Marathon Weekend 2020

Looks like I failed to post any goals back in April but for the most part they haven’t changed
-Complete my first Dopey injury free with and with a smile
-Sub 4:30 full, lately my paces say if the weather and my body hold up I can hit sub 4 but in the end I want to be able to function after the race
-Enjoy Disney, it will be only the second time the wife and I go without DD but she opted not to miss school so adult time it is.
SAFD: As a newbie around here, I posted no goals in April, but I'm fairly certain the only goal on my mind then was to finish.

1) To set a baseline for 2020 so that I can make some reasonable goals for the future. When I started running again in February, I could barely do a mile, so I've honestly had no idea how to assess what my pacing should be in 2019. I'm doing my long runs pretty consistently/comfortably at 10:25/mile. We'll see what that translates to on race day. I welcome any/all input on this!
2) I'm taking Monday off from work to hang out with my husband at Epcot/DHS sans kids and enjoy some drinks/relaxation. Maybe I'll get the chance to say hi to some of you. :-)

For my 20-miler this weekend, I ditched both the GU gels and the gatorade and went with GoGo Squeez Applesauce (one 15 minutes prior to my run, one at Mile 14) and plain water, along with 4 sport beans every hour, and I felt VERY good. My plan is to do the same on Race Day, but add in some peanut butter crackers about an hour before the race.
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Now that we're just entering peak week of training for most everyone, how do your current goals compare to those you made in April? And for those that either didn't answer in April, or weren't around then but have joined us since, what are your goals for the weekend? A specific character you're hoping to snag a pic with? Getting a drink on course? Riding EE? Riding TOT/RnR? Participate in DATW or the meetup on Friday? Overcoming an adversity? Rise of the Resistance?
My ultimate goal of finishing Dopey remains on course, I guess. For whatever reason, I feel like my training is not as good this time around, but I'm still following the plan albeit with some adjustments due to travel this month.

Character pic: Depends on which characters are along the course. I stopped for quite a few character photos this year so I may switch things up and try to go on Everest or something depending on how I'm doing. My character rule usually comes down to whether or not I like the character enough to wait in the line for said characters.

Other goal is to experience Rise of the Resistance as many times as I possibly can. Assuming boarding groups are still in play, that may well work out to be only 3 times. I am prepared to cancel Flight of Passage fastpass for a boarding group to Rise of the Resistance.

May pop in to DATW depending on how Rise of the Resistance boarding group is going although I will be extremely sober since I don't drink alcohol.
Does anyone if spectators will be allowed in to Epcot for the first part of the marathon?
In 2011 and 2012 there were CMs only in EPCOT.

My memory is the same for 2011 and 2012; only CMs in EPCOT in first part.

However, in mile 3 and before we entered the park, I remember high-fiving my family and many spectators as we ran through the EPCOT parking lot -- they were lined up on the side of the course route and it was a very fun experience.

SAFD: thanks @DopeyBadger for keeping our goals from April!

*Finish my first Full and Dopey - on track! Training is going well and I’m feeling confident in finishing. It’ll be slow but I’ll finish.
*Finish the full with a smile on my face and margarita in my hand -still a goal though the margarita might be an Italian margarita. Pretty sure I won’t be up for taking a detour to get a real one.
*arrive at the starting lines injury free -also looking good so far. IT band and PF aren’t acting up much. Had some foot issues walking in Disneyland this weekend but it was my oldest pair of shoes and inserts so thinking of leaving those at home.
*take character photos each race -not sure on this one. It’ll depend how my pace is a show long lines are.
*attend a few meet-ups and make new friends -definitely still up for this one! Can’t wait!
*take character photos each race -not sure on this one. It’ll depend how my pace is a show long lines are.
Depending on your character preferences, this one can be very doable. There were quite a few lines during the half and full this year that had minimal to no wait time. In some cases they were very minor characters, but if you just want a character photo during the races, they certainly fit that criteria.
Should've replied to @DopeyBadger in April:

DH goals:
Arrive at the weekend trained, injury-free, and sickness-free
Enjoy the half at a leisurely pace
Maintain comfortable pace for marathon (my first). If things are feeling great half-way through, race the back half. If not, wait to 10k to go, and see if I can pick up the pace then
Attend HH Friday DIS Fest and meet new people; see prior friends again
Maybe get a character photo or 2 during the half
Find DW at the end of the half and celebrate her achievement
And, after much thinking during training: finish the full in 4:30. Be under 5 hours if the day does not go my way
Celebrate with DW and walk/run the Castaway Cay 5k Challenge together start to finish

Race goals (doing the Goofy):
a) half: get a "course PR." I haven't run the Disney Half since 2014 and I think I can beat that time and still have something left for the full.
b) full: 1) if I'm feeling good go after a PR 2) if I'm feeling less good, go after course PR or 3) take it easy, gets some photos and live to race another day ;)

Trip goals:
a) have fun with my wife
b) visit with my brothers who coming in after race weekend for some Disney time
c) ride RotR, Smuggler's Run, Slinky Dog Dash, Skyliner (all new since my last visit)

My Goals for Marathon Weekend 2020 in April:
-Stick to my commitment of training using a combination of running + cycling + strength work. My body has been telling me I've been getting very close to the max amount of running I can handle a few times over the years and when I get too close to the sun, I get burned. So I'm slightly reducing the running and including a massive amount of cycling and strength work. The goal is to see whether I can come close to the same running fitness when I'm not running as much, and yet am exercising in totality about 2-3x as much.

I was able to stick to this commitment and do run + cycle + strength through the entire year. Technically speaking, my training for the 2020 Marathon started on November 26th, 2018. So this race has been a LONG time coming for this training cycle. I dropped the running total down (maxed at 6.5 hrs or about 47 miles), but increased cycling (maxed at 10.5 hrs) and strength work (these last 6 months have been around 2.75 hrs per week). So the total time commitment was much larger than anything I've done in the past, and I'm hoping it pays off.

-Enjoy another family vacation with my family in Disney World. My personal priority is the race, but an agreement with my wife is that I am a 99% participant. That should be easier this time around since I'm not doing Dopey.

So far so good on checking this one off.

-Run the one mile kids run with Gigi.

She's excited and so am I.

-Attend the HH meetup, the pre-race marathon meetup, and hopefully make an appearance at DATW so that I can meet as many of you fine folks as possible.

It's in the plans.

-Get to the starting line healthy.

Ugh, this has been the hardest one of course. It's been like a band's "Greatest Hits" tour for the last few months for me. Every injury I've ever had in the last 7 years is slipping into my mind and convincing me "this is the one" to take me down. The stress fracture of winter 2017/2018, the groin pull of summer 2018, the ankle tendonitis of fall 2018, and the glute/back pull of summer 2019. It seems like each of these want to come to the stage and remind me what they were like. Thankfully, each of these occasions have been one-offs and gone away in due time. But one of these days, it might be real. Let's just say I've been dealing with "taper madness" for about 4 months now. I've worked so so hard for this, and the amount of mental gymnastics going on right now is driving me crazy.

-Run a sub-3 marathon.

We shall see. I've got so much data that says it's not going to happen. I've got a very small handful of pieces of data that says it could happen. At the end of the day, I'm going to line up and give it my best shot.

-After 2755 days, and what will end up being somewhere around 12,000 running miles, 7,000 cycling miles, and about 80-100 pounds lost (depends on the day) in totality from the beginning in April 2012, finally reach my goal I set so long ago of qualifying for the Boston Marathon. I'm pushing all my chips on the table and going all in. My family is behind me 100% in support of giving this a full max effort. And I'm going to do what I can to prepare myself as best as possible.

Whatever it takes.
If any experienced marathoners wouldn't mind sharing, what is one thing you wish you knew before your first marathon? Or one thing you wish you would have done differently?

This may sound silly, but one thing I remember from my first marathon was that in addition to the expected leg stiffness/soreness in the days after the race, I didn't expect my biceps and forearms to also be stiff/sore. Turns out I guess I kept my elbows around much the same angle for 5 hours and didn't realize that I'd done so until the days following the race when the stiffness occurred. So now I make sure I shake out arms at regular intervals.

Good luck on marathon #1!
SAFD: I did not provide goals in April. But here are my goals for Dopey 2020.

1) Enjoy the process and take everything in.
2) Let go of time goals and focus on making it to the finish line.
3) Try not to get shy and skip out on HH and the Meet-ups. Not sure I can swing DATW, due to travel back.

I tweaked my hip this fall and have followed the plans of my PT to the letter. It has felt like I have run along an edge, push a little too much and it gets sore again. Back it off some and it feels better. A week ago I did a Dopey Simulation - 3,5, 10, 20. After the 20 my hip said - Charlie stop being an idiot! So I slowed way down this past week. Then this morning I slid on some ice and slammed my leg down trying to catch my balance. I felt a lot of pain in my hip. I walked with a pretty good limp the rest of the day. I am a bit freaked, but have decided to shut it down until the races. Replace runs with walks and bike time. I was planning a very short taper, now it is going to be longer. Talking to the PT tomorrow. For now the goals above remain in play. I have waited two years. So I am going to toe the line, let go of all expectations but one, reach the finish line. My running karma has not been very helpful!
If any experienced marathoners wouldn't mind sharing, what is one thing you wish you knew before your first marathon? Or one thing you wish you would have done differently?

Was thankful I did: If you sunburn at all easily a Sunscreen stick is your friend. Apply early and often. While the thought of applying sunscreen at 2 am is odd, do it. Use the stick to reapply in the corral before the start (back of legs especially) and then keep applying to face, arms neck and ears once the sun is up.

Things I didn’t completely do: Pack comfy sandals for post race and have blister bandages of multiple sizes. Long story, but I had okay sandals and small blister bandages and needed what I did not pack.

Lesson learned: it took almost a week for my digestive system to settle down after the marathon. I could eat anything - and did - in the mornings after but had issues eating at night.
Is ist too late to break new shoes in for the Marathon?!
Definitely not too late. Shoes don't need a long break in time. I start by walking around the house in them a few days, and then after just a couple runs they're good to go. My 'break in' periods are really only for checking if something is wonky with the shoe. Twice, I've had shoes where something is just not right and I've had to return them.

My Goals for Marathon Weekend 2020 in April:
-Stick to my commitment of training using a combination of running + cycling + strength work. My body has been telling me I've been getting very close to the max amount of running I can handle a few times over the years and when I get too close to the sun, I get burned. So I'm slightly reducing the running and including a massive amount of cycling and strength work. The goal is to see whether I can come close to the same running fitness when I'm not running as much, and yet am exercising in totality about 2-3x as much.

I was able to stick to this commitment and do run + cycle + strength through the entire year. Technically speaking, my training for the 2020 Marathon started on November 26th, 2018. So this race has been a LONG time coming for this training cycle. I dropped the running total down (maxed at 6.5 hrs or about 47 miles), but increased cycling (maxed at 10.5 hrs) and strength work (these last 6 months have been around 2.75 hrs per week). So the total time commitment was much larger than anything I've done in the past, and I'm hoping it pays off.

-Enjoy another family vacation with my family in Disney World. My personal priority is the race, but an agreement with my wife is that I am a 99% participant. That should be easier this time around since I'm not doing Dopey.

So far so good on checking this one off.

-Run the one mile kids run with Gigi.

She's excited and so am I.

-Attend the HH meetup, the pre-race marathon meetup, and hopefully make an appearance at DATW so that I can meet as many of you fine folks as possible.

It's in the plans.

-Get to the starting line healthy.

Ugh, this has been the hardest one of course. It's been like a band's "Greatest Hits" tour for the last few months for me. Every injury I've ever had in the last 7 years is slipping into my mind and convincing me "this is the one" to take me down. The stress fracture of winter 2017/2018, the groin pull of summer 2018, the ankle tendonitis of fall 2018, and the glute/back pull of summer 2019. It seems like each of these want to come to the stage and remind me what they were like. Thankfully, each of these occasions have been one-offs and gone away in due time. But one of these days, it might be real. Let's just say I've been dealing with "taper madness" for about 4 months now. I've worked so so hard for this, and the amount of mental gymnastics going on right now is driving me crazy.

-Run a sub-3 marathon.

We shall see. I've got so much data that says it's not going to happen. I've got a very small handful of pieces of data that says it could happen. At the end of the day, I'm going to line up and give it my best shot.

-After 2755 days, and what will end up being somewhere around 12,000 running miles, 7,000 cycling miles, and about 80-100 pounds lost (depends on the day) in totality from the beginning in April 2012, finally reach my goal I set so long ago of qualifying for the Boston Marathon. I'm pushing all my chips on the table and going all in. My family is behind me 100% in support of giving this a full max effort. And I'm going to do what I can to prepare myself as best as possible.

Whatever it takes.
Best of luck to you @DopeyBadger ! I'm so thankful (and I'm sure everyone on this forum is as well) for all the extra effort you put into this forum. Disney should pay you commission for all the great information you put out there :). The progress you've made in your journey is such an inspiration. From my own experience, I know how hard it is to lose weight -- 80 to 100 lbs is quite an accomplishment in itself -- but a sub 3-hour marathon as well? Wow! Another very impressive goal. I'm looking forward to hearing about your BQ. That's going to be a fun story to follow!

I'm hoping to meet you and others while I'm down there in a few weeks. Good luck to everyone as the taper starts soon. I used the Higdon training plan but had to modify it along the way to an ankle sprain in September. Ankle feels great finally (it took 3 solid months for it to feel normal), and this weekend is the final 20 miler. I'm looking forward to the taper, but not as much as I'm looking forward to having a Black and Tan at the Rose and Crown on the 12th!
Running may not be bad for your knees after all. Small study, so I hope they do something larger scale. My thought on this have been that most injuries are due to over extending or inappropriate training. Would love to see more on this.

This really isn’t a new concept or conclusion, even if this study is new. There have been many studies and papers over the years debunking the old myth of “running will ruin your knees”. The upshot of most of them is that running builds up the muscles around the knee, ultimately taking a significant portion of the load off of the joint.


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