be. Is ToT back up to fully functioning?

I did AH at MK in May with @Elevationist , @IowaTater and @Jenny Sanders and her DH Joe and it was amazing! It was like there was hardly anyone else in the park! Steve and I are doing it again with Jenny and Joe in January and I'm crossing my fingers that one is just as gr
We loved ours, but it was Star Wars themed that night, so there were extra meet and greets and stuff. They just need more rides to even out the waits!
Maybe you were able to try it this trip?? So bummed we didn't get to meet up :(
I did! And sorry I missed you too!
We did and I hope you did too!!
We did too!
DISMeets since that's one of the best parts of trips after being on the boards all these years :goodvibes
Great Splash shot! :)
I despise how I look in all the pictures here
Why? You look great!
I did miss a couple DIS'ers who were there like @pkondz and I'm not happy about it but it's so hard to catch up with everyone on a Disney trip.
Hopefully some day. :)
If you are a wuss and scare easily like someone I know but won't mention names (but she was part of the EPIC trip and her a name rhymes with smelly 😘 )
Sorry it’s sideways but can any of you SW fans explain the kegger in the SM queue 🍻
But... then again... why not?!?! :laughing:
Oh and here’s our 2019 Christmas card:

Perfect. Loving couple.
And finally my beloved BM,
Um... what? Oh! Bloody Mary!
Nice! Bet you'll love that!
This would be my first stay there and Steve's first at any Uni resort.
And what were your impressions?
I honestly will never EVER do the party without it; it's expensive but SO worth it!
Isn't that included with HRH? Or is it extra for a party EP?
The people in the lines were crammed together and just looking at them made me sweat in places nobody should.
Ugh. Nope.
Not only that but whoever designs the layout for HHN either gets stoned beforehand or is a cruel, cruel person because regardless of what house you exit the walk back to civilization - or at least the entrance to the nearest house - takes forever.
That's what makes it scary.
The other days this trip that we were at Disney we averaged 7-9.5 miles a day while during HHN alone we did 13 miles!
Holy smokes! Tons more walking!
Well FYI between 6:30 and midnight we did all 10 houses, all 6 scare zones, both shows, and ate twice lol. EP was a lifesaver!
Wow! Good for you! I didn't think it was possible.
See how the Classic Monsters is basically a soundstage with the pictures painted on or whatever? That's what the majority of the houses were except with nothing on the outside; just a plain soundstage you walked in. These others with an actual display outside were the exception and more of what I thought they'd all be like. Here's kind of where HHN wasn't what I thought it would be: I didn't think all the houses would be the same. Not sure what I thought really lol but I did expect "something" on the outside that related to what was inside.
Yeah, that would be my expectation as well.
It's the Headless Horse, man.

Well... soon.
I mentioned a pet peeve and it was that the TM's rushed us through the houses and I really would have liked to be able to look at the detail a bit more!
:( Not cool, TMs!
The TM's inside the housese were constantly flailing their hands at you telling you to move along .
Yeah, definitely not cool.
I would just expect it and when they jumped out I'd laugh and smile at them which probably pissed them off 😂
I also got mad there because there's a scene where a Yeti sticks his arm right through a guy and I had walked by already when he did it so only Steve saw it :headache:
Well, poop!
Here's the other thing that got me about the houses; they're all the same. Yeah I didn't realize this! Again not sure what I expected but I didn't think they'd be the same- go in, walk through, actors jump out. Exit :confused3 So as excited as I was to still see some of the houses we left until the end it was rather monotonous.
So it's not really necessary to hurry from house to house then. Maybe pick a few and do those?
That looks like a great back stretch. Maybe I'll volunteer for that.
Are you loving me for posting these yet??
It's a little hard to see this zombie but she did have a good amount of bloody makeup on and was walking like a perfect zombie, jerking up to people and getting in their face:
:laughing: Love that!
And the picture Steve sent Chris that made Chris wish he was with us:
Yep. That'll do it. You've convinced me.
OK my take on the scare zones: when you read about them they sound TERRIFYING. I was more afraid of these than the houses, I really though I would die walking through them before we got there and was thinking I wouldn't be able to take them. Ah, not the case. They were so neat but not scary at all! Yes they would randomly go up and try to scare you; yes there were scareators walking around even outside the scare zones but it was all the same time after time throughout the whole thing: them trying to "surprise" you and make you jump. I will say their makeup and the acting = 100% top notch.
So... good in some ways, but not so much in others?
In case you can't tell that's Steve from Stranger Things so let me say that house was cool because the actors were spot on as far as looking like the characters they were playing!
Cool that they were lookalikes. :)
You have to know who this is:

We totally enjoyed it and will do it again!
Okay! I was starting to think you hadn't enjoyed it enough to go again.
Finally I want to explain how relaxing this night was, yes relaxing!
:laughing: Wasn't expecting that!
Our granddaughter came over today - just her she drove ;)
I'm always singled out on EE because I'm the coolest member of my family 😎
Well, of course. This is obvious to everyone.
And he looks like he's having fun! Or maybe bored by it all? But not as bored as Ricky is with his "I'm on a really fun ride" face that comes with every PP ride pic he's in lol.
:laughing: He looks so stoic.
Somewhere along the line I took this picture of the back of Tiffins:
"Ladies and gentlemen... the backside of Tiffins!"

They should so have a river ride there.
we must have "walked this way" to attractions. Oops wrong park!
I see what you did there. ;)
We then went back to Asia for our 3rd FP because I like to make my family criss-cross the park as often as possible.
:laughing: And AK is the perfect park to do that!

I took a couple pictures since we don't see this that much:
Nor do I. Haven't done it in over 10 years now.
And proceeded to not get wet at all.
What? Really! I didn't think that was even possible. Huh.
Yum! Yes please.
I've never been there. Not even sure where it is.
which I did not like at all and was a little foreshadowing to my meal unfortunately. Read on for more!
Well, that sucks. :(
Does that look good?
Not really, no.
But that sure does!
Like that shot. :)
he's one of my 2 favorite characters from TS4 along with these guys:

Yeah... not creepy at all. Nope. Not even a little bit...

But you know what I mean, that cute show with all the classic Disney movie clip projections.
Nope. Not a clue. I haven't heard of this. Where is it? And when?
Picture #1 Chris: "do I like this?"
Picture #2 Chris: "you know, I think I Do like this??"
Oh and look at Ricky, not his usual ride face!
That must mean he really liked it? Maybe?
SDD and a posted 30 minute wait which was closer to 20. Not horrible but not as good as when we did this in January and had no wait to 8 minute waits.
Hmmm... more tickets sold, perhaps?
earlier in the day at AK his RIGHT foot started bothering him :headache: His LEFT knee was the injured one. So after a good 90 minutes in HS it was noticeably bothering him.
Oh, no. :(
We had one thing left to do in TSL though! I'd been texting with Susan @suse66 who was there with here DH celebrating their anniversary, and after "knowing" each other for quite some time here we were hoping to finally meet up in person. And that we did!
Nice! Another DISmeet! :)
TOT was up to 40 again when we got there; So disappointing. We rode numerous times during AH in January with NO wait to the point that we were walking right through the library, not watching the pre-show. But this was a full blown solid 40 minute long line that in actuality was 30, which is way too long for an AH event.
That's getting uncomfortably close to a normal park hours wait.
Popcorn on TOT what???
:laughing: I like that idea!
So this my friends is what was worse than that pathetic looking Maya Grill chicken, the fact that during a 3 hour special event at HS I only got to ride TOT 1 time. I hang my head in defeat and shame 🥴
I leave the 23rd so 13 days from today. It's coming so fast!

Wow! You must be excited! Can't wait to hear about it.

I was very sad, also sad that I couldn't find a Forky plush (for myself) because he's one of my 2 favorite characters from TS4

That's unfortunate! I got one for a friend in EPCOT, so I know they exist, so it's really too bad you couldn't find one on this trip. I love Forky! He's hilarious! And I fell in love with Bo Peep in TS4 too. I was surprised with how much I really enjoyed that movie!

Picture #1 Chris: "do I like this?"
Picture #2 Chris: "you know, I think I Do like this??"


Bottom line he was feeling good and back to being really active before we left, but earlier in the day at AK his RIGHT foot started bothering him :headache: His LEFT knee was the injured one. So after a good 90 minutes in HS it was noticeably bothering him.

Man, that kid can't catch a break! Poor Ricky.

We hung out for a few minutes chatting, introducing everyone :) It was really nice to meet and Ricky enjoyed talking to her DH Bill about basketball.

That's awesome! Susan is so fun and kind! We've only met her on one trip, but it was lovely.

Also not sure what's going on with my hair? It looks like I have extensions in the back and I swear I don't. I do have 40 gallons of hair though so I guess that's it!


So this my friends is what was worse than that pathetic looking Maya Grill chicken, the fact that during a 3 hour special event at HS I only got to ride TOT 1 time. I hang my head in defeat and shame 🥴

Man, that's too bad!! Disappointing for sure. But a few fun moments in the night still!
It's not until next September but I already gave Candace a list of restaurants to check out, we know what parks we're doing and how many days in each park.
And best of all we're staying at my #1 absolute favorite Disney resort of all time, the Wilderness Lodge 💕💕💕💕 Now I just have to count down the days!!!

YAY for another planned trip! And Wilderness Lodge. :love:

This FP was for Chris for a ride we don't do that often, Kali River Rapids. Not that we don't like it but as a water ride it's usually pretty lacking.

To be perfectly honest, I rode it for the first time in like 10 years this last trip and the queue is the attraction there. Ride is ho-hum, but the line has a ton of neat stuff to see.

I do love this cookie but when you're expecting a nice, spicy, solid dark chocolate treat this just isn't quite the same.

That's a cookie I'd have love to have gotten to. Too bad they stopped making it. I had a chili dk. choco truffle the other day and adored it! Chili and choco are an amazing combo! :cloud9:

Everything looks good except mine! Well the empanadas look good they just weren't lol. Because I love Mexican food I would give this another try, especially since everyone else enjoyed it.

The best empanadas on property are at La Choza. Sorry these were yucky! :(

So cute, you two!! I love that you got to meet up!
We're staying at Pop. I think my Granddaughter will like the theming and I was excited to try the Skyliner, we shall see if it is running again when we go.
Hopefully it is so you can ride it! I'm staying at CBR 2 nights this month, not because of the skyliner though and even if it's running it's not for me. But I do feel bad for people who booked here, Pop, AoA specifically because of the skyliner :(

We went to AH at Magic Kingdom in December and it was awesome.
I LOVED AH in MK back in May! Hoping it's just as great when we do it in January. I know it helps that there's so many more attractions there than in HS and even AK

Please bring it back. Please bring it back. Please bring it back.

If not for March, then for July ::yes::
I'm sure they will, they seem to announce the AK AH dates slightly earlier than MK and HS. I don't see why they wouldn't? At least for MK, I guess with SWGE fully open I can see them not doing it there anymore but on the other hand it brings them in lots of $$
That's super disappointing, especially with what they charge. I still want to try one, hopefully either at MK or DHS. Neither of which are offered in March right now. They do have AK DAH in March, but with Mike not going on wither EE or FoP, I don't know if it would be worth it.
Yeah I agree you're better off at one of the other parks, probably MK if you can swing it. In theory HS would be my 2nd favorite after MK but now I'll try AK before I do HS again.

The AH is flawed at DHS because there are so few rides and if one is not running at capacity this makes it even more flawed. Bummer! I love ToT and for being a ride chicken I’m pretty proud of myself!
That's pretty much it! I would assume the same at AK? If one goes down it'll really have a heavy impact on the rest because you really just have FOP and Na'vi, Dinosaur and EE. And yes good for you for riding TOT lol!

I am starting to look at a few extra things in January, what night are you all doing MK AH?
So glad you're doing it the same night as us and we'll definitely do some rides together! It was so laid back in May, we didn't have to rush or anything so wherever we all happen to be it'll be easy to meet up :goodvibes

Can't believe you only got to ride TOT once :( You must have been SO bummed!! I'm glad you got that great pic of all of you on RnRc though :) Yay, family fun!
We did have fun being there together for sure :D but Ricky and I were both disappointed about TOT especially after I told him how cool HS AH was the first time we did it. I definitely think MK is a better deal and am crossing my fingers it's awesome again in January. Still want to try AK sometime!

haha that’s my girl, sorry kid figure it out haha!
I'm not giving up TOT that easily! Back in Nov. 2016 Chris and I went down a few days before Steve and Ricky. That was a last minute change so we had FP's for TOT before they came. When Chris and I got to HS I BEGGED him to ride; actually guilted him in to it lol as he'd never ridden before. He rode and then declared he hated it and no I didn't feel bad doing it!

I am debating an after hours event in Feb at AK, people seem to love them, but I agree 5 rides is a bit disappointing, I know ToT was half down but still!
I would like to try AH in AK; I know other people who have done it and liked it. Even if we don't ride a ton I love being in that park at night! I would try it if you want to before they take them away because if we know anything about Disney, we know something can be here one minute and gone the next >:(
Ah...love the photos you all got on the 5 rides you DID get to do at AH at HS.
Thank you! We did have fun on those rides and other than the TOT frustration (and Ricky's foot acting up), it was a good night.
I have yet to do a "paid" After Hours event yet but I am sorta considering doing the AK one that will happen later this month. I'm just not sure I want to fork out that money for a few hours in the park, but then again I do enjoy some AK and especially enjoy Disney Popcorn. I think I could eat $90+ dollars worth of Disney popcorn in a few hours. :)
I think you should, especially with your no Disney parks 2020 current idea! Plus you get a discount being DVC right? Because we get the AP discount so at least you save money there.
I'm slightly worried that I've spoiled my Moms expectations of AHs lol the one we did for DHS in March was dead because it was cold and rainy (which worked out well for us because it stopped raining and warmed up a smidge once the event started!) and we did MKs in September and literally every ride was a walk on! lol if we ever do one where she actually has to wait I think she'll be devastated!
:laughing:well our May MK AH was like that with everything a walk on including 7DMT so your'e probably ok to do another one there with her. I don't know enough about the ones at AK, I read the thread sometimes but not lately, but I'm afraid HS would scar her unless it's bad weather again 😂 Plus I keep wondering if they'll eventually add SM and Rise of the Resistance to AH and also raise the price, which I think would still raise crowds.................

So sad that TOT had such a long wait! I think DHS isn't the best park for AH, so maybe that contributed to it not being so great. Hopefully if you do another one again it's much better!
Our first HS AH was great which is why we did this one so it was extra disappointing! But MK AH was incredible; an empty park, empty Main St. :love: so I'm really really really hoping it's like that in Jan. Also Steve didn't do it with me in May so this will be his first at MK and I want him to have a good experience.

WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!! I so cannot wait for you to experience it with her. I still remember Casey's first trip and it was everything
Me neither! I remember the boys' first trips and they were seriously magical and left me "Cryin" ::yes:: but I know it'll be different and awesome with a girl. Especially one I can still mold into a little shopper lol

Chris? Are you sure this is your Chris and not some look alike you found wandering Harambe?
I believe that's a new character they've hired to replace DiVine; she masqueraded as a tree and this character masquerades as a fun loving teen.

You're so "crazy" :P
Damn you read every detail, I guess you "don't wanna miss a thing" (x2 baby)

You are much more forgiving than me. I think we've finally realized that if we want mediocre Mexican food we'll just get it at home
I just love Mexican food that much 🌮 However I'll probably go back to San Angel Inn before Maya Grill and there's always tride and true La Cantina De San Angel which is good for a quick service.

1. Is this a family bathroom selfie?
2. Steve?
1. I have no recollection of where we took this if you believe it
2. is he doing some kind of "selfie dump"?

I didn't realize you two had never met. You all were the first two Disers I met.
And you were one of my 2 first DISMeets ❤ That's where the trouble started.............

And all the hair. So much hair. Pretty sure you teased it just for the occasion.
I think the humidity teased it for me and then there was even less gravity on TOT than normal.l That must have been what the refurb was all about, taking away the gravity!

I don't know if I could ride RnR that many times.
Granted after the 2nd time in a row my brain was rattling in my head a bit so I couldn't do 3 in a row. Luckily the 3rd ride was later in the night. Same with EE, even 2 rides in a row was pushing it!

Is ToT back up to fully functioning?
We did too!
I'm glad you had a good trip! Will you be doing a new TR?
Why? You look great!
Thank you ❤ I prefer to take the picture rather than be in them.

But... then again... why not?!?! :laughing:
True, everyone deserves a beer here and there!
Nice! Bet you'll love that!
Really looking forward to it! I do wish we had more details as far as the order we're doing the parks in, what attractions we're riding. All we know is it's noon to 6pm so we'll eat beforehand as to not waste time during the tour eating (although eating is never a waste of time in my book lol) and we'll end in Epcot so we can see Epcot Forever and do some F&W booths.
And what were your impressions?
It was nice! HRH is super cool if your'e into music/rock n roll. Actually not that I'm thinking about it maybe I'll post some pictures in my next update..............the room was a really good size, clean, etc. Food options not that great but I had looked into all that ahead of time. Also you can walk to Citywalk/the parks from HRH in under 10 minutes and the walk is very nice. I do love Cabana Bay even though it's a "value" - Universal values are way different than Disney's. As for the express pass it IS included when you stay at one of their premier resorts like Hard Rock but only for regular park tickets; when you want EP for the Halloween party that's extra :rolleyes:

Wow! Good for you! I didn't think it was possible.
I didn't either after reading all reports but with EP it totally is! Unless you don't get there until a couple hours into it or want to leave early. We did it at our own, rather slow pace between 6:30 and 11:30 but the party was on until 1am so we still had more time if we needed/wanted.
t's the Headless Horse, man.

Well... soon.
So it's not really necessary to hurry from house to house then. Maybe pick a few and do those?
Well yes and no. If you have the time and EP no need to hurry. I would and will definitely start with the houses that interest us/you the most so that if you decide you've had enough, or do run out of time for some weird reason, you've done those. The scare zones are neat and at least this year the shows are worth seeing so even if you decide not to do all the houses there's other things to do. I honestly could have done without the Ghostbusters house since I was there for the horror and that clearly isn't!

That looks like a great back stretch. Maybe I'll volunteer for that.
If you do please theme your TR title around it

Well, of course. This is obvious to everyone.
See? You get it. Nothing wrong with your eyesight or intuition :thumbsup2
I see what you did there. ;)
and if you read Kari's comments and my responses to hers, you'll see that "whoops! I did it again" 🤭

Nope. Not a clue. I haven't heard of this. Where is it? And when?
Hmm well, it was and I think it or a version of it is still at night at HS before the SW fireworks? It's a cute show with projections of classic Disney movies. The only projection show I enjoy at Disney.
That's getting uncomfortably close to a normal park hours wait.
Yup, which is why I was not happy. And why HS AH may not be worth it anymore sadly.

Wow! You must be excited! Can't wait to hear about it.
Cannot wait!!!!
I got one for a friend in EPCOT, so I know they exist, so it's really too bad you couldn't find one on this trip.
But this is good to know! I actually only really looked in HS and then in the Emporium on Main St.' do you remember where in Epcot you found it? Mousegears maybe?
YAY for another planned trip! And Wilderness Lodge. :love:
I can never get too much of the Lodge xoxo

To be perfectly honest, I rode it for the first time in like 10 years this last trip and the queue is the attraction there. Ride is ho-hum, but the line has a ton of neat stuff to see.
The queue is awesome much like the EE queue; difference is EE is a great ride. I seem to remember Kali being better years and years ago?
I had a chili dk. choco truffle the other day and adored it! Chili and choco are an amazing combo! :cloud9:
MMMmmmm! Lindt chocolate has a dark chocolate chili bar that is delightful fyi!
The best empanadas on property are at La Choza
Ooh that's good to know, I'll have to keep that in the back of my head. I've had empanadas at La Cantina De San Angel and they're decent but I bet the ones at La Choza are better.
But this is good to know! I actually only really looked in HS and then in the Emporium on Main St.' do you remember where in Epcot you found it? Mousegears maybe?

Yep, that's exactly where! They had a TS4 display in the section with all the plush and stuff. I also got myself a Bo Peep plush doll there.
I'm glad you had a good trip! Will you be doing a new TR?
But of course!
Thank you ❤ I prefer to take the picture rather than be in them.
well, that does make you harder to spot. Kind of like a weird "where's Waldo" kinda thing.
Really looking forward to it! I do wish we had more details as far as the order we're doing the parks in, what attractions we're riding. All we know is it's noon to 6pm so we'll eat beforehand as to not waste time during the tour eating (although eating is never a waste of time in my book lol) and we'll end in Epcot so we can see Epcot Forever and do some F&W booths.
All of that sounds great. I do agree though... eating is never a waste of time.
Well yes and no. If you have the time and EP no need to hurry. I would and will definitely start with the houses that interest us/you the most so that if you decide you've had enough, or do run out of time for some weird reason, you've done those. The scare zones are neat and at least this year the shows are worth seeing so even if you decide not to do all the houses there's other things to do. I honestly could have done without the Ghostbusters house since I was there for the horror and that clearly isn't!
Got it. Thanks for the info. Don't know if I'll ever do one, but forewarned is forearmed.
If you do please theme your TR title around it
:laughing: Deal!
See? You get it. Nothing wrong with your eyesight or intuition :thumbsup2
and if you read Kari's comments and my responses to hers, you'll see that "whoops! I did it again" 🤭
Hmm well, it was and I think it or a version of it is still at night at HS before the SW fireworks? It's a cute show with projections of classic Disney movies. The only projection show I enjoy at Disney.
That would explain it. I haven't been to DHS after dark in years.
Your boys and their ride photos crack me up! :laughing:

What a disappointing night between dinner and a less than stellar experience at AH - what a huge difference with the others you've done and ones I've read. But at least you got to meet @suse66 and I'm excited to hear about your next morning :goodvibes


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