I love credit cards so much! v3.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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I’m wondering if your student loans are federally held, and if so whether you could take advantage of the 60-day student loan interest waiver while your refinancing is still pending.

DeVos directed servicers to retroactively stop assessing interest on federal student loans starting March 13, according to the press release. For at least 60 days, loans held by federal loan servicers will have a 0% interest rate.
For those continuing to make payments, your payment amount will not change during the interest-waiver period. Instead, the entire payment amount will go toward your principal balance, meaning you will make more progress toward paying off your debt than you normally do.

I’m wondering if this will have an effect on credit reports for those who use it?
...I'm a Costco junkie but I've not been there since this all this began. I just can't deal with Costco and the craziness there!
Do. Not. Go. I went week before last, I got a lot. Unfortunately including emotional scars. And that’s before I read a couple days prior (or after? It all blends...) the police were called over a toilet paper matter and there was a damn near stampede when word got out on a Sat afternoon a toilet paper shipment had arrived and everyone ran to the back. I would have freaked the hell out if I’d gotten caught in any of that. Costco is off my list... but I hear they are on Instacart for a markup...
Do. Not. Go. I went week before last, I got a lot. Unfortunately including emotional scars. And that’s before I read a couple days prior (or after? It all blends...) the police were called over a toilet paper matter and there was a damn near stampede when word got out on a Sat afternoon a toilet paper shipment had arrived and everyone ran to the back. I would have freaked the hell out if I’d gotten caught in any of that. Costco is off my list... but I hear they are on Instacart for a markup...
Yeah, I was all set to go to Costco a few mornings ago. I was going to be there when they opened but I just couldn't make myself do it and I had several friends telling me not to, for same reasons as you say not to. So, I went to my local Kroger chain and found what I was looking for. Quantities not as large and prices not as good but I'm not totally scarred from the experience. I'm heading to walmart tomorrow after online church :scared: Crazy times we are living in...
@Lain alas they are not!

Then I’d generally agree with @SouthFayetteFan:
There are other ways to hit that MSR if you come up short through gift cards or possibly even a refundable travel purchase. I like the CIP 😊

The 80k/$5k CIP+supportal offer is obviously better than the new 100k/$15k public offer. If you decide to go for the CIP, you should prioritize a supportal to the 80k/$5k offer. As you know, there is some uncertainty whether Chase will replace the supportal offer with the same terms as the public offer. I think historically, some links continue to stay alive for a few hours to a few days (or even longer) after an official change. Be sure to have a copy of your supportal links, but be aware they could die at any time. Whether you want to go for a CIP or the CIU/CIC should be based on your risk tolerance and how you value the particular card product in your wallet over the next year. I would not let ability to meet MSR be a deciding factor between CIP vs. CIU/CIC. As @SouthFayetteFan said, there are ways to meet a $5k MSR relatively easily, especially if you’re really only concerned about that additional $2k over 3 months more than the CIU/CIC’s $3k MSR that you say you can hit organically. If you need help with ideas, just reach out.
@Lain alas they are not!
I do apologize - I know I generally try to answer all churning related questions but gone are my slow days at work - I’m putting in a lot of effort as a banker suddenly 🤣 . I will do my best to get more engaged and provide valuable CC info! I think many who might have the answers have gotten used to other regulars providing info. Some of those folks for various reasons are busy or have fallen away from the game. At any rate, let’s all continue to stay unified in our efforts to help new folks, and earn massive amounts of points. And where possible, hopefully we can avoid political stuff and make this thread a respite of “Corona Corona everywhere”. I get enough of that in literally every other aspect of my life. 😊 🤣
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I'm a Costco junkie but I've not been there since this all this began. I just can't deal with Costco and the craziness there!

I'm too scared to go over there. My good friend went to Costco last week (not even on a weekend) and she says she has PTSD from the experience. There are things I need, but I'm trying to get them either online or from smaller stores. My friend's husband went back a couple of days ago and said it wasn't bad, but it's all relative I guess. He said the line to get in wrapped around the building and then through the huge parking lot, so that sounds pretty bad to me.

When this all started I thought that it would have been so helpful if one of the CF categories was warehouse clubs, but in the end it doesn't matter since we aren't willing to battle the crowds to go there anyway.
Do. Not. Go. I went week before last, I got a lot. Unfortunately including emotional scars. And that’s before I read a couple days prior (or after? It all blends...) the police were called over a toilet paper matter and there was a damn near stampede when word got out on a Sat afternoon a toilet paper shipment had arrived and everyone ran to the back. I would have freaked the hell out if I’d gotten caught in any of that. Costco is off my list... but I hear they are on Instacart for a markup...
I'm considering braving Costco again this weekend. I wonder how bad it is if you keep away from the toilet paper aisle.
Okay I have a formula question. I thought about buying some to have on hand in case I need it after the baby is born for whatever reason. I have no idea how much to get. I tried looking on Amazon and can't figure out what makes sense. I currently have 6 (2 fl oz) bottles of Enfamil Neuropro, 4 (2 fl oz) bottles of Similac Pro-sensitive, 1 (7.6 oz) can of Similac Pro-sensitive, 4 (2 fl oz) Similac powder packets, and 1 (7.6 oz) can of Similac Pro-total Comfort. These are all from sample boxes from Target, Amazon, etc.

Can anyone help me with this? Do I need more than what I already have?

@Haley R no! If you end up needing it the hospital will send you home with some and provide it the whole time you are there. Having a preemie I had to supplement at first and they kept me well stocked and sent me home with plenty so I could make sure to have some in case I still needed it. Some babies can only have one kind or another so I’d not spend $$ until he is here and you know more!

Keep in mind those small liquid bottles are for one meal. So they won't go far.

I think it would be a good idea to have a can of powder on hand as not all mothers produce enough milk, although I'd say that's rare. Could also be handy for travel or when husband is in charge, too. They do expire though, so I wouldn't get too much.

And, as I learned when I bought the wrong "flavor", you MUST have a receipt for returns. Apparent WIC (or similar) parents bought formula, and then returned it for cash. Luckily, I generally keep my receipts.
Okay I am going to do something radical here and...ask for churning advice lol

I am eligible for a Chase Biz and was going to have DH refer me for the CIP. However, we only meet that spend via plastiq w/ student loans. I am currently in the process of trying to refinance those to take advantage of a better interest rate and term. I have had all the paperwork in for awhile so I am not sure what the delay is but haven’t gotten a timeline on when that would go live and when the first payment would be. I’m worried if I keep waiting they’ll change to the 15k.

1. Apply for CIP and just hope the refinance works out with timing of payments etc.

2. apply for CIU or CIC instead knowing we can meet that with reg spend.

3. Keep waiting until the refinance is hopefully done and hope the 80k/5k offer is there

Also- anyone have any good bank bonuses? I have an offer for $500 for BOA with 10k in DD but that’d require me changing my DD and I prefer to just use P2s part of which is being used for other bonuses right now. (My company insists on mailing multiple paper checks before changing a DD and it makes me uneasy to have my paycheck mailed).

For me, I did NO new financial stuff while I was ReFi'ing my house recently, but now that CIP is changing requirements I might be inclined to grab that deal now. You can do the CIU and/or CIC offer later.

I got a $250 bonus for a new account at 5/3 Bank a while back, but can't seem to find it any more. Check to see if any of these look good to you (and apply to the state where you live):
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I'm concerned because I'm on Hydroxychloroquine for rheumatoid arthritis. This is the drug that they've been talking about possibly being a treatment for Covid-19. That would be wonderful of course, but I'm really scared at the thought of possibly not being able to get this drug that I really need!
My SIL has Still's disease (recently diagnosed--I was scared she was going to die she was so sick in September). I'm wondering if she's also on Hydroxychloroquine--I need to ask. But I had the same thought.
I'm considering braving Costco again this weekend. I wonder how bad it is if you keep away from the toilet paper aisle.
I may go today. I don't need paper products. DS is off his ADHD meds (no point paying $10/day for him to be able to focus on Xbox!) so he's eating me out of house and home. I need silly stuff like Jimmy Dean egg sandwiches, fruit snacks, etc.
Okay I have a formula question. I thought about buying some to have on hand in case I need it after the baby is born for whatever reason. I have no idea how much to get. I tried looking on Amazon and can't figure out what makes sense. I currently have 6 (2 fl oz) bottles of Enfamil Neuropro, 4 (2 fl oz) bottles of Similac Pro-sensitive, 1 (7.6 oz) can of Similac Pro-sensitive, 4 (2 fl oz) Similac powder packets, and 1 (7.6 oz) can of Similac Pro-total Comfort. These are all from sample boxes from Target, Amazon, etc.

Can anyone help me with this? Do I need more than what I already have?

IMHO it's too early to stock up on a lot of formula. First, if you are going to nurse your baby, you won't be bottle feeding at least much.

Second, if you end up bottle feeding, some babies may need to try a few different formulas to find out what works.

Third, the hospital will probably do some bottle feeding, depending on your nursing success and send you home with a small supply of what they've been able to feed your baby and probably a bunch of coupons.

Fourth, baby formula gets expensive very fast! So I advise you to put your heart into nursing, since your have the luxury of being at home. I don't think it's easy for anyone to get started, and you will need support to get started unless for some reason you have super powers.

Buy yourself some lanolin cream or whatever is suggested these days to soothe and protect the sensitive part between nursing. Be sure to wash with water between nursing. Read some books on this subject.

Lastly, every baby and mother is a different combination. What works for one may be very difficult for another. Your natural motherhood instincts will guide you through this. Trust yourself and let your husband support you. What it comes down to is that creating babies, giving birth to babies and nurturing babies is a natural process that often does not require intervention, although it sure helps for emergencies. Unless you have been advised that your are an at risk case, and I haven't heard you say that, everything will go as planned.

Oh, and that little bitty supply won't last a minute if you end up not nursing. That's when you head for the super duper cans of powder at Costco or Sam's once you determine 'if' you are going to formula feed and then buying a Sam's or Costco membership makes sense.
Awesome thank you both! I didn't know how long the stuff I currently have would last and I was getting a little nervous reading about people buying/hoarding formula. Just another thing to worry about. I messaged my OB and she said it wouldn't hurt to go ahead and buy some, but I didn't tell her I had all of these samples already. I didn't realize the hospital would be able to give me some. I need to remember to ask them for some to take home.

Just another reason to put your heart into learning to breastfeed.
I'm concerned because I'm on Hydroxychloroquine for rheumatoid arthritis. This is the drug that they've been talking about possibly being a treatment for Covid-19. That would be wonderful of course, but I'm really scared at the thought of possibly not being able to get this drug that I really need!

I have a friend who needs this drug for the same reasons as you and it would not be good if she didn't have access.
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Churning question here..I am working on the SW companion pass. the minimum spend is almost complete with my SW personal credit card and I am ready to apply for the SW business Premier. Any tips on what I should put on the application? I did a test yesterday and not sure what I should say for business annual income?

Not even sure if I should try to work on the companion pass at this time? Are they approving new applications? Thank you all for your help!!!
Churning question here..I am working on the SW companion pass. the minimum spend is almost complete with my SW personal credit card and I am ready to apply for the SW business Premier. Any tips on what I should put on the application? I did a test yesterday and not sure what I should say for business annual income?

Not even sure if I should try to work on the companion pass at this time? Are they approving new applications? Thank you all for your help!!!
As far as we know they are approving new applications....but Chase may not auto approve business ones..if you earn the CP this year it will be good until 12/31/2021
For the business name and EIN put your first and last name...nothing else...ein is your SS number, and sole proprietor, household income is the same you put on the personal application.
As far as business income, people put various amounts from 0 on up, same with years in business.
Remember to use a support link from your P2
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