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I'm headed to Costco tomorrow around lunch time. I saw data that said traffic has been down lately. My freezer is jam packed right now so I'm not buying a ton. I am on the lookout for a jar of yeast for my bagel making. I did see packets yesterday but I'd prefer a jar:)
Did you buy flour at Costco? If so, how do you keep it fresh?
We had it on our list last week but didn't want to buy it in bulk at Costco, and of course the regular grocery store didn't have any.
Did you buy flour at Costco? If so, how do you keep it fresh?
We had it on our list last week but didn't want to buy it in bulk at Costco, and of course the regular grocery store didn't have any.
No, I tend to pick it up at Publix or Kroger. Last week I couldn't find all purpose flour but Publix had White Lily flour on Monday. I'm pretty well stocked for bread flour. I definitely don't want to deal with huge bags either.
Did you buy flour at Costco? If so, how do you keep it fresh?
We had it on our list last week but didn't want to buy it in bulk at Costco, and of course the regular grocery store didn't have any.

Tight sealing lid in the freezer if you have the space. This will also kill any weevils that might tag along. I have a small freezer - the one Costco usually keeps in the warehouse. I got it for $99. They usually have them around $150-$160. But they sometimes go on sale. Really helps with Costco's oversized packages of frozen stuff.
Tight sealing lid in the freezer if you have the space. This will also kill any weevils that might tag along. I have a small freezer - the one Costco usually keeps in the warehouse. I got it for $99. They usually have them around $150-$160. But they sometimes go on sale. Really helps with Costco's oversized packages of frozen stuff.
That's what I need. I was curious and it looks like these cost about $50/year in electricity.
My shift was canceled today and I'm an RN. They are canceling RN's in my state every day as hospitals sit at half capacity. People get mad when I say that because it's not what they are being told on the news. We even have local businesses bringing us food because they think we're working so hard. Then people will tell me it's coming your going to get hit eventually. How is there going to be a surge in my city when were on lockdown. Isn't that the whole purpose of the lockdown? In the meantime, a couple of my favorite small businesses have folded.

I'm sure it's bad in NYC, but I'm guessing in a city with 19 million people there hospitals are always busting at the seams. It doesn't sound like they were prepared for this.

I don't know what 20%-30% unemployment looks like. I haven't seen that in my lifetime. I would expect some civil unrest in certain cities, but I don't know.

Sorry your shift was cancelled..

Why are people getting mad? I thought it was pretty widely known that hospitals were cancelling elective/non- emergency surgeries and sending patients home ASAP in preparation for a surge in virus cases.

I do believe the surge is yet to come, regardless of lockdowns and stay at home orders. One only has to look at the exponential increase in cases to see this.

If I’m not mistaken, you’re in Florida, right? Already there have been a bunch of spring breakers who have tested positive. And even though my state is on a stay at home order, people are still exposed at the grocery store, at work, etc.
That's what I need. I was curious and it looks like these cost about $50/year in electricity.

That's probably close. My electric was $102 last bill and $110 this month, but I haven't looked to see how many days were in each cycle. They recently sent me the 'you are using XXX amount of electricity - more than this energy efficient house and less than similar houses to yours' letter. I went online and it said 36% of my usage was for hot water. How do they know that? Two people in my home unless I keep a grandchild or two for a few days. So, showers, washing clothes and dishwasher, plus handwashing and dishwashing done at the sink for certain items. So $36 to $40 a month for clean dishes, clean clothes and clean people....I'll live with it.

And, I guess if they corrected their metrics to my correct square footage, I'd be a super star. I have 23% more square footage then they reference.
I will need to cancel my daughter's early June flight to London on Virgin America (booked in February). Her flight was 17,500 points + $275 in taxes/fees. Is the consensus to simply sit tight in hopes that they will cancel the flight and issue a refund?

We are in the same position. We had our family vacation planned to London for June 3rd-9th. We have not 100% decided to cancel, but it looks like that is the prudent thing to do at this point. We are on UA for the flights. We are booked totally on points, but have other family members that are also going that are booked non-points. I have the same question. Is it better to go ahead and cancel now, or wait and see if UA cancels the flights? Also, has UA relented and now giving refunds and re-depositing points without fees and vouchers? We had not made any hotel or other reservations, so no concerns there. TIA for any info/advice.
It's tricky. I mentioned earlier that we had an employee quit to take a new job then get fired from that job. The unemployment claim did go against us even though she quit because she hadn't been at the new employer long enough.

I have no idea how unemployment works at all. Like zilch knowledge. My dd was employed by Disney for 45 days but paid for another 2 weeks. She was at her previous CO employer for 9 mos before leaving to do the dcp.

The FL unemployment site did have her enter all employment going back 18 mos. So, she entered Disney, the aquarium she was at previously and CFA, where she worked before that for about 9 mos.
I need to go to Costco today as well as pick up an order from our locally-owned natural foods store. Not looking forward to the stress, honestly.

I was planning a Costco trip as well and getting stressed just thinking about it but my neighbor texted this morning asking if I needed anything from Costco. She is placing an Instacart order. So, I sent her my list. Yay! Love my neighbor!
I have no idea how unemployment works at all. Like zilch knowledge. My dd was employed by Disney for 45 days but paid for another 2 weeks. She was at her previous CO employer for 9 mos before leaving to do the dcp.

The FL unemployment site did have her enter all employment going back 18 mos. So, she entered Disney, the aquarium she was at previously and CFA, where she worked before that for about 9 mos.

I'm curious about whether her work/internship with Disney doesn't hold some kind of legal language regarding UI. My wild guess is that if she gets approved it will be after she files in Colorado, based on her short time actually at Disney - maybe not enough hours to comprise a quarter.
Did you buy flour at Costco? If so, how do you keep it fresh?
We had it on our list last week but didn't want to buy it in bulk at Costco, and of course the regular grocery store didn't have any.
I freeze extra flour. Keeps it fresh.

Maryland on the other hand shows a shortage of 2075 beds. So, Arizona with more population has a projected loss of about 1387 lives by August. Maryland's projected loss of lives is 1766.
The part I can't put together is why Arizona will peak earlier than Maryland? April 27 versus April 29? To me it looks like Arizona is better prepared to weather the peak = less dying as the state reaches full usage of their resources. There could be age demographics worked into this study but it doesn't show it to us.
I am sure the studies don't show their assumptions and a confidence interval. Statistically, I would say April 27 and April 29 are the same thing. There is no way to pinpoint to the exact day!!
I freeze extra flour. Keeps it fresh.

I am sure the studies don't show their assumptions and a confidence interval. Statistically, I would say April 27 and April 29 are the same thing. There is no way to pinpoint to the exact day!!
I think they are showing confidence intervals. Maybe I'm misremembering:)
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