DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Never have faith in management.

Hey! I'm in management!

Oh, right. Carry on.

In all seriousness, it's like anything else. There are good people and bad people. I've found that who I'm working for is a lot more important to me than what my job actually entails.

I've learned that, too, though I have found that there are some managers that are way better than others. This guy, however, is still fairly new and doesn't want to upset his bosses, so he won't stand up to them, and also won't have our backs when push comes to shove....I've already seen this.

It's really, really hard to work for a boss that you don't feel has your back. That's usually not a sustainable situation.

Wow. There's a word I'm trying to think of... hang on... it'll come to me...

Right. There it is.

:rotfl2: :rotfl2:

What is this "shovel snow" thing that you refer to?

You should try it sometime! It's really good for your back.

He did, however, at the end of the day, ask about the process of getting that appointment, and I did explain it to him and he thanked me for explaining it. But don't ask to change someone's medical appointment.

I wish I was him. I can't imagine being an adult and being so healthy and having nothing but healthy people around me who have never once had to book a medical appointment. He must have exceptionally good genes.

Personally... "So what's the process of getting that medical appointment?"
Me: "About the same process for contacting the HR department to tell them that my boss is harassing me. That's a private matter and none of your damn business."

Of course if you do that, your job will be a living hell from that point on... but it is none of his business. Perhaps a simple "I'm afraid that's personal information that I am not comfortable disclosing."

Still amounts to "Mind your own business, jerk."

So, in an attempt to give the benefit of the doubt...There are some doctors who have waiting lists for months and it's really, really hard to get an appointment. Once you have that, you don't change it for anything. And then there are routine checkups, which are a dime a dozen. Maybe he was trying to figure out which category you fit into.

Or, if he really didn't know how people make doctor appointments, just start running away now.
Happy Wedneaday. Speaking of bad managers/companies, I finally received a $430 travel reimbursement today, and $210 is still pending. Good to see they got right on those after screwing me over during the holidays. So, I'm boycotting going into work until those are paid. And, I can't quit as I have to finish out the year to be eligible for retirement. Looks like it's not going to be a fun one.

What a dickhead!

Well, Darcy summed it up quite succinctly.

I've learned that, too, though I have found that there are some managers that are way better than others. This guy, however, is still fairly new and doesn't want to upset his bosses, so he won't stand up to them, and also won't have our backs when push comes to shove....I've already seen this.

Agree. I was a supervisor for about 5 years. And even though I tried to be creative and reward people for good work, management not providing money and enacting dumb rules limits what you can do.

Wow. There's a word I'm trying to think of... hang on... it'll come to me...

Right. There it is.


Good morning, Dads! Well, as I type this, I'm contemplating going outside to shovel snow off of my front deck. I don't want to, but it has to be done. *heavy sigh* I guess I'll go and shovel. Have a good day, everyone, and we'll chat later.

:rotfl2: This made me laugh out loud, thanks for that. I'll give him credit in that he didn't bother me about it the rest of the day...so there's that. He did, however, at the end of the day, ask about the process of getting that appointment, and I did explain it to him and he thanked me for explaining it. But don't ask to change someone's medical appointment.

Good luck with the snow. And, while he was dumb, at least he took the time to ask you about the process. I could show up at my dr office without calling and they would work me in. But, that's because my godchildren's mother works there, and I've played tennis with some. Still, you would hope a grown *** man would have enough common sense to know not every place operates that way. Common sense seems to be lacking in many places.
What is this "shovel snow" thing that you refer to?

just kidding. We have a storm coming in that's supposed to dump on us this afternoon and tomorrow. Let the fun begin.

It was "shovel snow," though barely...and I do mean barely.

Well, that's good at least.


I wish I was him. I can't imagine being an adult and being so healthy and having nothing but healthy people around me who have never once had to book a medical appointment. He must have exceptionally good genes.

Personally... "So what's the process of getting that medical appointment?"
Me: "About the same process for contacting the HR department to tell them that my boss is harassing me. That's a private matter and none of your damn business."

Of course if you do that, your job will be a living hell from that point on... but it is none of his business. Perhaps a simple "I'm afraid that's personal information that I am not comfortable disclosing."

Still amounts to "Mind your own business, jerk."

I'd have loved to have thought about saying that when he asked me, but you're right, my life would have been a living hell....but still, would have been nice to say that.

In all seriousness, it's like anything else. There are good people and bad people. I've found that who I'm working for is a lot more important to me than what my job actually entails.

I hate working for bad people, even if they have the best of intentions.

It's really, really hard to work for a boss that you don't feel has your back. That's usually not a sustainable situation.

It really is. The last boss we had didn't care what the upper bosses thought. He had our back and everyone knew it...loved working for him. Unfortunately he retired because he got tired of BS that goes on around here.

So, in an attempt to give the benefit of the doubt...There are some doctors who have waiting lists for months and it's really, really hard to get an appointment. Once you have that, you don't change it for anything. And then there are routine checkups, which are a dime a dozen. Maybe he was trying to figure out which category you fit into.

Or, if he really didn't know how people make doctor appointments, just start running away now.

I'm seeing a specialist, which is why I chose not to even try to get a new appointment. Sure, when I go to see my regular doctor I can find a time that'll work for schedule wise, but this wan't one of those situations.

Agree. I was a supervisor for about 5 years. And even though I tried to be creative and reward people for good work, management not providing money and enacting dumb rules limits what you can do.

See, you're the type of supervisor I'd like to work with. Someone who understands that when you reward people for good work you get more good work from them.

Good luck with the snow. And, while he was dumb, at least he took the time to ask you about the process. I could show up at my dr office without calling and they would work me in. But, that's because my godchildren's mother works there, and I've played tennis with some. Still, you would hope a grown *** man would have enough common sense to know not every place operates that way. Common sense seems to be lacking in many places.

Snow was easy to get through, 1" maybe.

That's cool that you could show up to your doctor's office and they'd fit you in. I'm working with a specialist, and they are a bit more difficult to get into.
'Morning all...
I'm still here, but we're in the midst of Year-End so I ani't gonn'a be posting much for a bit yet.
Y'all keep up the important work going on 'round this thread and I'll try to check in every once and again.

On the up side...
I am still employed, so I s'pect I shouldn't be complaining too much about the situation
There is storm....going on away from us.

Missing us again, good winter so far.

Have a great hump day!
Same here! I got a warning that a snow squall was coming, but so far just seeing flurries
It's really, really hard to work for a boss that you don't feel has your back. That's usually not a sustainable situation.
That's for sure. My current boss is wonderful, I'm really grateful to have an understanding guy.
You should try it sometime! It's really good for your back.
Don't even joke about that, I'm dreading when winter really arrives this year. It's skirted around PIttsburgh so far, we've only had dustings
Hey! I'm in management!

Oh, right. Carry on.
In all seriousness, it's like anything else. There are good people and bad people. I've found that who I'm working for is a lot more important to me than what my job actually entails.
Absolutely. I've worked with some great bosses... and some really lousy ones.
You should try it sometime! It's really good for your back.
Funny you should say that.
I tweaked my back today at work. Just... moved wrong, I guess. It hurts. And we're having a snow storm and I've shoveled twice already and will again in a few minutes... and get up at 5:30 instead of sleeping in to do it again before DW leaves for work.

Fun times.

I'm seriously hoping that if I keep on top of it, and don't have to lift all of it at once that I don't really injure it. And yes, I'm scared sh#tless right now. Yay winter.
I always thought those DOT showels were just leaning sticks. ;)
I finally received a $430 travel reimbursement today, and $210 is still pending. Good to see they got right on those after screwing me over during the holidays.
Wow. :sad2:
So, I'm boycotting going into work until those are paid. And, I can't quit as I have to finish out the year to be eligible for retirement. Looks like it's not going to be a fun one.
Okay... You serious Clark? You'll really not go in until you get that $210?
I mean... if you are, more power to you. But I'm not quite sure if you're venting or actually planning it.
It was "shovel snow," though barely...and I do mean barely.
Lucky. Probably moved... hmmm... close to a foot maybe so far tonight?
It really is. The last boss we had didn't care what the upper bosses thought. He had our back and everyone knew it...loved working for him. Unfortunately he retired because he got tired of BS that goes on around here.
Yeah... and those are the ones who don't last.
I'm still here, but we're in the midst of Year-End so I ani't gonn'a be posting much for a bit yet.
Nice to see you again, Rob!
'Morning all...
I'm still here, but we're in the midst of Year-End so I ani't gonn'a be posting much for a bit yet.
Y'all keep up the important work going on 'round this thread and I'll try to check in every once and again.

On the up side...
I am still employed, so I s'pect I shouldn't be complaining too much about the situation

Good to see you again, Rob. By the way, all your Dis time at work is now called load management.
Top of the Mornin' to ya, Dads! Another beautiful day here on Cape Cod, though cold, it is beautiful. I have a request for all you dads out there: I need some seriously good vibes this morning....around 10 am eastern time. Oh, and if any of you are the praying type, please say a pray for me. Seriously, I need this. I'm asking because I have a job interview this morning at 10 am with the local Superior Court for a Case Specialist position, and I really want this job. I have plenty of experience, I've done part of the job for over 13 years on the big law firm side of the legal field, so that's not the problem, but this is with the state, so....one never knows. I admit to also pulling some strings for this one. Either way, the door's been opened for me and I just need to step through and do my bit....so please send some good vibes my way at around 10 am. I'll let everyone know how it goes.

Lucky. Probably moved... hmmm... close to a foot maybe so far tonight?

We've been very lucky this winter so far. A few years back, we had blizzard after blizzard. I had so much snow that winter that I ran out of places to shovel it.
Morning all.

Sunny but cold morning here, not much snow yesterday but it did make for some greasy roads. Lots of accidents around.

Getting ready to host a house concert tomorrow night. We have a UK singer by the name of Ethan Ash coming to the house. My Christmas present for DW.

Have a good one all!
Happy Thursday. Continued load management today as I'm playing tennis. This will be the first test, and I hope the knee holds up.

Top of the Mornin' to ya, Dads! Another beautiful day here on Cape Cod, though cold, it is beautiful. I have a request for all you dads out there: I need some seriously good vibes this morning....around 10 am eastern time. Oh, and if any of you are the praying type, please say a pray for me. Seriously, I need this. I'm asking because I have a job interview this morning at 10 am with the local Superior Court for a Case Specialist position, and I really want this job. I have plenty of experience, I've done part of the job for over 13 years on the big law firm side of the legal field, so that's not the problem, but this is with the state, so....one never knows. I admit to also pulling some strings for this one. Either way, the door's been opened for me and I just need to step through and do my bit....so please send some good vibes my way at around 10 am. I'll let everyone know how it goes.

Prayers for you.

Morning all.

Sunny but cold morning here, not much snow yesterday but it did make for some greasy roads. Lots of accidents around.

Getting ready to host a house concert tomorrow night. We have a UK singer by the name of Ethan Ash coming to the house. My Christmas present for DW.

Have a good one all!

Sounds fun. How many are you having at the house? We ended up with close to 40 from DW's family on Christmas Eve. We've had more that, but it was outside in the summer.
Happy Thursday. Continued load management today as I'm playing tennis. This will be the first test, and I hope the knee holds up.

Prayers for you.

Sounds fun. How many are you having at the house? We ended up with close to 40 from DW's family on Christmas Eve. We've had more that, but it was outside in the summer.

I think we have 20-25 people coming.
Well, the interview went well, and I think they were impressed. They did stress that this was an entry level position, I have over 20 years experience in the legal field, but not with the court. I hope that the fact that I have so much experience doesn't knock me out of the running. Otherwise I think it went well, so only time will tell.

Prayers for you.

Thanks, my friend.
We've been very lucky this winter so far. A few years back, we had blizzard after blizzard. I had so much snow that winter that I ran out of places to shovel it.
We had that... last winter? Winter before?
Got these in the mail today, t-shirts for our cruise. They came from a fellow DisDad Adam DAle.
Happy Thursday everyone! Had a fun time with my brother at a board game meetup last night. Today I'm meeting my Dad for lunch - it's turned into a family oriented week
Sounds like a pretty good time. :)
Well, the interview went well, and I think they were impressed. They did stress that this was an entry level position, I have over 20 years experience in the legal field, but not with the court. I hope that the fact that I have so much experience doesn't knock me out of the running. Otherwise I think it went well, so only time will tell.
Sounds promising. Good luck!


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