Marathon Weekend 2020

Somebody must have a history of hours somewhere, but, yeah, those hours feel short to me. I'm there Fri-Mon too. I think I've decided to only get a 1-day ticket for Monday because Sunday is just not worth it after I race, shower, inevitably nap a little, etc.
In January usually most of the parks close at 9. You may get a 10PM closing on the weekend but otherwise yeah 9PM.
I’m on the struggle bus right now and thankful I only have to run 5 miles this weekend. I usually do my long run on Saturday, but we have a 4-H horse clinic to drive to. Getting up at 3am to run ain’t happening. We have to leave the house at 5:30am to trailer our horse and drive there. It’s an all day event including horse/rider costume contest in the evening followed by trick or treating at 7pm. I’ll probably push it to Sunday morning and have my DH go feed our horse then come back and pick me up at the hotel for another full day. At least I can sleep in until 6am!
For those of you who have been to WDW during Marathon weekend, what do you think of the current park hours? Do they usually extend the hours closer to Jan? Right now all the parks close at 9 which seems so early for a major weekend. I haven’t done a rundisney race since 2013 but I remember closing out MK the Sunday of the Princess Half and it was open till midnight I think.
I even checked the paid events and since we are only there Fri-Mon we can’t do any.

I’m pretty sure MK was open until 11 Saturday night this year because I remember leaving the park around 10:45. I’m good with most of the parks being 9 for closing, but I’d like to see MK consistently at 10.

The way the parks largely clear out after the nighttime shows mean a later closing makes more financial sense.
I think DHS was open until 10 or 11 on Sunday this year. I know we went there on the day of the marathon (bad planning on my part with the road closures, etc.), and I know we skipped the fireworks and rode TSM with virtually no wait during those extra hours.
I don't think I've ever gone to MK on Marathon Day, but in 2018 we went to AK and then Boma and my recollection is that we had a pretty late dinner reservation but still left the park before it closed. AK closes at 6pm on Marathon Sunday this year.
50k through the rain! I’m hoping for no blisters and no odd chafing, so I’m not completely miserable at Wine & Dine the following weekend.
Marine Corps 50K? I'll be out there as well! Good luck! The rain doesn't bother me all that much, once I get going. I'm usually pretty sweaty for most longer races anyway, so what's a little more water!?!?
26.2 miles through the rain. Hell week for classes means I got zero miles before I left for DC for me but it’s done thank god. I’m going to sleep as much as possible leading up to the MCM.
I’m running MCM too!! See you Sunday!!
What mileages are all the Dopey's logging this weekend? Im scheduled for 6 & 16, but I might scale it back to 5 & 16 because I am old. :)

I did a b2b 7 and 17 last weekend at slower than usual to get 2 weeks before W&D, then 2 weeks after W&D will be 9 and 20. After Thanksgiving will start the b2b2b2b runs.
Finally booked my flight today. No direct or non stop were available so hopefully Houston won't have weather problems since my layover is there. DHS closes at 8:00pm so my hope to go straight to Rise of the Resistance probably won't work, but Epcot has evening EMH so it looks like I'll go there after I get in.

Guess I'm doing Rise of the Resistance on Wednesday morning before the Expo.
That’s when I’m doing Savi’s, so maybe we’ll run into one another!
We should plan some sort of runners meet up in Galaxy's Edge since the newness of it will likely have a lot of there to begin with especially with a decent number of Star Wars fans in our group.

As much time as I've already spent in Galaxy's Edge on the west coast, Marathon Weekend will be my first opportunity to experience Rise of the Resistance. Going to be interesting balancing my desire to not spend too much time on my feet running Dopey with my hopeful desire to experience Rise of the Resistance as many times as I possibly can.
We should plan some sort of runners meet up in Galaxy's Edge since the newness of it will likely have a lot of there to begin with especially with a decent number of Star Wars fans in our group.

As much time as I've already spent in Galaxy's Edge on the west coast, Marathon Weekend will be my first opportunity to experience Rise of the Resistance. Going to be interesting balancing my desire to not spend too much time on my feet running Dopey with my hopeful desire to experience Rise of the Resistance as many times as I possibly can.
Yes, Wednesday morning is pretty much the only rope drop opportunities for Dopeys... So Rise of the Resistance it will be!

ETA: It will be the sleep-in morning of this vacation! Tuesday I am flying super early and after... Dopey wake up calls!
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I am so excited for Galaxy’s Edge! Flying in the Millennium Falcon, I’m 10 again. This weekend I have 3 on Saturday and Sunday I have a 5k fun run in Old Town and then a 15 miler when I run from there back to my house. Really looking forward to the long run. I have only gone out to that distance once in a very long time. Should be a great weekend!
Me, last week: I’ve been pretty good about not spending too much on this trip!
I know what you mean. 2019 was my year to give myself permission to get all sorts of things for marathon weekend. 2 jackets, a visor, all sorts of pins, the I did it shirt for the marathon, Goofy, and Dopey. Because of my first (and at that time possibly only) marathon.

This year, I have to really like the designs of the shirt and even that might not be enough. But I'm in real trouble for Star Wars Race Weekend 5th anniversary. Because it's Star Wars. And an anniversary weekend. And did I mention it's Star Wars?
Me, last week: I’ve been pretty good about not spending too much on this trip!

Me, this week: *preorders jacket* *preorders Memory Maker* *searches for more ADRs*

Someone please take away my credit card.
Ok, next mission is to order a different Premium/Upgraded MagicBands for everyone in your party. No solid colours allowed, no Disney Store allowed. You will need many weeks to complete this task, if ever, thus not requiring a credit card! Good luck!


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